package; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.Channels; import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.thrift7.TException; import backtype.storm.Config; import backtype.storm.daemon.Shutdownable; import backtype.storm.generated.AlreadyAliveException; import backtype.storm.generated.Bolt; import backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary; import backtype.storm.generated.ComponentCommon; import backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo; import backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException; import backtype.storm.generated.KillOptions; import backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Iface; import backtype.storm.generated.NotAliveException; import backtype.storm.generated.RebalanceOptions; import backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec; import backtype.storm.generated.StateSpoutSpec; import backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology; import backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary; import backtype.storm.generated.TaskStats; import backtype.storm.generated.TaskSummary; import backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo; import backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary; import backtype.storm.utils.BufferFileInputStream; import backtype.storm.utils.TimeCacheMap; import backtype.storm.utils.Utils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ServiceHandler implements Iface, Shutdownable, DaemonCommon { // TODO ����Conf��StormConf�������⴦�� private final static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ServiceHandler.class); private NimbusData data; private Map<Object, Object> conf; public ServiceHandler(NimbusData data) { = data; conf = data.getConf(); } /** �ύһ��topology * @param topologyname * String��topology������ * @param uploadedJarLocation * String��jar������Ŀ¼ * @param jsonConf * String�������ļ� * @param topology * StormTopology��topology����Ϣ */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void submitTopology(String topologyname, String uploadedJarLocation, String jsonConf, StormTopology topology) throws AlreadyAliveException, InvalidTopologyException, TException { try { checkTopologyActive(data, topologyname, false); } catch (NotAliveException e) {; } data.getSubmittedCount().incrementAndGet(); String topologyId = topologyname + "-" + data.getSubmittedCount().get() + "-" + TimeUtils.current_time_secs(); // TODO json�������л��ɶ���,���Ի����˴�ת����ʽ Map<Object, Object> serializedConf = (Map<Object, Object>) StormUtils .from_json(jsonConf); if (serializedConf == null) { serializedConf = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); } serializedConf.put(Config.STORM_ID, topologyId);// not used now // ע���Զ������л���ʽ Map<Object, Object> stormConf = NimbusUtils.normalizeConf(conf, serializedConf, topology); Map<Object, Object> totalStormConf = new HashMap<Object, Object>(conf); totalStormConf.putAll(stormConf); totalStormConf.putAll(serializedConf); StormTopology newtopology = new StormTopology(topology); // TODO TOPOLOGY_OPTIMIZE // if ((Boolean) totalStormConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_OPTIMIZE)) { // newtopology = optimizeTopology(topology); // } StormClusterState stormClusterState = data.getStormClusterState(); // this validates the structure of the topology Common.system_topology(totalStormConf, newtopology);"Received topology submission for " + topologyname + " with conf " + serializedConf); synchronized (data.getSubmitLock()) { try { // �ϴ�code�������л�topology��������Ϣ setupStormCode(conf, topologyId, uploadedJarLocation, serializedConf, newtopology); // �������� stormClusterState.setup_heartbeats(topologyId); //Ϊtask�����Ӧcomponentid setupStormStatic(conf, topologyId, stormClusterState); //make assignments for a topology NimbusUtils.mkAssignments(data, topologyId); //����topology������״̬Ϊ:active startTopology(topologyname, stormClusterState, topologyId); } catch (IOException e) {"setupStormCode stormId: " + topologyId + " uploadedJarLocation: " + uploadedJarLocation + "failed; OR" + "mkAssignments stormId: " + topologyId + " failed!"); } } } /** ɱ��һ��topology * @param topologyname * String��topology������ */ @Override public void killTopology(String name) throws NotAliveException, TException { killTopologyWithOpts(name, new KillOptions()); } @Override public void