package org.opennms.netmgt.snmp.mock; import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.opennms.core.test.MockLogAppender; import org.opennms.core.utils.InetAddressUtils; import org.opennms.netmgt.snmp.SnmpObjId; import org.opennms.netmgt.snmp.SnmpUtils; import org.opennms.netmgt.snmp.SnmpValue; import org.opennms.netmgt.snmp.SnmpValueFactory; import org.opennms.netmgt.snmp.joesnmp.JoeSnmpValueFactory; import org.opennms.netmgt.snmp.snmp4j.Snmp4JValueFactory; public class SnmpValueTest { private static final SnmpValueFactory[] m_factories = new SnmpValueFactory[] { new Snmp4JValueFactory(), new JoeSnmpValueFactory(), new MockSnmpValueFactory() }; @Before public void setUp() { MockLogAppender.setupLogging(); } @Test public void testParseHex() { final String trimmed = "00 24 81 8F 40 17"; final ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(trimmed.length()); for (final String chunk : trimmed.split("[ :]")) { short s = Short.valueOf(chunk, 16); final byte b = (byte)(s & 0xFF); bb.put(b); } final byte[] parsed = new byte[bb.position()]; bb.flip(); bb.get(parsed); assertArrayEquals(new byte[] { (byte)0x0, (byte)0x24, (byte)0x81, (byte)0x8f, (byte)0x40, (byte)0x17 }, parsed); } @Test public void testCounter32() { for (final SnmpValueFactory factory : m_factories) { final String methodName = "Counter32"; final String stringResult = "42"; final Long numberResult = 42L; final SnmpValue value = factory.getCounter32(numberResult); final String className = factory.getClass().getName(); doNumericCheck(className, methodName, value, stringResult, numberResult); } } @Test public void testCounter64() { for (final SnmpValueFactory factory : m_factories) { final String methodName = "Counter64"; final String stringResult = "42"; final Long numberResult = 42L; final SnmpValue value = factory.getCounter64(BigInteger.valueOf(numberResult)); final String className = factory.getClass().getName(); doNumericCheck(className, methodName, value, stringResult, numberResult); } } @Test public void testGauge32() { for (final SnmpValueFactory factory : m_factories) { final String methodName = "Gauge32"; final String stringResult = "42"; final Long numberResult = 42L; final SnmpValue value = factory.getGauge32(numberResult); final String className = factory.getClass().getName(); doNumericCheck(className, methodName, value, stringResult, numberResult); } } @Test public void testInt32() { for (final SnmpValueFactory factory : m_factories) { final String methodName = "Int32"; final String stringResult = "42"; final Long numberResult = 42L; final SnmpValue value = factory.getInt32(numberResult.intValue()); final String className = factory.getClass().getName(); doNumericCheck(className, methodName, value, stringResult, numberResult); } } @Test public void testNull() { for (final SnmpValueFactory factory : m_factories) { final SnmpValue value = factory.getNull(); final String factoryClassName = factory.getClass().getName(); assertFalse(factoryClassName + ": Null isDisplayable should be false", value.isDisplayable()); assertTrue(factoryClassName + ": Null isNull should be true", value.isNull()); assertFalse(factoryClassName + ": Null isEndOfMib should be false", value.isEndOfMib()); assertFalse(factoryClassName + ": Null isError should be false", value.isError()); } } @Test public void testInetAddress() { for (final SnmpValueFactory factory : m_factories) { final InetAddress address = InetAddressUtils.addr(""); final SnmpValue value = factory.getIpAddress(address); final String className = factory.getClass().getName(); assertTrue(className + ": getInetAddress isDisplayable should be true", value.isDisplayable()); assertEquals(className + ": getInetAddress to InetAddress should return", address, value.toInetAddress()); assertEquals(className + ": getInetAddress to String should return", "", value.toString()); assertEquals(className + ": getInetAddress to DisplayString should return", "", value.toDisplayString()); try { value.toInt(); fail(className + ": getInetAddress to int should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } try { value.toLong(); fail(className + ": getInetAddress to long should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } try { value.toBigInteger(); fail(className + ": getInetAddress to BigInteger should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } try { value.toHexString(); fail(className + ": getInetAddress to HexString should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } try { value.toSnmpObjId(); fail(className + ": getInetAddress to SnmpObjId should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } } } @Test public void testSnmpObjId() { for (final SnmpValueFactory factory : m_factories) { final String oid = "."; final SnmpObjId id = SnmpObjId.get(oid); final SnmpValue value = factory.getObjectId(id); final String className = factory.getClass().getName(); assertTrue(className + ": getInetAddress isDisplayable should be true", value.isDisplayable()); assertEquals(className + ": getObjectId to SnmpObjId should return " + oid, id, value.toSnmpObjId()); assertEquals(className + ": getObjectId to String should return " + oid, oid, value.toString()); assertEquals(className + ": getObjectId to DisplayString should return " + oid, oid, value.toDisplayString()); try { value.toInt(); fail(className + ": getObjectId to int should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } try { value.toLong(); fail(className + ": getObjectId to long should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } try { value.toBigInteger(); fail(className + ": getObjectId to BigInteger should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } try { value.toHexString(); fail(className + ": getObjectId to HexString should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } try { value.toInetAddress(); fail(className + ": getObjectId to InetAddress should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } } } @Test public void testTimeTicks() { for (final SnmpValueFactory factory : m_factories) { final String className = factory.getClass().getName(); final SnmpValue[] values = { factory.getTimeTicks(42) }; for (final SnmpValue value : values) { assertTrue(className + ": getInetAddress isDisplayable should be true", value.isDisplayable()); assertEquals(className + ": getTimeTicks to int should return " + value.toInt(), 42, value.toInt()); assertEquals(className + ": getTimeTicks