/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of OpenNMS(R). * * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * OpenNMS(R) is Copyright (C) 1999-2011 The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * * OpenNMS(R) is a registered trademark of The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * * OpenNMS(R) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * OpenNMS(R) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenNMS(R). If not, see: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ * * For more information contact: * OpenNMS(R) Licensing <license@opennms.org> * http://www.opennms.org/ * http://www.opennms.com/ *******************************************************************************/ package org.opennms.protocols.nsclient; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InterruptedIOException; import java.net.ConnectException; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.NoRouteToHostException; import java.net.Socket; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.opennms.core.utils.LogUtils; /** * <P> * This class is designed to be used by plugins, services and programs to * perform checks against an NSClient service. * <P> * To use it you must first create an instance of the manager with the host, * port and/or password. Then you can set the timeout for the socket, if you * want to override DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT. Once you have set up the manager, * you call the init() method to connect to the service. Once connected you * use the processCheckCommand() method to receive a NsclientPacket object * containing the response and the result code. Here's an example of using * this manager: <CODE> NsclientCheckParams params = new * NsclientCheckParams(critPerc, warnPerc, parameter); NsclientManager client = * new NsclientManager(host.getHostAddress(), port); client.init(); * NsclientPacket * pack=client.processCheckCommand(NsclientManager.convertStringToType(command), * params); </CODE> * <P> * * @author <A HREF="mailto:matt.raykowski@gmail.com">Matt Raykowski</A> * @author <A HREF="mailto:ranger@opennms.org">Benjamin Reed</A> * @author <A HREF="mailto:jeffg@opennms.org">Jeff Gehlbach</A> */ public class NsclientManager { /** * The default socket timeout. */ public static int DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 5000; /** * The default NSClient TCP port. */ public static int DEFAULT_PORT = 1248; /** * Stores the host name the manager is connect(ing/ed) to. */ private String m_HostName = null; /** * Stores the port the manager is connect(ing/ed) to. Set to DEFAULT_PORT. */ private int m_PortNumber = DEFAULT_PORT; /** * The password to use when requesting a check. Default is "None" */ private String m_Password = "None"; /** * Stores the socket used to connect to the service. */ private Socket m_Socket = null; /** * This is used for receiving input from the server. */ private BufferedInputStream m_BufInStream = null; private ByteArrayOutputStream m_ByteArrayOutStream = null; private int m_Timeout = DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT; /** * Default check type. Not supported. */ public static final String CHECK_NONE = "0"; /** * The ID for checking the remote client version. */ public static final String CHECK_CLIENTVERSION = "1"; /** * The ID for checking the remote CPU usage. */ public static final String CHECK_CPULOAD = "2"; /** * The ID for checking the remote uptime. */ public static final String CHECK_UPTIME = "3"; /** * The ID for checking the remote used disk space. */ public static final String CHECK_USEDDISKSPACE = "4"; /** * The ID for checking the state of a remote service. */ public static final String CHECK_SERVICESTATE = "5"; /** * The ID for checking the state of a remote process. */ public static final String CHECK_PROCSTATE = "6"; /** * The ID for checking the state of the remote memory usage. */ public static final String CHECK_MEMUSE = "7"; /** * The ID for checking the value of a remote Perfmon counter. */ public static final String CHECK_COUNTER = "8"; /** * The ID for checking the age of a remote file. */ public static final String CHECK_FILEAGE = "9"; /** * This check type is used by the NSClient developers as a utility for an * easy remote method of looking up potential COUNTER instances. */ public static final String CHECK_INSTANCES = "10"; /** * The ID for checking the size of a directory. NSClient++ only. */ public static final String CHECK_FILESIZE = "CheckFileSize"; /** * Stores the String -> CHECK_ id mappings for lookups. */ public static final Map<String, String> CheckStrings = new HashMap<String, String>(); /** * This static block initializes the global check strings map with the * default values used for performing string->type->string conversions. */ static { CheckStrings.put("NONE", CHECK_NONE); CheckStrings.put("CLIENTVERSION", CHECK_CLIENTVERSION); CheckStrings.put("CPULOAD", CHECK_CPULOAD); CheckStrings.put("UPTIME", CHECK_UPTIME); CheckStrings.put("USEDDISKSPACE", CHECK_USEDDISKSPACE); CheckStrings.put("SERVICESTATE", CHECK_SERVICESTATE); CheckStrings.put("PROCSTATE", CHECK_PROCSTATE); CheckStrings.put("MEMUSE", CHECK_MEMUSE); CheckStrings.put("COUNTER", CHECK_COUNTER); CheckStrings.put("FILEAGE", CHECK_FILEAGE); CheckStrings.put("INSTANCES", CHECK_INSTANCES); } /** * This