package backtype.storm.grouping; import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields; import; import java.util.List; public interface CustomStreamGrouping extends Serializable { /** * Tells the stream grouping at runtime the number of tasks in the target bolt. * This information should be used in taskIndicies to determine the target tasks. * * It also tells the grouping the metadata on the stream this grouping will be used on. */ void prepare(Fields outFields, int numTasks); /** * This function implements a custom stream grouping. It takes in as input * the number of tasks in the target bolt in prepare and returns the * indices of the tasks to send the tuple to. Each index must be in the range * [0, numTargetTasks-1] * * @param tuple the values to group on * @param numTargetTasks the number of tasks in the target bolt */ List<Integer> taskIndices(List<Object> values); }