package com.kyben.translatecim; import org.junit.Test; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException; import*; /** * Unit test for TranslateCIM. */ public class TestCommandLine extends TestCase { private PrintStream originalSysOut, originalSysErr; private ByteArrayOutputStream sysOut, sysErr; /** * Create the test case * * @param testName name of the test case */ public TestCommandLine( String testName ) { super( testName ); } // @Before public void setUp() { originalSysOut = System.out; originalSysErr = System.err; sysOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); sysErr = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); System.setOut(new PrintStream(sysOut)); System.setErr(new PrintStream(sysErr)); } /** * @return the suite of tests being tested */ public static TestSuite suite() { return new TestSuite( TestCommandLine.class ); } @Test public void testNotEnoughCommandLineArguments() { String inputFileName = ""; String stgFileName = ""; String outputDirectoryName = ""; String[] testArgs = { "/Users/siemsen/TranslateCIM/src/test/data/cim/cimv2201Experimental-MOFs/cim_schema_2.20.1.mof", "/Users/siemsen/TranslateCIM/TranslateCIM-java.stg", // "/tmp/org/dmtf/cim" // for this test, comment this out to cause a CmdLineException }; TranslateCIM tc = new TranslateCIM(); String fileNames[]; try { fileNames = tc.parseCommandLine(testArgs); System.setOut(originalSysOut); System.setErr(originalSysErr); fail("Should have thrown a CmdLineException, didn't throw any exception at all"); } catch (CmdLineException ce) { System.setOut(originalSysOut); System.setErr(originalSysErr); String expectedString = "Need 3 comand-line arguments, got 2"; if (sysErr.toString().contains(expectedString)) { assertTrue(true); } else { fail("Expected a CmdLineException with sysErr containing \"" + expectedString + "\", got a CmdLineException with \"" + ce.getMessage() + "\""); } } catch (Exception e) { System.setOut(originalSysOut); System.setErr(originalSysErr); fail("Expected a CmdLineException, got an Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } @Test public void testIllegalCommandLineArgument() { String inputFileName = ""; String stgFileName = ""; String outputDirectoryName = ""; String[] testArgs = { "-nnn", "/Users/siemsen/TranslateCIM/src/test/data/cim/cimv2201Experimental-MOFs/cim_schema_2.20.1.mof", "/Users/siemsen/TranslateCIM/TranslateCIM-java.stg", System.getProperty("") }; TranslateCIM tc = new TranslateCIM(); String fileNames[]; try { fileNames = tc.parseCommandLine(testArgs); System.setOut(originalSysOut); System.setErr(originalSysErr); fail("Should have thrown a CmdLineException, didn't throw any exception at all"); } catch (CmdLineException ce) { System.setOut(originalSysOut); System.setErr(originalSysErr); String expectedString = "is not a valid option"; if (sysErr.toString().contains(expectedString)) { assertTrue(true); } else { fail("Expected a CmdLineException with sysErr containing \"" + expectedString + "\", got a CmdLineException with \"" + ce.getMessage() + "\""); } } catch (Exception e) { System.setOut(originalSysOut); System.setErr(originalSysErr); fail("Expected a CmdLineException, got an Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } }