/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of OpenNMS(R). * * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * OpenNMS(R) is Copyright (C) 1999-2011 The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * * OpenNMS(R) is a registered trademark of The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * * OpenNMS(R) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * OpenNMS(R) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenNMS(R). If not, see: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ * * For more information contact: * OpenNMS(R) Licensing <license@opennms.org> * http://www.opennms.org/ * http://www.opennms.com/ *******************************************************************************/ package org.opennms.web.rest; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.opennms.core.test.OpenNMSJUnit4ClassRunner; import org.opennms.netmgt.dao.db.JUnitConfigurationEnvironment; import org.opennms.netmgt.xml.event.Event; import org.opennms.netmgt.xml.event.Parm; import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration; @RunWith(OpenNMSJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration(locations={ "classpath:/META-INF/opennms/component-dao.xml", "classpath:/META-INF/opennms/applicationContext-daemon.xml", "classpath:/restServiceTest.xml" }) @JUnitConfigurationEnvironment public class RequisitionRestServiceTest extends AbstractSpringJerseyRestTestCase { @Test public void testRequisition() throws Exception { createRequisition(); String url = "/requisitions"; String xml = sendRequest(GET, url, 200); assertTrue(xml.contains("Management interface")); url = "/requisitions/test"; sendRequest(DELETE, url, 200); xml = sendRequest(GET, url, 204); } @Test public void testDuplicateNodes() throws Exception { String req = "<model-import xmlns=\"http://xmlns.opennms.org/xsd/config/model-import\" date-stamp=\"2006-03-09T00:03:09\" foreign-source=\"test\">" + "<node node-label=\"a\" foreign-id=\"a\" />" + "<node node-label=\"b\" foreign-id=\"c\" />" + "<node node-label=\"c\" foreign-id=\"c\" />" + "</model-import>"; try { sendPost("/requisitions", req, 400); } catch (final Exception e) { assertTrue("exception should say 'c' has duplicates", e.getMessage().contains("Duplicate nodes found on foreign source test: c (2 found)")); } } @Test public void testNodes() throws Exception { createRequisition(); String url = "/requisitions/test/nodes"; // create a node sendPost(url, "<node xmlns=\"http://xmlns.opennms.org/xsd/config/model-import\" node-label=\"shoe\" parent-node-label=\"david\" foreign-id=\"1111\" />"); // get list of nodes String xml = sendRequest(GET, url, 200); assertTrue(xml.contains("<node ")); assertTrue(xml.contains("node-label=")); assertTrue(xml.contains("count=\"2\"")); // get individual node url = "/requisitions/test/nodes/4243"; xml = sendRequest(GET, url, 200); assertTrue(xml.contains("parent-node-label=\"apknd\"")); assertTrue(xml.contains("node-label=\"apknd\"")); // set attributes sendPut(url, "node-label=homo+sapien"); xml = sendRequest(GET, url, 200); assertTrue(xml.contains("node-label=\"homo sapien\"")); // delete node xml = sendRequest(DELETE, url, 200); xml = sendRequest(GET, url, 204); } @Test public void testAddExistingNode() throws Exception { createRequisition(); String url = "/requisitions/test/nodes"; // attempt to add existing node sendPost(url, "<node xmlns=\"http://xmlns.opennms.org/xsd/config/model-import\" node-label=\"shoe\" parent-node-label=\"david\" foreign-id=\"4243\" />"); // get list of nodes String xml = sendRequest(GET, url, 200); assertTrue(xml.contains("<node ")); assertTrue(xml.contains("node-label=")); assertTrue("Expected only 1 node", xml.contains("count=\"1\"")); } @Test public void testNodeInterfaces() throws Exception { createRequisition(); String base = "/requisitions/test/nodes/4243/interfaces"; String xml; // create an interface sendPost(base, "<interface