/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of OpenNMS(R). * * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * OpenNMS(R) is Copyright (C) 1999-2011 The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * * OpenNMS(R) is a registered trademark of The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * * OpenNMS(R) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * OpenNMS(R) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenNMS(R). If not, see: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ * * For more information contact: * OpenNMS(R) Licensing <license@opennms.org> * http://www.opennms.org/ * http://www.opennms.com/ *******************************************************************************/ /* Generated By:JJTree: Do not edit this line. SimpleNode.java */ import java.util.Hashtable; import java.lang.StringBuffer; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Vector; /** * The MIB parser was made by writing 2 files <br> * <blockquote> * ParseMib.jjt - a grammar for ASN1. <br> * SimpleNode.java - initially generated by JavaCC with additional fields <br> * added that save important information. <br> * </blockquote> * These are the only 2 files that should need to be edited for changes. <br><br> * The parser.jjt specified the important tokens to recognize. * When a token is recognized, a method can be called from this class. You can * use existing methods or add your own. For example, here is a typical example * of how information is saved from a token that has been scanned in the ASN.1 * <c> <br><br> * void SequenceOfVars() #TableOidVars : <br> * { <br> * Token t; <br> * } <br> * { <br> * STUFF DELETED ... <br> * { <br> * jjtThis.setName(t.image); <br> * } <br> * } <br> * </c> <br><br> * The code above is called when a token is recognized in the ASN.1. This * would recognize something like: <br> * <c>SysOREntry ::= SEQUENCE { </c><br> * and save the "image" field "SysOrentry" in the AST that is being generated * when tokens are found. * Note that not every token needs to have information saved from it. This * is because a small subset of information is output to the XML file that * OpenNms uses. <br> * When fields are saved in the jjt file, they can call methods in this file, * SimpleNode.java. This saves information to the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) * which is built by the parser and can be later accessed through these methods. * Any number of new fields or methods can be added to SimpleNode.java if you * want to extend the parser. The initial SimpleNode.java was nearly just stub * code. The reason for using AST is that it can be repeatedly walked and more * information added as needed. This is in contrast to the small number of * tokens that may be on the stack at any time during lexical analysis or * parsing. This is useful because not all information can be determined at * parse time. It is simpler and more clear to build it up gradually. For * example, consider the AST walk methods, which must be called in this order * because the AST is decorated on each walk. More Symbol Table information * is added on each walk. <br> * <c> * collectTableInfo() <br> * collectTableIndexInfo() <br> * collectSequenceInfo() <br> * collectOids() <br> * collectTextualConventionsInfo() <br> * </c> * Note that all the walks could probably have been combined into 1 or 2 * walks but this would have made the code less clear. Cpu time is cheap, * engineering time to understand code is expensive. The AST is not that * big so the walks are not really that expensive. * * The SimpleNode class has methods that:<br> * <blockquote> * Walk the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) to decorate the nodes.<br> * Add information to the Symbol Table (ST) - various hash tables.<br> * Emit the final XML representation of the important Object Identifiers (OIDS)<br> * </blockquote> * * @author John Rodriguez * @version 1.0 * @since 8/23/2003 <br><br> * * For any problems with this code, please email <br><br> * * John Rodriguez "snmpfactotum@yahoo.com" * * and include the MIBs that this compiler could not handle. */ public class SimpleNode implements Node { /** * The symbol table (ST) is made up of several different Hashtables * of which oidNames is one. * This hashtable contains all the object identifier names. * The key is the oid, e.g. "lightsurf", the value is the full OID * This is so that they can be built up from the base oid str * .iso.org.dod.internet.private * As a simplifying assumption, everything is assumed to be under the above. */ static Hashtable oidNames = new Hashtable(); /** * Keep every variable that was in a ASN.1 table in a symbol table (hashtable). * This is because variables in an ASN.1 table have different xml printed. * Saving them in a symbol table allows