package; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; // javadocs import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; import; // javadocs import; import org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils; import org.apache.lucene.util.ThreadInterruptedException; /** * Utility class to manage sharing near-real-time searchers * across multiple searching threads. * * <p>NOTE: to use this class, you must call {@link #maybeReopen(boolean)} * periodically. The {@link NRTManagerReopenThread} is a * simple class to do this on a periodic basis. If you * implement your own reopener, be sure to call {@link * #addWaitingListener} so your reopener is notified when a * caller is waiting for a specific generation searcher. </p> * * @lucene.experimental */ public class NRTManager implements Closeable { private static final long MAX_SEARCHER_GEN = Long.MAX_VALUE; private final IndexWriter writer; private final SearcherManagerRef withoutDeletes; private final SearcherManagerRef withDeletes; private final AtomicLong indexingGen; private final List<WaitingListener> waitingListeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<WaitingListener>(); private final ReentrantLock reopenLock = new ReentrantLock(); private final Condition newGeneration = reopenLock.newCondition(); /** * Create new NRTManager. * * @param writer IndexWriter to open near-real-time * readers * @param warmer optional {@link SearcherWarmer}. Pass * null if you don't require the searcher to warmed * before going live. If this is non-null then a * merged segment warmer is installed on the * provided IndexWriter's config. * * <p><b>NOTE</b>: the provided {@link SearcherWarmer} is * not invoked for the initial searcher; you should * warm it yourself if necessary. */ public NRTManager(IndexWriter writer, SearcherWarmer warmer) throws IOException { this(writer, null, warmer, true); } /** * Create new NRTManager. * * @param writer IndexWriter to open near-real-time * readers * @param es optional ExecutorService so different segments can * be searched concurrently (see {@link IndexSearcher#IndexSearcher(IndexReader, ExecutorService)}. * Pass <code>null</code> to search segments sequentially. * @param warmer optional {@link SearcherWarmer}. Pass * null if you don't require the searcher to warmed * before going live. If this is non-null then a * merged segment warmer is installed on the * provided IndexWriter's config. * * <p><b>NOTE</b>: the provided {@link SearcherWarmer} is * not invoked for the initial searcher; you should * warm it yourself if necessary. */ public NRTManager(IndexWriter writer, ExecutorService es, SearcherWarmer warmer) throws IOException { this(writer, es, warmer, true); } /** * Expert: just like {@link * #NRTManager(IndexWriter,ExecutorService,SearcherWarmer)}, * but you can also specify whether every searcher must * apply deletes. This is useful for cases where certain * uses can tolerate seeing some deleted docs, since * reopen time is faster if deletes need not be applied. */ public NRTManager(IndexWriter writer, ExecutorService es, SearcherWarmer warmer, boolean alwaysApplyDeletes) throws IOException { this.writer = writer; if (alwaysApplyDeletes) { withoutDeletes = withDeletes = new SearcherManagerRef(true, 0, new SearcherManager(writer, true, warmer, es)); } else { withDeletes = new SearcherManagerRef(true, 0, new SearcherManager(writer, true, warmer, es)); withoutDeletes = new SearcherManagerRef(false, 0, new SearcherManager(writer, false, warmer, es)); } indexingGen = new AtomicLong(1); } /** NRTManager invokes this interface to notify it when a * caller is waiting for a specific generation searcher * to be visible. */ public static interface WaitingListener { public void waiting(boolean requiresDeletes, long targetGen); } /** Adds a listener, to be notified when a caller is * waiting for a specific generation searcher to be * visible. */ public void addWaitingListener(WaitingListener l) { waitingListeners.add(l); } /** Remove a listener added with {@link * #addWaitingListener}. */ public void removeWaitingListener(WaitingListener l) { waitingListeners.remove(l); } public long updateDocument(Term t, Document d, Analyzer a) throws IOException { writer.updateDocument(t, d, a); // Return gen as of when indexing finished: return indexingGen.get(); } public long updateDocument(Term t, Document d) throws IOException { writer.updateDocument(t, d); // Return gen as of when indexing finished: return indexingGen.get(); } public long updateDocuments(Term t, Collection<Document> docs, Analyzer a) throws IOException { writer.updateDocuments(t, docs, a); // Return gen as of when indexing finished: return indexingGen.get(); } public long updateDocuments(Term t, Collection<Document> docs) throws IOException { writer.updateDocuments(t, docs); // Return gen as of when indexing finished: return indexingGen.get(); } public long deleteDocuments(Term t) throws IOException { writer.deleteDocuments(t); // Return gen as of when indexing finished: return indexingGen.get(); } public long deleteDocuments(Term... terms) throws IOException { writer.deleteDocuments(terms); // Return gen as of when indexing finished: return indexingGen.get(); } public long deleteDocuments(Query q) throws IOException { writer.deleteDocuments(q); // Return gen as of when indexing finished: return indexingGen.get(); } public long deleteDocuments(Query... queries) throws IOException { writer.deleteDocuments(queries); // Return gen as of when indexing finished: return indexingGen.get(); } public long deleteAll() throws IOException { writer.deleteAll(); // Return gen as of when indexing finished: return indexingGen.get(); } public long addDocument(Document d, Analyzer a) throws IOException { writer.addDocument(d, a); // Return gen as of when indexing finished: return indexingGen.get(); } public long addDocuments(Collection<Document> docs, Analyzer a) throws IOException { writer.addDocuments(docs, a); // Return gen as of when indexing finished: return indexingGen.get(); } public long addDocument(Document d) throws IOException { writer.addDocument(d); // Return gen as of when indexing finished: return indexingGen.get(); } public