xmlns=\"http://xmlns.opennms.org/xsd/config/model-import\" status=\"1\" snmp-primary=\"S\" ip-addr=\"\" descr=\"Monkey\"><monitored-service service-name=\"ICMP\"/></interface>"); sendPost(base, "<interface xmlns=\"http://xmlns.opennms.org/xsd/config/model-import\" status=\"1\" snmp-primary=\"S\" ip-addr=\"\" descr=\"Blah\"><monitored-service service-name=\"ICMP\"/></interface>"); // get list of interfaces xml = sendRequest(GET, base, 200); assertTrue(xml.contains("count=\"3\"")); assertTrue(xml.contains("<interface ")); assertTrue(xml.contains("Blah")); assertFalse(xml.contains("Monkey")); // get individual interface String url = base + "/"; xml = sendRequest(GET, url, 200); assertTrue(xml.contains("<interface ")); assertTrue(xml.contains("VPN interface")); assertFalse(xml.contains("")); // set attributes sendPut(url, "descr=Total+Crap&snmp-primary=P"); xml = sendRequest(GET, url, 200); assertTrue(xml.contains("descr=\"Total Crap\"")); assertTrue(xml.contains("snmp-primary=\"P\"")); // delete interface xml = sendRequest(DELETE, url, 200); xml = sendRequest(GET, url, 204); // confirm there is one less interface xml = sendRequest(GET, base, 200); assertTrue(xml.contains("count=\"2\"")); } @Test public void testNodeInterfaceServices() throws Exception { createRequisition(); String base = "/requisitions/test/nodes/4243/interfaces/"; // create a service sendPost(base, "<monitored-service xmlns=\"http://xmlns.opennms.org/xsd/config/model-import\" service-name=\"MONKEY\" />"); // get list of services String xml = sendRequest(GET, base, 200); assertTrue(xml.contains("count=\"3\"")); assertTrue(xml.contains("ICMP")); // get individual service String url = base + "/ICMP"; xml = sendRequest(GET, url, 200); assertTrue(xml.contains("service-name=\"ICMP\"")); // delete interface xml = sendRequest(DELETE, url, 200); xml = sendRequest(GET, url, 204); // confirm there is one less interface xml = sendRequest(GET, base, 200); assertTrue(xml.contains("count=\"2\"")); } @Test public void testNodeCategories() throws Exception { createRequisition(); String base = "/requisitions/test/nodes/4243/categories"; // create a category sendPost(base, "<category xmlns=\"http://xmlns.opennms.org/xsd/config/model-import\" name=\"Dead Servers\" />"); // get list of categories String url = base; String xml = sendRequest(GET, url, 200); assertTrue(xml.contains("count=\"4\"")); assertTrue(xml.contains("name=\"low\"")); // get individual category url = "/requisitions/test/nodes/4243/categories/low"; xml = sendRequest(GET, url, 200); assertTrue(xml.contains("name=\"low\"")); // delete category xml = sendRequest(DELETE, url, 200); xml = sendRequest(GET, url, 204); // confirm there are less categories xml = sendRequest(GET, "/requisitions/test/nodes/4243/categories", 200); assertTrue(xml.contains("count=\"3\"")); // create a category on a node that is not in the requisition base = "/requisitions/test/nodes/4244/categories"; // create a category sendPost(base, "<category xmlns=\"http://xmlns.opennms.org/xsd/config/model-import\" name=\"New Category\" />", 304); } @Test public void testNodeAssets() throws Exception { createRequisition(); String base = "/requisitions/test/nodes/4243/assets"; // create an asset sendPost(base, "<asset xmlns=\"http://xmlns.opennms.org/xsd/config/model-import\" name=\"manufacturer\" value=\"Dead Servers, Inc.\" />"); // get list of asset parameters String url = base; String xml = sendRequest(GET, url, 200); assertTrue(xml.contains("count=\"3\"")); assertTrue(xml.contains("Windows Pi")); // get individual asset parameter url = "/requisitions/test/nodes/4243/assets/operatingSystem"; xml = sendRequest(GET, url, 200); assertTrue(xml.contains("value=\"Windows Pi\"")); // delete asset parameter xml = sendRequest(DELETE, url, 200); xml = sendRequest(GET, url, 204); // confirm there are less assets xml = sendRequest(GET, "/requisitions/test/nodes/4243/assets", 200); assertTrue(xml.contains("count=\"2\"")); } @Test public void testCreateRequisitionNoNamespace() throws Exception { String req = "<model-import