package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import backtype.storm.Config; import backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon; import backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology; import backtype.storm.utils.ThriftTopologyUtils; import backtype.storm.utils.Utils; import com.alimama.mdrill.utils.UniqConfig; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class NimbusUtils { private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(NimbusUtils.class); /** * ��֤�Ƿ�ֲ�ʽģʽ * * @param conf */ public static void validate_distributed_mode(Map<?, ?> conf) { if (StormConfig.local_mode(conf)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot start server in local mode!"); } } public static void mkAssignments(NimbusData nimbus, String topologyid) throws IOException { mkAssignments(nimbus, topologyid, false); } /** * make assignments for a topology * * get existing assignment (just the task->node+port map) -> default to {} * filter out ones which have a task timeout * figure out available slots on cluster. add to that the used valid slots to get total slots. figure out how many tasks should be in each slot (e.g., 4, 4, 4, 5) * only keep existing slots that satisfy one of those slots. for rest, reassign them across remaining slots * edge case for slots with no task timeout but with supervisor timeout... just treat these as valid slots that can be reassigned to. worst comes to worse the task will timeout and won't assign here next time around * * @param data * NimbusData * @param topologyid * String * @param isScratch * Boolean: isScratch is false unless rebalancing the topology * @throws IOException */ public static void mkAssignments(NimbusData data, String topologyid, boolean isScratch) throws IOException { LOG.debug("Determining assignment for " + topologyid); Map<?, ?> conf = data.getConf(); StormClusterState stormClusterState = data.getStormClusterState(); //����zk callback�¼� RunnableCallback callback =new TransitionZkCallback(data, topologyid); //��ȡ���е�supervisor�ڵ���Ϣ�� Map<String, SupervisorInfo> supInfos = allSupervisorInfo(stormClusterState, callback); //��ȡ<supervisorid,hostname>map���ϣ����磺node->host {"4b83cd41-e863-4bd6-b26d-3e27e5ff7799" "","b8f1664d-5555-4950-8139-5098fb109a81" ""} Map<String, String> nodeHost = getNodeHost(supInfos); //��ȡָ��topologyid��assignment��Ϣ�� Assignment existingAssignment = stormClusterState.assignment_info(topologyid, null); //�����ȡtopology�����Ӧ�µ�NodePort Map<Integer, NodePort> taskNodePort = computeNewTaskToNodePort(data, topologyid, existingAssignment, stormClusterState, callback, supInfos, isScratch); Map<String, String> allNodeHost = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (existingAssignment != null){ allNodeHost = existingAssignment.getNodeHost();//�����Ƿ�ֹsupervisor���ˣ�task������Ȼ������ } if (nodeHost != null){ allNodeHost.putAll(nodeHost); } Set<Integer> reassignIds = null; if (existingAssignment != null && existingAssignment.getTaskToNodeport() != null){ reassignIds = changeIds(existingAssignment.getTaskToNodeport(),taskNodePort); }else{ //FIXME changeIds����ִ�У�����startTimes->taskid�п���Ϊnull reassignIds = changeIds(new HashMap<Integer, NodePort>(),taskNodePort); } //��ʼ����ʼʱ�� Map<Integer, Integer> startTimes = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); if (existingAssignment != null){ Map<Integer, Integer> taskStartTimeSecs = existingAssignment.getTaskStartTimeSecs(); if (taskStartTimeSecs!