killTopologyWithOpts(String topologyName, KillOptions options) throws NotAliveException, TException { try { //�ж�topology�Dz���active��״̬ checkTopologyActive(data, topologyName, true); int wait_amt = 0; if (options.is_set_wait_secs()) { wait_amt = options.get_wait_secs(); } //��topology��״̬��Ϊkilled StatusTransition.transitionName(data, topologyName, true,StatusType.kill, wait_amt); } catch (AlreadyAliveException e) { LOG.error("KillTopology Error", e); } } /** ʹһ��topology��״̬��Ϊactive * @param topologyname * String��topology������ */ @Override public void activate(String topologyName) throws NotAliveException, TException { StatusTransition.transitionName(data, topologyName, true,StatusType.activate); } /** ʹһ��topology��״̬��Ϊinactive * @param topologyname * String��topology������ */ @Override public void deactivate(String topologyName) throws NotAliveException, TException { StatusTransition.transitionName(data, topologyName, true,StatusType.inactivate); } /** ʹһ��topology���·ַ�����Ŀ����Ϊ��ʹ���Ѿ����е�topology�ܹ��ﵽ�µĸ��ؾ��⣬ * ���磺��Ⱥ��������supervisor�ڵ��ϣ���Ѿ����е�topologyҲ�ܹ����ؾ��� * @param topologyname * String��topology������ * @param options * RebalanceOptions�� ����һ���ӳ�ִ�е�ʱ�䣬Ŀ����Ϊ����topology��ʱ�佫����ִ��δִ����Ĺ������� */ @Override public void rebalance(String topologyName, RebalanceOptions options) throws NotAliveException, TException { try { checkTopologyActive(data, topologyName, true); int wait_amt=0; if (options.is_set_wait_secs()) { wait_amt = options.get_wait_secs(); } StatusTransition.transitionName(data, topologyName, true,StatusType.rebalance, wait_amt); } catch (AlreadyAliveException e) { LOG.error("Rebalance Error", e); } } /** * ���¼���������Ҫ���jar�����ύ�������ʹ�ÿ��Բο�StormSubmitter��submitJar���� */ @Override public String beginFileUpload() throws TException { String fileLoc = StormConfig.masterInbox(conf) + "/stormjar-"+ UUID.randomUUID() + ".jar"; try { data.getUploaders().put(fileLoc,Channels.newChannel(new FileOutputStream(fileLoc)));"Uploading file from client to " + fileLoc); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOG.error(" file not found " + fileLoc); } return fileLoc; } @Override public void uploadChunk(String location, ByteBuffer chunk) throws TException { TimeCacheMap<Object,Object> uploaders = data.getUploaders(); Object obj = uploaders.get(location); if (obj == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "File for that location does not exist (or timed out)"); } try { if(obj instanceof WritableByteChannel){ WritableByteChannel channel=(WritableByteChannel)obj; channel.write(chunk); uploaders.put(location, channel); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(" WritableByteChannel write filed when uploadChunk " + location); } } @Override public void finishFileUpload(String location) throws TException { TimeCacheMap<Object,Object> uploaders = data.getUploaders(); Object obj = uploaders.get(location); if (obj == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "File for that location does not exist (or timed out)"); } try { if(obj instanceof WritableByteChannel){ WritableByteChannel channel=(WritableByteChannel)obj; channel.close();"Finished uploading file from client: " + location); uploaders.remove(location); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(" WritableByteChannel close failed when finishFileUpload " + location); } } @Override public String beginFileDownload(String file) throws TException { BufferFileInputStream is = null; String id = null; try { is = new BufferFileInputStream(file); id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); data.getDownloaders().put(id, is); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOG.error(e + "file:" + file + " not found"); } return id; } @Override public ByteBuffer downloadChunk(String id) throws TException { TimeCacheMap<Object,Object> downloaders = data.getDownloaders(); Object obj = downloaders.get(id); if (obj == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Could not find input stream for that id"); } byte[] ret = null; try { if(obj instanceof BufferFileInputStream){ BufferFileInputStream is=(BufferFileInputStream) obj;; if (ret != null) { downloaders.put(id, (BufferFileInputStream) is); } } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e + "BufferFileInputStream read failed when downloadChunk "); } return ByteBuffer.wrap(ret); } /** ��ü�Ⱥ����ϢClusterSummary * (1)supervisorSummaries * ����supervisor����Ϣ��������������ʱ�䡢worker�������õ�worker�� * (2)nimbus������ʱ�� * (3)topologySummaries * ����topology����Ϣ��topologyid��topologyname����������worker��������ʱ���״̬ * @return ClusterSummary */ @Override public ClusterSummary getClusterInfo() throws TException { StormClusterState stormClusterState = data.getStormClusterState(); //����ѷ���Ķ˿ںͶ˿������е����� Map<String, Set<Integer>> assigned = NimbusUtils .assigned_Slots(stormClusterState); //�������supervisor����Ϣ Map<String, SupervisorInfo> supervisorInfos = NimbusUtils .allSupervisorInfo(stormClusterState, null); //���supervisorSummaries List<SupervisorSummary> supervisorSummaries = new ArrayList<SupervisorSummary>(); if (supervisorInfos == null) { supervisorInfos = new HashMap<String, SupervisorInfo>(); } Set<Entry<String, SupervisorInfo>> sinfoEntry = supervisorInfos.entrySet(); for (Iterator<Entry<String, SupervisorInfo>> it = sinfoEntry.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Entry<String, SupervisorInfo> entry =; String supervisorId = entry.getKey(); SupervisorInfo info = entry.getValue(); List<Integer> ports = info.getWorkPorts(); int num_used_workers = 0; int num_workers = 0; if (assigned != null && assigned.get(supervisorId) != null){ num_used_workers = assigned.get(supervisorId).size(); } if (ports != null){ num_workers = ports.size(); } supervisorSummaries.add(new SupervisorSummary(info.getHostName(), info.getUptimeSecs(),num_workers , num_used_workers)); } //���nimbus������ʱ�� int uptime = data.uptime(); //�������״̬Ϊactive��topology Map<String, StormBase> bases = Common.topology_bases(stormClusterState); if (bases == null) { bases = new HashMap<String, StormBase>(); } //������м�Ⱥ����Ϣ List<TopologySummary> topologySummaries = new ArrayList<TopologySummary>(); Set<Entry<String, StormBase>> basesEntry = bases.entrySet(); for (Iterator<Entry<String, StormBase>> it = basesEntry.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Entry<String, StormBase> entry =; String stormId = entry.getKey(); StormBase base = entry.getValue(); Assignment assignment = stormClusterState.assignment_info(stormId,null); if (assignment != null) { HashSet<NodePort> workers = new HashSet<NodePort>(); Collection<NodePort> entryColl = assignment.getTaskToNodeport().values(); workers.addAll(entryColl); topologySummaries.add(new TopologySummary(stormId, base.getStormName(), assignment.getTaskToNodeport().size(), workers.size(), TimeUtils.time_delta(base .getLanchTimeSecs()), extractStatusStr(base))); } } return new ClusterSummary(supervisorSummaries, uptime,topologySummaries); } /** ���topology����ϢTopologyInfo * (1)topologyid * (2)topologyname * (3)uptime_secs * ����ʱ�� * (4)TaskSummaries * �����������Ϣ������id, component_id�� ������������ʱ�䣬 * ���ֵĴ��������״̬�����ͣ����䣬���ʱ�䣬����ʱ��ȵȣ����TaskStats�ࣩ * (5)status * topology��״̬ * @return TopologyInfo */ @Override public TopologyInfo getTopologyInfo(String topologyId) throws NotAliveException, TException { TopologyInfo topologyInfo=null; StormClusterState stormClusterState = data.getStormClusterState(); //���topology��������Ϣ�� ����ID �� componentid HashMap<Integer, String> taskInfo = Common.topology_task_info(stormClusterState, topologyId);// <taskid,componentid> //���topology��name������ʱ���״̬ StormBase base = stormClusterState.storm_base(topologyId, null); //���topology�����������Ϣ Assignment assignment = stormClusterState.assignment_info(topologyId,null); if (base != null && assignment != null) { List<TaskSummary> taskSummarys = new ArrayList<TaskSummary>(); Set<Entry<Integer, String>> taskInfoSet = taskInfo.entrySet(); for (Iterator<Entry<Integer, String>> it = taskInfoSet.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Entry<Integer, String> entry =; Integer taskId = entry.getKey(); String componentId = entry.getValue(); NodePort np = (NodePort) assignment.getTaskToNodeport().get(taskId); //���ָ��task��������Ϣ TaskHeartbeat heartbeat = stormClusterState.task_heartbeat(topologyId, taskId); if (np == null || heartbeat == null) { continue; } String host = (String) assignment.getNodeHost().get(np.getNode()); List<TaskError> errors = stormClusterState.task_errors(topologyId, taskId); List<ErrorInfo> newErrors = new ArrayList<ErrorInfo>(); if (errors != null) { int size = errors.