date-stamp=\"2006-03-09T00:03:09\" foreign-source=\"test\">" + "<node node-label=\"david\" parent-node-label=\"apknd\" foreign-id=\"4243\">" + "<interface ip-addr=\"\" status=\"1\" snmp-primary=\"S\" descr=\"VPN interface\">" + "<monitored-service service-name=\"ICMP\"/>" + "<monitored-service service-name=\"HTTP\"/>" + "</interface>" + "<interface ip-addr=\"\" status=\"1\" snmp-primary=\"P\" descr=\"Management interface\">" + "<monitored-service service-name=\"ICMP\"/>" + "<monitored-service service-name=\"SNMP\"/>" + "</interface>" + "<category name=\"AC\"/>" + "<category name=\"UK\"/>" + "<category name=\"low\"/>" + "<asset name=\"manufacturer\" value=\"Dell\" />" + "<asset name=\"operatingSystem\" value=\"Windows Pi\" />" + "<asset name=\"description\" value=\"Large and/or In Charge\" />" + "</node>" + "</model-import>"; sendPost("/requisitions", req); } @Test @Ignore // Ignore this test while XML validation is disabled public void testBadRequisition() throws Exception { String req = "<model-import date-stamp=\"2006-03-09T00:03:09\" foreign-source=\"test\">" + "asdfjklasdfjioasdf" + "<node node-label=\"david\" parent-node-label=\"apknd\" foreign-id=\"4243\">" + "<interface ip-addr=\"\" status=\"1\" snmp-primary=\"S\" descr=\"VPN interface\">" + "<monitored-service service-name=\"ICMP\"/>" + "<monitored-service service-name=\"HTTP\"/>" + "</interface>" + "<interface ip-addr=\"\" status=\"1\" snmp-primary=\"P\" descr=\"Management interface\">" + "<monitored-service service-name=\"ICMP\"/>" + "<monitored-service service-name=\"SNMP\"/>" + "</interface>" + "<category name=\"AC\"/>" + "<category name=\"UK\"/>" + "<category name=\"low\"/>" + "<asset name=\"manufacturer\" value=\"Dell\" />" + "<asset name=\"operatingSystem\" value=\"Windows Pi\" />" + "<asset name=\"description\" value=\"Large and/or In Charge\" />" + "</node>" + "</model-import>"; Exception ex = null; try { sendPost("/requisitions", req); } catch (final Exception e) { ex = e; } assertNotNull("we should have an exception", ex); assertTrue("validator should expect only elements", ex.getMessage().contains("content type is element-only")); } @Test public void testImport() throws Exception { createRequisition(); final MockEventProxy eventProxy = getEventProxy(); eventProxy.resetEvents(); sendRequest(PUT, "/requisitions/test/import", 200); assertEquals(1, eventProxy.getEvents().size()); } @Test public void testImportNoRescan() throws Exception { createRequisition(); final MockEventProxy eventProxy = getEventProxy(); eventProxy.resetEvents(); sendRequest(PUT, "/requisitions/test/import", parseParamData("rescanExisting=false"), 200); assertEquals(1, eventProxy.getEvents().size()); final Event event = eventProxy.getEvents().get(0); final List<Parm> parms = event.getParmCollection(); assertEquals(2, parms.size()); assertEquals("false", parms.get(1).getValue().getContent()); } private void createRequisition() throws Exception { String req = "<model-import xmlns=\"http://xmlns.opennms.org/xsd/config/model-import\" date-stamp=\"2006-03-09T00:03:09\" foreign-source=\"test\">" + "<node node-label=\"david\" parent-node-label=\"apknd\" foreign-id=\"4243\">" + "<interface ip-addr=\"\" status=\"1\" snmp-primary=\"S\" descr=\"VPN interface\">" + "<monitored-service service-name=\"ICMP\"/>" + "<monitored-service service-name=\"HTTP\"/>" + "</interface>" + "<interface ip-addr=\"\" status=\"1\" snmp-primary=\"P\" descr=\"Management interface\">" + "<monitored-service service-name=\"ICMP\"/>" + "<monitored-service service-name=\"SNMP\"/>" + "</interface>" + "<category name=\"AC\"/>" + "<category name=\"UK\"/>" + "<category name=\"low\"/>" + "<asset name=\"manufacturer\" value=\"Dell\" />" + "<asset name=\"operatingSystem\" value=\"Windows Pi\" />" + "<asset name=\"description\" value=\"Large and/or In Charge\" />" + "</node>" + "</model-import>"; sendPost("/requisitions", req); } private MockEventProxy getEventProxy() { return getBean("eventProxy", MockEventProxy.class); } }