long addDocuments(Collection<Document> docs) throws IOException { writer.addDocuments(docs); // Return gen as of when indexing finished: return indexingGen.get(); } public long addIndexes(Directory... dirs) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { writer.addIndexes(dirs); // Return gen as of when indexing finished: return indexingGen.get(); } public long addIndexes(IndexReader... readers) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { writer.addIndexes(readers); // Return gen as of when indexing finished: return indexingGen.get(); } /** * Waits for a given {@link SearcherManager} target generation to be available * via {@link #getSearcherManager(boolean)}. If the current generation is less * than the given target generation this method will block until the * correspondent {@link SearcherManager} is reopened by another thread via * {@link #maybeReopen(boolean)} or until the {@link NRTManager} is closed. * * @param targetGen the generation to wait for * @param requireDeletes <code>true</code> iff the generation requires deletes to be applied otherwise <code>false</code> * @return the {@link SearcherManager} with the given target generation */ public SearcherManager waitForGeneration(long targetGen, boolean requireDeletes) { return waitForGeneration(targetGen, requireDeletes, -1, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } /** * Waits for a given {@link SearcherManager} target generation to be available * via {@link #getSearcherManager(boolean)}. If the current generation is less * than the given target generation this method will block until the * correspondent {@link SearcherManager} is reopened by another thread via * {@link #maybeReopen(boolean)}, the given waiting time has elapsed, or until * the {@link NRTManager} is closed. * <p> * NOTE: if the waiting time elapses before the requested target generation is * available the latest {@link SearcherManager} is returned instead. * * @param targetGen * the generation to wait for * @param requireDeletes * <code>true</code> iff the generation requires deletes to be * applied otherwise <code>false</code> * @param time * the time to wait for the target generation * @param unit * the waiting time's time unit * @return the {@link SearcherManager} with the given target generation or the * latest {@link SearcherManager} if the waiting time elapsed before * the requested generation is available. */ public SearcherManager waitForGeneration(long targetGen, boolean requireDeletes, long time, TimeUnit unit) { try { final long curGen = indexingGen.get(); if (targetGen > curGen) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("targetGen=" + targetGen + " was never returned by this NRTManager instance (current gen=" + curGen + ")"); } reopenLock.lockInterruptibly(); try { if (targetGen > getCurrentSearchingGen(requireDeletes)) { for (WaitingListener listener : waitingListeners) { listener.waiting(requireDeletes, targetGen); } while (targetGen > getCurrentSearchingGen(requireDeletes)) { if (!waitOnGenCondition(time, unit)) { return getSearcherManager(requireDeletes); } } } } finally { reopenLock.unlock(); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw new ThreadInterruptedException(ie); } return getSearcherManager(requireDeletes); } private boolean waitOnGenCondition(long time, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { assert reopenLock.isHeldByCurrentThread(); if (time < 0) { newGeneration.await(); return true; } else { return newGeneration.await(time, unit); } } /** Returns generation of current searcher. */ public long getCurrentSearchingGen(boolean applyAllDeletes) { if (applyAllDeletes) { return withDeletes.generation; } else { return Math.max(withoutDeletes.generation, withDeletes.generation); } } public boolean maybeReopen(boolean applyAllDeletes) throws IOException { if (reopenLock.tryLock()) { try { final SearcherManagerRef reference = applyAllDeletes ? withDeletes : withoutDeletes; // Mark gen as of when reopen started: final long newSearcherGen = indexingGen.getAndIncrement(); boolean setSearchGen = false; if (reference.generation == MAX_SEARCHER_GEN) { newGeneration.signalAll(); // wake up threads if we have a new generation return false; } if (!(setSearchGen = reference.manager.isSearcherCurrent())) { setSearchGen = reference.manager.maybeReopen(); } if (setSearchGen) { reference.generation = newSearcherGen;// update searcher gen newGeneration.signalAll(); // wake up threads if we have a new generation } return setSearchGen; } finally { reopenLock.unlock(); } } return false; } /** * Close this NRTManager to future searching. Any searches still in process in * other threads won't be affected, and they should still call * {@link SearcherManager#release(IndexSearcher)} after they are done. * * <p> * <b>NOTE</b>: caller must separately close the writer. */ public void close() throws IOException { reopenLock.lock(); try { try { IOUtils.close(withDeletes, withoutDeletes); } finally { // make sure we signal even if close throws an exception newGeneration.signalAll(); } } finally { reopenLock.unlock(); assert withDeletes.generation == MAX_SEARCHER_GEN && withoutDeletes.generation == MAX_SEARCHER_GEN; } } /** * Returns a {@link SearcherManager}. If <code>applyAllDeletes</code> is * <code>true</code> the returned manager is guaranteed to have all deletes * applied on the last reopen. Otherwise the latest manager with or without deletes * is returned. */ public SearcherManager getSearcherManager(boolean applyAllDeletes) { if (applyAllDeletes) { return withDeletes.manager; } else { if (withDeletes.generation > withoutDeletes.generation) { return withDeletes.manager; } else { return withoutDeletes.manager; } } } static final class SearcherManagerRef implements Closeable { final boolean applyDeletes; volatile long generation; final SearcherManager manager; SearcherManagerRef(boolean applyDeletes, long generation, SearcherManager manager) { super(); this.applyDeletes = applyDeletes; this.generation = generation; this.manager = manager; } public void close() throws IOException { generation = MAX_SEARCHER_GEN; // max it out to make sure nobody can wait on another gen manager.close(); } } }