package; import; import; import java.util.List; import jline.console.ConsoleReader; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.felix.service.command.CommandSession; import; import org.opennaas.core.resources.Activator; import org.opennaas.core.resources.IResource; import org.opennaas.core.resources.IResourceIdentifier; import org.opennaas.core.resources.IResourceManager; import org.opennaas.core.resources.ResourceException; import org.opennaas.core.resources.alarms.IAlarmsRepository; import org.opennaas.core.resources.capability.ICapability; import org.opennaas.core.resources.command.Response; import org.opennaas.core.resources.profile.IProfileManager; import org.opennaas.core.resources.protocol.IProtocolManager; public abstract class GenericKarafCommand extends OsgiCommandSupport { Log log = LogFactory.getLog(GenericKarafCommand.class); protected PrintStream out = System.out; protected PrintStream err = System.err; protected int totalFiles = 0; protected String[] argsInterface = null; // Messages protected String error = "[ERROR] "; protected String info = "[INFO] "; // Symbols protected String simpleTab = " "; protected String doubleTab = " "; protected String indexArrowRigth = ">>>>"; protected String indexArrowLeft = "<<<<"; protected String bullet = "o"; // Separators protected String doubleLine = "==========================================================================="; protected String underLine = "___________________________________________________________________"; protected String horizontalSeparator = "|------------------------------------------------------------------|"; protected String titleFrame = "="; protected CommandSession commandSession; @Override public Object execute(CommandSession session) throws Exception { this.commandSession = session; return super.execute(session); } public void printInitCommand(String commandName) { String title = "Executing " + commandName + " command"; log.debug(title); // int length = title.length(); // float chFrame = (doubleLine.length() - length) / 2; // String symbol = ""; // for (int i = 0; i < chFrame; i++) { // symbol = symbol.concat("="); // } // if (((2 * chFrame) + length) >= doubleLine.length()) { // printSymbol(symbol + title + symbol); // } else if (chFrame % 2 == 0 && (((2 * chFrame) + length) < doubleLine.length())) { // printSymbol(symbol + title + symbol + titleFrame); // } else if (chFrame % 2 == 0) { // printSymbol(symbol + title + symbol); // } else { // printSymbol(symbol + title + symbol + titleFrame); // } // // printSymbol(doubleLine); } public void newLine() { printSymbol(underLine); } public void newSeparator() { printSymbol(horizontalSeparator); } public void printEndCommand() { // printSymbol(doubleLine); log.debug("Command finished."); } public void printError(String message) { err.println(error + message); log.error(error + message); } public void printError(Throwable e) { err.println(error + e.getMessage()); log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } public void printError(String message, Throwable e) { err.println(error + message + e.getMessage()); log.error(error + message, e); } public void printInfo(String message) { out.println(info + message); + message); } public void printSymbol(String symbol) { out.println(symbol); } public void printSymbolWithoutDoubleLine(String symbol) { out.print(symbol); } public void printfSymbol(String format, String symbol) { out.printf(format, symbol); } public String[] splitResourceName(String complexName) throws Exception { String[] argsRouterName = new String[2]; argsRouterName = complexName.split(":"); if (argsRouterName.length != 2) { Exception excep = new Exception("Invalid resourceId" + '\n' + "ResourceId must have the format [resourceType:resourceName]"); throw excep; } if (argsRouterName[0].equalsIgnoreCase("")) { Exception excep = new Exception("Invalid resource type." + '\n' + "[resourceType] can not be null"); throw excep; } if (argsRouterName[1].equalsIgnoreCase("")) { Exception excep = new Exception("Invalid resource name." + '\n' + "[resourceType] can not be null"); throw excep; } return argsRouterName; } public String[] splitInterfaces(String complexInterface) throws Exception { String[] argsInterface = new String[2]; try { argsInterface = complexInterface.split("\\."); if (argsInterface.length != 2) { Exception excep = new Exception("Invalid format in interface name."); throw excep; } } catch (Exception e) { // throw new Exception("Bad interface name.", e); printError("Error reading the interface name."); Exception excep = new Exception("Error