package; import org.apache.felix.gogo.commands.Argument; import org.apache.felix.gogo.commands.Command; import org.opennaas.core.resources.IResource; import org.opennaas.core.resources.IResourceIdentifier; import org.opennaas.core.resources.IResourceManager; import org.opennaas.core.resources.ResourceException; import; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.capability.ip.IIPCapability; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.EthernetPort; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.LogicalPort; @Command(scope = "ip", name = "setInterfaceDescription", description = "Sets given description to given interface.") public class SetInterfaceDescriptionCommand extends GenericKarafCommand { @Argument(index = 0, name = "resourceType:resourceName", description = "The resource name.", required = true, multiValued = false) private String resourceId; @Argument(index = 1, name = "interface", description = "The interface whose description is set.", required = true, multiValued = false) private String subinterface; @Argument(index = 2, name = "description", description = "Description of the interface.", required = true, multiValued = false) private String description = ""; @Override protected Object doExecute() throws Exception { printInitCommand("set interface description"); try { IResourceManager manager = getResourceManager(); String[] argsRouterName = new String[2]; try { argsRouterName = splitResourceName(resourceId); } catch (Exception e) { printError(e.getMessage()); printEndCommand(); return -1; } IResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier = null; resourceIdentifier = manager.getIdentifierFromResourceName(argsRouterName[0], argsRouterName[1]); if (resourceIdentifier == null) { printError("Could not get resource with name: " + argsRouterName[0] + ":" + argsRouterName[1]); printEndCommand(); return -1; } IResource resource = manager.getResource(resourceIdentifier); validateResource(resource); IIPCapability ipCapability = (IIPCapability) resource.getCapabilityByInterface(IIPCapability.class); ipCapability.setInterfaceDescription(prepareParams()); } catch (ResourceException e) { printError(e); printEndCommand(); return -1; } catch (Exception e) { printError("Error setting description"); printError(e); printEndCommand(); return -1; } printEndCommand(); return null; } private LogicalPort prepareParams() { String[] args = subinterface.split("\\."); LogicalPort port; if (args.length > 1) { // it's a subinterface EthernetPort eth = new EthernetPort(); eth.setName(args[0]); eth.setPortNumber(Integer.parseInt(args[1])); eth.setDescription(description); port = eth; } else { port = new LogicalPort(); port.setName(args[0]); port.setDescription(description); } return port; } }