gathering them when discovered in * the ASN.1 * For example, in a non-table it would appear as: <br> * <c>instance=".0"</c> * while in a table it would appear as (depending on the index variable name): <br> * <c>instance="ifTableIndex"</c> <br> * name/value oidName/tableName */ static Hashtable oidVarsTableName = new Hashtable(); /** * A MIB table declaration will have an entry like: <br> * auiTable OBJECT-TYPE <br> * SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AuiEntry ... <br> * Save the entry ("AuiEntry") as the key, and the name ("auiTable") * as the value. */ static Hashtable entryNameAndTableName = new Hashtable(); /** * Save the index OID of a table as key=tableName, value=indexName */ static Hashtable tableAndIndex = new Hashtable(); /** * Save TEXTUAL-CONVENTION names and the base type in this table as * key=type before TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, value=baseType */ static Hashtable typeNameTable = new Hashtable(); /** * This is an ordered list of OIDS used for output at the end. As * the OIDS are discovered in the AST, they are added to the ST and this * list. The list is necessary because Hashtables do not maintain the order * that the OIDS were inserted. */ static Vector orderList = new Vector(); /** * This String just gives a shortcut so that we do not have to parse everything. */ static final String rfc1155TextOID = ".iso.org.dod.internet"; /** * This String just gives a shortcut so that we do not have to parse everything. */ static final String rfc1155NumericOID = "."; /** * This String just gives a shortcut so that we do not have to parse everything. */ static final String baseTextOID = ".iso.org.dod.internet.private"; /** * This String just gives a shortcut so that we do not have to parse everything. */ static final String baseNumericOID = "."; /** * This string is catenated on an alias that is greater then 19 chars * This is an rrd limitation. */ static final String TOO_LONG = "TOOLONG"; static final int tooLongSize = 19; /** * Every node has 1 and only 1 parent. */ protected Node parent; /** * A node may have 0 or more children. This is kept in an array for easy * walking. */ protected Node[] children; /** * Every node has a unique id. */ protected int id; protected ParseMib parser; /** * Some String fields have this default String so we can tell if * they have been assigned or not. */ static final String DEFAULT = "default"; /** * The name found in the MIB for an OID. This is for the string part * of the OID. By saving every text OID name, we can later output the * entire text name of an OID by gradually building up the name based * on ancestors text names. */ protected String identifier_text = DEFAULT; protected String identifier_parent_text = DEFAULT; /** * for searches of the tree to see whether this node has been visited */ protected boolean visited = false; /** * mark every OID variable that is in a table, done with a walk of the AST */ protected boolean isOidInTable = false; protected static boolean printDebug = false; static { try { if (printDebug) { System.out.println("building oidNames of oids"); // put the numeric and text oid bases in the hashtable // eventually, these could be parsed from imports // // this can get things started with a few basic declarations // that are commonly used // .iso/.1 // .iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises/. } OidValues oids = new OidValues(); oids.setTextOid(".iso"); oids.setNumericOid(".1"); oidNames.put("iso", oids); // build up some of the oids that are from RFC1155-SMI // directory, mgmt, experimental, private, enterprises oids = new OidValues(); oids.setTextOid(rfc1155TextOID + "." + "directory"); oids.setNumericOid(rfc1155NumericOID + ".1"); oidNames.put("directory", oids); oids = new OidValues(); oids.setTextOid(rfc1155TextOID + "." + "mgmt"); oids.setNumericOid(rfc1155NumericOID + ".2"); oidNames.put("mgmt", oids); oids = new OidValues(); oids.setTextOid(rfc1155TextOID + "." + "experimental"); oids.setNumericOid(rfc1155NumericOID + ".3"); oidNames.put("experimental", oids); oids = new OidValues(); oids.setTextOid(rfc1155TextOID + "." + "private"); oids.setNumericOid(rfc1155NumericOID + ".4"); oidNames.put("private", oids); oids = new OidValues(); oids.setTextOid(baseTextOID + "." + "enterprises"); oids.setNumericOid(baseNumericOID + ".1"); oidNames.put("enterprises", oids); } catch (Throwable e) { System.err.println("exception during oidNames init" + e.getMessage()); } } /** * turn debug on or off. */ public static void setDebug(boolean b) { printDebug = b; } /** * Constructor for a node. * * @param i is a unique id */ public SimpleNode(int i) { id = i; } /** * Constructor for a node. * * @param p is the parser. * @param i is the unique id. */ public SimpleNode(ParseMib p, int i) { this(i); parser = p; } /** * Get the unique id of the node. */ public int getId() { return id; } /** * Return a boolean indicating whether this node has been visited previously or not. The visited boolean may be reset * between walks. */ public boolean getVisited() { return visited; } /** * Set whether this node has been visited previously. * * @param b is the value to set visited */ public void setVisited(boolean b) { visited = b; } /** * For some nodes, the parser will save information found in the MIB * declaration. The jjt will have a construct like Token t, and this * will call this method with a text name to save. * * @param str is the text from the MIB construct to save. */ public void setName(String str) { identifier_text = str; } /** * During parsing, certain MIB constructs will have caused a save of the * text name. This routine gets that text. */ public String getName() { return identifier_text; } /** * This is a convenience method to save the name of the parent node. It * would have been easy to walk back up the tree and get the parent. * * @param str is the name of the parent found in the MIB. */ public void setParentName(String str) { identifier_parent_text = str; } /** * Get the name of the parent node found during MIB parsing. */ public String getParentName() { return identifier_parent_text; } /** * In order to declare a MIB table, one has to use a SEQUENCE declaration * followed by 1 or more OIDS. This just records the fact an OID is to * be part of a table. * * @param b set true or false whether this OID is part of a table. */ public void setIsOidInTable(boolean b) { isOidInTable = b; } /** * Was this OID part of a MIB table. */ public boolean getIsOidInTable() { return isOidInTable; } public void jjtOpen() { } public void jjtClose() { } public void jjtSetParent(Node n) { parent = n; } public Node jjtGetParent() { return parent; } public void jjtAddChild(Node n, int i) { if (children == null) { children = new Node[i + 1]; } else if (i >= children.length) { Node c[] = new Node[i + 1]; System.arraycopy(children, 0, c, 0, children.length); children = c; } children[i] = n; } public Node jjtGetChild(int i) { return children[i]; } public int jjtGetNumChildren() { return (children == null) ? 0 : children.length; } /** * You can override these two methods in subclasses of SimpleNode to * customize the way the node appears when the tree is dumped. If * your output uses more than one line you should override * toString(String), otherwise overriding toString() is probably all * you need to do. */ public String toString() { return ParseMibTreeConstants.jjtNodeName[id] + " " + this.getName() + " visited=" + ( (getVisited() == true) ? "true" : "false") + " children=" + ( (children == null) ? "0" : "" + children.length); } public String toString(String prefix) { return prefix + toString(); } /** * Override this method if you want to customize how the node dumps * out its children. */ public void dump(String prefix) { if (printDebug) { System.out.println(toString(prefix)); } if (children != null) { for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) { SimpleNode n = (SimpleNode) children[i]; if (n != null) { n.dump(prefix + " "); } } } } /** * Walk through the AST and mark every node as not being visited. * Some tree walks, like a depth first search, would require this. * This keeps nodes from being revisited. */ public void markNotVisited() { //if (printDebug) System.out.println("markNotVisited node=" + this.toString()); this.setVisited(false); if (children != null) { for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) { SimpleNode n = (SimpleNode) children[i]; if (n != null) { n.setVisited(false); n.markNotVisited(); } } } } /** * Walk the abstract syntax tree and collect the text oids */ public void collectOids() { //if (printDebug) System.out.println("collectOids node=" + this.toString()); if (this.getVisited() == true) { return; } boolean foundDeclOID = ParseMibTreeConstants.jjtNodeName[this.id].equals( "DeclOID") || ParseMibTreeConstants.jjtNodeName[this.id].equals("ModuleIdentity"); boolean processMultipleOids = false; if (children != null) { // if (printDebug) System.out.println("Found DeclOID=" + foundDeclOID + " node= " + toString()); // build the OIDs // there are some children under this node like: // DeclOID default children=3 // ObjectIdentifier smsFileQueue children=0 // GetTypeIdentifier Gauge32 visited=false children=0 // GetAccessIdentifier read-only visited=false children=0 // Parent products children=0 // PartialOID 7 children=0 // get all that info from the children // this example would be something like // iso...products.smsFileQueue // .1...2.7 if products was 2 (products is already saved in the ST) String parent = null; String textOid = null; String numericOid = null; String typeId = null; String