= null){ startTimes.putAll(taskStartTimeSecs); } } //������·����ˣ���Ҫ���ó�ʼ��ʱ�� if (reassignIds != null){ int nowSecs = TimeUtils.current_time_secs(); for (Integer reassignid:reassignIds) { startTimes.put(reassignid, nowSecs); } } //select-keys all-node->host (map first (vals task->node+port)) Map<String, String> storeNodeHosts = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (taskNodePort != null){ HashSet<String> toSaveHosts=new HashSet<String>(); for (Entry<Integer, NodePort> entry:taskNodePort.entrySet()) { toSaveHosts.add((entry.getValue()).getNode()); } for(String node:toSaveHosts) { String host=allNodeHost.get(node); storeNodeHosts.put(node, host); } }else{ storeNodeHosts.putAll(allNodeHost); } Assignment assignment = new Assignment(StormConfig.masterStormdistRoot( conf, topologyid), taskNodePort, storeNodeHosts, startTimes); if (assignment.equals(existingAssignment)) { LOG.debug("Assignment for " + topologyid + " hasn't changed"); } else {"Setting new assignment for storm id " + topologyid + ": " + assignment); stormClusterState.set_assignment(topologyid, assignment); } } /** * ��ȡsupervisor�ڵ��б� * @param stormClusterState * @param callback * @return */ public static Map<String, String> getNodeHost(Map<String, SupervisorInfo> supInfos) { //TODO ��Ҫ�Ż����˴����£���ȫ���Դ�allSupervisorInfo()�����ȡ����Ϣ Map<String, String> rtn = null; if(supInfos!=null){ rtn = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Entry<String, SupervisorInfo> entry:supInfos.entrySet()) { SupervisorInfo superinfo = entry.getValue(); String supervisorid = entry.getKey(); rtn.put(supervisorid, superinfo.getHostName()); } } return rtn; } /** * get all SupervisorInfo of storm cluster * * @param stormClusterState * @param callback * @return Map<String, SupervisorInfo> String: supervisorId SupervisorInfo: * [time-secs hostname worker-ports uptime-secs] */ public static Map<String, SupervisorInfo> allSupervisorInfo( StormClusterState stormClusterState, RunnableCallback callback) { Map<String, SupervisorInfo> rtn =null; //��ȡ /supervisors����ڵ��б� Set<String> supervisorIds = StormUtils.listToSet(stormClusterState.supervisors(callback)); if(supervisorIds!=null){ rtn= new HashMap<String, SupervisorInfo>(); for (String supervisorId:supervisorIds) { //��ȡ/supervisors/supervisorid�Ľڵ�ֵ SupervisorInfo supervisorInfo = stormClusterState.supervisor_info(supervisorId); rtn.put(supervisorId, supervisorInfo); } } return rtn; } /** * assigned new tasks to <node,port> * * @param conf * @param tablename * @param existingAssignment * @param stormClusterState * @param callback * @param taskHeartbeatsCache * @param isScratch * @return Map<Integer, NodePort> <taskid, NodePort> * @throws IOException */ public static Map<Integer, NodePort> computeNewTaskToNodePort(NimbusData data, String topologyid, Assignment existingAssignment, StormClusterState stormClusterState, RunnableCallback callback, Map<String, SupervisorInfo> supInfos, boolean isScratch) throws IOException { //taskheartcache(Map<stormid, Map<taskid, Map<tkHbCacheTime, time>>>) ConcurrentHashMap<String, Map<Integer, Map<TkHbCacheTime, Integer>>> taskHeartbeatsCache=data.getTaskHeartbeatsCache(); Map<?, ?> topology_conf=readStormConf(data.getConf(),topologyid); //��ȡ���п���Slots,��������ǰtopology timeout�Ķ˿ڣ��ں�����timeout�Ķ˿ڽ���add Set<NodePort> availableSlots = availableSlots(supInfos, stormClusterState, callback); //��ȡ����taskid==/tasks/topologyid/�½ڵ��б� Set<Integer> allTaskIds = StormUtils.listToSet(stormClusterState.task_ids(topologyid)); Map<NodePort, List<Integer>> existingAssigned = new HashMap<NodePort, List<Integer>> (); if (existingAssignment != null) { existingAssigned = StormUtils.reverse_map(existingAssignment.getTaskToNodeport());// Map<NodePort, List> } //ͨ��taskheartcache�����ȡ��ǰ����task Set<Integer> aliveIds = null; if (isScratch) { //isScratch rebalance�жϣ� aliveIds = allTaskIds; }else if (existingAssignment != null){ aliveIds = aliveTasks(data.getConf(), topologyid, stormClusterState, allTaskIds, existingAssignment.getTaskStartTimeSecs(),taskHeartbeatsCache); } Map<NodePort, List<Integer>> aliveAssigned = new HashMap<NodePort, List<Integer>>(); if (existingAssignment != null){ //��ȡ�ѱ������NodePort��task�б���Ϣ for (Entry<NodePort, List<Integer>> entry:existingAssigned.entrySet()) { NodePort np=entry.getKey(); List<Integer> tasks=entry.getValue(); if (aliveIds != null && aliveIds.containsAll(tasks)) { //�����һ��taskid��������aliveIds�У����NodePort����task���ᱻ���·��䡣 aliveAssigned.put(np, tasks); } } } //��ȡTOPOLOGY_WORKERS Integer workers = 0; if (topology_conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS) instanceof Long){ Long tmp = (Long) topology_conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS); workers = Integer.parseInt(tmp.toString()); }else{ workers = (Integer) topology_conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS); } //��ȡ�ܵ�slotsʹ���� int totalSlotsToUse = Math.min(workers, availableSlots.size() + aliveAssigned.size()); IAssignment customAssignment=CustomAssignment.getAssignmentInstance(topology_conf); Map<NodePort, List<Integer>> keepAssigned =null; if (!isScratch && allTaskIds!= null) { //��ȡ���־����nodeport��task�ķ�����Ϣ if (customAssignment != null) { keepAssigned=customAssignment.keeperSlots(aliveAssigned, allTaskIds.size(),totalSlotsToUse); }else{ keepAssigned = keeperSlots(aliveAssigned, allTaskIds.size(),totalSlotsToUse);// <NodePort, List> } } //���·����� int reassign_num=totalSlotsToUse; if(keepAssigned!=null){ for (Entry<NodePort, List<Integer>> entry:keepAssigned.entrySet()) { aliveAssigned.remove(entry.getKey()); } reassign_num=totalSlotsToUse-keepAssigned.size(); } //��ȡ���п��е�slot Set<NodePort> freedSlots = new HashSet<NodePort>(); Set<NodePort> freedSlotstmp = aliveAssigned.keySet(); if (freedSlotstmp.size() == 0){ freedSlotstmp = new HashSet<NodePort>(); } freedSlots.addAll(freedSlotstmp); freedSlots.addAll(availableSlots); if (customAssignment != null) { customAssignment.setup(topology_conf, topologyid, stormClusterState, keepAssigned,supInfos); } Collection<List<Integer>> keepAssignedTaskSet = null; if (keepAssigned != null){ keepAssignedTaskSet=keepAssigned.values(); } Set<Integer> reassignIds = null; if (allTaskIds != null){ reassignIds = new HashSet<Integer>(allTaskIds); } if (keepAssignedTaskSet != null && reassignIds != null){ //FIXME ����ֱ�Ӷ�keepAssignedTaskSet����removeAll,��Ч�� yannian add for(List<Integer> rm:keepAssignedTaskSet) { reassignIds.removeAll(rm); } } //����δkeep��task����Ӧ��slot���档 Map<Integer, NodePort> reassignment = new HashMap<Integer, NodePort>(); List<NodePort> reassignSlots=null; List<NodePort> sortedFreeSlots = sortSlots(freedSlots); //��ȡ�������Ҫ�������slots�ڵ� if (customAssignment != null) { reassignSlots = customAssignment.slotsAssignment(sortedFreeSlots, reassign_num,reassignIds); } else { if (sortedFreeSlots != null) { reassignSlots = sortedFreeSlots.subList(0, reassign_num); } } //����δkeep��task����Ӧ��slot���档 if(customAssignment!=null) { reassignment=customAssignment.tasksAssignment(reassignSlots, reassignIds); }else{ int index = 0; if (reassignIds != null && reassignSlots != null && reassignSlots.size() != 0) { for (Iterator<Integer> it = reassignIds.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Integer entry =; if (index >= reassignSlots.size()) { index = 0; } reassignment.put(entry, reassignSlots.get(index)); index++; } } } //ת����ȡkeepAssigned���õ�keyΪtaskid��valueΪNodePort��map Map<Integer, NodePort> stayAssignment = new HashMap<Integer, NodePort>(); if(keepAssigned!