package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.felix.gogo.commands.Argument; import org.apache.felix.gogo.commands.Command; import org.apache.felix.gogo.commands.Option; import org.opennaas.core.resources.IResource; import org.opennaas.core.resources.ResourceException; import; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.capability.ospfv3.IOSPFv3Capability; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.LogicalPort; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.NetworkPort; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.NetworkPort.LinkTechnology; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.OSPFArea; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.utils.ModelHelper; @Command(scope = "ospfv3", name = "configureInterfaceInArea", description = "Configure interface in OSPFv3 area") public class ConfigureInterfaceInAreaCommand extends GenericKarafCommand { @Argument(index = 0, name = "resourceType:resourceName", description = "Name of the router to apply this command on", required = true, multiValued = false) private String resourceId; @Argument(index = 1, name = "areaId", description = "OSPFv3 area where to configure given interfaces.", required = true, multiValued = false) private String areaId; @Argument(index = 2, name = "interfaceNames", description = "Interfaces to configure.", required = true, multiValued = true) private List<String> interfaceNames; @Option(name = "--delete", aliases = { "-d" }, description = "Delete interfaces from given area, instead of adding them.") boolean delete; @Override protected Object doExecute() throws Exception { printInitCommand("Configure interfaces in OSPF area "); try { IResource router = getResourceFromFriendlyName(resourceId); // FIXME Cannot read model to get interfaces. // model may not be updated :S OSPFArea area = new OSPFArea(); area.setAreaID(ModelHelper.ipv4StringToLong(areaId)); List<LogicalPort> interfaces = new ArrayList<LogicalPort>(interfaceNames.size()); for (String interfaceName : interfaceNames) { interfaces.add(createInterface(interfaceName)); } IOSPFv3Capability ospfCapability = (IOSPFv3Capability) router.getCapabilityByInterface(IOSPFv3Capability.class); if (delete) { ospfCapability.removeInterfacesInOSPFv3Area(interfaces, area); } else { ospfCapability.addInterfacesInOSPFv3Area(interfaces, area); } } catch (ResourceException e) { printError(e); printEndCommand(); return -1; } catch (Exception e) { printError("Error configuring interfaces in OSPFv3 area"); printError(e); printEndCommand(); return -1; } printEndCommand(); return null; } private NetworkPort createInterface(String interfaceName) throws Exception { String argsInterface[] = new String[2]; try { argsInterface = splitInterfaces(interfaceName); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } String name = argsInterface[0]; int port = Integer.parseInt(argsInterface[1]); if (name.startsWith("lo")) { printError("Configuration for Loopback interface not allowed"); return null; } NetworkPort networkPort = new NetworkPort(); networkPort.setName(name); networkPort.setPortNumber(port); networkPort.setLinkTechnology(LinkTechnology.OTHER); return networkPort; } }