package com.alimama.mdrill.editlog.write; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import com.alimama.mdrill.editlog.defined.HdfsConstants; import com.alimama.mdrill.editlog.defined.JournalManager; import com.alimama.mdrill.editlog.defined.NNStorage; import com.alimama.mdrill.editlog.defined.StorageDirectory; import; import; import; import com.alimama.mdrill.editlog.util.FileUtil; import; import; import; import; public class FileJournalManager implements JournalManager { private void purgeLog(EditLogFile log) {"Purging old edit log " + log.getFile().toString()); deleteOrWarn(log.getFs(), log.getFile()); } private void deleteOrWarn(FileSystem fs, Path file) { try { if (!fs.delete(file, true)) { LOG.warn("Could not delete " + file); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Could not delete " + file); } } public static String EDITS_FILE_NAME = "mlog"; public static String EDITS_INPROGRESS_FILE_NAME = "mlog_inprocess"; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(FileJournalManager.class); private final StorageDirectory sd; private int outputBufferCapacity = 1024*1024; private static final Pattern EDITS_REGEX = Pattern.compile(EDITS_FILE_NAME + "_(\\d+)-(\\d+)"); private static final Pattern EDITS_INPROGRESS_REGEX = Pattern.compile(EDITS_INPROGRESS_FILE_NAME+ "_(\\d+)"); private Path currentInProgress = null; public FileJournalManager(StorageDirectory sd) { = sd; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { } @Override synchronized public EditLogOutputStream startLogSegment(long txid) throws IOException { try { currentInProgress = NNStorage.getInProgressEditsFile(sd, txid); EditLogOutputStream stm = new EditLogFileOutputStream(sd.getFileSystem(), currentInProgress, outputBufferCapacity); return stm; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Unable to start log segment " + txid + " at " + currentInProgress + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); throw e; } } @Override synchronized public void finalizeLogSegment(long firstTxId, long lastTxId) throws IOException { Path inprogressFile = NNStorage.getInProgressEditsFile(sd, firstTxId); Path dstFile = NNStorage.getFinalizedEditsFile(sd, firstTxId, lastTxId);"Finalizing edits file " + inprogressFile + " -> " + dstFile); Preconditions.checkState(!sd.getFileSystem().exists(dstFile), "Can't finalize edits file " + inprogressFile + " since finalized file " + "already exists"); if (!sd.getFileSystem().rename(inprogressFile, dstFile)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to finalize edits file " + inprogressFile); } if (inprogressFile.equals(currentInProgress)) { currentInProgress = null; } } @VisibleForTesting public StorageDirectory getStorageDirectory() { return sd; } @Override synchronized public void setOutputBufferCapacity(int size) { this.outputBufferCapacity = size; } @Override public void purgeLogsOlderThan(long minTxIdToKeep) throws IOException {"Purging logs older than " + minTxIdToKeep); FileStatus[] files = FileUtil.listFiles(sd.getFileSystem(),sd.getCurrentDir()); List<EditLogFile> editLogs = FileJournalManager.matchEditLogs(sd.getFileSystem(),files); for (EditLogFile log : editLogs) { if (!log.isInProgress()&&log.getFirstTxId() < minTxIdToKeep && log.getLastTxId() < minTxIdToKeep) { purgeLog(log); } } } public static List<EditLogFile> matchEditLogs(FileSystem fs,Path logDir) throws IOException { return matchEditLogs(fs,FileUtil.listFiles(fs,logDir)); } static List<EditLogFile> matchEditLogs(FileSystem fs,FileStatus[] filesInStorage) { List<EditLogFile> ret = Lists.newArrayList(); for (FileStatus f : filesInStorage) { String name = f.getPath().getName(); // Check for edits Matcher editsMatch = EDITS_REGEX.matcher(name); if (editsMatch.matches()) { try { long startTxId = Long.valueOf(; long endTxId = Long.valueOf(; ret.add(new EditLogFile(fs,f.getPath(), startTxId, endTxId)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { LOG.error("Edits file " + f + " has improperly formatted " + "transaction ID"); // skip } } // Check for in-progress edits Matcher inProgressEditsMatch = EDITS_INPROGRESS_REGEX.matcher(name); if (inProgressEditsMatch.matches()) { try { long startTxId = Long.valueOf(; ret.add(new EditLogFile(fs,f.getPath(), startTxId, HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID, true)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { LOG.error("In-progress edits file " + f + " has improperly " + "formatted transaction ID"); // skip } } } return ret; } @Override synchronized public void selectInputStreams( Collection<EditLogInputStream> streams, long fromTxId, boolean inProgressOk, boolean forReading) throws IOException { List<EditLogFile> elfs = matchEditLogs(sd.getFileSystem(),sd.getCurrentDir()); LOG.debug(this + ": selecting input streams starting at " + fromTxId + (inProgressOk ? " (inProgress ok) " : " (excluding inProgress) ") + "from among " + elfs.size() + " candidate file(s)"); addStreamsToCollectionFromFiles(elfs, streams, fromTxId, inProgressOk); } static void addStreamsToCollectionFromFiles(Collection<EditLogFile> elfs, Collection<EditLogInputStream> streams, long fromTxId, boolean inProgressOk) { for (EditLogFile elf : elfs) { if (elf.isInProgress()) { if (!inProgressOk) { LOG.debug("passing over " + elf + " because it is in progress " + "and we are ignoring in-progress logs."); continue; } try { elf.validateLog(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("got IOException while trying to validate header of " + elf + ". Skipping.", e); continue; } } if (elf.lastTxId < fromTxId) { assert elf.lastTxId != HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID; LOG.debug("passing over " + elf + " because it ends at " + elf.lastTxId + ", but we only care about transactions " + "as new as " + fromTxId); continue; } EditLogFileInputStream elfis = new EditLogFileInputStream(elf.getFs(),elf.getFile(), elf.getFirstTxId(), elf.getLastTxId(), elf.isInProgress()); LOG.debug("selecting edit log stream " + elf); streams.add(elfis); } } @Override synchronized public void recoverUnfinalizedSegments() throws IOException { Path currentDir = sd.getCurrentDir();"Recovering unfinalized segments in " + currentDir); List<EditLogFile> allLogFiles = matchEditLogs(sd.getFileSystem(),currentDir); for (EditLogFile elf : allLogFiles) { if (elf.getFile().equals(currentInProgress)) { continue; } if (elf.isInProgress()) { try{ if (elf.getLength() == 0) {"Deleting zero-length edit log file " + elf); if (!elf.delete()) { throw new IOException("Unable to delete file " + elf.getFile()); } continue; } }catch(Throwable e){ continue; } elf.validateLog(); if (elf.hasCorruptHeader()) { elf.moveAsideCorruptFile(); throw new CorruptionException("In-progress edit log file is corrupt: " + elf); } if (elf.getLastTxId() == HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID) {"Moving aside edit log file that seems to have zero " + "transactions " + elf); elf.moveAsideEmptyFile(); continue; } finalizeLogSegment(elf.getFirstTxId(), elf.getLastTxId()); } } } public List<EditLogFile> getLogFiles(long fromTxId) throws IOException { Path currentDir = sd.getCurrentDir(); List<EditLogFile> allLogFiles = matchEditLogs(sd.getFileSystem(),currentDir); List<EditLogFile> logFiles = Lists.newArrayList(); for (EditLogFile elf : allLogFiles) { if (fromTxId <= elf.getFirstTxId() || elf.containsTxId(fromTxId)) { logFiles.add(elf); } } Collections.sort(logFiles, EditLogFile.COMPARE_BY_START_TXID); return logFiles; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("FileJournalManager(root=%s)", sd.getCurrentDir()); } public static class EditLogFile { private Path file; private FileSystem fs; private final long firstTxId; private long lastTxId; private boolean hasCorruptHeader = false; private final boolean isInProgress; final static Comparator<EditLogFile> COMPARE_BY_START_TXID = new Comparator<EditLogFile>() { @Override public int compare(EditLogFile a, EditLogFile b) { return ComparisonChain.start() .compare(a.getFirstTxId(), b.getFirstTxId()) .compare(a.getLastTxId(), b.getLastTxId()) .result(); } }; EditLogFile(FileSystem fs,Path file, long firstTxId, long lastTxId) { this(fs,file, firstTxId, lastTxId, false); assert (lastTxId != HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID) && (lastTxId >= firstTxId); } EditLogFile(FileSystem fs,Path file, long firstTxId, long lastTxId, boolean isInProgress) { assert (lastTxId == HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID && isInProgress) || (lastTxId != HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID && lastTxId >= firstTxId); assert (firstTxId > 0) || (firstTxId == HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID); assert file != null; Preconditions.checkArgument(!isInProgress || lastTxId == HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID); this.firstTxId = firstTxId; this.lastTxId = lastTxId; this.file = file; this.fs=fs; this.isInProgress = isInProgress; } public long getFirstTxId() { return firstTxId; } public long getLastTxId() { return lastTxId; } boolean containsTxId(long txId) { return firstTxId <= txId && txId <= lastTxId; } public void validateLog() throws IOException { EditLogValidation val = EditLogFileInputStream.validateEditLog(fs,file); this.lastTxId = val.getEndTxId(); this.hasCorruptHeader = val.hasCorruptHeader(); } public boolean isInProgress() { return isInProgress; } public Path getFile() { return file; } public boolean delete() throws IOException { return fs.delete(this.file,true); } public long getLength() throws IOException { return this.fs.getFileStatus(this.file).getLen(); } public FileSystem getFs() { return fs; } boolean hasCorruptHeader() { return hasCorruptHeader; } void moveAsideCorruptFile() throws IOException { assert hasCorruptHeader; renameSelf(".corrupt"); } public void moveAsideEmptyFile() throws IOException { assert lastTxId == HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID; renameSelf(".empty"); } private void renameSelf(String newSuffix) throws IOException { Path src = file; Path dst = new Path(src.getParent(), src.getName() + newSuffix); boolean success = fs.rename(src,dst); if (!success) { throw new IOException( "Couldn't rename log " + src + " to " + dst); } file = dst; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("EditLogFile(file=%s,first=%019d,last=%019d," +"inProgress=%b,hasCorruptHeader=%b)", file.toString(), firstTxId, lastTxId, isInProgress(), hasCorruptHeader); } } }