package org.opennms.netmgt.snmp.mock; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import org.opennms.core.concurrent.LogPreservingThreadFactory; import org.opennms.core.utils.LogUtils; import org.opennms.netmgt.snmp.CollectionTracker; import org.opennms.netmgt.snmp.SnmpAgentAddress; import org.opennms.netmgt.snmp.SnmpAgentConfig; import org.opennms.netmgt.snmp.SnmpObjId; import org.opennms.netmgt.snmp.SnmpValue; import org.opennms.netmgt.snmp.SnmpWalker; public class MockSnmpWalker extends SnmpWalker { private static class MockPduBuilder extends WalkerPduBuilder { private List<SnmpObjId> m_oids = new ArrayList<SnmpObjId>(); public MockPduBuilder(final int maxVarsPerPdu) { super(maxVarsPerPdu); reset(); } @Override public void reset() { m_oids.clear(); } public List<SnmpObjId> getOids() { return new ArrayList<SnmpObjId>(m_oids); } @Override public void addOid(final SnmpObjId snmpObjId) { m_oids.add(snmpObjId); } @Override public void setNonRepeaters(final int numNonRepeaters) { } @Override public void setMaxRepetitions(final int maxRepetitions) { } } private static class MockVarBind { SnmpObjId m_oid; SnmpValue m_value; public MockVarBind(SnmpObjId oid, SnmpValue value) { m_oid = oid; m_value = value; } public SnmpObjId getOid() { return m_oid; } public SnmpValue getValue() { return m_value; } } private final SnmpAgentAddress m_agentAddress; private final int m_snmpVersion; private final PropertyOidContainer m_container; private final ExecutorService m_executor; public MockSnmpWalker(final SnmpAgentAddress agentAddress, int snmpVersion, final PropertyOidContainer container, final String name, final CollectionTracker tracker, int maxVarsPerPdu) { super(agentAddress.getAddress(), name, maxVarsPerPdu, 1, tracker); m_agentAddress = agentAddress; m_snmpVersion = snmpVersion; m_container = container; m_executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor( new LogPreservingThreadFactory(getClass().getSimpleName(), 1, false) ); } @Override protected WalkerPduBuilder createPduBuilder(final int maxVarsPerPdu) { return new MockPduBuilder(maxVarsPerPdu); } @Override protected void sendNextPdu(final WalkerPduBuilder pduBuilder) throws IOException { final MockPduBuilder builder = (MockPduBuilder)pduBuilder; final List<SnmpObjId> oids = builder.getOids(); LogUtils.debugf(this, "'Sending' tracker PDU of size " + oids.size()); m_executor.submit(new ResponseHandler(oids)); } @Override protected void handleDone() { LogUtils.debugf(this, "handleDone()"); super.handleDone(); } @Override protected void handleAuthError(final String msg) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "handleAuthError(%s)", msg); super.handleAuthError(msg); } @Override protected void handleError(final String msg) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "handleError(%s)", msg); super.handleError(msg); } @Override protected void handleError(final String msg, final Throwable t) { LogUtils.debugf(this, t, "handleError(%s, %s)", msg, t.getLocalizedMessage()); super.handleError(msg, t); } @Override protected void handleFatalError(final Throwable e) { LogUtils.debugf(this, e, "handleFatalError(%s)", e.getLocalizedMessage()); super.handleFatalError(e); } @Override protected void handleTimeout(final String msg) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "handleTimeout(%s)", msg); super.handleTimeout(msg); } @Override protected void close() throws IOException { m_executor.shutdown(); } @Override protected void buildAndSendNextPdu() throws IOException { LogUtils.debugf(this, "buildAndSendNextPdu()"); super.buildAndSendNextPdu(); } private final class ResponseHandler implements Runnable { private final List<SnmpObjId> m_oids; private ResponseHandler(final List<SnmpObjId> oids) { m_oids = oids; } @Override public void run() { handleResponses(); } protected void handleResponses() { LogUtils.debugf(this, "handleResponses(%s)", m_oids); try { if (m_container == null) { LogUtils.infof(this, "No SNMP response data configured for %s; pretending we've timed out.", m_agentAddress); Thread.sleep(100); handleTimeout("No MockSnmpAgent data configured for '" + m_agentAddress + "'."); return; } List<MockVarBind> responses = new ArrayList<MockVarBind>(m_oids.size()); int errorStatus = 0; int errorIndex = 0; int index = 1; // snmp index start at 1 for (final SnmpObjId oid : m_oids) { SnmpObjId nextOid = m_container.findNextOidForOid(oid); if (nextOid == null) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "No OID following %s", oid); if (m_snmpVersion == SnmpAgentConfig.VERSION1) { if (errorStatus == 0) { // for V1 only record the index of the first failing varbind errorStatus = CollectionTracker.NO_SUCH_NAME_ERR; errorIndex = index; } } responses.add(new MockVarBind(oid, MockSnmpValue.END_OF_MIB)); } else { responses.add(new MockVarBind(nextOid, m_container.findValueForOid(nextOid))); } index++; } if (!processErrors(errorStatus, errorIndex)) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "Responding with PDU of size %d.", responses.size()); for(MockVarBind vb : responses) { processResponse(vb.getOid(), vb.getValue()); } } buildAndSendNextPdu(); } catch (final Throwable t) { handleFatalError(t); } } } }