package com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.mlp.cli; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; public class BaseConfig implements Serializable { protected static final String DEFAULT_POS_MODEL = "edu/stanford/nlp/models/pos-tagger/english-left3words/english-left3words-distsim.tagger"; @Parameter(names = {"-pos", "--posModel"}, description = "POS model to use") protected String model = DEFAULT_POS_MODEL; @Parameter(names = {"-l", "--language"}, description = "Language of the input") protected String language = "en"; @Parameter(names = {"-a", "--alpha"}) protected double alpha = 1.0; @Parameter(names = {"-b", "--beta"}) protected double beta = 1.0; @Parameter(names = {"-g", "--gamma"}) protected double gamma = 0.1; @Parameter(names = {"-t", "--threshold"}) protected double threshold = 0.4; @Parameter(names = {"-w", "--wikiDataList"}) protected String wikiDataFile = null; @Parameter(names = {"--tex"}) protected boolean useTeXIdentifiers = false; @Parameter(names = {"--texvcinfo"}) protected String texvcinfoUrl = ""; @Parameter(names = {"--definitionMerging"}, description = "apply definition merging algorithm") protected Boolean definitionMerging = false; public BaseConfig() { Properties prop = new Properties(); String propFileName = ""; InputStream inputStream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(propFileName); if (inputStream != null) { try { prop.load(inputStream); final String texvcinfo = prop.getProperty("texvcinfo"); if (texvcinfo.length() > 0) { texvcinfoUrl = texvcinfo; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public BaseConfig(String model, String language, double alpha, double beta, double gamma, double threshold, boolean useTeXIdentifiers) { this.model = model; this.language = language; this.alpha = alpha; this.beta = beta; this.gamma = gamma; this.threshold = threshold; this.useTeXIdentifiers = useTeXIdentifiers; } public Boolean getDefinitionMerging() { return definitionMerging; } public String getModel() { return model; } public void setModel(String model) { this.model = model; } public double getAlpha() { return alpha; } public double getBeta() { return beta; } public double getGamma() { return gamma; } public double getThreshold() { return threshold; } public String getLanguage() { return language; } public boolean getUseTeXIdentifiers() { return useTeXIdentifiers; } public void setUseTeXIdentifiers(boolean useTeXIdentifiers) { this.useTeXIdentifiers = useTeXIdentifiers; } public String getWikiDataFile() { return wikiDataFile; } public BaseConfig setWikiDataFile(String wikiDataFile) { this.wikiDataFile = wikiDataFile; return this; } public String getTexvcinfoUrl() { return texvcinfoUrl; } }