/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of OpenNMS(R). * * Copyright (C) 2011 The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * OpenNMS(R) is Copyright (C) 1999-2011 The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * * OpenNMS(R) is a registered trademark of The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * * OpenNMS(R) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * OpenNMS(R) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenNMS(R). If not, see: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ * * For more information contact: * OpenNMS(R) Licensing <license@opennms.org> * http://www.opennms.org/ * http://www.opennms.com/ *******************************************************************************/ package org.opennms.netmgt.snmp.snmp4j; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.opennms.core.test.MockLogAppender; import org.opennms.netmgt.snmp.SnmpObjId; import org.opennms.netmgt.snmp.SnmpValue; import org.snmp4j.PDU; import org.snmp4j.smi.SMIConstants; import org.snmp4j.smi.VariableBinding; /** * Tests for the SNMP4J strategy. * * @author <a href="mailto:dj@opennms.org">DJ Gregor</a> */ public class Snmp4JStrategyTest extends MockSnmpAgentTestCase { @Override protected boolean usingMockStrategy() { return false; } private final Snmp4JStrategy m_strategy = new Snmp4JStrategy(); @Test @Ignore public void testSendWithNullConfig() throws Exception { SnmpObjId[] oids = new SnmpObjId[] { SnmpObjId.get(".") }; SnmpValue[] retvalues = null; PDU pdu = m_strategy.buildPdu(null, PDU.GET, oids, null); if (pdu != null) { retvalues = m_strategy.send(null, pdu, true); } SnmpValue[] values = retvalues; assertNotNull("values should not be null", values); assertEquals("values list size", 1, values.length); assertSnmpValueEquals("values[0]", SnmpValue.SNMP_INT32, 42, values[0]); } @Test public void testSendWithGetPduSingleValue() throws Exception { SnmpObjId[] oids = new SnmpObjId[] { SnmpObjId.get(".") }; Snmp4JAgentConfig agentConfig = new Snmp4JAgentConfig(getAgentConfig()); SnmpValue[] retvalues = null; PDU pdu = m_strategy.buildPdu(agentConfig, PDU.GET, oids, null); if (pdu != null) { retvalues = m_strategy.send(agentConfig, pdu, true); } SnmpValue[] values = retvalues; assertNotNull("values should not be null", values); assertEquals("values list size", 1, values.length); assertSnmpValueEquals("values[0]", SnmpValue.SNMP_INT32, 42, values[0]); } @Test public void testSendWithGetPduMultipleValues() throws Exception { SnmpObjId[] oids = new SnmpObjId[] { SnmpObjId.get("."), SnmpObjId.get("."), }; Snmp4JAgentConfig agentConfig = new Snmp4JAgentConfig(getAgentConfig()); SnmpValue[] retvalues = null; PDU pdu = m_strategy.buildPdu(agentConfig, PDU.GET, oids, null); if (pdu != null) { retvalues = m_strategy.send(agentConfig, pdu, true); } SnmpValue[] values = retvalues; assertNotNull("values should not be null", values); assertEquals("values list size", 2, values.length); assertSnmpValueEquals("values[0]", SnmpValue.SNMP_INT32, 42, values[0]); assertSnmpValueEquals("values[0]", SnmpValue.SNMP_GAUGE32, 42, values[1]); } @Test public void testSendWithGetNextPduSingleValue() throws Exception { SnmpObjId[] oids = new SnmpObjId[] { SnmpObjId.get(".") }; Snmp4JAgentConfig agentConfig = new Snmp4JAgentConfig(getAgentConfig()); SnmpValue[] retvalues = null; PDU pdu = m_strategy.buildPdu(agentConfig, PDU.GETNEXT, oids, null); if (pdu != null) { retvalues = m_strategy.send(agentConfig, pdu, true); } SnmpValue[] values = retvalues; assertNotNull("values should not be null", values); assertEquals("values list size", 1, values.length); // Expect the *next* value, so for . assertSnmpValueEquals("values[0]", SnmpValue.SNMP_GAUGE32, 42, values[0]); } @Test public void testSendWithGetNextPduMultipleValues() throws Exception { SnmpObjId[] oids = new SnmpObjId[] { SnmpObjId.get("."), SnmpObjId.get("."), }; Snmp4JAgentConfig agentConfig = new Snmp4JAgentConfig(getAgentConfig()); SnmpValue[] retvalues = null; /* * Build the PDU first, since there isn't any value in doing other * work like setting up the session if we don't have anything to send. */ PDU pdu = m_strategy.buildPdu(agentConfig, PDU.GETNEXT, oids, null); if (pdu != null) { retvalues = m_strategy.send(agentConfig, pdu, true); } SnmpValue[] values = retvalues; assertNotNull("values should not be null", values); assertEquals("values list size", 2, values.length); // Expect the *next* value, so for . assertSnmpValueEquals("values[0]", SnmpValue.SNMP_GAUGE32, 42, values[0]); // Expect the *next* value, so for . assertSnmpValueEquals("values[1]", SnmpValue.SNMP_COUNTER32, 42, values[1]); } @Test public void testGetSingleValue() throws Exception { SnmpObjId[] oids = new SnmpObjId[] { SnmpObjId.get(".") }; SnmpValue[] values = m_strategy.get(getAgentConfig(), oids); assertNotNull("values should not be null", values); assertEquals("values list size", 