=null){ for (Entry<NodePort, List<Integer>> entry:keepAssigned.entrySet()) { NodePort np = entry.getKey(); List<Integer> tasks = entry.getValue(); for (Integer taskid : tasks) { stayAssignment.put(taskid, np); } } } if (reassignment.size() > 0) {"Reassigning " + topologyid + " to " + totalSlotsToUse + " slots isScratch="+isScratch+",totalSlotsToUse="+totalSlotsToUse);"Reassign ids: " + reassignIds+",keepAssigned="+keepAssigned+",existingAssigned="+existingAssigned);"Available slots: " + availableSlots); } //�����������·������� reassignment.putAll(stayAssignment); if (customAssignment != null) { customAssignment.cleanup(); } return reassignment; } /** * get all taskids which should be reassigned * * @param taskToNodePort * @param newtaskToNodePort * @return Set<Integer> taskid which should reassigned */ public static Set<Integer> changeIds(Map<Integer, NodePort> taskToNodePort, Map<Integer, NodePort> newtaskToNodePort) { Map<NodePort, List<Integer>> slotAssigned = StormUtils.reverse_map(taskToNodePort); Map<NodePort, List<Integer>> newSlotAssigned = StormUtils.reverse_map(newtaskToNodePort); Set<Integer> brandNewSlots = new HashSet<Integer>(); //������newtaskToNodePort������taskToNodePort��valueֵ���ϡ� for (Entry<NodePort, List<Integer>> entry:newSlotAssigned.entrySet() ){ List<Integer> tasks=slotAssigned.get(entry.getKey()); List<Integer> lst = entry.getValue(); if (tasks==null|| tasks.size()!=lst.size()||!lst.containsAll(tasks)) { brandNewSlots.addAll(lst); } } return brandNewSlots; } /** * sort slots, the purpose is to ensure that the tasks are assigned in * balancing * * @param allSlots * @return List<NodePort> * */ public static List<NodePort> sortSlots(Set<NodePort> allSlots) { List<NodePort> sortedFreeSlots=null; if(allSlots!=null){ Map<String, List<NodePort>> tmp = new HashMap<String, List<NodePort>>(); // group by first,����node������ for (Iterator<NodePort> it = allSlots.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { NodePort np; if (tmp.containsKey(np.getNode())) { List<NodePort> lst = tmp.get(np.getNode()); lst.add(np); tmp.put(np.getNode(), lst); } else { List<NodePort> lst = new ArrayList<NodePort>(); lst.add(np); tmp.put(np.getNode(), lst); } } // interleave List<List<NodePort>> splitup=new ArrayList<List<NodePort>>(tmp.values()); sortedFreeSlots = StormUtils.interleave_all(splitup); } return sortedFreeSlots; } /** * keep slots which are assigned tasks in balancing : integer_divided() will * return tasks assigned results * * @param aliveAssigned * @param numTaskIds * @param numWorkers * @return those tasks of slots will be keep */ public static Map<NodePort, List<Integer>> keeperSlots( Map<NodePort, List<Integer>> aliveAssigned, int numTaskIds, int numWorkers) { Map<NodePort, List<Integer>> keepers = null; if (numWorkers != 0) { keepers = new HashMap<NodePort, List<Integer>>(); Map<Integer, Integer> distribution = StormUtils.integer_divided(numTaskIds, numWorkers); for (Entry<NodePort, List<Integer>> entry:aliveAssigned.entrySet()) { NodePort nodeport = entry.getKey(); List<Integer> tasklist = entry.getValue(); Integer taskCount = tasklist.size(); Integer val = distribution.get(taskCount); if (val != null && val > 0) { keepers.put(nodeport, tasklist); distribution.put(taskCount,val - 1); } } } return keepers; } /** * find all ports which can be assigned * * @param conf * @param stormClusterState * @param callback * @return Set<NodePort> : form supervisorid to ports * */ public static Set<NodePort> availableSlots(Map<String, SupervisorInfo> supervisorInfos, StormClusterState stormClusterState, RunnableCallback callback) { Set<NodePort> rtn = new HashSet<NodePort>(); //TODO �Ƿ���Լ��ٶ�ε��� //Set<String> supervisorIds = StormUtils.listToSet(stormClusterState.supervisors(callback)); List<String> supervisorIds = stormClusterState.supervisors(callback); if (supervisorIds == null || supervisorInfos == null) { return rtn; } //��ȡ���е�Slots������(["b8f1664d-5555-4950-8139-5098fb109a81" 6700] ["b8f1664d-5555-4950-8139-5098fb109a81" 6701]) Map<String, List<Integer>> allSlots = new HashMap<String, List<Integer>>(); for (Entry<String, SupervisorInfo> entry:supervisorInfos.entrySet()) { allSlots.put(entry.getKey(),entry.getValue().getWorkPorts()); } //��ȡ�Ѿ������slots Map<String, Set<Integer>> assignedSlots = assigned_Slots(stormClusterState); //��ȡ�ɷ����slots for (Entry<String, List<Integer>> entry:allSlots.entrySet()) { String supervisorid =entry.getKey(); //supervisor��Ӧ������port�б� List<Integer> s = entry.getValue(); if (assignedSlots != null) { //��ȡ��supervisor�Ѿ������port�б� Set<Integer> e =assignedSlots.get(entry.getKey()); if (e != null){ s.removeAll(e); } } for (Integer port:s) { rtn.add(new NodePort(supervisorid,port)); } } return rtn; } /** * stormconf is mergered into clusterconf * * @param conf * @param stormId * @return Map */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public static Map readStormConf(Map conf, String stormId) { String stormroot = StormConfig.masterStormdistRoot(conf, stormId); Map stormconf = null; try { stormconf = (Map) Utils.deserialize(FileUtils .readFileToByteArray(new File(StormConfig .masterStormconfPath(stormroot)))); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e + "readStormConf exception"); } Map rtn = new HashMap(); rtn.putAll(conf); rtn.putAll(stormconf); return rtn; } /** * find all alived taskid * * Does not assume that clocks are synchronized. Task heartbeat is only used so that * nimbus knows when it's received a new heartbeat. All timing is done by nimbus and * tracked through task-heartbeat-cache * * @param conf * @param topologyid * @param stormClusterState * @param taskIds * @param taskStartTimes * @param taskHeartbeatsCache --Map<stormid, Map<taskid, Map<tkHbCacheTime, time>>> * @return Set<Integer> : taskid */ public static Set<Integer> aliveTasks(Map<?,?> conf, String topologyid, StormClusterState stormClusterState, Set<Integer> taskIds, Map<Integer,Integer> taskStartTimes, ConcurrentHashMap<String, Map<Integer, Map<TkHbCacheTime, Integer>>> taskHeartbeatsCache) { Set<Integer> rtn = null; if(taskHeartbeatsCache==null){ taskHeartbeatsCache=new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Map<Integer, Map<TkHbCacheTime, Integer>>>(); } if(taskIds!=null){ rtn = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (Integer taskId:taskIds) { //��ȡtask�������� TaskHeartbeat taskHeartbeat = stormClusterState.task_heartbeat(topologyid, taskId); Integer reportTime = null; if (taskHeartbeat != null) { reportTime = taskHeartbeat.getTimeSecs(); } Map<Integer, Map<TkHbCacheTime, Integer>> val =taskHeartbeatsCache.get(topologyid); if(val==null) {"topologyid is null:topologyid"+topologyid); val=new HashMap<Integer, Map<TkHbCacheTime, Integer>>(); taskHeartbeatsCache.put(topologyid, val); } Map<TkHbCacheTime, Integer> last = taskHeartbeatsCache.get(topologyid).get(taskId); if(last==null) {"topologyid taskid is null:topologyid:"+topologyid+",taskId:"+taskId); last = new HashMap<TkHbCacheTime, Integer>(); val.put(taskId, last); } Integer lastNimbusTime =last.get(TkHbCacheTime.nimbusTime); Integer lastReportedTime =last.get(TkHbCacheTime.taskReportedTime); if(reportTime!