package org.opennaas.extensions.roadm.wonesys.actionsets.actions; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.opennaas.core.resources.action.Action; import org.opennaas.core.resources.action.ActionException; import org.opennaas.core.resources.action.ActionResponse; import org.opennaas.core.resources.action.ActionResponse.STATUS; import org.opennaas.core.resources.command.CommandException; import org.opennaas.core.resources.command.Response; import org.opennaas.core.resources.protocol.IProtocolSession; import org.opennaas.core.resources.protocol.IProtocolSessionManager; import org.opennaas.core.resources.protocol.ProtocolException; import org.opennaas.extensions.roadm.wonesys.actionsets.ActionConstants; import org.opennaas.extensions.roadm.wonesys.commandsets.WonesysCommand; import org.opennaas.extensions.roadm.wonesys.commandsets.commands.psroadm.SetChannel; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.FCPort; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.LogicalDevice; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.LogicalPort; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.NetworkPort; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.opticalSwitch.DWDMChannel; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.opticalSwitch.FiberChannel; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.opticalSwitch.FiberConnection; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.opticalSwitch.WDMChannelPlan; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.opticalSwitch.dwdm.WDMFCPort; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.opticalSwitch.dwdm.proteus.ProteusOpticalSwitch; import; public class MakeConnectionAction extends Action { static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MakeConnectionAction.class); public MakeConnectionAction() { super(); initialize(); } protected void initialize() { this.setActionID(ActionConstants.MAKECONNECTION); } @Override public ActionResponse execute(IProtocolSessionManager protocolSessionManager) throws ActionException { try { /* get protocol */ IProtocolSession protocol = protocolSessionManager.obtainSessionByProtocol("wonesys", false); /* get params */ FiberConnection connection = loadParams((FiberConnection) params, (ProteusOpticalSwitch) modelToUpdate); double srcLambda = connection.getSrcFiberChannel().getLambda(); double dstLambda = connection.getDstFiberChannel().getLambda(); // check there is no connection using given channel // return error if there is if (channelAlreadyInUse(connection, (ProteusOpticalSwitch) modelToUpdate)) return ActionResponse.errorResponse("Could not make connection. Desired channel is already in use."); ActionResponse actionResponse; if (srcLambda == dstLambda) { actionResponse = makeConnectionWithSameLambda(connection, protocol); } else { actionResponse = makeConnectionWithDifferentLambda(connection, protocol); } if (actionResponse.getStatus().equals(STATUS.OK)) { ((ProteusOpticalSwitch) modelToUpdate).getFiberConnections().add(connection); } return actionResponse; } catch (ProtocolException e) { throw new ActionException(e); } } private ActionResponse makeConnectionWithDifferentLambda(FiberConnection connection, IProtocolSession protocol) { // TODO NOT SUPPORTED YET return ActionResponse.errorResponse("Could not make connection. Connections with different lambdas are not supported."); } private ActionResponse makeConnectionWithSameLambda(FiberConnection connection, IProtocolSession protocol) throws ActionException { ActionResponse response = ActionResponse.okResponse(getActionID()); FCPort srcPort = connection.getSrcPort(); FCPort dstPort = connection.getDstPort(); double lambda = connection.getSrcFiberChannel().getLambda(); /* find paths */ NetworkPort[] path = findInternPath(srcPort, dstPort); // foreach hop in path concerning a single card for (int i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) { if (path[i].getModule().equals(path[i + 1].getModule())) { Response partialResponse = makeConnectionInCard((FCPort) path[i], (FCPort) path[i + 1], lambda, protocol); response.addResponse(partialResponse); } } // foreach hop in path concerning different cards for (int i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) { if (!path[i].getModule().equals(path[i + 1].getModule())) { // create passthrough between subports FCPort subPort1 = getSubportWithLambda((FCPort) path[i], lambda); FCPort subPort2 = getSubportWithLambda((FCPort) path[i + 1], lambda); // subports have been created in previous "for" so they cannot be null subPort1.addDeviceConnection(subPort2); } } return response; } private Response makeConnectionInCard(FCPort srcPort, FCPort dstPort, double