package org.osmdroid.tileprovider.tilesource; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; import org.osmdroid.api.IMapView; import org.osmdroid.tileprovider.MapTile; import org.osmdroid.tileprovider.util.ManifestUtil; /** * Thunderforest Maps including OpenCycleMap */ public class ThunderforestTileSource extends OnlineTileSourceBase { /** the meta data key in the manifest */ //<meta-data android:name="THUNDERFOREST_MAPID" android:value="YOUR KEY" /> private static final String THUNDERFOREST_MAPID = "THUNDERFOREST_MAPID"; /** the available map types */ public static final int CYCLE=0; public static final int TRANSPORT=1; public static final int LANDSCAPE=2; public static final int OUTDOORS=3; public static final int TRANSPORT_DARK=4; public static final int SPINAL_MAP=5; public static final int PIONEER=6; public static final int MOBILE_ATLAS=7; public static final int NEIGHBOURHOOD=8; /** map names used in URLs */ private static final String[] urlMap = new String[]{ "cycle", "transport", "landscape", "outdoors", "transport-dark", "spinal-map", "pioneer", "mobile-atlas", "neighbourhood"}; /** map names used in UI (eg. menu) */ private static final String[] uiMap = new String[]{ "CycleMap", "Transport", "Landscape", "Outdoors", "TransportDark", "Spinal", "Pioneer", "MobileAtlas", "Neighbourhood"}; private static final String[] baseUrl = new String[]{ "{map}/", "{map}/", "{map}/"}; private final int mMap; private final String mMapId; /** * return the name asociated with a map. */ public static final String mapName(int m) { if (m<0 || m>=uiMap.length) return ""; return uiMap[m]; } /** * creates a new Thunderforest tile source, loading the access token and mapid from the manifest * @param ctx * @param map choice of map to use (eg. CYCLE) */ public ThunderforestTileSource(final Context ctx, final int aMap) { super(uiMap[aMap], 0, 17, 256, ".png", baseUrl, "Maps © Thunderforest, Data © OpenStreetMap contributors."); mMap=aMap; mMapId=retrieveMapId(ctx); //this line will ensure uniqueness in the tile cache //mName="thunderforest"+aMap+mMapId; } /** * Reads the map id from the manifest.<br> */ public final String retrieveMapId(final Context aContext) { // Retrieve the MapId from the Manifest return ManifestUtil.retrieveKey(aContext, THUNDERFOREST_MAPID); } @Override public String getTileURLString(final MapTile aMapTile) { StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(getBaseUrl().replace("{map}",urlMap[mMap])); url.append(aMapTile.getZoomLevel()); url.append("/"); url.append(aMapTile.getX()); url.append("/"); url.append(aMapTile.getY()); url.append(".png?"); url.append("apikey=").append(mMapId); String res = url.toString(); //Log.d(IMapView.LOGTAG, res); return res; } /** * check if we have a key in the manifest for this provider. * @param ctx */ public static boolean haveMapId(final Context aContext) { return !ManifestUtil.retrieveKey(aContext, THUNDERFOREST_MAPID).equals(""); } }