package; /** * A limit clause in the form [LIMIT {[offset,] row_count) | (row_count | ALL) OFFSET offset}] */ public class Limit { private long offset; private long rowCount ; private boolean rowCountJdbcParameter = false; private boolean offsetJdbcParameter = false; private boolean limitAll; public long getOffset() { return offset; } public long getRowCount() { return rowCount; } public void setOffset(long l) { offset = l; } public void setRowCount(long l) { rowCount = l; } public boolean isOffsetJdbcParameter() { return offsetJdbcParameter; } public boolean isRowCountJdbcParameter() { return rowCountJdbcParameter; } public void setOffsetJdbcParameter(boolean b) { offsetJdbcParameter = b; } public void setRowCountJdbcParameter(boolean b) { rowCountJdbcParameter = b; } /** * @return true if the limit is "LIMIT ALL [OFFSET ...]) */ public boolean isLimitAll() { return limitAll; } public void setLimitAll(boolean b) { limitAll = b; } public String toString() { String retVal = ""; if (rowCount > 0 || rowCountJdbcParameter ) { retVal += " LIMIT "+(rowCountJdbcParameter?"?":rowCount+""); } if (offset > 0 || offsetJdbcParameter) { retVal += " OFFSET "+(offsetJdbcParameter?"?":offset+""); } return retVal; } }