package; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; import; /** @lucene.internal Only public to be accessible by spans package. */ public abstract class ScoringRewrite<Q extends Query> extends TermCollectingRewrite<Q> { /** A rewrite method that first translates each term into * {@link BooleanClause.Occur#SHOULD} clause in a * BooleanQuery, and keeps the scores as computed by the * query. Note that typically such scores are * meaningless to the user, and require non-trivial CPU * to compute, so it's almost always better to use {@link * MultiTermQuery#CONSTANT_SCORE_AUTO_REWRITE_DEFAULT} instead. * * <p><b>NOTE</b>: This rewrite method will hit {@link * BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses} if the number of terms * exceeds {@link BooleanQuery#getMaxClauseCount}. * * @see #setRewriteMethod */ public final static ScoringRewrite<BooleanQuery> SCORING_BOOLEAN_QUERY_REWRITE = new ScoringRewrite<BooleanQuery>() { @Override protected BooleanQuery getTopLevelQuery() { return new BooleanQuery(true); } @Override protected void addClause(BooleanQuery topLevel, Term term, float boost) { final TermQuery tq = new TermQuery(term); tq.setBoost(boost); topLevel.add(tq, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD); } // Make sure we are still a singleton even after deserializing protected Object readResolve() { return SCORING_BOOLEAN_QUERY_REWRITE; } }; /** Like {@link #SCORING_BOOLEAN_QUERY_REWRITE} except * scores are not computed. Instead, each matching * document receives a constant score equal to the * query's boost. * * <p><b>NOTE</b>: This rewrite method will hit {@link * BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses} if the number of terms * exceeds {@link BooleanQuery#getMaxClauseCount}. * * @see #setRewriteMethod */ public final static RewriteMethod CONSTANT_SCORE_BOOLEAN_QUERY_REWRITE = new RewriteMethod() { @Override public Query rewrite(IndexReader reader, MultiTermQuery query) throws IOException { final BooleanQuery bq = SCORING_BOOLEAN_QUERY_REWRITE.rewrite(reader, query); // TODO: if empty boolean query return NullQuery? if (bq.clauses().isEmpty()) return bq; // strip the scores off final Query result = new ConstantScoreQuery(bq); result.setBoost(query.getBoost()); return result; } // Make sure we are still a singleton even after deserializing protected Object readResolve() { return CONSTANT_SCORE_BOOLEAN_QUERY_REWRITE; } }; @Override public Q rewrite(final IndexReader reader, final MultiTermQuery query) throws IOException { final Q result = getTopLevelQuery(); final int[] size = new int[1]; // "trick" to be able to make it final collectTerms(reader, query, new TermCollector() { public boolean collect(Term t, float boost) throws IOException { addClause(result, t, query.getBoost() * boost); size[0]++; return true; } }); query.incTotalNumberOfTerms(size[0]); return result; } }