method uses CheckStrings to convert from a short value such as * CHECK_CLIENTVERSION to the a string, for example "CLIENTVERSION" * * @param type * the CHECK_ type to look up in the CheckStrings map. * @return a string containing "NONE" if the short is not found in the * map, or the string in the map that corresponds to type. * @see CheckStrings * @see convertStringToType */ public static String convertTypeToString(String type) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : CheckStrings.entrySet()) { String val = e.getValue(); if (val.equals(type)) { return e.getKey(); } } return "NONE"; } /** * This method uses the CheckStrings HashMap to convert from a string to a * short value. For example if you passed "CLIENTVERSION" you would * receive the value of CHECK_CLIENTVERSION in return. * * @param type * A string to look up a CHECK_ value from the CheckStrings * HashMap. * @return a short id corresponding to the CHECK_ value that matches the * string. * @see CheckStrings * @see convertTypeToString */ public static String convertStringToType(String type) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : CheckStrings.entrySet()) { if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(e.getKey())) { return e.getValue(); } } return null; } /** * This method is used for setting the password used to perform service * checks. * * @param pass * the password to use when performing service checks. */ public void setPassword(String pass) { m_Password = pass; } /** * This method is used for overriding the port that is used to connect to * the remote service. This method must be called before calling the * init() method or it will have no effect. * * @param port * the remote service port. */ public void setPortNumber(int port) { m_PortNumber = port; } /** * Returns the port being used to connect to the remote service. * * @return the port being used to connect to the remote service. * @see init */ public int getPortNumber() { return m_PortNumber; } /** * This method is used to set the host name to connect to for performing * remote service checks. This method must be called before calling the * init() method or it will have no effect. * * @param host * the host name to connect to. * @see init */ public void setHostName(String host) { m_HostName = host; } /** * Returns the host name being used to connect to the remote service. * * @return the host name being used to connect to the remote service. */ public String getHostName() { return m_HostName; } /** * This method is used to set the TCP socket timeout to be used when * connecting to the remote service. This must be called before calling * <code>init</code> or it will have no effect. * * @param timeout * the TCP socket timeout. */ public void setTimeout(int timeout) { m_Timeout = timeout; } /** * Returns the TCP socket timeout used when connecting to the remote * service. * * @return the tcp socket timeout. */ public int getTimeout() { return m_Timeout; } /** * Constructor. * * @param host * sets the host name to connect to. */ public NsclientManager(String host) { m_HostName = host; } /** * Constructor. The password defaults to "None" * * @param host * sets the host name to connect to. * @param port * sets the port number to connect using. */ public NsclientManager(String host, int port) { m_HostName = host; m_PortNumber = port; } /** * Constructor. * * @param host * sets the host name to connect to. * @param port * sets the port number to connect using. * @param pass * sets the password to use when performing checks. */ public NsclientManager(String host, int port, String pass) { m_HostName = host; m_PortNumber = port; m_Password = pass; } /** * Constructor. The port number defaults to <code>DEFAULT_PORT</code>. * * @param host * sets the host name to connect to. * @param pass * sets the password to use when performing checks. */ public NsclientManager(String host, String pass) { m_HostName = host; m_Password = pass; } /** * Constructor. Made private to prevent construction without parameters. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private NsclientManager() { // nothing to do, don't allow it. } /** * This method creates a new socket and attempts to connect to the remote * service. The input and output streams are created after the socket is * connected. * * @throws org.opennms.protocols.nsclient.NsclientException * if the hostname is unknown if the connection is refused if * there is no route to the host if the host did not respond * if there was an unexpected IO error. The thrown exception * contains the causing exception. */ public void init() throws NsclientException { try { // set up socket m_Socket = new Socket(); m_Socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(m_HostName, m_PortNumber), m_Timeout); m_Socket.setSoTimeout(m_Timeout); // get buffer streams for read/write. m_BufInStream = new BufferedInputStream(m_Socket.getInputStream()); m_ByteArrayOutStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // handle exceptions. } catch (UnknownHostException e) { closeSocketAndThrow(new NsclientException("Unknown host: " + m_HostName, e)); } catch (ConnectException e) { closeSocketAndThrow(new NsclientException("Connection