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { TaskError e = (TaskError) errors.get(i); newErrors.add(new ErrorInfo(e.getError(), e.getTimSecs())); } } BaseStatsData status = (BaseStatsData) heartbeat.getStats(); TaskStats tkStatus = status.getTaskStats(); int uptimeSecs = heartbeat.getUptimeSecs(); TaskSummary taskSummary = new TaskSummary(taskId, componentId, host, np.getPort(), uptimeSecs, newErrors); taskSummary.set_stats(tkStatus); taskSummarys.add(taskSummary); } topologyInfo = new TopologyInfo(topologyId,base.getStormName(), TimeUtils.time_delta(base.getLanchTimeSecs()), taskSummarys,extractStatusStr(base)); } return topologyInfo; } /** ���topology����Ϣ������Ϣ * @param id * String: topology id * @return String */ @Override public String getTopologyConf(String id) throws NotAliveException, TException { String rtn = StormUtils.to_json(readStormConf(conf, id)); return rtn; } /** ���topology����Ϣ * bolt��spout����Ϣ�������������飬stream����Ϣ * @param id * String: topology id * @return StormTopology */ @Override public StormTopology getTopology(String id) throws NotAliveException, TException { StormTopology topology = null; try { StormTopology stormtopology = readStormTopology(conf, id); if (stormtopology == null) { throw new InvalidTopologyException("topology:" + id + "is null"); } topology = Common.system_topology(readStormConf(conf, id), stormtopology); } catch (InvalidTopologyException e) { LOG.error(e + "system_topology failed"); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e + "system_topology failed"); } return topology; } @Override public void shutdown() {"Shutting down master"); // Timer.cancelTimer(nimbus.getTimer()); data.getScheduExec().shutdownNow(); data.getStormClusterState().disconnect();"Shut down master"); } @Override public boolean waiting() { // FIXME ��Ҫ����ʵ��,Ŀǰ�����ò��� return false; } /** * ���topology�Ƿ��� * * @param nimbus * @param topologyName * @param bActive * @throws NotAliveException * @throws AlreadyAliveException */ public void checkTopologyActive(NimbusData nimbus, String topologyName, boolean bActive) throws NotAliveException, AlreadyAliveException { if (isTopologyActive(nimbus.getStormClusterState(), topologyName) == !bActive) { if (bActive) { throw new NotAliveException(topologyName + " is not alive"); } else { throw new AlreadyAliveException(topologyName + " is already active"); } } } /** * whether the topology is active by topology name * * @param stormClusterState * see Cluster_clj * @param topologyName * @return boolean if the storm is active, return true, otherwise return * false; */ public boolean isTopologyActive(StormClusterState stormClusterState, String topologyName) { boolean rtn = false; if (Common.get_storm_id(stormClusterState, topologyName) != null) { rtn = true; } return rtn; } /** * ����topology����Ŀ¼���ϴ�jar������������Ϣ����topology�����л��ļ� * * @param conf * @param stormId * @param tmpJarLocation * @param stormConf * @param topology * @throws IOException */ private void setupStormCode(Map<Object, Object> conf, String stormId, String tmpJarLocation, Map<Object, Object> stormConf, StormTopology topology) throws IOException { String stormroot = StormConfig.masterStormdistRoot(conf, stormId); FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(stormroot)); FileUtils.cleanDirectory(new File(stormroot)); setupJar(conf, tmpJarLocation, stormroot); FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile( new File(StormConfig.masterStormcodePath(stormroot)), Utils.serialize(topology)); FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile( new File(StormConfig.masterStormconfPath(stormroot)), Utils.serialize(stormConf)); } /** * Copy jar��stormrootĿ¼�� * * @param conf * @param tmpJarLocation * @param stormroot * @throws IOException */ private void setupJar(Map<Object, Object> conf, String tmpJarLocation, String stormroot) throws IOException { File srcFile = new File(tmpJarLocation); if (!srcFile.