package; import org.apache.felix.gogo.commands.Argument; import org.apache.felix.gogo.commands.Command; import org.opennaas.core.resources.IResource; import; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.opticalSwitch.FiberConnection; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.opticalSwitch.dwdm.proteus.ProteusOpticalSwitch; @Command(scope = "connections", name = "listConnections", description = "Shows given resource connections.") public class ListConnectionsCommand extends GenericKarafCommand { @Argument(index = 0, name = "resourceType:resourceName", description = "The resource id to show connections.", required = true, multiValued = false) private String resourceId; @Override protected Object doExecute() throws Exception { printInitCommand("list connections of resource :" + resourceId); try { IResource resource = getResourceFromFriendlyName(resourceId); if (resource == null) return ""; printConnections(resource); } catch (Exception e) { printError("Error listing connections for resource " + resourceId); printError(e); printEndCommand(); return ""; } printEndCommand(); return null; } private void printConnections(IResource resource) { ProteusOpticalSwitch model = (ProteusOpticalSwitch) resource.getModel(); printInfo("Connections of Proteus Optical Switch " + model.getName() + ":"); for (FiberConnection connection : model.getFiberConnections()) { String srcCardType = connection.getSrcCard().getCardType().toString(); String srcPortId = connection.getSrcCard().getChasis() + "-" + connection.getSrcCard().getModuleNumber() + "-" + connection.getSrcPort() .getPortNumber(); String dstCardType = connection.getDstCard().getCardType().toString(); String dstPortId = connection.getDstCard().getChasis() + "-" + connection.getDstCard().getModuleNumber() + "-" + connection.getDstPort() .getPortNumber(); printInfo("Port " + srcPortId + " in " + srcCardType + " card using channel " + connection.getSrcFiberChannel().getNumChannel() + " --> " + "Port " + dstPortId + " in " + dstCardType + " card using channel " + connection.getDstFiberChannel().getNumChannel()); } printInfo("Total connections: " + model.getFiberConnections().size()); } }