refused to " + m_HostName + ":" + m_PortNumber, e)); } catch (NoRouteToHostException e) { closeSocketAndThrow(new NsclientException("Unable to connect to host: " + m_HostName + ", no route to host.", e)); } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { closeSocketAndThrow(new NsclientException("Unable to connect to host: " + m_HostName + ":" + m_PortNumber + ", exceeded timeout of " + m_Timeout, e)); } catch (IOException e) { closeSocketAndThrow(new NsclientException("An unexpected I/O exception occured connecting to host: " + m_HostName + ":" + m_PortNumber, e)); } } private void closeSocketAndThrow(final NsclientException e) throws NsclientException { if (m_Socket != null && !m_Socket.isClosed()) { try { m_Socket.close(); } catch (final IOException ioe) { LogUtils.debugf(this, ioe, "unable to close socket after a previous failure"); } } throw e; } /** * Closes the socket. */ public void close() { try { m_Socket.close(); } catch (final Exception e) { LogUtils.debugf(this, e, "unable to close socket"); } } /** * This method sends the request string to the remote service. * * @param request * the request string to be sent to the remote service * @return a <code>NsclientPacket</code> containing the response from * the remote service. * @throws NsclientException * is thrown if there is an IO error with send/receiving * to/from the socket. */ private NsclientPacket sendCheckRequest(String request) throws NsclientException { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; m_ByteArrayOutStream.reset(); try { if (!request.endsWith("\n")) { request += "\n"; } m_Socket.getOutputStream().write(request.getBytes()); m_Socket.getOutputStream().flush(); int read = m_BufInStream.read(buffer); if (read > 0) m_ByteArrayOutStream.write(buffer, 0, read); return new NsclientPacket(m_ByteArrayOutStream.toString()); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new NsclientException("Unknown exception: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * This method determines which check method to call to create a request, * send to the server and process the results. It merely determines the * method to be called based on the type param. * * @param type * the short ID of the type of check to be processed. * @param param * the object containing the parameters for performing checks * on the respones from the remote service. * @return the NsclientPacket as processed by the check command method * that is called. * @throws org.opennms.protocols.nsclient.NsclientException * this method rethrows org.opennms.netmgt.poller.nsclient.NsclientExceptions caused by the check * commands. */ public NsclientPacket processCheckCommand(String type, NsclientCheckParams param) throws NsclientException { try { if (type.equals(CHECK_CLIENTVERSION)) { return checkClientVersion(param); } else if (type.equals(CHECK_CPULOAD)) { return checkCpuLoad(param); } else if (type.equals(CHECK_UPTIME)) { return checkUptime(param); } else if (type.equals(CHECK_SERVICESTATE)) { return checkServiceState(param); } else if (type.equals(CHECK_USEDDISKSPACE)) { return checkUsedDiskSpace(param); } else if (type.equals(CHECK_PROCSTATE)) { return checkProcState(param); } else if (type.equals(CHECK_MEMUSE)) { return checkMemoryUsage(param); } else if (type.equals(CHECK_COUNTER)) { return checkPerfCounter(param); } else if (type.equals(CHECK_FILEAGE)) { return checkFileAge(param); } else if (type.equals(CHECK_INSTANCES)) { return checkInstances(param); } return null; } catch (NsclientException e) { throw e; } } /** * This method performs a check of the client version on the remote * service. From the <code>NsclientCheckParams</code> object passed to * this method only the 'parameter' string is used, this contains the four * digit version number which should be formatted like: If the * parameter does not contain for period delimited digits, the check will * return the packet with with * <code>NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_UNKNOWN</code> for a result code. * * @param param * The param string member of this value contains the minimum * client version. * @return the processed <code>NsclientPacket</code>. * @throws NsclientException * this method rethrows the exception thrown by * <code>sendCheckRequest</code> */ private NsclientPacket checkClientVersion(NsclientCheckParams param) throws NsclientException { NsclientPacket pack = null; // get the client version response. try { pack = sendCheckRequest(m_Password + "&" + CHECK_CLIENTVERSION); } catch (NsclientException e) { throw e; } // Check for "ERROR" string. if (pack.getResponse().matches(".*ERROR.