/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of OpenNMS(R). * * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * OpenNMS(R) is Copyright (C) 1999-2011 The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * * OpenNMS(R) is a registered trademark of The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * * OpenNMS(R) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * OpenNMS(R) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenNMS(R). If not, see: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ * * For more information contact: * OpenNMS(R) Licensing <license@opennms.org> * http://www.opennms.org/ * http://www.opennms.com/ *******************************************************************************/ package org.opennms.netmgt.xmlrpcd; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.opennms.core.utils.InetAddressUtils.addr; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Hashtable; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.opennms.core.test.MockLogAppender; import org.opennms.netmgt.EventConstants; import org.opennms.netmgt.config.DataSourceFactory; import org.opennms.netmgt.config.xmlrpcd.XmlrpcServer; import org.opennms.netmgt.mock.MockDatabase; import org.opennms.netmgt.mock.MockNetwork; import org.opennms.netmgt.model.events.EventBuilder; import org.opennms.netmgt.xml.event.Event; import org.opennms.netmgt.xml.event.Parm; import org.opennms.netmgt.xml.event.Snmp; import org.opennms.netmgt.xml.event.Value; import org.opennms.test.ThrowableAnticipator; /** * @author brozow@opennms.org * @author mikeh@aiinet.com * @author dj@gregor.com */ public class XmlRpcNotifierTest { private XmlrpcAnticipator m_anticipator; private XmlRpcNotifier m_notifier; private MockDatabase m_db; private MockNetwork m_network; private static final String s_uei = "uei!"; private static final int s_noNodeId = 0; static final int s_nodeId = 1; private static final String s_nodeLabel = "Router"; private static final String s_source = XmlRpcNotifierTest.class.getName(); private static final String s_host = "bar"; private static final String s_interface = ""; private static final String s_service = "ICMP"; private static final String s_description = "the ICMP service"; private static final String s_severity = "Critical"; private static final int s_unknownNodeId = 2; private static int s_port = 9000; private static final boolean USE_DIFFERENT_PORT_PER_TEST = false; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception, InterruptedException, IOException { MockLogAppender.setupLogging(); int port = s_port; if (USE_DIFFERENT_PORT_PER_TEST) { s_port++; } m_anticipator = new XmlrpcAnticipator(port); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("notifyReceivedEvent", "0", "uei.opennms.org/internal/capsd/xmlrpcNotification", "test connection"); XmlrpcServer remoteServer = new XmlrpcServer(); remoteServer.setUrl("http://localhost:" + port); m_notifier = new XmlRpcNotifier(new XmlrpcServer[] { remoteServer }, 1, 1500, false, ""); m_network = new MockNetwork(); m_network.setCriticalService("ICMP"); m_network.addNode(1, "Router"); m_network.addInterface(""); m_network.addService("ICMP"); m_db = new MockDatabase(); m_db.populate(m_network); DataSourceFactory.setInstance(m_db); } public void finishUp() { m_anticipator.verifyAnticipated(); MockLogAppender.assertNoWarningsOrGreater(); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception, InterruptedException, IOException { m_anticipator.shutdown(); } @Test public void testEventListener() { // Do nothing, just test to see if setUp() and tearDown() work finishUp(); } @Test public void testNotifySuccess() { long txNo = 12345; String uei = "uei.opennms.org/something!"; String message = "hello"; m_anticipator.anticipateCall("notifySuccess", String.valueOf(txNo), uei, message); assertTrue("notifier notifySuccess", m_notifier.notifySuccess(txNo, uei, message)); finishUp(); } @Test public void testFailureNotifySuccess() throws Exception { long txNo = 12345; String uei = "uei.opennms.org/something!"; String message = "hello"; finishUp(); m_anticipator.shutdown(); assertFalse("notifier notifySuccess", m_notifier.notifySuccess(txNo, uei, message)); } @Test public void testNotifyFailure() { long txNo = 12345; String uei = "uei.opennms.org/something!"; String message = "hello"; m_anticipator.anticipateCall("notifyFailure", String.valueOf(txNo), uei, message); assertTrue("notifier notifyFailure", m_notifier.notifyFailure(txNo, uei, message)); finishUp(); } @Test public void testFailureNotifyFailure() throws Exception { long txNo = 12345; String uei = "uei.opennms.org/something!"; String message = "hello"; finishUp(); m_anticipator.shutdown(); assertFalse("notifier notifyFailure", m_notifier.notifyFailure(txNo, uei, message)); } @Test public void testNotifyReceivedEvent() { long txNo = 12345; String uei = "uei.opennms.org/something!"; String message = "hello"; m_anticipator.anticipateCall("notifyReceivedEvent", String.valueOf(txNo), uei, message); assertTrue("notifier notifyReceviedEvent", m_notifier.notifyReceivedEvent(txNo, uei, message)); finishUp(); } @Test public void testFailureNotifyReceivedEvent() throws Exception { long txNo = 12345; String uei = "uei.opennms.org/something!"; String message = "hello"; finishUp(); m_anticipator.shutdown(); assertFalse("notifier notifyReceviedEvent", m_notifier.notifyReceivedEvent(txNo, uei, message)); } @Test public void testSendServiceDownEvent() throws Exception { Date date = new Date(); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendServiceDownEvent", s_nodeLabel, s_interface, s_service, "Not Available", s_host, EventConstants.formatToString(date)); EventBuilder bldr = serviceEventBuilder(date); assertTrue("notifier sendServiceDownEvent", m_notifier.sendServiceDownEvent(bldr.getEvent())); finishUp(); } @Test public void testFailureSendServiceDownEvent() throws Exception { Date date = new Date(); finishUp(); m_anticipator.shutdown(); EventBuilder bldr = serviceEventBuilder(date); assertFalse("notifier sendServiceDownEvent", m_notifier.sendServiceDownEvent(bldr.getEvent())); } @Test public void testSendServiceUpEvent() throws Exception { Date date = new Date(); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendServiceUpEvent", s_nodeLabel, s_interface, s_service, "Not Available", s_host, EventConstants.formatToString(date)); EventBuilder bldr = serviceEventBuilder(date); assertTrue("notifier sendServiceUpEvent", m_notifier.sendServiceUpEvent(bldr.getEvent())); finishUp(); } @Test public void testFailureSendServiceUpEvent() throws Exception { Date date = new Date(); finishUp(); m_anticipator.shutdown(); EventBuilder bldr = serviceEventBuilder(date); assertFalse("notifier sendServiceUpEvent", m_notifier.sendServiceUpEvent(bldr.getEvent())); } @Test public void testSendInterfaceDownEvent() throws Exception { Date date = new Date(); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendInterfaceDownEvent", s_nodeLabel, s_interface, s_host, EventConstants.formatToString(date)); EventBuilder bldr = serviceEventBuilder(date); assertTrue("notifier sendInterfaceDownEvent", m_notifier.sendInterfaceDownEvent(bldr.getEvent())); finishUp(); } @Test public void testFailureSendInterfaceDownEvent() throws Exception { Date date = new Date(); finishUp(); m_anticipator.shutdown(); EventBuilder bldr = serviceEventBuilder(date); assertFalse("notifier sendInterfaceDownEvent", m_notifier.sendInterfaceDownEvent(bldr.getEvent())); } @Test public void testSendInterfaceUpEvent() throws Exception { Date date = new Date(); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendInterfaceUpEvent", s_nodeLabel, s_interface, s_host, s_host, EventConstants.formatToString(date)); EventBuilder bldr = serviceEventBuilder(date); assertTrue("notifier sendInterfaceUpEvent", m_notifier.sendInterfaceUpEvent(bldr.getEvent())); finishUp(); } @Test public void testFailureSendInterfaceUpEvent() throws Exception { Date date = new