=null) { last.put(TkHbCacheTime.taskReportedTime, reportTime); } //��ȡtask����ʱ�� Integer taskStartTime =taskStartTimes.get(taskId); Integer nimbusTime=null; if(lastNimbusTime==null||lastReportedTime==null) { nimbusTime = TimeUtils.current_time_secs(); }else if(!lastReportedTime.equals(reportTime)) { nimbusTime = TimeUtils.current_time_secs(); }else{ nimbusTime = lastNimbusTime; } last.put(TkHbCacheTime.nimbusTime, nimbusTime); if (taskStartTime != null ) { boolean isLantch=TimeUtils.time_delta(taskStartTime) < (Integer) conf.get(Config.NIMBUS_TASK_LAUNCH_SECS); if(isLantch) { rtn.add(taskId); continue; } if(nimbusTime == null) { rtn.add(taskId); continue; } boolean ishb=TimeUtils.time_delta(nimbusTime) < (Integer) conf.get(Config.NIMBUS_TASK_TIMEOUT_SECS); if(ishb) { rtn.add(taskId); }else{"Task2 " + topologyid + ":" + taskId + " timed out taskStartTime="+String.valueOf(taskStartTime)+",nimbustime="+String.valueOf(nimbusTime)); } } else {"Task " + topologyid + ":" + taskId + " timed out taskStartTime="+String.valueOf(taskStartTime)+",nimbustime="+String.valueOf(nimbusTime)); } } } return rtn; } /** * find all assigned slots of the storm cluster * * @param stormClusterState * @return Map<String, Set<Integer>> : from node-id to a set of ports */ public static Map<String, Set<Integer>> assigned_Slots( StormClusterState stormClusterState) { //��ȡ/assignments�½ڵ��б� {topologyid} Set<String> assignments = StormUtils.listToSet(stormClusterState.assignments(null)); Map<String, Set<Integer>> rtn = null; if (assignments != null) { rtn = new HashMap<String, Set<Integer>>(); for (String topologyid:assignments) { Assignment assignment = stormClusterState.assignment_info(topologyid,null); if (assignment == null) { continue; } //����:task->node+port {1 ["b8f1664d-5555-4950-8139-5098fb109a81" 6702], 2 ["4b83cd41-e863-4bd6-b26d-3e27e5ff7799" 6701]} Map<Integer, NodePort> taskNodePort = assignment.getTaskToNodeport(); if(taskNodePort!=null){ for (Entry<Integer, NodePort> entry:taskNodePort.entrySet()) { NodePort np =entry.getValue(); Set<Integer> ports = rtn.get(np.getNode()); if(ports==null) { ports=new HashSet<Integer>(); rtn.put(np.getNode(), ports); } ports.add(np.getPort()); } } } } return rtn; } /** * add coustom KRYO serialization * */ private static Map mapifySerializations(List sers) { Map rtn = new HashMap(); if (sers != null){ int size = sers.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (sers.get(i) instanceof Map) { rtn.putAll((Map) sers.get(i)); } else { rtn.put(sers.get(i), null); } } } return rtn; } public static Map normalizeConf(Map conf, Map stormConf, StormTopology topology) { List baseSers = (List) stormConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_REGISTER); if (baseSers == null) { baseSers = (List) conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_REGISTER); } Set<String> cids = ThriftTopologyUtils.getComponentIds(topology); List componentSers = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator it = cids.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String componentId = (String); ComponentCommon common = ThriftTopologyUtils.getComponentCommon( topology, componentId); String json = common.get_json_conf(); if (json != null){ Map mtmp = (Map) StormUtils.from_json(json); List ltmp = (List) mtmp.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_REGISTER); componentSers.add(ltmp); } } Map totalConf = new HashMap(); totalConf.putAll(conf); totalConf.putAll(stormConf); Map rtn = new HashMap(); rtn.putAll(stormConf); Map map = new HashMap(); map.putAll(mapifySerializations(componentSers)); map.putAll(mapifySerializations(baseSers)); rtn.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_REGISTER, map); rtn.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKERS, totalConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKERS)); return rtn; } }