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(tmpJarLocation + " to copy to " + stormroot + " does not exist!"); } String path = StormConfig.masterStormjarPath(stormroot); File destFile = new File(path); FileUtils.copyFile(srcFile, destFile); } /** * Ϊtask�����Ӧcomponentid * * @param conf * @param stormId * @param stormClusterState * @throws IOException * @throws InvalidTopologyException */ public void setupStormStatic(Map<Object, Object> conf, String stormId, StormClusterState stormClusterState) throws IOException, InvalidTopologyException { Map<Integer, String> taskToComponetId = mkTaskComponentAssignments( conf, stormId); if (taskToComponetId == null) { return; } Set<Entry<Integer, String>> entrySet = taskToComponetId.entrySet(); for (Iterator<Entry<Integer, String>> it = entrySet.iterator(); it .hasNext();) { // key is taskid, value is taskinfo Entry<Integer, String> entry =; TaskInfo taskinfo = new TaskInfo(entry.getValue()); stormClusterState.set_task(stormId, entry.getKey(), taskinfo); } } /** * generate a taskid(Integer) for every task * * @param conf * @param topologyid * @return Map<Integer, String>: from taskid to componentid * @throws IOException * @throws InvalidTopologyException */ public Map<Integer, String> mkTaskComponentAssignments( Map<Object, Object> conf, String topologyid) throws IOException, InvalidTopologyException { Map<Object, Object> stormConf = readStormConf(conf, topologyid); StormTopology stopology = readStormTopology(conf, topologyid); StormTopology topology = null; Map<Integer, String> rtn = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); if (stopology != null) { topology = Common.system_topology(stormConf, stopology); Integer count = 0; count = mkTaskMaker(stormConf, topology.get_bolts(), rtn, count); count = mkTaskMaker(stormConf, topology.get_spouts(), rtn, count); mkTaskMaker(stormConf, topology.get_state_spouts(), rtn, count); } return rtn; } /** * stormconf is mergered into clusterconf * * @param conf * @param stormId * @return Map */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Map<Object, Object> readStormConf(Map<Object, Object> conf, String stormId) { String stormroot = StormConfig.masterStormdistRoot(conf, stormId); Map<Object, Object> stormconf = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); try { byte[] bconf = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(new File(StormConfig .masterStormconfPath(stormroot))); if (bconf != null) { stormconf = (Map<Object, Object>) Utils.deserialize(bconf); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e + "readStormConf exception"); } Map<Object, Object> rtn = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); rtn.putAll(conf); rtn.putAll(stormconf); return rtn; } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public Integer mkTaskMaker(Map<Object, Object> stormConf, Map<String, ?> cidSpec, Map<Integer, String> rtn, Integer cnt) { if (cidSpec == null) { return cnt; } Set<?> entrySet = cidSpec.entrySet(); for (Iterator<?> it = entrySet.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Entry entry = (Entry); Object obj = entry.getValue(); ComponentCommon common = null; if (obj instanceof Bolt) { common = ((Bolt) obj).get_common(); } else if (obj instanceof SpoutSpec) { common = ((SpoutSpec) obj).get_common(); } else if (obj instanceof SpoutSpec) { common = ((StateSpoutSpec) obj).get_common(); } int declared = Thrift.parallelismHint(common); // Map tmp = (Map) Utils_clj.from_json(common.get_json_conf()); Map newStormConf = new HashMap(stormConf); // newStormConf.putAll(tmp); Integer maxParallelism = (Integer) newStormConf .get(Config.TOPOLOGY_MAX_TASK_PARALLELISM); Integer parallelism = declared; if (maxParallelism != null) { parallelism = Math.min(maxParallelism, declared); } for (int i = 0; i < parallelism; i++) { cnt++; rtn.put(cnt, (String) entry.getKey()); } } return cnt; } /** * �ӱ������л��ļ���ȡStormTopology��Ϣ * * @param conf * @param topologyId * @return * @throws IOException */ public StormTopology readStormTopology(Map<Object, Object> conf, String topologyId) throws IOException { String stormroot = StormConfig.masterStormdistRoot(conf, topologyId); StormTopology topology = null; byte[] bTopo = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(new File(StormConfig .masterStormcodePath(stormroot))); if (bTopo != null) { topology = (StormTopology) Utils.deserialize(bTopo); } return topology; } public String extractStatusStr(StormBase stormBase) { StatusType t = stormBase.getStatus().getStatusType(); return t.getStatus().toUpperCase(); } /** * start a topology: set active status of the topology * * @param topologyName * @param stormClusterState * @param stormId */ public void startTopology(String topologyName, StormClusterState stormClusterState, String stormId) {"Activating " + topologyName + ": " + stormId); StormStatus status = new StormStatus(; StormBase stormBase = new StormBase(topologyName, TimeUtils.current_time_secs(), status); stormClusterState.activate_storm(stormId, stormBase); } }