Date(); finishUp(); m_anticipator.shutdown(); EventBuilder bldr = serviceEventBuilder(date); assertFalse("notifier sendInterfaceUpEvent", m_notifier.sendInterfaceUpEvent(bldr.getEvent())); } @Test public void testSendNodeDownEvent() throws Exception { Date date = new Date(); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendNodeDownEvent", s_nodeLabel, s_host, EventConstants.formatToString(date)); EventBuilder bldr = basicEventBuilder(date); assertTrue("notifier sendNodeDownEvent", m_notifier.sendNodeDownEvent(bldr.getEvent())); finishUp(); } @Test public void testFailureSendNodeDownEvent() throws Exception { Date date = new Date(); finishUp(); m_anticipator.shutdown(); EventBuilder bldr = basicEventBuilder(date); assertFalse("notifier sendNodeDownEvent", m_notifier.sendNodeDownEvent(bldr.getEvent())); } @Test public void testSendNodeUpEvent() throws Exception { Date date = new Date(); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendNodeUpEvent", s_nodeLabel, s_host, EventConstants.formatToString(date)); EventBuilder bldr = basicEventBuilder(date); assertTrue("notifier sendNodeUpEvent", m_notifier.sendNodeUpEvent(bldr.getEvent())); finishUp(); } @Test public void testFailureSendNodeUpEvent() throws Exception { Date date = new Date(); finishUp(); m_anticipator.shutdown(); EventBuilder bldr = basicEventBuilder(date); assertFalse("notifier sendNodeUpEvent", m_notifier.sendNodeUpEvent(bldr.getEvent())); } /** * * This tests the case when the following are null: * <ul> * <li>source</li> * <li>host</li> * <li>interface<li> * <li>service<li> * <li>description<li> * <li>severity<li> * <li>parameters<li> * <li>SNMP trap-specific fields (communityString, genericTrapNumber, enterpriseId, enterpriseIdText, specificTrapNumber, timeStamp, version)<li> * </ul> */ @Test public void testSendEventSimple() { Date date = new Date(); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendEvent", basicEventMap(date)); EventBuilder bldr = basicEventBuilder(date); assertTrue("notifier sendEvent", m_notifier.sendEvent(bldr.getEvent())); finishUp(); } @Test public void testFailureSendEventSimple() throws Exception { Date date = new Date(); finishUp(); m_anticipator.shutdown(); EventBuilder bldr = basicEventBuilder(date); assertFalse("notifier sendEvent", m_notifier.sendEvent(bldr.getEvent())); } @Test public void testSendEventSource() { Date date = new Date(); Hashtable<String, String> eventMap = basicEventMap(date); eventMap.put("source", "some other source"); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendEvent", eventMap); EventBuilder bldr = basicEventBuilder(date); bldr.setSource("some other source"); assertTrue("notifier sendEvent", m_notifier.sendEvent(bldr.getEvent())); finishUp(); } @Test public void testSendEventHost() { Date date = new Date(); Hashtable<String, String> eventMap = basicEventMap(date); eventMap.put("host", "some other host"); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendEvent", eventMap); EventBuilder bldr = basicEventBuilder(date); bldr.setHost("some other host"); assertTrue("notifier sendEvent", m_notifier.sendEvent(bldr.getEvent())); finishUp(); } @Test public void testSendEventInterface() { Date date = new Date(); Hashtable<String, String> eventMap = basicEventMap(date); eventMap.put("interface", s_interface); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendEvent", eventMap); EventBuilder bldr = basicEventBuilder(date); bldr.setInterface(addr(s_interface)); assertTrue("notifier sendEvent", m_notifier.sendEvent(bldr.getEvent())); finishUp(); } @Test public void testSendEventService() { Date date = new Date(); Hashtable<String, String> eventMap = basicEventMap(date); eventMap.put("service", s_service); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendEvent", eventMap); EventBuilder bldr = basicEventBuilder(date); bldr.setService(s_service); assertTrue("notifier sendEvent", m_notifier.sendEvent(bldr.getEvent())); finishUp(); } @Test public void testSendEventDescription() { Date