package; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.felix.gogo.commands.Argument; import org.apache.felix.gogo.commands.Command; import org.opennaas.core.resources.IResource; import org.opennaas.core.resources.ResourceException; import; import org.opennaas.extensions.capability.macbridge.model.MACBridge; import org.opennaas.extensions.capability.macbridge.model.StaticVLANRegistrationEntry; /** * @author Eduard Grasa */ @Command(scope = "vlanawarebridge", name = "showstaticvlanconfiguration", description = "Show the existing static VLAN Configurations in the filtering database") public class ShowStaticVLANConfigCommand extends GenericKarafCommand { @Argument(index = 0, name = "resourceType:resourceName", description = "Name of the MAC bridge to show the VLAN configurations", required = true, multiValued = false) private String resourceId; @Override protected Object doExecute() throws Exception { printInitCommand("Show static VLAN configuration entries in filtering database"); try { IResource macBridgeResource = getResourceFromFriendlyName(resourceId); MACBridge macBridge = (MACBridge) macBridgeResource.getModel(); Iterator<StaticVLANRegistrationEntry> iterator = macBridge.getFilteringDatabase().getStaticVLANRegistrations().values().iterator(); StaticVLANRegistrationEntry currentEntry = null; this.printSymbolWithoutDoubleLine("Static VLAN configuration entries in filtering database: \n"); String result = null; while (iterator.hasNext()) { currentEntry =; result = "VLAN id: " + currentEntry.getVlanID() + "; Ports: "; for (int i = 0; i < currentEntry.getPortConfigurations().size(); i++) { result = result + currentEntry.getPortConfigurations().get(i).getPortInterfaceId() + "="; if (currentEntry.getPortConfigurations().get(i).isTagged()) { result = result + "tagged"; } else { result = result + "untagged"; } if (i + 1 < currentEntry.getPortConfigurations().size()) { result = result + " "; } } this.printSymbolWithoutDoubleLine(result + "\n"); } } catch (ResourceException e) { printError(e); printEndCommand(); return -1; } catch (Exception e) { printError("Error showing static VLAN configuration entries in filtering database"); printError(e); printEndCommand(); return -1; } printEndCommand(); return null; } }