*")) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_UNKNOWN); return pack; } // if we're not checking the clientversion, just return OK. if (param.getParamString() == null || param.getParamString().equals("")) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_OK); return pack; } else { // otherwise, if we are checking, split it up into four octets and // compare. pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_CRIT); String[] minimum = param.getParamString().split("\\."); String[] remote; if (pack.getResponse().contains(" ")) { // NSClient++ response with the format: NSClient++ 0.2.7 2007-03-06 remote = pack.getResponse().split(" ")[1].split("\\."); } else { // Oldskool NSClient responds with the format: remote = pack.getResponse().split("\\."); } // make sure they both contain the same number of version digits. if (remote.length != 4) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_UNKNOWN); return pack; } // then convert them to arrays. Integer[] remVer = new Integer[4]; Integer[] minVer = new Integer[4]; try { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (minimum[i] != null) { minVer[i] = Integer.parseInt(minimum[i]); } if (remote[i] != null) { remVer[i] = Integer.parseInt(remote[i]); } } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return handleNumberFormatException(pack, nfe); } if (minVer[0] == null || remVer[0].compareTo(minVer[0]) > 0) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_OK); } else if (remVer[0].compareTo(minVer[0]) == 0) { if (minVer[1] == null || remVer[1].compareTo(minVer[1]) > 0) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_OK); } else if (remVer[1].compareTo(minVer[1]) == 0) { if (minVer[2] == null || remVer[2].compareTo(minVer[2]) > 0) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_OK); } else if (remVer[2].compareTo(minVer[2]) == 0) { if (minVer[3] == null || remVer[3].compareTo(minVer[3]) > 0) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_OK); } else if (remVer[3].compareTo(minVer[3]) == 0) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_OK); } } } } return pack; } } /** * This method is used to perform a check of the CPU percent in use it * higher than the warning and critical percent thresholds. * * @param param * The param warning and critical percent members are used for * validating CPU load results. * @return the processed <code>NsclientPacket</code>. * @throws NsclientException * this method rethrows the exception thrown by * <code>sendCheckRequest</code> */ private NsclientPacket checkCpuLoad(NsclientCheckParams param) throws NsclientException { NsclientPacket pack = null; try { // get the packet from the server and assume it is okay. We'll // rule it out as we go. pack = sendCheckRequest(m_Password + "&" + CHECK_CPULOAD + "&1&1&1"); pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_OK); // Check for "ERROR" string. if (pack.getResponse().matches(".*ERROR.*")) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_UNKNOWN); return pack; } // if a warning percent was configured, check it. if (param.getWarningPercent() != 0) { if (Integer.parseInt(pack.getResponse()) > param.getWarningPercent()) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_WARNING); } } // if a critical percent was configured, check it, overriding // warning percent. if (param.getCriticalPercent() != 0) { if (Integer.parseInt(pack.getResponse()) > param.getCriticalPercent()) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_CRIT); } } return pack; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return handleNumberFormatException(pack, nfe); } catch (NsclientException e) { throw e; } } /** * This method simply performs a check of the uptime from the remove * service and returns the results. No response validation is performed. * * @param param * The param member is not currently in use. * @return the processed <code>NsclientPacket</code>. * @throws NsclientException * this method rethrows the exception thrown by * <code>sendCheckRequest</code> */ private NsclientPacket checkUptime(NsclientCheckParams param) throws NsclientException { NsclientPacket pack = null; try { pack = sendCheckRequest(m_Password + "&" + CHECK_UPTIME); pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_OK); // Check for "ERROR" string. if (pack.getResponse().matches(".*ERROR.*")) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_UNKNOWN); return pack; } return pack; } catch (NsclientException e) { throw e; } } /** * This method performs a check of the state of NT services on the remote * service. The services to check are contained in the 'parameter' string * in a comma delimited format (that is prepared to the client format * using the <code>prepList</code> method.) The default result code is * <code>NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_OK</code> unless one of the services * responds as 'Stopped' - in which case the result code is set to * <code>NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_CRIT</code> * * @param param * The param string member should contain a comma delimited * list of NT services on the remote service. * @return the processed <code>NsclientPacket</code>. * @throws NsclientException * this method rethrows the exception thrown by * <code>sendCheckRequest</code> */ private NsclientPacket checkServiceState(NsclientCheckParams param) throws NsclientException { NsclientPacket pack = null; try { pack = sendCheckRequest(m_Password + "&" + CHECK_SERVICESTATE + "&ShowAll&" + prepList(param.getParamString())); pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_OK); // check up response from "1& Service1: State - Service2: State" String[] services = pack.getResponse().replaceFirst("^\\d&\\s+", "").split( "\\s+-\\s+"); for (int i = 0; i < services.length; i++) { String stateValue = services[i].split(":\\s+")[1].trim(); if (stateValue.equals("Stopped") || stateValue.equals("Unknown") || stateValue.equals("Not