accessName = OidValues.NOT_ACCESSIBLE; // walk through the children and collect information for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) { SimpleNode n = (SimpleNode) children[i]; if (n != null) { // if (printDebug && foundDeclOID) System.out.println("DeclOID child=" + toString()); if (ParseMibTreeConstants.jjtNodeName[n.getId()].equals("Parent")) { parent = n.identifier_parent_text; textOid = n.identifier_text; } else if (ParseMibTreeConstants.jjtNodeName[n.getId()].equals( "PartialOID")) { numericOid = n.identifier_text; } else if (ParseMibTreeConstants.jjtNodeName[n.getId()].equals( "GetTypeIdentifier")) { typeId = n.identifier_text; } else if (ParseMibTreeConstants.jjtNodeName[n.getId()].equals( "GetAccessIdentifier")) { accessName = n.identifier_text; } else if (ParseMibTreeConstants.jjtNodeName[n.getId()].equals( "MultipleOids")) { processMultipleOids = true; // more complicated tree walk } } // end if if (n != null) { n.collectOids(); n.setVisited(true); } } // end for if (foundDeclOID) { // now that we have all the info, look in the hash table, the parent // should be in there, from the parent we build new oids for the currentOid if (printDebug) { System.out.println("found parent=" + parent + " textOid=" + textOid + " numericOid=" + numericOid); } String tableName = (String) oidVarsTableName.get(textOid); if (tableName != null) { if (printDebug) { System.out.println("the OID " + textOid + " is in table=" + tableName); } if (printDebug) { System.out.println("the index name=" + (String) tableAndIndex.get(tableName)); } } // get the oid record out of the hashtable OidValues parentOid = (OidValues) oidNames.get(parent); if (printDebug) { System.out.println("found numericOid=" + numericOid); } if (processMultipleOids) { String curTextOid = textOid; // add to ST after loops String curNumericOid = numericOid; // add to ST after loops if (printDebug) { System.out.println("process multiple oids in a list"); // this is a declaration like // mgmt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso org(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) } // that requires walking the tree and adding a piece at a time // go down the tree and add the MultipleOids subtrees a piece at // a time. // the tree has some nodes like: // already have the parent from above. // note that the parent has both the parent and child names in the node // n.identifier_parent_text is the parent // n.identifier_text is the child only when there is 1 id in the {} /* DeclOID default visited=false children=6 ObjectIdentifier mgmt visited=false children=0 Parent mgmt visited=false children=0 MultipleOids default visited=false children=2 ChildTextIdentifier org visited=false children=0 ChildNumericIdentifier 3 visited=false children=0 MultipleOids default visited=false children=2 ChildTextIdentifier dod visited=false children=0 ChildNumericIdentifier 6 visited=false children=0 MultipleOids default visited=false children=2 ChildTextIdentifier internet visited=false children=0 ChildNumericIdentifier 1 visited=false children=0 MultipleOids default visited=false children=2 ChildTextIdentifier mgmt visited=false children=0 ChildNumericIdentifier 2 visited=false children=0 */ // walk through the children and collect information } for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) { SimpleNode nouter = (SimpleNode) children[i]; if (nouter != null) { if (ParseMibTreeConstants.jjtNodeName[nouter.getId()].equals( "MultipleOids")) { for (int j = 0; j < nouter.jjtGetNumChildren(); ++j) { SimpleNode n = (SimpleNode) nouter.jjtGetChild(j); if (n != null) { if (ParseMibTreeConstants.jjtNodeName[n.getId()].equals( "ChildTextIdentifier")) { textOid = n.identifier_text; } else if (ParseMibTreeConstants.jjtNodeName[n.getId()]. equals("ChildNumericIdentifier")) { if (printDebug) { System.out.println( "processing multiple ids in a declaration"); } numericOid = n.identifier_text; // we have everything that we need to add to the ST OidValues currentOid = new OidValues(); String fullOid = parentOid.getTextOid(); if (printDebug) { System.out.println("found fullOid * =" + fullOid); // build the text oid } fullOid = fullOid + "." + textOid; currentOid.setTextOid(fullOid); if (printDebug) { System.out.println("added text oid * : " + fullOid); // build the numeric oid } fullOid = parentOid.getNumericOid(); fullOid = fullOid + "." + numericOid; currentOid.setNumericOid(fullOid); if (printDebug) { System.out.println("added numeric oid * : " + fullOid); } accessName = OidValues.READ_ONLY; currentOid.setAccess(accessName); if (printDebug) { System.out.println("added access=" + accessName); } oidNames.put(textOid, currentOid); // The Hashtables do not save in order so maintain a list that // will have the correct order on output orderList.addElement(textOid); // so that