package com.alimama.mdrill.editlog.write; import; import; import com.alimama.mdrill.editlog.defined.HdfsConstants; import; import; import com.alimama.mdrill.editlog.util.IOUtils; import; public class EditsDoubleBuffer { private TxnBuffer bufCurrent; // current buffer for writing private TxnBuffer bufReady; // buffer ready for flushing private final int initBufferSize; public EditsDoubleBuffer(int defaultBufferSize) { initBufferSize = defaultBufferSize; bufCurrent = new TxnBuffer(initBufferSize); bufReady = new TxnBuffer(initBufferSize); } public void writeOp(FSEditLogOp op) throws IOException { bufCurrent.writeOp(op); } public void writeRaw(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) throws IOException { bufCurrent.write(bytes, offset, length); } public void close() throws IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(bufCurrent); Preconditions.checkNotNull(bufReady); int bufSize = bufCurrent.size(); if (bufSize != 0) { throw new IOException("FSEditStream has " + bufSize + " bytes still to be flushed and cannot be closed."); } IOUtils.cleanup(null, bufCurrent, bufReady); bufCurrent = bufReady = null; } public void setReadyToFlush() { assert isFlushed() : "previous data not flushed yet"; TxnBuffer tmp = bufReady; bufReady = bufCurrent; bufCurrent = tmp; } /** * Writes the content of the "ready" buffer to the given output stream, * and resets it. Does not swap any buffers. */ public void flushTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException { bufReady.writeTo(out); // write data to file bufReady.reset(); // erase all data in the buffer } public boolean shouldForceSync() { return bufCurrent.size() >= initBufferSize; } public DataOutputBuffer getReadyBuf() { return bufReady; } public DataOutputBuffer getCurrentBuf() { return bufCurrent; } public boolean isFlushed() { return bufReady.size() == 0; } public int countBufferedBytes() { return bufReady.size() + bufCurrent.size(); } /** * @return the transaction ID of the first transaction ready to be flushed */ public long getFirstReadyTxId() { assert bufReady.firstTxId > 0; return bufReady.firstTxId; } /** * @return the number of transactions that are ready to be flushed */ public int countReadyTxns() { return bufReady.numTxns; } /** * @return the number of bytes that are ready to be flushed */ public int countReadyBytes() { return bufReady.size(); } private static class TxnBuffer extends DataOutputBuffer { long firstTxId; int numTxns; private Writer writer; public TxnBuffer(int initBufferSize) { super(initBufferSize); writer = new FSEditLogOp.Writer(this); reset(); } public void writeOp(FSEditLogOp op) throws IOException { if (firstTxId == HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID) { firstTxId = op.txid; } else { assert op.txid > firstTxId; } writer.writeOp(op); numTxns++; } @Override public DataOutputBuffer reset() { super.reset(); firstTxId = HdfsConstants.INVALID_TXID; numTxns = 0; return this; } } }