date = new Date(); Hashtable<String, String> eventMap = basicEventMap(date); eventMap.put("description", s_description); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendEvent", eventMap); EventBuilder bldr = basicEventBuilder(date); bldr.setDescription(s_description); assertTrue("notifier sendEvent",m_notifier.sendEvent(bldr.getEvent())); finishUp(); } @Test public void testSendEventSeverity() { Date date = new Date(); Hashtable<String, String> eventMap = basicEventMap(date); eventMap.put("severity", s_severity); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendEvent", eventMap); EventBuilder bldr = basicEventBuilder(date); bldr.setSeverity(s_severity); assertTrue("notifier sendEvent", m_notifier.sendEvent(bldr.getEvent())); finishUp(); } @Test public void testSendEventEmptyParms() { Date date = new Date(); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendEvent", basicEventMap(date)); EventBuilder bldr = basicEventBuilder(date); bldr.setParms(new ArrayList<Parm>()); assertTrue("notifier sendEvent", m_notifier.sendEvent(bldr.getEvent())); finishUp(); } @Test public void testSendEventOneParm() { Date date = new Date(); String parmZeroName = "foo"; String parmZeroContent = "bar"; String parmZeroType = "string"; Hashtable<String, String> eventMap = basicEventMap(date); addRpcParm(eventMap, 0, parmZeroName, parmZeroContent, parmZeroType); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendEvent", eventMap); EventBuilder bldr = basicEventBuilder(date); bldr.addParam(parmZeroName, parmZeroContent, parmZeroType, "text"); assertTrue("notifier sendEvent", m_notifier.sendEvent(bldr.getEvent())); finishUp(); } @Test public void testSendEventTwoParms() { String parmZeroName = "foo"; String parmZeroContent = "bar"; String parmZeroType = "string"; String parmOneName = "baz"; String parmOneContent = "blam"; String parmOneType = "string"; Date date = new Date(); Hashtable<String, String> eventMap = basicEventMap(date); addRpcParm(eventMap, 0, parmZeroName, parmZeroContent, parmZeroType); addRpcParm(eventMap, 1, parmOneName, parmOneContent, parmOneType); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendEvent", eventMap); EventBuilder bldr = basicEventBuilder(date); bldr.addParam(parmZeroName, parmZeroContent, parmZeroType, "text"); bldr.addParam(parmOneName, parmOneContent, parmOneType, "text"); assertTrue("notifier sendEvent", m_notifier.sendEvent(bldr.getEvent())); finishUp(); } /** * Check that when Event.setNodeid(int) is not called that the * nodeId in the received RPC call is 0. */ @Test public void testSendEventNoNodeId() { Date date = new Date(); Hashtable<String, String> t = new Hashtable<String, String>(); t.put("uei", "hi!"); t.put("source", s_source); t.put("time", EventConstants.formatToString(date)); t.put("nodeId", String.valueOf(s_noNodeId)); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendEvent", t); EventBuilder bldr = new EventBuilder("hi!", s_source, date); assertTrue("notifier sendEvent", m_notifier.sendEvent(bldr.getEvent())); finishUp(); } /** * Check that when Event.setNodeid(int) is called with a * nodeId that isn't in the database that nodeLabel is not set. */ @Test public void testSendEventNoNodeLabel() { Date date = new Date(); Hashtable<String, String> t = new Hashtable<String, String>(); t.put("uei", "hi!"); t.put("source", s_source); t.put("time", EventConstants.formatToString(date)); t.put("nodeId", String.valueOf(s_unknownNodeId)); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendEvent", t); EventBuilder bldr = new EventBuilder("hi!", s_source, date); bldr.setNodeid(s_unknownNodeId); assertTrue("notifier sendEvent", m_notifier.sendEvent(bldr.getEvent())); finishUp(); } @Test public void testSendEventNullEvent() { ThrowableAnticipator ta = new ThrowableAnticipator(); ta.anticipate(new IllegalArgumentException("event object must not be null")); try { m_notifier.sendEvent(null); } catch (Throwable t) { ta.throwableReceived(t); } ta.verifyAnticipated(); finishUp(); } public