found")) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_CRIT); } } return pack; } catch (NsclientException e) { throw e; } } /** * This method performs a check of the state of NT process on the remote * service. The processes to check are contained in the 'parameter' string * in a comma delimited format (that is prepared to the client format * using the <code>prepList</code> method.) The default result code is * <code>NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_OK</code> unless one of the processes * responds as 'not running' - in which case the result code is set to * <code>NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_CRIT</code> * * @param param * The param string member should contain a comma delimited * list of NT processes on the remote service. * @return the processed <code>NsclientPacket</code>. * @throws NsclientException * this method rethrows the exception thrown by * <code>sendCheckRequest</code> */ private NsclientPacket checkProcState(NsclientCheckParams param) throws NsclientException { NsclientPacket pack = null; try { pack = sendCheckRequest(m_Password + "&" + CHECK_PROCSTATE + "&ShowAll&" + prepList(param.getParamString())); pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_OK); // Check for "ERROR" string. if (pack.getResponse().matches(".*ERROR.*")) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_UNKNOWN); return pack; } // check up response from "1& Prc1: State - Proc2: State" String[] services = pack.getResponse().replaceFirst("^\\d&\\s+", "").split( "\\s+-\\s+"); for (int i = 0; i < services.length; i++) { if (services[i].split(":\\s+")[1].matches("not running\\s*")) pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_CRIT); } return pack; } catch (NsclientException e) { throw e; } } /** * This method performs a check of the disk space available on the drive * specified in the 'parameter' string. The warning and critical * thresholds defined by 'warningPercent' and 'criticalPercent' are used * to validate the percent of used disk space. * * @param param * The param string should contain a drive letter, warning and * critical should contain non-zero percentages. * @return the processed <code>NsclientPacket</code>. * @throws NsclientException * this method rethrows the exception thrown by * <code>sendCheckRequest</code> */ private NsclientPacket checkUsedDiskSpace(NsclientCheckParams param) throws NsclientException { NsclientPacket pack = null; try { // send/receive the request pack = sendCheckRequest(m_Password + "&" + CHECK_USEDDISKSPACE + "&" + param.getParamString()); pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_OK); // Check for "ERROR" string. if (pack.getResponse().matches(".*ERROR.*")) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_UNKNOWN); return pack; } // parse out the response. String[] results = pack.getResponse().split("&"); double freeDisk = Double.parseDouble(results[0]); double totalDisk = Double.parseDouble(results[1]); double usedPerc = ((totalDisk - freeDisk) / totalDisk) * 100; // check to see if the drives even exist. if (freeDisk < 0 || totalDisk < 0) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_UNKNOWN); return pack; } // Process checks. if (param.getWarningPercent() != 0) { if (usedPerc > param.getWarningPercent()) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_WARNING); } } if (param.getCriticalPercent() != 0) { if (usedPerc > param.getCriticalPercent()) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_CRIT); } } return pack; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return handleNumberFormatException(pack, nfe); } catch (NsclientException e) { throw e; } } /** * This method performs a check of the memory space used on the remote * server. The warning and critical thresholds defined by 'warningPercent' * and 'criticalPercent' are used to validate the percent of used memory. * * @param param * The params warning and critical should contain non-zero * percentages. * @return the processed <code>NsclientPacket</code>. * @throws NsclientException * this method rethrows the exception thrown by * <code>sendCheckRequest</code> */ private NsclientPacket checkMemoryUsage(NsclientCheckParams param) throws NsclientException { NsclientPacket pack = null; try { // send/receive the request pack = sendCheckRequest(m_Password + "&" + CHECK_MEMUSE + "&7"); pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_OK); // Check for "ERROR" string. if (pack.getResponse().matches(".*ERROR.