package org.opennaas.extensions.router.model; public class BasicAction extends PolicyAction { /** * The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property Action. */ public enum Action { PERMIT, DENY } private Action action; /** * This method returns the BGPRouteMap.action property value. This property is described as follows: * * This defines whether the action should be to forward or deny traffic meeting the match condition specified in this RouteMap. * * @return int current action property value * @exception Exception */ public Action getAction() { return this.action; } // getAction /** * This method sets the BGPRouteMap.action property value. This property is described as follows: * * This defines whether the action should be to forward or deny traffic meeting the match condition specified in this RouteMap. * * @param int new action property value * @exception Exception */ public void setAction(Action action) { this.action = action; } // setAction }