/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of OpenNMS(R). * * Copyright (C) 2011 The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * OpenNMS(R) is Copyright (C) 1999-2011 The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * * OpenNMS(R) is a registered trademark of The OpenNMS Group, Inc. * * OpenNMS(R) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * OpenNMS(R) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenNMS(R). If not, see: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ * * For more information contact: * OpenNMS(R) Licensing <license@opennms.org> * http://www.opennms.org/ * http://www.opennms.com/ *******************************************************************************/ package org.opennms.netmgt.provision; import static org.opennms.core.utils.InetAddressUtils.str; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.opennms.core.utils.LogUtils; import org.opennms.core.utils.ThreadCategory; import org.opennms.netmgt.EventConstants; import org.opennms.netmgt.config.RWSConfig; import org.opennms.netmgt.config.RancidAdapterConfig; import org.opennms.netmgt.config.RancidAdapterConfigFactory; import org.opennms.netmgt.dao.NodeDao; import org.opennms.netmgt.model.OnmsAssetRecord; import org.opennms.netmgt.model.OnmsCategory; import org.opennms.netmgt.model.OnmsIpInterface; import org.opennms.netmgt.model.OnmsNode; import org.opennms.netmgt.model.events.EventBuilder; import org.opennms.netmgt.model.events.EventForwarder; import org.opennms.netmgt.model.events.annotations.EventHandler; import org.opennms.netmgt.model.events.annotations.EventListener; import org.opennms.netmgt.xml.event.Event; import org.opennms.netmgt.xml.event.Parm; import org.opennms.rancid.ConnectionProperties; import org.opennms.rancid.RWSClientApi; import org.opennms.rancid.RancidApiException; import org.opennms.rancid.RancidNode; import org.opennms.rancid.RancidNodeAuthentication; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus; import org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionCallback; import org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionTemplate; import org.springframework.util.Assert; /** * A Rancid provisioning adapter for integration with OpenNMS Provisioning daemon API. * * @author <a href="mailto:antonio@opennms.it">Antonio Russo</a> * @version $Id: $ */ @EventListener(name="RancidProvisioningAdapter") public class RancidProvisioningAdapter extends SimpleQueuedProvisioningAdapter implements InitializingBean { private NodeDao m_nodeDao; private volatile EventForwarder m_eventForwarder; private RWSConfig m_rwsConfig; private RancidAdapterConfig m_rancidAdapterConfig; private ConnectionProperties m_cp; private List<String> m_rancid_categories; private TransactionTemplate m_template; /** * <p>getTemplate</p> * * @return a {@link org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionTemplate} object. */ public TransactionTemplate getTemplate() { return m_template; } /** * <p>setTemplate</p> * * @param template a {@link org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionTemplate} object. */ public void setTemplate(TransactionTemplate template) { m_template = template; } private static final String MESSAGE_PREFIX = "Rancid provisioning failed: "; private static final String ADAPTER_NAME="RancidProvisioningAdapter"; private static final String RANCID_COMMENT="node provisioned by opennms"; /** Constant <code>NAME="RancidProvisioningAdapter"</code> */ public static final String NAME = "RancidProvisioningAdapter"; private volatile static ConcurrentMap<Integer, RancidNode> m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap; private volatile static ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> m_onmsNodeIpMap; @Override AdapterOperationSchedule createScheduleForNode(final int nodeId, AdapterOperationType adapterOperationType) { log().debug("Scheduling: " + adapterOperationType + " for nodeid: " + nodeId); if (adapterOperationType.equals(AdapterOperationType.CONFIG_CHANGE)) { updateRancidNodeState(nodeId, true); String ipaddress = m_onmsNodeIpMap.get(nodeId); //String ipaddress = (String) m_template.execute(new TransactionCallback() { // public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus arg0) { // return getSuitableIpForRancid(nodeId); // } //}); log().debug("Found Suitable ip address: " + ipaddress); long initialDelay = m_rancidAdapterConfig.getDelay(ipaddress); int retries = m_rancidAdapterConfig.getRetries(ipaddress); log().debug("Setting initialDelay(sec): " + initialDelay); log().debug("Setting retries(sec): " + retries); return new AdapterOperationSchedule(initialDelay,60, retries, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } return new AdapterOperationSchedule(); } /** * <p>afterPropertiesSet</p> * * @throws java.lang.Exception if any. */ @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { RWSClientApi.init(); Assert.notNull(m_rwsConfig, "Rancid Provisioning Adapter requires RWSConfig property to be set."); m_cp = getRWSConnection(); Assert.notNull(m_nodeDao, "Rancid Provisioning Adapter requires nodeDao property to be set."); getRancidCategories(); m_template.execute(new TransactionCallback<Object>() { public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus arg0) { buildRancidNodeMap(); return null; } }); } private void getRancidCategories() { try { m_rancid_categories = RWSClientApi.getRWSResourceDeviceTypesPatternList(m_cp).getResource(); } catch (RancidApiException e) { ConnectionProperties cp = getStandByRWSConnection(); if (cp != null) { try { m_rancid_categories = RWSClientApi.getRWSResourceDeviceTypesPatternList(m_cp).getResource(); } catch (RancidApiException e1) { log().warn("getRancidCategories: not able to retrieve rancid categories from RWS server"); m_rancid_categories = new ArrayList<String>(); m_rancid_categories.add("cisco"); log().warn("getRancidCategories: setting categories list to 'cisco'"); } } } } private void buildRancidNodeMap() { List<OnmsNode> nodes = m_nodeDao.findAllProvisionedNodes(); m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, RancidNode>(nodes.size()); m_onmsNodeIpMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String>(nodes.size()); for (OnmsNode onmsNode : nodes) { String ipaddr = getSuitableIpForRancid(onmsNode); if (ipaddr != null) m_onmsNodeIpMap.putIfAbsent(onmsNode.getId(), ipaddr); RancidNode rNode = getSuitableRancidNode(onmsNode); if (rNode != null) { m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap.putIfAbsent(onmsNode.getId(), rNode); } } } private ConnectionProperties getRWSConnection() { return m_rwsConfig.getBase(); } private ConnectionProperties getStandByRWSConnection() { return m_rwsConfig.getNextStandBy(); } /** * <p>doAdd</p> * * @param nodeId a int. * @param cp a {@link org.opennms.rancid.ConnectionProperties} object. * @param retry a boolean. * @throws org.opennms.netmgt.provision.ProvisioningAdapterException if any. */ public void doAdd(int nodeId, ConnectionProperties cp, boolean retry) throws ProvisioningAdapterException { log().debug("doAdd: adding nodeid: " + nodeId); final OnmsNode node = m_nodeDao.get(nodeId); Assert.notNull(node, "doAdd: failed to return node for given nodeId:"+nodeId); String ipaddress = m_template.execute(new TransactionCallback<String>() { public String doInTransaction(TransactionStatus arg0) { return getSuitableIpForRancid(node); } }); RancidNode rNode = getSuitableRancidNode(node); rNode.setStateUp(true); try { m_rwsConfig.getWriteLock().lock(); try { if (m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap.containsValue(rNode)) { log().error("doAdd: Error Duplicate node: " + node); ProvisioningAdapterException e = new ProvisioningAdapterException("Duplicate node has been added: "+node); sendAndThrow(nodeId, e); return; } log().debug("doAdd: adding to router.db node: " + node.getLabel()); RWSClientApi.createRWSRancidNode(cp, rNode); m_onmsNodeIpMap.putIfAbsent(nodeId, ipaddress); m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap.put(Integer.valueOf(nodeId), rNode); RWSClientApi.createOrUpdateRWSAuthNode(cp, rNode.getAuth()); } finally { m_rwsConfig.getWriteLock().unlock(); } } catch (ProvisioningAdapterException ae) { sendAndThrow(nodeId, ae); } catch (Throwable e) { cp = getStandByRWSConnection(); if (retry && cp != null) { log().info("doAdd: retry Add on standByConn: " + cp.getUrl()); doAdd(nodeId, cp, false); } else { sendAndThrow(nodeId, e); } } } /** * <p>doUpdate</p> * * @param nodeId a int. * @param cp a {@link org.opennms.rancid.ConnectionProperties} object. * @param retry a boolean. * @throws org.opennms.netmgt.provision.ProvisioningAdapterException if any. */ public void doUpdate(int nodeId, ConnectionProperties cp, boolean retry) throws ProvisioningAdapterException { log().debug("doUpdate: updating nodeid: " + nodeId); RancidNode rLocalNode = m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap.get(Integer.valueOf(nodeId)); log().debug("doUpdate: found local map Node: " + rLocalNode.toString()); final OnmsNode node = m_nodeDao.get(nodeId); Assert.notNull(node, "doUpdate: failed to return node for given nodeId:"+nodeId); String ipaddress = m_template.execute(new TransactionCallback<String>() { public String doInTransaction(TransactionStatus arg0) { return getSuitableIpForRancid(node); } }); m_onmsNodeIpMap.put(nodeId, ipaddress); RancidNode rUpdatedNode = getSuitableRancidNode(node); log().debug("doUpdate: found updated Node : " + rUpdatedNode.toString()); if (rLocalNode.getDeviceName().equalsIgnoreCase(rUpdatedNode.getDeviceName())) { try { RancidNode rRemoteNode = RWSClientApi.getRWSRancidNodeTLO(cp, rLocalNode.getGroup(), rLocalNode.getDeviceName()); RancidNodeAuthentication rRemoteNodeAuth = RWSClientApi.getRWSAuthNode(cp, rLocalNode.getDeviceName()); log().debug("doUpdate: found Node in router.db : " + rRemoteNode.toString()); if (!rUpdatedNode.getDeviceType().equalsIgnoreCase(rRemoteNode.getDeviceType())) { try { // don't change the status of the node in update operation rUpdatedNode.setStateUp(rRemoteNode.isStateUp()); log().debug("doUpdate: updating router.db"); RWSClientApi.updateRWSRancidNode(cp, rLocalNode); } catch (Throwable e) { log().error("doUpdate: failed to update node: " + nodeId + " Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } if ( updateAuth(rUpdatedNode.getAuth(), rRemoteNodeAuth) ) { log().debug("doUpdate: updating authentication data"); try { RWSClientApi.updateRWSAuthNode(cp, rUpdatedNode.getAuth()); } catch (Throwable e) { log().error("doUpdate: Failed to update node authentication data: " + nodeId + " Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } rUpdatedNode.setStateUp(rLocalNode.isStateUp()); m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap.put(nodeId, rUpdatedNode); } catch (RancidApiException re) { if (re.getRancidCode() ==RancidApiException.RWS_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND) { log().warn("doUpdate: node not found in router.db: " + rUpdatedNode.toString()); try { log().debug("doUpdate: adding Node to router.db for nodeid: " + nodeId); rUpdatedNode.setStateUp(true); RWSClientApi.createRWSRancidNode(cp, rUpdatedNode); RWSClientApi.createOrUpdateRWSAuthNode(cp, rUpdatedNode.getAuth()); m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap.put(nodeId, rUpdatedNode); } catch (RancidApiException e) { log().error("doUpdate: Failed to create node: " + nodeId + " Exception: " + e.getMessage()); sendAndThrow(nodeId, e); } } else { cp = getStandByRWSConnection(); if (retry && cp != null) { log().info("doUpdate: retry Update on standByConn: " + cp.getUrl()); doUpdate(nodeId, cp, false); } else { sendAndThrow(nodeId, re); } } } } else { log().debug("doUpdate: the device name is changed for Nodeid: " + nodeId); log().debug("doUpdate: calling doDelete for NodeId: " + nodeId); doDelete(nodeId, cp, retry); try { log().debug("doUpdate: adding Node to router.db for nodeid: " + nodeId); rUpdatedNode.setStateUp(true); RWSClientApi.createRWSRancidNode(cp, rUpdatedNode); RWSClientApi.createOrUpdateRWSAuthNode(cp, rUpdatedNode.getAuth()); m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap.put(nodeId, rUpdatedNode); m_onmsNodeIpMap.put(nodeId, ipaddress); } catch (RancidApiException e) { log().error("doUpdate: Failed to create node: " + nodeId + " Exception: " + e.getMessage()); sendAndThrow(nodeId, e); } } } /** * <p>doDelete</p> * * @param nodeId a int. * @param cp a {@link org.opennms.rancid.ConnectionProperties} object. * @param retry a boolean. * @throws org.opennms.netmgt.provision.ProvisioningAdapterException if any. */ public void doDelete(int nodeId,ConnectionProperties cp, boolean retry) throws ProvisioningAdapterException { log().debug("doDelete: deleting nodeid: " + nodeId); /* * The work to maintain the hashmap boils down to needing to do deletes, so * here we go. */ try { m_rwsConfig.getWriteLock().lock(); try { if (m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(nodeId))) { RancidNode rNode = m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap.get(Integer.valueOf(nodeId)); RWSClientApi.deleteRWSRancidNode(cp, rNode); RWSClientApi.deleteRWSAuthNode(cp, rNode.getAuth()); m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap.remove(Integer.valueOf(nodeId)); m_onmsNodeIpMap.remove(Integer.valueOf(nodeId)); } else { log().warn("doDelete: no device found in node Rancid Map for nodeid: " + nodeId); } } finally { m_rwsConfig.getWriteLock().unlock(); } } catch (Throwable e) { cp = getStandByRWSConnection(); if (retry && cp != null) { log().info("doDelete: retry Delete on standByConn: " + cp.getUrl()); doDelete(nodeId, cp, false); } else { sendAndThrow(nodeId, e); } } } /** * <p>doNodeConfigChanged</p> * * @param nodeId a int. * @param cp a {@link org.opennms.rancid.ConnectionProperties} object. * @param retry a boolean. * @throws org.opennms.netmgt.provision.ProvisioningAdapterException if any. */ public void doNodeConfigChanged(int nodeId,ConnectionProperties cp, boolean retry) throws ProvisioningAdapterException { log().debug("doNodeConfigChanged: nodeid: " + nodeId); if (m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(nodeId))) { updateConfiguration(nodeId,m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap.get(Integer.valueOf(nodeId)),cp, retry); } else { log().warn("doNodeConfigChanged: No node found in nodeRancid Map for nodeid: " + nodeId); } } private void updateConfiguration(int nodeid, RancidNode rNode,ConnectionProperties cp, boolean retry) throws ProvisioningAdapterException { log().debug("updateConfiguration: Updating Rancid Router.db configuration for node: " + rNode.getDeviceName() + " type: " + rNode.getDeviceType() + " group: " + rNode.getGroup()); try { RWSClientApi.updateRWSRancidNode(cp, rNode); } catch (Throwable e) { cp = getStandByRWSConnection(); if (retry && cp != null) { log().info("updateConfiguration: retry update on standByConn: " + cp.getUrl()); updateConfiguration(nodeid, rNode, cp, false); } else { sendAndThrow(nodeid, e); } } } private void sendAndThrow(int nodeId, Throwable e) { log().debug("sendAndThrow: error working on nodeid: " + nodeId); log().debug("sendAndThrow: Exception: " + e.getMessage()); Event event = buildEvent(EventConstants.PROVISIONING_ADAPTER_FAILED, nodeId).addParam("reason", MESSAGE_PREFIX+e.getLocalizedMessage()).getEvent(); m_eventForwarder.sendNow(event); throw new ProvisioningAdapterException(MESSAGE_PREFIX, e); } private EventBuilder buildEvent(String uei, int nodeId) { EventBuilder builder = new