as we walk down the oids, the prev becomes the parent parentOid = (OidValues) oidNames.get(textOid); } } // end if } // end for j inner // now add the child of all the children just added OidValues currentOid = new OidValues(); String fullOid = parentOid.getTextOid(); if (printDebug) { System.out.println("found fullOid ** =" + fullOid); // build the text oid } fullOid = fullOid + "." + curTextOid; currentOid.setTextOid(fullOid); if (printDebug) { System.out.println("added text oid ** : " + fullOid); // build the numeric oid } fullOid = parentOid.getNumericOid(); fullOid = fullOid + "." + curNumericOid; currentOid.setNumericOid(fullOid); if (printDebug) { System.out.println("added numeric oid ** : " + fullOid); } accessName = OidValues.READ_ONLY; currentOid.setAccess(accessName); if (printDebug) { System.out.println("added access=" + accessName); } oidNames.put(curTextOid, currentOid); // The Hashtables do not save in order so maintain a list that // will have the correct order on output orderList.addElement(curTextOid); } } } // end for i outer } else { OidValues currentOid = new OidValues(); String fullOid = null; try { fullOid = parentOid.getTextOid(); } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println("ERROR: can't find parent '" + parent + "' for textOid '" + textOid + "'\nFind which MIB the parent is defined in and add that to the command line\n"); if (printDebug) { dumpOidNamesSymbolTable(); } System.exit(Errors.INCLUDE_MIB_MISSING); } if (printDebug) { System.out.println("found fullOid *** =" + fullOid); // build the text oid } fullOid = fullOid + "." + textOid; currentOid.setTextOid(fullOid); if (printDebug) { System.out.println("added text oid *** : " + fullOid); // build the numeric oid } fullOid = parentOid.getNumericOid(); fullOid = fullOid + "." + numericOid; currentOid.setNumericOid(fullOid); if (printDebug) { System.out.println("added numeric oid *** : " + fullOid); } if (typeId != null) { currentOid.setTypeId(typeId); if (printDebug) { System.out.println("added typeId=" + typeId); } } else { if (printDebug) { System.out.println("typeId was null and not added"); } } currentOid.setAccess(accessName); if (printDebug) { System.out.println("added access=" + accessName); } oidNames.put(textOid, currentOid); // The Hashtables do not save in order so maintain a list that // will have the correct order on output orderList.addElement(textOid); /* String fullOid = (String)oidNames.get(parent); if (printDebug) System.out.println("found fullOid **** =" + fullOid); fullOid = fullOid + "." + textOid; oidNames.put(textOid, fullOid); if (printDebug) System.out.println("added to oidNames: " + fullOid); */ } } // end if foundDeclOID } // end if children != null } // end collectOIDS /** * Walk the abstract syntax tree and collect information about * any OID in a table */ public void collectTableInfo() { //if (printDebug) System.out.println("collectTableInfo node=" + this.toString()); if (this.getVisited() == true) { return; } // auiTable OBJECT-TYPE // SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AuiEntry ... // Save the name ("auiTable") as the value, and the entry ("AuiEntry") as the key // The entry is the key so that we can search it later by entry when we get the // sequence entry (in collectSequenceInfo) // entryNameAndTableName is the symbol table Hashtable // The tree looks like: // DeclOID default visited=false children=4 // ObjectIdentifier auiTable visited=false children=0 // TableSequenceOf AuiEntry visited=false children=0 // GetAccessIdentifier read-only visited=false children=0 // Parent auiTable visited=false children=0 // PartialOID 1 visited=false children=0 boolean declOidFound = ParseMibTreeConstants.jjtNodeName[this.id].equals( "DeclOID"); // walk through and see if it contains a TableSequenceOf node if (children != null) { // walk through the children and collect information String tableName = null; String entryName = null; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) { SimpleNode n = (SimpleNode) children[i]; if (n != null) { if (ParseMibTreeConstants.jjtNodeName[n.getId()].equals("Parent")) { tableName = n.identifier_text; } else if (ParseMibTreeConstants.jjtNodeName[n.getId()].equals( "TableSequenceOf")) { // could mark the parent as a table here if we wanted to entryName = n.identifier_text; } } // end if if (n != null) { n.collectTableInfo(); n.setVisited(true); } } // end for // we know we have found a table if entryName != null if (declOidFound && entryName != null) { if (printDebug) { System.out.println("collectTableInfo adding " + entryName + "/" + tableName); } entryNameAndTableName.put(entryName, tableName); } } } // end collectTableInfo /** * Walk the abstract syntax tree and collect SEQUENCE information about * any OID in a table */ public void collectSequenceInfo() { //if (printDebug) System.out.println("collectSequenceInfo node=" + this.toString()); if (this.getVisited() == true) { return; } // Look for a tree starting with "TableOidVars" // 1) the first child is the index of the table // 2) add every entry with the table name entry as the value (from example below "AuiEntry") // TableOidVars AuiEntry visited=false children=5 // IdentifierInSequenceOfVars auiTableIndex visited=false children=0 // IdentifierInSequenceOfVars activeSessions visited=false children=0 // IdentifierInSequenceOfVars inactiveSessions visited=false children=0 // IdentifierInSequenceOfVars openCursors visited=false children=0 // IdentifierInSequenceOfVars accounts visited=false children=0 String entryName = this.getName(); String tableName = (String) entryNameAndTableName.get(entryName); if (children != null) { // walk through the children and collect information String indexName = null; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) { SimpleNode n = (SimpleNode) children[i]; if (n.getIsOidInTable()) { if (printDebug) { System.out.println("adding OID " + n.getName() + " to table"); // put all the OID vars in a symbol table (hashtable) oidName/tableName } oidVarsTableName.put(n.getName(), tableName); } if (n != null) { n.collectSequenceInfo(); n.setVisited(true); } } // end for } } // end collectSequenceInfo /** * Walk the abstract syntax tree and collect information about * the index of a table. By convention, the index of a table is the * first variable in the MIB SEQUENCE delcaration. */ public void collectTableIndexInfo() { //if (printDebug) System.out.println("collectTableIndexInfo node=" + this.toString()); if (this.getVisited() == true) { return; } // auiTable OBJECT-TYPE // SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AuiEntry ... // Save the name ("auiTable") as the value, and the entry ("AuiEntry") as the key // The entry is the key so that we can search it later by entry when we get the // sequence entry (in collectSequenceInfo) // entryNameAndTableName is the symbol table Hashtable // The tree looks like: // TableOidVars AuiEntry visited=false children=5 // IdentifierInSequenceOfVars auiTableIndex visited=false children=0 // IdentifierInSequenceOfVars activeSessions visited=false children=0 // IdentifierInSequenceOfVars inactiveSessions visited=false children=0 // IdentifierInSequenceOfVars openCursors visited=false children=0 // IdentifierInSequenceOfVars accounts visited=false children=0 String entryName = this.getName(); String tableName = (String) entryNameAndTableName.get(entryName); if (children != null) { // walk through the children and collect information String indexName = null; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) { SimpleNode n = (SimpleNode) children[i]; if (i == 0) { // the index is always the first child if (ParseMibTreeConstants.jjtNodeName[n.getId()].equals( "IdentifierInSequenceOfVars")) { indexName = n.identifier_text; } } // end if if (n.getIsOidInTable()) { // this was set during parsing if (printDebug) { System.out.println("adding OID " + n.getName() + " to table"); // put all the OID vars in a symbol table (hashtable) oidName/tableName } oidVarsTableName.put(n.getName(), tableName); } if (n != null) { n.collectTableIndexInfo(); n.setVisited(true); } } // end for // we know we have found a table if indexName |= null if (indexName != null) { if (printDebug) { System.out.println("collectTableIndexInfo indexName=" + indexName); } if (printDebug) { System.out.println("collectTableIndexInfo entryName=" + entryName); } if (printDebug) { System.out.println("collectTableIndexInfo tableName=" + tableName); } tableAndIndex.put(tableName, indexName); } } } // end collectTableIndexInfo /** * Walk the abstract syntax tree and collect information about * any TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONS. The reason for collecting these in * a symbol table is that this relates the underlying type to * the text name and it is the underlying type that would need * to be printed in the xml. */ public void collectTextualConventionsInfo() { //if (printDebug) System.out.println("collectTextualConventionsInfo node=" + this.toString()); if (this.getVisited() == true) { return; } // Look for a tree starting with "TextConvention" or "Assignment" // 0) the node TextConvention has some type name // 1) the first child is the base type, that is referred to by the type name above // TextConvention VasStates visited=false children=1 // GetTypeIdentifier Integer32 visited=false children=0 boolean textConventionFound = ParseMibTreeConstants.jjtNodeName[this.id]. equals("TextConvention") || ParseMibTreeConstants.jjtNodeName[this.id].equals("Assignment"); // walk through and find the index of the table which is the first child String typeName = this.getName(); String