static void addSnmpAttributes(EventBuilder bldr, String community, String enterpriseId, int generic, int specific, long dateLong, String version) { bldr.setCommunity(community); bldr.setGeneric(generic); bldr.setEnterpriseId(enterpriseId); bldr.setSpecific(specific); bldr.setSnmpTimeStamp(dateLong); bldr.setSnmpVersion(version); } @Test public void testSendTrapSimple() { Date date = new Date(); String enterpriseId = "."; Hashtable<String, String> trapMap = basicTrapMap(date, "public", enterpriseId, 6, 2, date.getTime(), "1"); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendSnmpTrapEvent", trapMap); EventBuilder bldr = basicEventBuilder(date); Event e = bldr.getEvent(); addSnmpAttributes(bldr, "public", enterpriseId, 6, 2, date.getTime(), "1"); Snmp snmp = bldr.getEvent().getSnmp(); e.setSnmp(snmp); assertTrue("notifier sendEvent", m_notifier.sendEvent(e)); finishUp(); } @Test public void testFailureSendTrapSimple() throws Exception { Date date = new Date(); String enterpriseId = "."; finishUp(); m_anticipator.shutdown(); EventBuilder bldr = basicEventBuilder(date); Event e = bldr.getEvent(); addSnmpAttributes(bldr, "public", enterpriseId, 6, 2, date.getTime(), "1"); Snmp snmp = bldr.getEvent().getSnmp(); e.setSnmp(snmp); assertFalse("notifier sendEvent", m_notifier.sendEvent(e)); } @Test public void testSendTrapIdText() { Date date = new Date(); String enterpriseId = "."; Hashtable<String, String> trapMap = basicTrapMap(date, "public", enterpriseId, 6, 2, date.getTime(), "1"); trapMap.put("enterpriseIdText", "foo!"); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendSnmpTrapEvent", trapMap); EventBuilder bldr = basicEventBuilder(date); Event e = bldr.getEvent(); addSnmpAttributes(bldr, "public", enterpriseId, 6, 2, date.getTime(), "1"); Snmp snmp = bldr.getEvent().getSnmp(); snmp.setIdtext("foo!"); e.setSnmp(snmp); assertTrue("notifier sendEvent", m_notifier.sendEvent(e)); finishUp(); } @Test public void testSendTrapEmptySnmp() { Date date = new Date(); Hashtable<String, String> trapMap = basicTrapMap(date, "null", "null", 0, 0, 0, "null"); m_anticipator.anticipateCall("sendSnmpTrapEvent", trapMap); Event e = basicEventBuilder(date).getEvent(); Snmp s = new Snmp(); e.setSnmp(s); assertTrue("notifier sendEvent", m_notifier.sendEvent(e)); finishUp(); } public static EventBuilder basicEventBuilder(Date date) { return new EventBuilder(s_uei, s_source, date) .setHost(s_host) .setNodeid(s_nodeId); } private EventBuilder serviceEventBuilder(Date date) { return basicEventBuilder(date).setInterface(addr(s_interface)) .setService(s_service); } private static Hashtable<String, String> basicEventMap(Date date) { Hashtable<String, String> t = new Hashtable<String, String>(); t.put("uei", s_uei); t.put("source", s_source); t.put("time", EventConstants.formatToString(date)); t.put("host", s_host); t.put("nodeId", String.valueOf(s_nodeId)); t.put("nodeLabel", s_nodeLabel); return t; } static Hashtable<String, String> basicTrapMap(Date date, String community, String enterpriseId, int generic, int specific, long dateLong, String version) { Hashtable<String, String> trapMap = basicEventMap(date); trapMap.put("communityString", community); trapMap.put("genericTrapNumber", String.valueOf(generic)); trapMap.put("enterpriseId", enterpriseId); trapMap.put("specificTrapNumber", String.valueOf(specific)); trapMap.put("timeStamp", String.valueOf(dateLong)); trapMap.put("version", version); return trapMap; } public Parm makeEventParm(String name, String content, String type, String encoding) { Parm p = new Parm(); p.setParmName(name); Value v = new Value(); v.setContent(content); v.setType(type); v.setEncoding(encoding); p.setValue(v); return p; } public static void addRpcParm(Hashtable<String, String> t, int index, String name, String content, String type) { String prefix = "param" + index + " "; t.put(prefix + "name", name); t.put(prefix + "value", content); t.put(prefix + "type", type); } }