package org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.utils; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.FCPort; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.LogicalDevice; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.NetworkPort; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.opticalSwitch.WDMChannelPlan; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.opticalSwitch.dwdm.proteus.ProteusOpticalSwitch; import; import; import; import; public class OpticalSwitchCardFactory { Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(OpticalSwitchCardFactory.class); OpticalSwitchCardProfileLoader cardProfiles; OpticalSwitchTopologyLoader topologyLoader; public OpticalSwitchCardFactory() throws IOException { cardProfiles = new OpticalSwitchCardProfileLoader(); topologyLoader = new OpticalSwitchTopologyLoader(); } public OpticalSwitchCardFactory(String cardProfilesFilePath, String topologyFilePath) throws IOException { cardProfiles = new OpticalSwitchCardProfileLoader(cardProfilesFilePath); topologyLoader = new OpticalSwitchTopologyLoader(topologyFilePath); } public ProteusOpticalSwitchCard createCard(int chasis, int slot, int type, int subtype) { String cardTypeStr = cardProfiles.getValue(type, subtype, "cardType"); CardType cardType = null; try { cardType = CardType.valueOf(cardTypeStr); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // Unrecognized card type // FIXME throw dedicated exception throw e; } ProteusOpticalSwitchCard card; // TODO find a way to add other types automatically if (cardType.equals(CardType.ROADM_DROP)) { card = new WonesysDropCard(chasis, slot, type, subtype); } else if (cardType.equals(CardType.ROADM_ADD)) { card = new WonesysPassiveAddCard(chasis, slot, type, subtype); } else { // FIXME add all current possibilities // card = new WonesysTransceiverCard(chasis, slot, type, subtype); // card = new WonesysTransponderCard(chasis, slot, type, subtype); card = new ProteusOpticalSwitchCard(chasis, slot, type, subtype); } // card.setName(cardProfiles.getValue(type, subtype, "name")); card.setCardType(cardType); card.setAllowsProtection(Boolean.parseBoolean(cardProfiles.getValue(type, subtype, "allowsProtection"))); // all ProteusCards managing channels use WDM channels by default WDMChannelPlan channelPlan = new WDMChannelPlan(); // channelPlan.setChannelType(FiberChannelPlan.ChannelType.valueOf(cardProfiles.getValue(type, subtype, "channelType", // ChannelType.WDM.toString()))); card.setChannelPlan(channelPlan); NetworkPort cardPort; String[] cardPortNums = cardProfiles.getPortsParameter(type, subtype, "portNumber"); String[] cardPortTypes = cardProfiles.getPortsParameter(type, subtype, "portType"); String[] cardPortSpecial = cardProfiles.getPortsParameter(type, subtype, "special"); List<List<String>> connections = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); for (int i = 0; i < cardPortNums.length; i++) { if (cardPortTypes[i].equals("optical")) { cardPort = new FCPort(); } else { cardPort = new NetworkPort(); } connections.add(cardProfiles.getPortInternalConnections(type, subtype, cardPortNums[i])); cardPort.setPortNumber(Integer.parseInt(cardPortNums[i])); card.addModulePort(cardPort); // set special ports if (card instanceof WonesysDropCard) { if (cardPortSpecial[i].equals("common")) { ((WonesysDropCard) card).setCommonPort((FCPort) cardPort); } else if (cardPortSpecial[i].equals("express")) { ((WonesysDropCard) card).setExpressPort((FCPort) cardPort); } } else if (card instanceof WonesysPassiveAddCard) { if (cardPortSpecial[i].equals("common")) { ((WonesysPassiveAddCard) card).setCommonPort((FCPort) cardPort); } else if (cardPortSpecial[i].equals("express")) { ((WonesysPassiveAddCard) card).setExpressPort((FCPort) cardPort); } } } // add internal connections of each port List<NetworkPort> portConnections; for (NetworkPort port : card.getModulePorts()) { for (int i = 0; i < cardPortNums.length; i++) { if (cardPortNums[i].equals(Integer.toString(port.getPortNumber()))) { portConnections = new ArrayList<NetworkPort>(); for (String portNum : connections.get(i)) { portConnections.add(card.getPort(Integer.parseInt(portNum))); } card.addInternalConnections(port, portConnections); break; } } } // TODO oposnl thing??? return card; } /** * Adds connections between ports of given opticalSwitch, loading them from a config file. * * @param opticalSwitch */ public void addHardcodedCardConnections(org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.System opticalSwitch) { String srcPortID = null; String dstPortID = null; List<String[]> connections = topologyLoader.getConnections(opticalSwitch.getName()); NetworkPort srcPort; NetworkPort dstPort; for (String[] connection : connections) { srcPort = null; dstPort = null; srcPortID = connection[0]; dstPortID = connection[1]; String nodeName = topologyLoader.getPortNodeName(srcPortID); int chasis = topologyLoader.getPortChassis(srcPortID); int slot = topologyLoader.getPortSlot(srcPortID); int portNumber = topologyLoader.getPortNumber(srcPortID); srcPort = getPort((ProteusOpticalSwitch) opticalSwitch, nodeName, chasis, slot, portNumber); if (srcPort != null) { nodeName = topologyLoader.getPortNodeName(dstPortID); chasis = topologyLoader.getPortChassis(dstPortID); slot = topologyLoader.getPortSlot(dstPortID); portNumber = topologyLoader.getPortNumber(dstPortID); dstPort = getPort((ProteusOpticalSwitch) opticalSwitch, nodeName, chasis, slot, portNumber); if (dstPort != null) { srcPort.addDeviceConnection(dstPort); } } } } private NetworkPort getPort(ProteusOpticalSwitch opticalSwitch, String nodeName, int chasis, int slot, int portNumber) { NetworkPort result = null; if (nodeName.equals(opticalSwitch.getName())) { // get card ProteusOpticalSwitchCard card = null; for (LogicalDevice dev : opticalSwitch.getLogicalDevices()) { if (dev instanceof ProteusOpticalSwitchCard) { if (((ProteusOpticalSwitchCard) dev).getChasis() == chasis && ((ProteusOpticalSwitchCard) dev).getModuleNumber() == slot) { card = (ProteusOpticalSwitchCard) dev; break; } } } if (card != null) { result = card.getPort(portNumber); } } if (result == null) { logger.warn("Unable to find desired port in model. Check topology file is correct. \n" + "Port details: node=" + nodeName + " chasis=" + chasis + " slot=" + slot + " portNumber=" + portNumber); } return result; } }