to long should return " + value.toLong(), 42, value.toLong()); assertEquals(className + ": getTimeTicks to BigInteger should return " + value.toBigInteger(), BigInteger.valueOf(42), value.toBigInteger()); assertEquals(className + ": getTimeTicks to String should return 42", "42", value.toString()); assertEquals(className + ": getTimeTicks to DisplayString should return 42", "42", value.toDisplayString()); try { value.toHexString(); fail(className + ": getTimeTicks to HexString should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } try { value.toInetAddress(); fail(className + ": getTimeTicks to InetAddress should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } try { value.toSnmpObjId(); fail(className + ": getTimeTicks to SnmpObjId should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } } } } @Test public void testMacAddressOctetString() { for (final SnmpValueFactory factory : m_factories) { final String hexString = "005056e7a72f"; final byte[] rawBytes = { 0, (byte)0x50, (byte)0x56, (byte)0xe7, (byte)0xa7, (byte)0x2f }; final String stringBytes = "." + new String(Arrays.copyOfRange(rawBytes, 1, rawBytes.length)); final String className = factory.getClass().getName(); final SnmpValue value = factory.getOctetString(rawBytes); assertArrayEquals(className + ": getOctetString bytes should match", rawBytes, value.getBytes()); assertFalse(className + ": getOctetString displayable should be false", value.isDisplayable()); assertEquals(className + ": getOctetString to String should return " + stringBytes, stringBytes, value.toString()); assertEquals(className + ": getOctetString to DisplayString should return " + stringBytes, stringBytes, value.toDisplayString()); assertEquals(className + ": getOctetString to HexString should return " + hexString, hexString, value.toHexString()); try { value.toInt(); fail(className + ": getOctetString to int should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } try { value.toLong(); fail(className + ": getOctetString to long should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } try { value.toBigInteger(); fail(className + ": getOctetString to BigInteger should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } } } @Test public void testOtherAddressOctetString() { for (final SnmpValueFactory factory : m_factories) { final String hexString = "abcd"; final byte[] rawBytes = { (byte)0xab, (byte)0xcd }; final String stringBytes = new String(rawBytes); final String className = factory.getClass().getName(); final SnmpValue value = factory.getOctetString(rawBytes); assertArrayEquals(className + ": getOctetString bytes should match", rawBytes, value.getBytes()); assertFalse(className + ": getOctetString displayable should be false", value.isDisplayable()); assertEquals(className + ": getOctetString to String should return " + stringBytes, stringBytes, value.toString()); assertEquals(className + ": getOctetString to DisplayString should return " + stringBytes, stringBytes, value.toDisplayString()); assertEquals(className + ": getOctetString to HexString should return " + hexString, hexString, value.toHexString()); try { value.toInt(); fail(className + ": getOctetString to int should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } try { value.toLong(); fail(className + ": getOctetString to long should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } try { value.toBigInteger(); fail(className + ": getOctetString to BigInteger should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } } } @Test public void testNormalString() { for (final SnmpValueFactory factory : m_factories) { final String text = "I like cheese!"; final String hex = "49206c696b652063686565736521"; final byte[] rawBytes = text.getBytes(); final String className = factory.getClass().getName(); final SnmpValue value = factory.getOctetString(rawBytes); assertArrayEquals(className + ": getOctetString bytes should match", rawBytes, value.getBytes()); assertTrue(className + ": getOctetString displayable should be true", value.isDisplayable()); assertEquals(className + ": getOctetString to String should return " + text, text, value.toString()); assertEquals(className + ": getOctetString to DisplayString should return " + text, text, value.toDisplayString()); assertEquals(className + ": getOctetString to HexString should return " + hex, hex, value.toHexString()); try { value.toInt(); fail(className + ": getOctetString to int should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } try { value.toLong(); fail(className + ": getOctetString to long should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } try { value.toBigInteger(); fail(className + ": getOctetString to BigInteger should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } } } private void doNumericCheck(final String className, final String methodName, final SnmpValue result, final String expectedResultString, final Long expectedResultNumber) { assertTrue(className + ": " + methodName + " isDisplayable should be true", result.isDisplayable()); assertEquals(className + ": " + methodName + " to int should return " + expectedResultString, expectedResultNumber.intValue(), result.toInt()); assertEquals(className + ": " + methodName + " to long should return " + expectedResultString, expectedResultNumber.longValue(), result.toLong()); assertEquals(className + ": " + methodName + " to BigInteger should return " + expectedResultString, BigInteger.valueOf(expectedResultNumber.longValue()), result.toBigInteger()); assertEquals(className + ": " + methodName + " to String should return " + expectedResultString, expectedResultString, result.toString()); assertEquals(className + ": " + methodName + " to DisplayString should return " + expectedResultString, expectedResultString, result.toDisplayString()); assertEquals(className + ": " + methodName + " to bytes should return [" + expectedResultString + "]", "[" + expectedResultString + "]", Arrays.toString(result.getBytes())); try { result.toHexString(); fail(className + ": " + methodName + " to HexString should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } try { result.toInetAddress(); fail(className + ": " + methodName + " to InetAddress should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } try { result.toSnmpObjId(); fail(className + ": " + methodName + " to SnmpObjId should throw an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { /* expected */ } } }