/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of OpenNMS(R). * * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * OpenNMS(R) is Copyright (C) 1999-2011 The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * * OpenNMS(R) is a registered trademark of The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * * OpenNMS(R) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * OpenNMS(R) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenNMS(R). If not, see: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ * * For more information contact: * OpenNMS(R) Licensing <license@opennms.org> * http://www.opennms.org/ * http://www.opennms.com/ *******************************************************************************/ package org.opennms.tools.jmxconfiggenerator.graphs; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.bind.JAXB; import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.opennms.xmlns.xsd.config.jmx_datacollection.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * @author Simon Walter <simon.walter@hp-factory.de> * @author Markus Neumann <markus@opennms.com> */ @Deprecated public class SnmpGraphConfigGenerator { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SnmpGraphConfigGenerator.class); private static String graphList = ""; private static String graphBodies = ""; private static String output = ""; private static String serviceName = ""; private static List<String> tangoColors = new ArrayList<String>(); private static int colorIndex = 0; static { tangoColors.add("edd400"); tangoColors.add("f57900"); tangoColors.add("c17d11"); tangoColors.add("73d216"); tangoColors.add("3465a4"); tangoColors.add("75507b"); tangoColors.add("cc0000"); tangoColors.add("d3d7cf"); tangoColors.add("555753"); tangoColors.add("fce94f"); tangoColors.add("fcaf3e"); tangoColors.add("e9b96e"); tangoColors.add("8ae234"); tangoColors.add("729fcf"); tangoColors.add("ad7fa8"); tangoColors.add("ef2929"); tangoColors.add("eeeeec"); tangoColors.add("888a85"); tangoColors.add("c4a000"); tangoColors.add("ce5c00"); tangoColors.add("8f5902"); tangoColors.add("4e9a06"); tangoColors.add("204a87"); tangoColors.add("5c3566"); tangoColors.add("a40000"); tangoColors.add("babdb6"); tangoColors.add("2e3436"); } public static void generateGraphs(String serviceName, String inputFile, String outFile) throws IOException { JmxDatacollectionConfig inputConfig = JAXB.unmarshal(new File(inputFile), JmxDatacollectionConfig.class); for (JmxCollection jmxCollection : inputConfig.getJmxCollection()) { logger.debug("jmxCollection: '{}'", jmxCollection.getName()); Mbeans mbeans = jmxCollection.getMbeans(); int i = 0; for (Mbean mBean : mbeans.getMbean()) { logger.debug("\t" + "mBean: '{}'", mBean.getObjectname()); String reportName = "jsr160" + "." + serviceName + "." + "combo" + i; graphList = graphList + reportName + ", \\" + "\n"; i++; graphBodies = graphBodies + "\n" + generateGraphCombo(jmxCollection, mBean, reportName); for (Attrib attrib :mBean.getAttrib()) { logger.debug("\t\t" + "attrib: '{}'", attrib.getAlias()); graphList = graphList + "jsr160" + "." + serviceName + "." + StringUtils.substring(attrib.getAlias(), 0 ,19) + ", \\" + "\n"; graphBodies = graphBodies + "\n" + generateGraph(jmxCollection, mBean, attrib); } } } graphList = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(graphList, ", \\\n") + "\n"; output = graphList + "\n" + graphBodies; output = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(output, " \\" + "\n") + "\n"; FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(outFile), output, "UTF-8"); } //TODO Tak: implement single graphs for composite data //TODO Tak: implement combo graphs for composite data private static String generateCompositeGraph(JmxCollection jmxCollection, Mbean mBean, String reportName) { return ""; } private static String generateGraphCombo(JmxCollection jmxCollection, Mbean mBean, String reportName) { String report = ""; // report.jvm.mempool.oldgen.name=JVM Memory Pool: OldGen Space report = report.concat("report." + reportName + ".name=" + reportName + "\n"); List<String> attribNameList = new ArrayList<String>(); String columnsNames = ""; for (Attrib attrib : mBean.getAttrib()) { String attribAliasShort = StringUtils.substring(attrib.getAlias(), 0 , 19); attribNameList.add(attribAliasShort); columnsNames = columnsNames.concat(attribAliasShort + ", "); } columnsNames = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(columnsNames, ", "); // report.jvm.mempool.oldgen.columns=OGenUsage.used, OGenUsage.max report = report.concat("report." + reportName + ".columns=" + columnsNames + "\n"); // report.jvm.mempool.oldgen.type=interfaceSnmp report = report.concat("report." + reportName + ".type=interfaceSnmp" + "\n"); // report.jvm.mempool.oldgen.command=--title="JVM Memory Pool: Old Gen Space" \ report = report.concat("report." + reportName + ".command=--title=\"" + mBean.getName() + "\"" + " \\" + "\n"); // --vertical-label="COUNT Hits" \ report = report.concat(" --vertical-label=\"COUNT\" " + "\\" + "\n"); int i = 0; for (Attrib attrib : mBean.getAttrib()) { i++; String attribAliasShort = StringUtils.substring(attrib.getAlias(), 0 , 19); // DEF:used={rrd1}:OGenUsage.used:AVERAGE \ // DEF:max={rrd2}:OGenUsage.max:AVERAGE \ report = report.concat(" DEF:" + attribAliasShort + "={rrd"+i+"}:" + attribAliasShort + ":AVERAGE" + " \\" + "\n"); } i = 0; for (Attrib attrib : mBean.getAttrib()) { i++; String attribAliasShort = StringUtils.substring(attrib.getAlias(), 0 , 19); // LINE2:used#73d216:"Bytes Used" \ report = report.concat(" LINE2:" + attribAliasShort + "#" + getNextColor() + ":\"" + attribAliasShort + "\"" + " \\" + "\n"); // GPRINT:used:AVERAGE:" Avg \\: %5.2lf %s " \ report = report.concat(" GPRINT:" + attribAliasShort + ":AVERAGE:\" Avg \\\\: %8.2lf %s\"" + " \\" + "\n"); // GPRINT:used:MIN:" Min \\: %5.2lf %s " \ report = report.concat(" GPRINT:" + attribAliasShort + ":MIN:\" Min \\\\: %8.2lf %s\"" + " \\" + "\n"); // GPRINT:used:MAX:" Max \\: %5.2lf %s " \ report = report.concat(" GPRINT:" + attribAliasShort + ":MAX:\" Max \\\\: %8.2lf %s\"" + " \\" + "\n"); } colorIndex = 0; report = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(report, "\" \\\n") + "\\\\n\" \\\n"; // LINE2:max#ff0000:"Bytes Allocated" \ // GPRINT:max:AVERAGE:"Avg \\: %5.2lf %s " \ // GPRINT:max:MIN:"Min \\: %5.2lf %s " \ // GPRINT:max:MAX:"Max \\: %5.2lf %s\\n" return report; } private static String generateGraph(JmxCollection jmxCollection, Mbean mBean, Attrib attrib) { String report = ""; String attibutAliasShort = StringUtils.substring(attrib.getAlias(), 0 ,19); //String reportDomainLikeName = "report." + jmxCollection.getName() + "." + attibutAliasShort; String reportDomainLikeName = "report." + "jsr160." + serviceName + "." + attibutAliasShort; // report.jsr160.cassandra.${attributAlias}.name=${reportDisplayName} //Alias passt nicht wirklich // report.${rrdReportTitle}.name=${reportDisplayName} report = report.concat(reportDomainLikeName + ".name=" + attibutAliasShort + "\n"); // report.${jmx-collectionName}.columns=${attributAlias} report = report.concat(reportDomainLikeName + ".columns=" + attibutAliasShort + "\n"); // report.${jmx-collectionName}.type=interfaceSnmp report = report.concat(reportDomainLikeName + ".type=interfaceSnmp" + "\n"); // report.${jmx-collectionName}.command=--title=${"graphTitle"} \ report = report.concat(reportDomainLikeName + ".command=--title=\"" + mBean.getName() + " " + attrib.getName() + "\" \\" + "\n"); // --vertical-label=${"graphUnitName"} \ report = report.concat(" --vertical-label=" +"\"" + "COUNT " + attrib.getName() +"\"" + " \\" + "\n"); // DEF:${attributAlias}={rrd1}:${attributAlias}:AVERAGE \ report = report.concat(" DEF:" + attibutAliasShort + "={rrd1}:" + attibutAliasShort + ":AVERAGE" + " \\" + "\n"); // LINE2:${attributAlias}#00ff00:"In " \ report = report.concat(" LINE2:" + attibutAliasShort + "#73d216" + ":\"" + attibutAliasShort + "\"" + " \\" + "\n"); // GPRINT:${attributAlias}:AVERAGE:"Avg \\: %8.2lf %s" \ report = report.concat(" GPRINT:" + attibutAliasShort + ":AVERAGE:\"Avg \\\\: %8.2lf %s\"" + " \\" + "\n"); // GPRINT:${attributAlias}:MIN:"Min \\: %8.2lf %s" \ report = report.concat(" GPRINT:" + attibutAliasShort + ":MIN:\"Min \\\\: %8.2lf %s\"" + " \\" + "\n"); // GPRINT:${attributAlias}:MAX:"Max \\: %8.2lf %s\\n" \ report = report.concat(" GPRINT:" + attibutAliasShort + ":MAX:\"Max \\\\: %8.2lf %s\\\\n\"" + " \\" + "\n"); return report; } private static String getNextColor() { String color = tangoColors.get(colorIndex); colorIndex = (colorIndex + 1)%tangoColors.size(); return color; } }