1, values.length); assertSnmpValueEquals("values[0]", SnmpValue.SNMP_INT32, 42, values[0]); } @Test public void testGetMultipleValues() throws Exception { SnmpObjId[] oids = new SnmpObjId[] { SnmpObjId.get("."), SnmpObjId.get("."), }; SnmpValue[] values = m_strategy.get(getAgentConfig(), oids); assertNotNull("values should not be null", values); assertEquals("values list size", 2, values.length); assertSnmpValueEquals("values[0]", SnmpValue.SNMP_INT32, 42, values[0]); assertSnmpValueEquals("values[1]", SnmpValue.SNMP_GAUGE32, 42, values[1]); } @Test public void testGetNextSingleValue() throws Exception { SnmpObjId[] oids = new SnmpObjId[] { SnmpObjId.get(".") }; SnmpValue[] values = m_strategy.getNext(getAgentConfig(), oids); assertNotNull("values should not be null", values); assertEquals("values list size", 1, values.length); // Expect the *next* value, so for . assertSnmpValueEquals("values[0]", SnmpValue.SNMP_GAUGE32, 42, values[0]); } @Test public void testGetNextMultipleValues() throws Exception { SnmpObjId[] oids = new SnmpObjId[] { SnmpObjId.get("."), SnmpObjId.get("."), }; SnmpValue[] values = m_strategy.getNext(getAgentConfig(), oids); assertNotNull("values should not be null", values); assertEquals("values list size", 2, values.length); // Expect the *next* value, so for . assertSnmpValueEquals("values[0]", SnmpValue.SNMP_GAUGE32, 42, values[0]); // Expect the *next* value, so for . assertSnmpValueEquals("values[1]", SnmpValue.SNMP_COUNTER32, 42, values[1]); } @Test public void testPreparePduWithNoValues() throws Exception { SnmpObjId[] oids = new SnmpObjId[] { SnmpObjId.get("."), SnmpObjId.get("."), }; SnmpValue[] values = null; PDU pdu = m_strategy.buildPdu(new Snmp4JAgentConfig(getAgentConfig()), PDU.SET, oids, values); assertNotNull("PDU should not be null", pdu); assertEquals("PDU variable bindings size", oids.length, pdu.getVariableBindings().size()); for (int i = 0; i < oids.length; i++) { VariableBinding vb = pdu.get(i); assertEquals("PDU variable binding " + i + " OID", oids[i].toString(), "." + vb.getOid().toString()); assertEquals("PDU variable binding " + i + " syntax", vb.getSyntax(), SMIConstants.SYNTAX_NULL); assertEquals("PDU variable binding " + i + " variable syntax", vb.getVariable().getSyntax(), SMIConstants.SYNTAX_NULL); } } @Test public void testPreparePduWithValues() throws Exception { SnmpObjId[] oids = new SnmpObjId[] { SnmpObjId.get("."), SnmpObjId.get("."), }; SnmpValue[] values = new SnmpValue[] { snmpValue("foo"), snmpValue("bar") }; PDU pdu = m_strategy.buildPdu(new Snmp4JAgentConfig(getAgentConfig()), PDU.SET, oids, values); assertNotNull("PDU should not be null", pdu); assertEquals("PDU variable bindings size", oids.length, pdu.getVariableBindings().size()); for (int i = 0; i < oids.length; i++) { VariableBinding vb = pdu.get(i); assertEquals("PDU variable binding " + i + " OID", oids[i].toString(), "." + vb.getOid().toString()); assertEquals("PDU variable binding " + i + " syntax", vb.getSyntax(), SMIConstants.SYNTAX_OCTET_STRING); assertEquals("PDU variable binding " + i + " variable syntax", vb.getVariable().getSyntax(), SMIConstants.SYNTAX_OCTET_STRING); assertEquals("PDU variable binding " + i + " variable value", vb.getVariable().toString(), values[i].toString()); } } @Test public void testPreparePduWithTooFewValues() throws Exception { SnmpObjId[] oids = new SnmpObjId[] { SnmpObjId.get("."), SnmpObjId.get("."), }; SnmpValue[] values = new SnmpValue[] { snmpValue("foo"), }; PDU pdu = m_strategy.buildPdu(new Snmp4JAgentConfig(getAgentConfig()), PDU.SET, oids, values); assertNull("PDU should be null", pdu); LoggingEvent[] events = MockLogAppender.getEventsGreaterOrEqual(Level.WARN); assertEquals("number of logged events", 1, events.length); assertEquals("first logged event severity (should be ERROR)", Level.ERROR, events[0].getLevel()); MockLogAppender.resetEvents(); MockLogAppender.resetLogLevel(); } @Test public void testPreparePduWithTooManyValues() throws Exception { SnmpObjId[] oids = new SnmpObjId[] { SnmpObjId.get("."), SnmpObjId.get("."), }; SnmpValue[] values = new SnmpValue[] { snmpValue("foo"), snmpValue("bar"), snmpValue("baz") }; PDU pdu = m_strategy.buildPdu(new Snmp4JAgentConfig(getAgentConfig()), PDU.SET, oids, values); assertNull("PDU should be null", pdu); LoggingEvent[] events = MockLogAppender.getEventsGreaterOrEqual(Level.WARN); assertEquals("number of logged events", 1, events.length); assertEquals("first logged event severity (should be ERROR)", Level.ERROR, events[0].getLevel()); MockLogAppender.resetEvents(); MockLogAppender.resetLogLevel(); } private void assertSnmpValueEquals(String message, int expectedType, int expectedValue, SnmpValue value) { assertNotNull(message + " is null", value); assertEquals(message + " getType()", expectedType, value.getType()); assertEquals(message + " toInt()", expectedValue, value.toInt()); } SnmpValue snmpValue(String val) { return m_strategy.getValueFactory().getOctetString(val.getBytes()); } }