package com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.mlp.text; import; import*; import com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.mlp.pojos.MathTag; import com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.mlp.text.WikiTextUtils.MathMarkUpType; import com.jcabi.xml.XML; import com.jcabi.xml.XMLDocument; import org.apache.commons.lang3.CharUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; public class MathMLUtils { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MathMLUtils.class); private static final SnuggleEngine SNUGGLE_ENGINE = new SnuggleEngine(); /** * list of false positive identifiers */ public final static Set<String> BLACKLIST = prepareBlacklist(); private static boolean summarizeSubscripts = false; public static String getEngine() { return engine; } public static void setEngine(String engine) { MathMLUtils.engine = engine; } //@TODO: Make this configurable private static String engine = "snuggle"; private static Set<String> prepareBlacklist() { ImmutableSet.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableSet.builder(); // operators builder.add("sin", "cos", "tan", "min", "max", "argmax", "arg max", "argmin", "arg min", "inf", "lim", "log", "lg", "ln", "exp", "sup", "supp", "lim sup", "lim inf", "arg", "dim", "dimension", "cosh", "arccos", "arcsin", "arctan", "atan", "arcsec", "rank", "nullity", "det", "Det", "ker", "sec", "cot", "csc", "sinh", "coth", "tanh", "arcsinh", "arccosh", "arctanh", "atanh", "def", "image", "avg", "average", "mean", "var", "Var", "cov", "Cov", "diag", "span", "floor", "ceil", "head", "tail", "tr", "trace", "div", "mod", "round", "sum", "Re", "Im", "gcd", "sng", "sign", "length"); // math symbols // List<String> mathOperators = listOfStrings('\u2200', 256); mathOperators.remove("∇"); // nabla is often an identifier, so we should keep it builder.addAll(mathOperators); // builder.addAll(listOfStrings('\u2A00', 256)); // others math-related builder.add(":=", "=", "+", "~", "e", "°", "′", "^"); // symbols // builder.addAll(listOfStrings('\u02B0', 80)); // builder.addAll(listOfStrings('\u2600', 256)); // builder.addAll(listOfStrings('\u25A0', 96)); // builder.addAll(listOfStrings('\u2190', 112)); // builder.addAll(listOfStrings('\u2300', 256)); // builder.addAll(listOfStrings('\u2500', 128)); // false identifiers builder.add("constant", "const", "true", "false", "new", "even", "odd", "subject", "vs", "versus", "iff"); builder.add("where", "unless", "otherwise", "else", "on", "of", "or", "with", "if", "then", "from", "to", "by", "has", "within", "when", "out", "and", "for", "as", "is", "at", "such", "that", "before", "after"); // identifier that are also English (stop-)words builder.add("a", "A", "i", "I"); // punctuation builder.add("%", "?", "!", ":", "'", "…", ";", "(", ")", "\"", "′′′′′", "′′′′", "′′′", "′′", "′", " ", " "); // special chars builder.add("_", "|", "*", "#", "{", "}", "[", "]", "$", "&", "/", "\\"); // units builder.add("mol", "dB", "mm", "cm", "km", "Hz"); return; } private static List<String> listOfStrings(char from, int amount) { List<String> result = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(amount); for (char c = from; c < from + amount; c++) { result.add(CharUtils.toString(c)); } return result; } public static Multiset<String> extractIdentifiers(MathTag math, Boolean useTeXIdentifiers, String url) { try { return tryExtractIdentifiers(math, useTeXIdentifiers, url); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("exception occurred during 'extractIdentifiers'. Returning an empty set", e); return LinkedHashMultiset.create(); } } private static Multiset<String> tryExtractIdentifiers(MathTag math, Boolean useTeXIdentifiers, String url) { if (math.getMarkUpType() != MathMarkUpType.MATHML) { return extractIdentifiersFromTex(math.getTagContent(), useTeXIdentifiers, url); } else { return extractIdentifiersFromMathML(math.getContent(), useTeXIdentifiers, false); } } public static Multiset<String> extractIdentifiersFromTex(String tex, boolean useTeX, String url) { if (useTeX) { try { Multiset<String> identifiers = TexInfo.getIdentifiers(tex, url); //TODO: Migrate to texvcinfo identifiers.removeIf(x -> x.equals("\\infty") || x.startsWith("\\operatorname")); if (summarizeSubscripts) { for (String identifier : identifiers.elementSet()) { if (identifier.matches("(.