baseTypeName = null; // will be in the child if (children != null) { // walk through the children and collect information String indexName = null; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) { SimpleNode n = (SimpleNode) children[i]; if (textConventionFound) { if (printDebug) { System.out.println("adding OID " + n.getName() + "/" + typeName + " to typeNametable"); // put all the OID vars in a symbol table (hashtable) oidName/tableName } baseTypeName = n.getName(); typeNameTable.put(typeName, baseTypeName); } if (n != null) { n.collectTextualConventionsInfo(); n.setVisited(true); } } // end for } } // end collectTextualConventionInfo /** * Walk the symbol tables and output XML */ public void writeOids() { // write something like: // <mibObj oid="." instance="ifIndex" alias="ifInOctets" type="counter"/> StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); OidValues oidValues = null; TreeMap sortedMap = new TreeMap(); if (printDebug) { System.out.println("Sorted OIDS from Vector"); } sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < orderList.size(); i++) { String name = (String) orderList.elementAt(i); oidValues = (OidValues) oidNames.get(name); if (! (oidValues.getTypeId().equals("DEFAULT") || oidValues.getAccess().equals(OidValues.NOT_ACCESSIBLE))) { String instanceVar = "0"; // TBD get the table instance var String aliasVar = oidValues.getTextOid(); int index = aliasVar.lastIndexOf(".") + 1; String lastOidStr = aliasVar.substring(index); String tableName = (String) oidVarsTableName.get(lastOidStr); String numericOid = oidValues.getNumericOid(); String typeName = oidValues.getTypeId(); String typeFromTable = (String) typeNameTable.get(typeName); if (typeFromTable != null) { typeName = typeFromTable; // this gets the base type } if (tableName != null) { instanceVar = (String) tableAndIndex.get(tableName); } // There is a 19 char rrd limitation. Catenate a string onto the alias. if (lastOidStr.length() > tooLongSize) { lastOidStr = lastOidStr + TOO_LONG; } sb.append("<mibObj oid=\"").append(numericOid).append("\" "); sb.append("instance=\"").append(instanceVar).append("\" "); sb.append("alias=\"").append(lastOidStr).append("\" "); sb.append("type=\"").append(typeName).append("\" />").append("\n"); System.out.print(sb.toString()); sortedMap.put(numericOid, sb.toString()); sb = new StringBuffer(); } else { if (printDebug && oidValues.getTypeId().equals("DEFAULT")) { System.out.println("skipping oid with DEFAULT type, oid=" + oidValues.getTextOid()); } if (printDebug && oidValues.getAccess().equals(OidValues.NOT_ACCESSIBLE)) { System.out.println("skipping oid with no ACCESS, oid=" + oidValues.getAccess()); } } } } // end writeOIDS /** * Dump the oidNames symbol tables - primarily debugging routine */ public void dumpOidNamesSymbolTable() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); OidValues oidValues = null; String key = null; String oidName = null; sb.append("Symbol Table oidNames for text OID/OidValues\n"); for (Enumeration e = oidNames.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { key = (String) e.nextElement(); oidValues = (OidValues) oidNames.get(key); sb.append(key + "/" + oidValues.toString()).append("\n"); } if (printDebug) { System.out.println(sb.toString()); } } /** * Dump the symbol tables - primarily debugging routine */ public void dumpSymbolTables() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); OidValues oidValues = null; String key = null; String oidName = null; String entryName = null; String indexName = null; String baseType = null; dumpOidNamesSymbolTable(); sb.append("Symbol Table oidVarsTableName for tableName/OidName\n"); for (Enumeration e = oidVarsTableName.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { key = (String) e.nextElement(); oidName = (String) oidVarsTableName.get(key); sb.append(key + "/" + oidName).append("\n"); } sb.append("Symbol Table entryNameAndTableName for entryName/tableName\n"); for (Enumeration e = entryNameAndTableName.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { key = (String) e.nextElement(); entryName = (String) entryNameAndTableName.get(key); sb.append(key + "/" + entryName).append("\n"); } sb.append("Symbol Table tableAndIndex for tableName/indexName\n"); for (Enumeration e = tableAndIndex.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { key = (String) e.nextElement(); indexName = (String) tableAndIndex.get(key); sb.append(key + "/" + indexName).append("\n"); } sb.append("Symbol Table typeNameTable for type/baseType\n"); for (Enumeration e = typeNameTable.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { key = (String) e.nextElement(); baseType = (String) typeNameTable.get(key); sb.append(key + "/" + baseType).append("\n"); } if (printDebug) { System.out.println(sb.toString()); } } // end dumpSymbolTables }