lambda, IProtocolSession protocol) throws ActionException { try { ProteusOpticalSwitchCard card = (ProteusOpticalSwitchCard) srcPort.getModule(); int channelNum = ((WDMChannelPlan) card.getChannelPlan()).getChannelNumberFromLambda(lambda); FiberChannel channel = ((WDMChannelPlan) card.getChannelPlan()).getChannel(channelNum); Response response = Response.okResponse("none"); if (!card.isPassive()) { int chassis = card.getChasis(); int slot = card.getModuleNumber(); int portNum = dstPort.getPortNumber(); // send command to the card WonesysCommand command = new SetChannel(chassis, slot, channelNum, portNum); command.initialize(); response = command.checkResponse(protocol.sendReceive(command.message())); validateResponse(response); } // create subports and their connection in model makeConnectionInCardUpdateModel(card, srcPort, dstPort, channel, channel); // setChannelInModel(card, channelNum, portNum, (ProteusOpticalSwitch) modelToUpdate); return response; } catch (ProtocolException e) { throw new ActionException(e); } catch (CommandException e) { throw new ActionException(e); } } private void validateResponse(Response response) throws CommandException { if (response.getStatus().equals(Response.Status.ERROR)) { if (response.getErrors().size() > 0) throw new CommandException(response.getErrors().get(0)); else throw new CommandException("Command Failed"); } } /** * Finds a route from srcPort to dstPort following connections inside the switch <br/> * FIXME: NOTE: Right now it only tries paths with less than two hops of card. * * @param srcPort * @param dstPort * @return * @throws ActionException */ private NetworkPort[] findInternPath(NetworkPort srcPort, NetworkPort dstPort) throws ActionException { /* simple case */ if (dstPort.getModule().equals(srcPort.getModule())) { ProteusOpticalSwitchCard srcCard = (ProteusOpticalSwitchCard) srcPort.getModule(); if (srcCard.isInternallyConnected(srcPort, dstPort)) { return new NetworkPort[] { srcPort, dstPort }; } else { throw new ActionException("Could not internally connect given ports"); } /* we search a route */ } else { for (NetworkPort p1 : srcPort.getModule().getModulePorts()) { ProteusOpticalSwitchCard srcCard = (ProteusOpticalSwitchCard) srcPort.getModule(); /* srcPort is internally connected with the p1 */ if (srcCard.isInternallyConnected(srcPort, p1)) { /* search ports connected to p1 */ for (LogicalDevice p2 : p1.getOutgoingDeviceConnections()) { // TODO assure only local ports are checked /* it is a correct port definition */ if (p2 instanceof NetworkPort) { ProteusOpticalSwitchCard dstCard = (ProteusOpticalSwitchCard) ((NetworkPort) p2).getModule(); /* assure p2 is internally connected to dstPort */ if (dstCard.isInternallyConnected((NetworkPort) p2, dstPort)) { return new NetworkPort[] { srcPort, p1, (NetworkPort) p2, dstPort }; } } } } } throw new ActionException("Could not internally connect given ports"); } } @Override public boolean checkParams(Object params) throws ActionException { if (!(params instanceof FiberConnection)) { return false; } return true; } private FiberConnection loadParams(FiberConnection connectionRequest, ProteusOpticalSwitch opticalSwitch) throws ActionException { if (!checkParams(connectionRequest)) throw new ActionException("The Action " + getActionID() + " doesn't accept given params"); return loadFiberConnectionFromRequest(connectionRequest, opticalSwitch); } /** * Uses given request to create a FiberConnection request with information from opticalSwitch model. Checks all params are correct. * * @param connectionRequest * request to select which data must be loaded * @param opticalSwitch * model to get data from * @return * @throws ActionException * if param checking fails */ public static FiberConnection loadFiberConnectionFromRequest(FiberConnection connectionRequest, ProteusOpticalSwitch opticalSwitch) throws ActionException {"Loading request..."); // connection src ProteusOpticalSwitchCard srcCard = opticalSwitch.getCard(connectionRequest.getSrcCard().getChasis(), connectionRequest.getSrcCard() .getSlot()); if (srcCard == null) throw new ActionException( "There is no such card in model : Chassis: " + connectionRequest.getSrcCard().getChasis() + " Slot: " + connectionRequest .getSrcCard().getSlot()); FCPort srcPort = (FCPort) srcCard.getPort(connectionRequest.getSrcPort().getPortNumber()); if (srcPort == null) throw new ActionException( "There is no such port in model: Chassis: " + connectionRequest.getSrcCard().getChasis() + " Slot: " + connectionRequest .getSrcCard().getSlot() + " PortNumber : " + connectionRequest.getSrcPort().getPortNumber()); DWDMChannel srcFiberChannel = loadCompleteDWDMChannel((DWDMChannel) connectionRequest.getSrcFiberChannel(), srcCard); // connection dst ProteusOpticalSwitchCard dstCard = opticalSwitch.getCard(connectionRequest.getDstCard().getChasis(), connectionRequest.getDstCard() .getSlot()); if (dstCard == null) throw new ActionException( "There is no such card in model : Chassis: " + connectionRequest.getDstCard().getChasis() + " Slot: " + connectionRequest .getDstCard().getSlot()); FCPort dstPort = (FCPort) dstCard.getPort(connectionRequest.getDstPort().getPortNumber()); if (dstPort == null) throw new ActionException( "There is no such port in model: Chassis: " + connectionRequest.getDstCard().getChasis() + " Slot: " + connectionRequest .getDstCard().getSlot() + " PortNumber : " + connectionRequest.getDstPort().getPortNumber()); DWDMChannel dstFiberChannel = loadCompleteDWDMChannel((DWDMChannel) connectionRequest.getDstFiberChannel(), dstCard); FiberConnection connection = new FiberConnection(); connection.setSrcCard(srcCard); connection.setDstCard(dstCard); connection.setSrcPort(srcPort); connection.setDstPort(dstPort); connection.setSrcFiberChannel(srcFiberChannel); connection.setDstFiberChannel(dstFiberChannel);"Connection request loaded. \n" + "Connection source: " + connection.getSrcCard().getChasis() + "-" + connection.getSrcCard().getModuleNumber() + "-" + connection .getSrcPort().getPortNumber() + "-" + connection.getSrcFiberChannel().getNumChannel() + "\n" + "Connection destination: " + connection.getDstCard().getChasis() + "-" + connection.getDstCard().getModuleNumber() + "-" + connection .getDstPort().getPortNumber() + "-" + connection.getDstFiberChannel().getNumChannel()); return connection; } /** * Loads existent DWDMChannel from request. Tries to load it from request lambda. If lambda is not set, loads it from request channelNum. * * @param request * @param card * @return * @throws ActionException */ private static DWDMChannel loadCompleteDWDMChannel(DWDMChannel request, ProteusOpticalSwitchCard card) throws ActionException { int channelNum = request.getNumChannel(); if (request.getLambda() != 0.0) { // load from lambda // FIXME what if it's not a valid lambda???? channelNum = ((WDMChannelPlan) card.getChannelPlan()).getChannelNumberFromLambda(request.getLambda()); } // check channelNum is a valid one int[] allChannelsNum = ((WDMChannelPlan) card.getChannelPlan()).getAllChannelsNum(); boolean found = false; int position = -1; for (int i = 0; i < allChannelsNum.length; i++) { if (allChannelsNum[i] == channelNum) { position = i; found = true; break; } else { if (allChannelsNum[i] > channelNum) { position = i; // allChannelsNum is an ordered list (allChannelsNum[i] < allChannelsNum[i+1]) break; } } } if (!found) { log.debug("Could not find specified channel. Looking for channel " + channelNum + ". Found " + allChannelsNum[position] + " and gap is " + ((WDMChannelPlan) card .getChannelPlan()).getChannelGap()); throw new ActionException("Invalid connectionRequest: Could not find specified channel"); } DWDMChannel completeChannel = (DWDMChannel) ((WDMChannelPlan) card.getChannelPlan()).getChannel(channelNum); if (completeChannel == null) { throw new ActionException("Invalid connectionRequest: Could not find specified channel"); } return completeChannel; } /********************** * CONTROLLER METHODS * **********************/ public static void makeConnectionInCardUpdateModel(ProteusOpticalSwitchCard card, FCPort srcPort, FCPort dstPort, FiberChannel srcChannel, FiberChannel dstChannel) { card.addSwitchingRule(srcChannel, srcPort, dstChannel, dstPort); } public static WDMFCPort getSubportWithLambda(FCPort parentPort, double lambda) { for (LogicalPort subport : parentPort.getPortsOnDevice()) { if (subport instanceof WDMFCPort) { if (((WDMFCPort) subport).getDWDMChannel().getLambda() == lambda) { return (WDMFCPort) subport; } } } return null; } public static boolean channelAlreadyInUse(FiberConnection connection, ProteusOpticalSwitch model) { boolean channelInUse = false; for (FiberConnection existentConnection : model.getFiberConnections()) { if (existentConnection.getSrcCard().getChasis() == connection.getSrcCard().getChasis() && existentConnection.getSrcCard().getSlot() == connection.getSrcCard().getSlot()) { if (existentConnection.getSrcFiberChannel().getLambda() == connection.getSrcFiberChannel().getLambda()) { channelInUse = true; break; } } if (existentConnection.getDstCard().getChasis() == connection.getDstCard().getChasis() && existentConnection.getDstCard().getSlot() == connection.getDstCard().getSlot()) { if (existentConnection.getDstFiberChannel().getLambda() == connection.getDstFiberChannel().getLambda()) { channelInUse = true; break; } } } return channelInUse; } }