EventBuilder(uei, "Provisioner", new Date()); builder.setNodeid(nodeId); return builder; } /** * <p>getNodeDao</p> * * @return a {@link org.opennms.netmgt.dao.NodeDao} object. */ public NodeDao getNodeDao() { return m_nodeDao; } /** * <p>setNodeDao</p> * * @param dao a {@link org.opennms.netmgt.dao.NodeDao} object. */ public void setNodeDao(NodeDao dao) { m_nodeDao = dao; } /** * <p>setEventForwarder</p> * * @param eventForwarder a {@link org.opennms.netmgt.model.events.EventForwarder} object. */ public void setEventForwarder(EventForwarder eventForwarder) { m_eventForwarder = eventForwarder; } /** * <p>getEventForwarder</p> * * @return a {@link org.opennms.netmgt.model.events.EventForwarder} object. */ public EventForwarder getEventForwarder() { return m_eventForwarder; } private static ThreadCategory log() { return ThreadCategory.getInstance(RancidProvisioningAdapter.class); } /** * <p>getRwsConfig</p> * * @return a {@link org.opennms.netmgt.config.RWSConfig} object. */ public RWSConfig getRwsConfig() { return m_rwsConfig; } /** * <p>setRwsConfig</p> * * @param rwsConfig a {@link org.opennms.netmgt.config.RWSConfig} object. */ public void setRwsConfig(RWSConfig rwsConfig) { m_rwsConfig = rwsConfig; } /** * <p>getRancidAdapterConfig</p> * * @return a {@link org.opennms.netmgt.config.RancidAdapterConfig} object. */ public RancidAdapterConfig getRancidAdapterConfig() { return m_rancidAdapterConfig; } /** * <p>setRancidAdapterConfig</p> * * @param rancidAdapterConfig a {@link org.opennms.netmgt.config.RancidAdapterConfig} object. */ public void setRancidAdapterConfig(RancidAdapterConfig rancidAdapterConfig) { m_rancidAdapterConfig = rancidAdapterConfig; } /** * <p>getName</p> * * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public String getName() { return ADAPTER_NAME; } private String getSuitableIpForRancid(OnmsNode node){ log().debug("getSuitableIpForRancid: node: " + node.getNodeId() + " Foreign Source: " + node.getForeignSource()); OnmsIpInterface primaryInterface = node.getPrimaryInterface(); String ipaddr = ""; if (primaryInterface == null) { log().debug("getSuitableIpForRancid: found null SNMP Primary Interface, getting interfaces"); Set<OnmsIpInterface> ipInterfaces = node.getIpInterfaces(); for (OnmsIpInterface onmsIpInterface : ipInterfaces) { log().debug("getSuitableIpForRancid: trying Interface with id: " + onmsIpInterface.getId()); if (onmsIpInterface.getIpAddress() != null) { ipaddr = str(onmsIpInterface.getIpAddress()); } else { log().debug("getSuitableIpForRancid: found null ip address on Interface with id: " + onmsIpInterface.getId()); } } } else { log().debug("getSuitableIpForRancid: found SNMP Primary Interface"); if (primaryInterface.getIpAddress() != null ) { ipaddr = str(primaryInterface.getIpAddress()); } else { log().debug("getSuitableIpForRancid: found null ip address on Primary Interface"); } } return ipaddr; } private RancidNode getSuitableRancidNode(OnmsNode node) { //The group should be the foreign source of the node String group = node.getForeignSource(); if (group == null) return null; RancidNode r_node = new RancidNode(group, node.getLabel()); String ipaddress = m_onmsNodeIpMap.get(node.getId()); if (m_rancidAdapterConfig.useCategories(ipaddress)) { log().debug("getSuitableRancidNode: Using Categories to get Rancid devicetype for node: " + node.getLabel()); r_node.setDeviceType(getTypeFromCategories(node)); } else { log().debug("getSuitableRancidNode: Using Sysoid to get Rancid devicetype for node: " + node.getLabel()); r_node.setDeviceType(getTypeFromSysObjectId(node.getSysObjectId())); } r_node.setStateUp(false); r_node.setComment(RANCID_COMMENT); r_node.setAuth(getSuitableRancidNodeAuthentication(node)); return r_node; } private String getTypeFromSysObjectId(String sysoid) { String rancidType = m_rancidAdapterConfig.getType(sysoid); log().debug("getTypeFromSysObjectId: Rancid devicetype found: " + rancidType + " for sysOid: " + sysoid); return rancidType; } private String getTypeFromCategories(OnmsNode node) { for (String rancidType: m_rancid_categories) { for (OnmsCategory nodecategory: node.getCategories()) { if (nodecategory.