*")) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_UNKNOWN); return pack; } // parse out the response String[] results = pack.getResponse().split("&"); float memCommitLimit = Float.parseFloat(results[0].replace(",", ".")); float memCommitByte = Float.parseFloat(results[1].replace(",", ".")); float memUsedPerc = (memCommitByte / memCommitLimit) * 100; // if a warning percent was configured, check it. if (param.getWarningPercent() != 0) { if (memUsedPerc > (float) param.getWarningPercent()) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_WARNING); } } // if a critical percent was configured, check it, overriding // warning percent. if (param.getCriticalPercent() != 0) { if (memUsedPerc > (float) param.getCriticalPercent()) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_CRIT); } } return pack; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return handleNumberFormatException(pack, nfe); } catch (NsclientException e) { throw e; } } /** * This method performs a check of a perfmon object as defined by the * 'parameter' string. An example of this string would be: * \Memory(_Total)\Pool Paged Bytes - the warning and critical members of * param will define thresholds used to validate the perfmon object value. * * @param param * The param string should contain a perfmon OID, warning and * critical should contain non-zero values. * @return the processed <code>NsclientPacket</code>. * @throws NsclientException * this method rethrows the exception thrown by * <code>sendCheckRequest</code> */ private NsclientPacket checkPerfCounter(NsclientCheckParams param) throws NsclientException { NsclientPacket pack = null; try { // send/receive the request pack = sendCheckRequest(m_Password + "&" + CHECK_COUNTER + "&" + prepList(param.getParamString())); pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_OK); // Check for "ERROR" string. if (pack.getResponse().matches(".*ERROR.*")) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_UNKNOWN); return pack; } // parse out the response. float counterValue = Float.parseFloat(pack.getResponse().replace(",", ".")); // if a warning percent was configured, check it. if (param.getWarningPercent() != 0) { if (counterValue > (float) param.getWarningPercent()) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_WARNING); } } // if a critical percent was configured, check it, overriding // warning percent. if (param.getCriticalPercent() != 0) { if (counterValue > (float) param.getCriticalPercent()) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_CRIT); } } return pack; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return handleNumberFormatException(pack, nfe); } catch (NsclientException e) { throw e; } } /** * This method performs a check of a file's age as defined by the * 'parameter' string. * * @param param * The param string should contain a full path to a file, * warning and critical should contain non-zero ages in * minutes. * @return the processed <code>NsclientPacket</code>. * @throws NsclientException * this method rethrows the exception thrown by * <code>sendCheckRequest</code> */ private NsclientPacket checkFileAge(NsclientCheckParams param) throws NsclientException { NsclientPacket pack = null; String responseValue = ""; try { // send/receive the request pack = sendCheckRequest(m_Password + "&" + CHECK_FILEAGE + "&" + param.getParamString()); pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_OK); // Check for "ERROR" string. if (pack.getResponse().matches(".*ERROR.*")) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_UNKNOWN); return pack; } // this will store our date. // SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy // h:mm:ss a"); String[] results = pack.getResponse().split("&"); responseValue = results[0]; double minutes = Double.parseDouble(responseValue); // check the age of the file, if it's newer than the // warning/critical, change the state. if (param.getWarningPercent() != 0) { if (minutes < param.getWarningPercent()) pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_WARNING); } if (param.getCriticalPercent() != 0) { if (minutes < param.getCriticalPercent()) pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_CRIT); } return pack; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return handleNumberFormatException(pack, nfe); } catch (NsclientException e) { throw e; } } /** * This method requests a list of instances for a perfmon object as * defined by the 'parameter' string. Examples of this string would be: * Processor or PhysicalDisk- the available instances are returned by the * agent as a comma-separated list. The warning and critical members of * param are ignored. * * @param param * The param string should contain a perfmon object name. Warning and * critical values are ignored. * @return the processed <code>NsclientPacket</code> containing a comma-separated instance list. * @throws NsclientException * this method rethrows the exception thrown by * <code>sendCheckRequest</code> */ private NsclientPacket checkInstances(NsclientCheckParams param) throws NsclientException { NsclientPacket pack = null; // String responseValue = ""; try { // send/receive the request pack = sendCheckRequest(m_Password + "&" + CHECK_INSTANCES + "&" + param.getParamString()); pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_OK); // Check for "ERROR" string. if (pack.getResponse().matches(".*ERROR.*")) { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_UNKNOWN); return pack; } // If we did not receive an ERROR report, then we are done here LogUtils.debugf(this, "checkInstances: received result '%s'", pack.getResponse()); return pack; } catch (NsclientException e) { throw e; } } private String prepList(String list) { return list.replaceAll(",", "&"); } private NsclientPacket handleNumberFormatException(NsclientPacket pack, NumberFormatException e) throws NsclientException { pack.setResultCode(NsclientPacket.RES_STATE_UNKNOWN); LogUtils.infof(this, e, "Unable to parse numeric value returned (%s)", pack.getResponse()); return pack; } }