reading the interface name."); throw excep; } return argsInterface; } public void printTable(String[] titles, String[][] values, int sizeWords) { boolean wordSizeVariable = false; wordSizeVariable = (sizeWords == -1); int max = 0; if (wordSizeVariable) { for (String title : titles) { int sizeCaracts = title.length(); if (max < sizeCaracts) max = sizeCaracts; } } /* Print titles */ for (String title : titles) printfSymbol("%" + max + "s ", title); printSymbolWithoutDoubleLine("\n"); for (int row = 0; row < values.length; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < values[row].length; col++) { printfSymbol("%" + max + "s ", values[row][col]); } printSymbolWithoutDoubleLine("\n"); } } protected IResourceManager getResourceManager() throws Exception { IResourceManager resourceManager = Activator.getResourceManagerService(); return resourceManager; } protected IProfileManager getProfileManager() throws Exception { IProfileManager profileManager = Activator.getProfileManagerService(); return profileManager; } protected IProtocolManager getProtocolManager() throws Exception { return getAllServices(IProtocolManager.class, null).get(0); } protected IAlarmsRepository getAlarmsRepository() throws Exception { return getAllServices(IAlarmsRepository.class, null).get(0); } /** * TODO A method don't have to return null!!! REFACTOR * * @param resourceId * @return * @throws ResourceException */ protected IResource getResourceFromFriendlyName(String resourceId) throws ResourceException { IResourceManager manager = null; try { manager = getResourceManager(); } catch (Exception e) { printError("Error getting resource manager."); printError(e); return null; } if (manager == null) { printError("Error in manager."); printEndCommand(); return null; } String[] argsRouterName = new String[2]; try { argsRouterName = splitResourceName(resourceId); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } IResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier = manager.getIdentifierFromResourceName(argsRouterName[0], argsRouterName[1]); if (resourceIdentifier == null) { printError("Error in identifier."); printEndCommand(); return null; } IResource resource = manager.getResource(resourceIdentifier); validateResource(resource); return resource; } protected ICapability getCapability(List<? extends ICapability> capabilities, String type) throws Exception { for (ICapability capability : capabilities) { if (capability.getCapabilityInformation().getType().equals(type)) { return capability; } } throw new Exception("Error getting the capability"); } protected boolean containsCapability(List<ICapability> capabilities, String type) throws Exception { for (ICapability capability : capabilities) { if (capability.getCapabilityInformation().getType().equals(type)) { return true; } } return false; } public static final String NORESOURCEFOUND = "No resource found."; public static final String NOTMODELINITIALIZED = "The resource didn't have a model initialized. Start the resource first."; public static final String NOTCAPABILITIESINITIALIZED = "The resource didn't have the capabilities initialized. Start the resource first."; protected boolean validateResource(IResource resource) throws ResourceException { if (resource == null) throw new ResourceException(NORESOURCEFOUND); if (resource.getModel() == null) throw new ResourceException(NOTMODELINITIALIZED); if (resource.getCapabilities() == null) { throw new ResourceException(NOTCAPABILITIESINITIALIZED); } return true; } protected Object printResponseStatus(Response response, String resourceId) { if (response.getStatus().equals(Response.Status.OK)) { return null; } else if (response.getStatus().equals(Response.Status.ERROR)) { printError("Error in " + response.getSentMessage()); for (String error : response.getErrors()) printError(error); return -1; } else if (response.getStatus().equals(Response.Status.QUEUED)) { printSymbol("Queued " + response.getSentMessage() + " for " + resourceId); return null; } else { printSymbol(response.getStatus().toString()); return null; } } protected String askPasswordInteractively(String displayMessage) throws IOException { commandSession.getConsole().append(displayMessage + "\n"); commandSession.getConsole().flush(); // ConsoleReader consoleReader = new ConsoleReader(commandSession.getKeyboard(), new OutputStreamWriter( // commandSession.getConsole())); ConsoleReader consoleReader = new ConsoleReader(commandSession.getKeyboard(), commandSession.getConsole()); String password = consoleReader.readLine(new Character((char) 0)); return password; } }