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(rancidType)) { log().debug("getTypeFromCategories: Found Matching Category: Rancid devicetype found: " + rancidType); return rancidType; } } } log().warn("getTypeFromCategories: No Matching Category found: trying to get devicetype using config file"); return getTypeFromCategories(node); } private RancidNodeAuthentication getSuitableRancidNodeAuthentication(OnmsNode node) { // RancidAuthentication RancidNodeAuthentication r_auth_node = new RancidNodeAuthentication(); r_auth_node.setDeviceName(node.getLabel()); OnmsAssetRecord asset_node = node.getAssetRecord(); // Seth 2011-09-12: Is this possible? I added this as defensive code against issue NMS-4475 // // http://issues.opennms.org/browse/NMS-4475 // if (asset_node == null) { return r_auth_node; } if (asset_node.getUsername() != null) { r_auth_node.setUser(asset_node.getUsername()); } if (asset_node.getPassword() != null) { r_auth_node.setPassword(asset_node.getPassword()); } if (asset_node.getEnable() != null) { r_auth_node.setEnablePass(asset_node.getEnable()); } if (asset_node.getAutoenable() != null) { r_auth_node.setAutoEnable(asset_node.getAutoenable().equals(OnmsAssetRecord.AUTOENABLED)); } if (asset_node.getConnection() != null) { r_auth_node.setConnectionMethod(asset_node.getConnection()); } else { r_auth_node.setConnectionMethod("telnet"); } return r_auth_node; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isNodeReady(final AdapterOperation op) { boolean ready = true; if (op.getType() == AdapterOperationType.CONFIG_CHANGE) { ready = m_rancidAdapterConfig.isCurTimeInSchedule(m_onmsNodeIpMap.get(op.getNodeId())); } log().debug("isNodeReady: " + ready + " For Operation " + op.getType() + " for node: " + op.getNodeId()); return ready; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void processPendingOperationForNode(final AdapterOperation op) throws ProvisioningAdapterException { log().debug("processPendingOperationForNode: " + op.getType() + " for node: " + op.getNodeId() ); if (op.getType() == AdapterOperationType.ADD) { m_template.execute(new TransactionCallback<Object>() { public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus arg0) { doAdd(op.getNodeId(),m_cp,true); return null; } }); } else if (op.getType() == AdapterOperationType.UPDATE) { m_template.execute(new TransactionCallback<Object>() { public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus arg0) { doUpdate(op.getNodeId(),m_cp,true); return null; } }); } else if (op.getType() == AdapterOperationType.DELETE) { m_template.execute(new TransactionCallback<Object>() { public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus arg0) { doDelete(op.getNodeId(),m_cp,true); return null; } }); } else if (op.getType() == AdapterOperationType.CONFIG_CHANGE) { m_template.execute(new TransactionCallback<Object>() { public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus arg0) { doNodeConfigChanged(op.getNodeId(),m_cp,true); return null; } }); } } /** * <p>handleReloadConfigEvent</p> * * @param event a {@link org.opennms.netmgt.xml.event.Event} object. */ @EventHandler(uei = EventConstants.RELOAD_DAEMON_CONFIG_UEI) public void handleReloadConfigEvent(Event event) { if (isReloadConfigEventTarget(event)) { LogUtils.debugf(this, "reloading the rancid adapter configuration"); try { RancidAdapterConfigFactory.init(); final RancidAdapterConfigFactory factory = RancidAdapterConfigFactory.getInstance(); factory.getWriteLock().lock(); try { factory.update(); m_template.execute(new TransactionCallback<Object>() { public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus arg0) { buildRancidNodeMap(); return null; } }); } finally { factory.getWriteLock().unlock(); } } catch (Throwable e) { LogUtils.infof(this, e, "unable to reload rancid adapter configuration"); } } } private boolean isReloadConfigEventTarget(Event event) { boolean isTarget = false; List<Parm> parmCollection = event.getParmCollection(); for (Parm parm : parmCollection) { if (EventConstants.PARM_DAEMON_NAME.equals(parm.getParmName()) && "Provisiond.RancidProvisioningAdapter".equalsIgnoreCase(parm.getValue().getContent())) { isTarget = true; break; } } log().debug("isReloadConfigEventTarget: Provisiond.RancidProvisioningAdapter was target of reload event: " + isTarget); return isTarget; } /** * <p>handleRancidDownLoadFailure</p> * * @param e a {@link org.opennms.netmgt.xml.event.Event} object. */ @EventHandler(uei = EventConstants.RANCID_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE_UEI) public void handleRancidDownLoadFailure(Event e) { log().debug("handleRancidDownLoadFailure: get Event uei/id: " + e.getUei() + "/" + e.getDbid()); if (e.hasNodeid()) { int nodeId = Long.valueOf(e.getNodeid()).intValue(); if (m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(nodeId))) { updateRancidNodeState(nodeId, false); } else { log().warn("node does not exist with nodeid: " + e.getNodeid()); } } } /** * <p>handleRancidDownLoadSuccess</p> * * @param e a {@link org.opennms.netmgt.xml.event.Event} object. */ @EventHandler(uei = EventConstants.RANCID_DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS_UEI) public void handleRancidDownLoadSuccess(Event e) { log().debug("handleRancidDownLoadSuccess: get Event uei/id: " + e.getUei() + "/" + e.getDbid()); if (e.hasNodeid() ) { int nodeId = Long.valueOf(e.getNodeid()).intValue(); if (m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(nodeId))) { updateRancidNodeState(nodeId, false); } else { log().warn("node does not exist with nodeid: " + e.getNodeid()); } } } /** * <p>handleRancidGroupProcessingCompleted</p> * * @param e a {@link org.opennms.netmgt.xml.event.Event} object. */ @EventHandler(uei = EventConstants.RANCID_GROUP_PROCESSING_COMPLETED_UEI) public void handleRancidGroupProcessingCompleted(Event e) { log().debug("handleRancidGroupProcessingCompleted: get Event uei/id: " + e.getUei() + "/" + e.getDbid()); for (Parm parm : e.getParmCollection()) { log().debug("handleRancidGroupProcessingCompleted: parm name: " + parm.getParmName()); if (parm.getParmName().equals(".")) { updateGroupConfiguration(parm.getValue().getContent()); break; } } } private void updateGroupConfiguration(String group) { Iterator<Integer> ite = m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap.keySet().iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()) { Integer nodeId = ite.next(); RancidNode rnode = m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap.get(nodeId); if (group.equals(rnode.getGroup())) { boolean stateUp = rnode.isStateUp(); rnode.setStateUp(false); updateConfiguration(nodeId.intValue(), rnode, m_cp, true); rnode.setStateUp(stateUp); } } } private void updateRancidNodeState(int nodeid, boolean up) { RancidNode rnode = m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap.get(Integer.valueOf(nodeid)); rnode.setStateUp(up); m_onmsNodeRancidNodeMap.put(nodeid, rnode); } private boolean updateAuth(RancidNodeAuthentication localNode, RancidNodeAuthentication remoteNode) { if (!localNode.getUser().equals(remoteNode.getUser())) return true; if (!localNode.getPassword().equals(remoteNode.getPassword())) return true; if (!localNode.getEnablePass().equals(remoteNode.getEnablePass())) return true; if (!localNode.getConnectionMethodString().equalsIgnoreCase(remoteNode.getConnectionMethodString())) return true; if (localNode.isAutoEnable()) return !remoteNode.isAutoEnable(); if (!localNode.isAutoEnable()) return remoteNode.isAutoEnable(); return false; } }