/** * This file was auto-generated by mofcomp -j version 1.0.0 on Wed Jan 12 * 09:21:06 CET 2011. */ package org.opennaas.extensions.router.model; import java.io.*; import java.lang.Exception; /** * This Class contains accessor and mutator methods for all properties defined in the CIM class DNSProtocolEndpoint as well as methods comparable to * the invokeMethods defined for this class. This Class implements the DNSProtocolEndpointBean Interface. The CIM class DNSProtocolEndpoint is * described as follows: * * A class derived from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint which represents the DNS client and DNS configuration for a single IP endpoint. The DNS server addresses * can be determined by querying the AccessInfo property of associated CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint instances which have an AccessContext of * "DNS Server". The order in which the DNS servers will be queried can be determined by the relative values of the OrderOfAccess property on each * CIM_RemoteAccessAvailableToElement association which associated the CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint with the CIM_DNSProtocolEndpoint. */ public class DNSProtocolEndpoint extends ProtocolEndpoint implements Serializable { /** * This constructor creates a DNSProtocolEndpointBeanImpl Class which implements the DNSProtocolEndpointBean Interface, and encapsulates the CIM * class DNSProtocolEndpoint in a Java Bean. The CIM class DNSProtocolEndpoint is described as follows: * * A class derived from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint which represents the DNS client and DNS configuration for a single IP endpoint. The DNS server * addresses can be determined by querying the AccessInfo property of associated CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint instances which have an * AccessContext of "DNS Server". The order in which the DNS servers will be queried can be determined by the relative values of the OrderOfAccess * property on each CIM_RemoteAccessAvailableToElement association which associated the CIM_RemoteServiceAccessPoint with the * CIM_DNSProtocolEndpoint. */ public DNSProtocolEndpoint() { }; /** * The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property hostname. */ private String hostname; /** * This method returns the DNSProtocolEndpoint.hostname property value. This property is described as follows: * * The Hostname actually in use for this client connection. * * @return String current hostname property value * @exception Exception */ public String getHostname() { return this.hostname; } // getHostname /** * This method sets the DNSProtocolEndpoint.hostname property value. This property is described as follows: * * The Hostname actually in use for this client connection. * * @param String * new hostname property value * @exception Exception */ public void setHostname(String hostname) { this.hostname = hostname; } // setHostname /** * The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property DHCPOptionsToUse. */ public enum DHCPOptionsToUse { DOMAIN_NAME_SERVER, HOST_NAME, DOMAIN_NAME, DMTF_RESERVED, VENDOR_RESERVED } private DHCPOptionsToUse dHCPOptionsToUse; /** * This method returns the DNSProtocolEndpoint.dHCPOptionsToUse property value. This property is described as follows: * * One or more DHCP options that the DNS client is utilizing if they were returned during a DHCP bind operation. * * @return int current dHCPOptionsToUse property value * @exception Exception */ public DHCPOptionsToUse getDHCPOptionsToUse() { return this.dHCPOptionsToUse; } // getDHCPOptionsToUse /** * This method sets the DNSProtocolEndpoint.dHCPOptionsToUse property value. This property is described as follows: * * One or more DHCP options that the DNS client is utilizing if they were returned during a DHCP bind operation. * * @param int new dHCPOptionsToUse property value * @exception Exception */ public void setDHCPOptionsToUse(DHCPOptionsToUse dHCPOptionsToUse) { this.dHCPOptionsToUse = dHCPOptionsToUse; } // setDHCPOptionsToUse /** * The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property appendParentSuffixes. */ private boolean appendParentSuffixes; /** * This method returns the DNSProtocolEndpoint.appendParentSuffixes property value. This property is described as follows: * * Whether or not the client appends the parent domain suffix to target names prior to attempting to resolve. * * @return boolean current appendParentSuffixes property value * @exception Exception */ public boolean isAppendParentSuffixes() { return this.appendParentSuffixes; } // getAppendParentSuffixes /** * This method sets the DNSProtocolEndpoint.appendParentSuffixes property value. This property is described as follows: * * Whether or not the client appends the parent domain suffix to target names prior to attempting to resolve. * * @param boolean new appendParentSuffixes property value * @exception Exception */ public void setAppendParentSuffixes(boolean appendParentSuffixes) { this.appendParentSuffixes = appendParentSuffixes; } // setAppendParentSuffixes /** * The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property appendPrimarySuffixes. */ private boolean appendPrimarySuffixes; /** * This method returns the DNSProtocolEndpoint.appendPrimarySuffixes property value. This property is described as follows: * * Whether or not the client appends the primary domain suffix to target names prior to attempting to resolve. * * @return boolean current appendPrimarySuffixes property value * @exception Exception */ public boolean isAppendPrimarySuffixes() { return this.appendPrimarySuffixes; } // getAppendPrimarySuffixes /** * This method sets the DNSProtocolEndpoint.appendPrimarySuffixes property value. This property is described as follows: * * Whether or not the client appends the primary domain suffix to target names prior to attempting to resolve. * * @param boolean new appendPrimarySuffixes property value * @exception Exception */ public void setAppendPrimarySuffixes(boolean appendPrimarySuffixes) { this.appendPrimarySuffixes = appendPrimarySuffixes; } // setAppendPrimarySuffixes /** * The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property dNSSuffixesToAppend. */ private String[] dNSSuffixesToAppend; /** * This method returns the DNSProtocolEndpoint.dNSSuffixesToAppend property value. This property is described as follows: * * The DNS suffixes to append when attempting to resolve a hostname. * * @return String[] current dNSSuffixesToAppend property value * @exception Exception */ public String[] getDNSSuffixesToAppend() { return this.dNSSuffixesToAppend; } // getDNSSuffixesToAppend /** * This method sets the DNSProtocolEndpoint.dNSSuffixesToAppend property value. This property is described as follows: * * The DNS suffixes to append when attempting to resolve a hostname. * * @param String * [] new dNSSuffixesToAppend property value * @exception Exception */ public void setDNSSuffixesToAppend(String[] dNSSuffixesToAppend) { this.dNSSuffixesToAppend = dNSSuffixesToAppend; } // setDNSSuffixesToAppend /** * The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property domainName. */ private String domainName; /** * This method returns the DNSProtocolEndpoint.domainName property value. This property is described as follows: * * The domain to use for this client connection. * * @return String current domainName property value * @exception Exception */ public String getDomainName() { return this.domainName; } // getDomainName /** * This method sets the DNSProtocolEndpoint.domainName property value. This property is described as follows: * * The domain to use for this client connection. * * @param String * new domainName property value * @exception Exception */ public void setDomainName(String domainName) { this.domainName = domainName; } // setDomainName /** * The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property registerThisConnectionsAddress. */ private boolean registerThisConnectionsAddress; /** * This method returns the DNSProtocolEndpoint.registerThisConnectionsAddress property value. This property is described as follows: * * Whether or not the client attempted to register this connection's address in DNS. * * @return boolean current registerThisConnectionsAddress property value * @exception Exception */ public boolean isRegisterThisConnectionsAddress() { return this.registerThisConnectionsAddress; } // getRegisterThisConnectionsAddress /** * This method sets the DNSProtocolEndpoint.registerThisConnectionsAddress property value. This property is described as follows: * * Whether or not the client attempted to register this connection's address in DNS. * * @param boolean new registerThisConnectionsAddress property value * @exception Exception */ public void setRegisterThisConnectionsAddress(boolean registerThisConnectionsAddress) { this.registerThisConnectionsAddress = registerThisConnectionsAddress; } // setRegisterThisConnectionsAddress /** * The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property useSuffixWhenRegistering. */ private boolean useSuffixWhenRegistering; /** * This method returns the DNSProtocolEndpoint.useSuffixWhenRegistering property value. This property is described as follows: * * Whether or not the suffix is appended before registering the client name with the DNS server. * * @return boolean current useSuffixWhenRegistering property value * @exception Exception */ public boolean isUseSuffixWhenRegistering() { return this.useSuffixWhenRegistering; } // getUseSuffixWhenRegistering /** * This method sets the DNSProtocolEndpoint.useSuffixWhenRegistering property value. This property is described as follows: * * Whether or not the suffix is appended before registering the client name with the DNS server. * * @param boolean new useSuffixWhenRegistering property value * @exception Exception */ public void setUseSuffixWhenRegistering(boolean useSuffixWhenRegistering) { this.useSuffixWhenRegistering = useSuffixWhenRegistering; } // setUseSuffixWhenRegistering } // Class DNSProtocolEndpoint