*?)_\\{[a-zA-Z0-9]\\}$")) { identifiers.remove(identifier, Integer.MAX_VALUE); identifiers.add(identifier.replaceAll("(.*?)_\\{[a-zA-Z0-9]\\}$", "$1_")); } } } return identifiers; } catch (XPathExpressionException | ParserConfigurationException | IOException | SAXException | TransformerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return HashMultiset.create(); } } String mathML = texToMathML(tex); LOGGER.debug("converted {} to {}", tex.replaceAll("\\s+", " "), mathML); return extractIdentifiersFromMathML(mathML, false, false); } public static Multiset<String> extractIdentifiersFromMathML(String mathML, Boolean useTeXIdentifiers, boolean useBlacklist) { try { return tryParseWithXpath(mathML, useTeXIdentifiers, useBlacklist); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("exception occurred while trying to parse mathML with xpath... " + "backing off to the regexp parser.", e); return parseWithRegex(mathML); } } private static Multiset<String> tryParseWithXpath(String mathML, boolean useTeX, boolean useBlacklist) { XML xml = new XMLDocument(mathML); xml = xml.registerNs("m", ""); Multiset<String> result = HashMultiset.create(); List<XML> subscript = xml.nodes("//m:msub"); for (XML msubNode : subscript) { List<String> text = msubNode.xpath("*[normalize-space()]/text()"); if (text.size() != 2) { String debugText = text.toString().replaceAll("\\s+", " "); String nmsubMathMl = msubNode.toString().replaceAll("\\s+", " "); LOGGER.debug("unexpected input: {} for {}", debugText, nmsubMathMl); continue; } String id; String sub; if (useTeX) { id = UnicodeMap.string2TeX(text.get(0)); sub = "{" + UnicodeMap.string2TeX(text.get(1)) + "}"; } else { id = UnicodeUtils.normalizeString(text.get(0)); sub = UnicodeUtils.normalizeString(text.get(1)); } if (useBlacklist && BLACKLIST.contains(id)) { continue; } if (isNumeric(id)) { continue; } result.add(id + "_" + sub); } List<String> allIdentifiers = xml.xpath("//m:mi[not(ancestor::m:msub)]/text()"); for (String rawId : allIdentifiers) { String id; if (useTeX) { id = UnicodeMap.string2TeX(rawId); id = id.replaceAll("^\\{(.*)\\}$", "$1"); } else { id = UnicodeUtils.normalizeString(rawId); } if (useBlacklist && BLACKLIST.contains(id)) { continue; } if (isNumeric(id)) { continue; } result.add(id); } return result; } public static boolean isNumeric(String id) { return id.matches("\\d+.?\\d*"); } private static Multiset<String> parseWithRegex(String mathML) { Pattern miTag = Pattern.compile("<mi.*?>(.+?)</mi>"); Matcher matcher = miTag.matcher(mathML); Multiset<String> ids = HashMultiset.create(); while (matcher.find()) { String id =; ids.add(id); } ids.removeAll(BLACKLIST); return ids; } public static String texToMathML(String tex) { try { if (engine.equals("snuggle")) { SnuggleSession session = SNUGGLE_ENGINE.createSession(); String cleanTexString = cleanTexString(tex); session.parseInput(new SnuggleInput("$$ " + cleanTexString + " $$")); String xmlString = session.buildXMLString(); return xmlString; } else { return TeX2MathML.TeX2MML(tex); } } catch (Exception e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } public static String cleanTexString(String tex) { // strip text blocks tex = tex.replaceAll("\\\\(text|math(:?bb|bf|cal|frak|it|sf|tt))\\{.*?\\}", ""); // strip arbitrary operators tex = tex.replaceAll("\\\\operatorname\\{.*?\\}", ""); // strip some unparseble stuff tex = tex.replaceAll("\\\\(rang|left|right|rangle|langle)|\\|", ""); // strip dim/log tex = tex.replaceAll("\\\\(dim|log)_(\\w+)", "$1"); // strip "is element of" definitions tex = tex.replaceAll("^(.*?)\\\\in", "$1"); // strip indices tex = tex.replaceAll("^([^\\s\\\\\\{\\}])_[^\\s\\\\\\{\\}]$", "$1"); return tex; } }