package com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.basex; import com.formulasearchengine.mathmltools.xmlhelper.XMLHelper; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLAssert; import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLUnit; import org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assume; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import*; import; import javax.xml.xquery.XQException; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Scanner; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public final class ClientTest { /** * Checks if there is a working connection to the xsede server, stops the test if there isn't. */ public void checkConnection() { TexQueryGenerator gen = new TexQueryGenerator(); HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost( gen.getLaTeXMLURL() ); CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault(); HttpResponse response; try { response = httpClient.execute( httppost ); if ( response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 4 ) { System.out.println( "Ignoring unit test. Xsede connection unstable." ); Assume.assumeTrue( false ); } } catch ( final IOException e ) { System.out.println( "Ignoring unit test. Xsede connection unstable." ); Assume.assumeTrue( false ); } } @Before public void setup() throws Exception { BaseXTestSuite.setup(); } @After public void shutdownServer() throws Exception { Server.getInstance().shutdown(); } @Test public void basicTest() throws Exception { Client c = new Client(); c.setShowTime( false ); String res = Client.resultsToXML( c.runQueryNtcirWrap("declare default element namespace \"\";\n" + "for $m in //*:expr return \n" + "for $x in $m//*:apply\n" + "[*[1]/name() = 'divide']\n" + "where\n" + "fn:count($x/*) = 3\n" + "return\n" + "<result>{$m/@url}</result>") ); assertEquals(TestUtils.getFileContents( TestUtils.BASEX_RESOURCE_DIR + "testClientBasic.xml" ), res ); } @Test public void mwsQuery() throws Exception { final String testInput = getFileContents( "dummy29.xml" ); final String expectedOutput = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" + "<results xmlns=\"\">\n" + " <run runtag=\"\" run_type=\"\">\n" + " <result for=\"NTCIR11-Math-\">\n" + " <hit id=\"dummy29\" xref=\"\" score=\"10\" rank=\"1\"/>\n" + " </result>\n"+ " </run>\n" + "</results>"; Document query = XMLHelper.String2Doc( testInput, true ); Client c = new Client(); c.setShowTime( false ); String res = Client.resultsToXML( c.runMWSQuery( query ) ); assertEquals( expectedOutput, res ); } @Test public void MWS2() throws Exception { final String testInput = getFileContents( "mws.xml" ); final String expectedOutput = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" + "<results xmlns=\"\">\n" + " <run runtag=\"\" run_type=\"\">\n" + " <result for=\"NTCIR11-Math-\">\n" + " <hit id=\"8#math.8.13\" xref=\"\" score=\"10\" rank=\"1\"/>\n" + " <hit id=\"8#math.8.22\" xref=\"\" score=\"10\" rank=\"2\"/>\n" + " <hit id=\"8#math.8.23\" xref=\"\" score=\"10\" rank=\"3\"/>\n" + " <hit id=\"8#math.8.25\" xref=\"\" score=\"10\" rank=\"4\"/>\n" + " <hit id=\"8#math.8.25\" xref=\"\" score=\"10\" rank=\"5\"/>\n" + " <hit id=\"8#math.8.30\" xref=\"\" score=\"10\" rank=\"6\"/>\n" + " <hit id=\"8#math.8.32\" xref=\"\" score=\"10\" rank=\"7\"/>\n" + " </result>\n"+ " </run>\n" + "</results>"; Document query = XMLHelper.String2Doc( testInput, true ); Client c = new Client(); c.setShowTime( false ); c.setUseXQ( true ); String res = c.resultsToXML( c.runMWSQuery( query ) ); assertEquals( expectedOutput, res ); c.setUseXQ( false ); c.runMWSQuery( query ); assertEquals( expectedOutput, res ); } @Test public void testEmpty() throws Exception { checkConnection(); String empty = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" + "<results xmlns=\"\"/>"; Client c = new Client(); String res = c.resultsToXML( c.runTexQuery( "\\sin(\\cos(x^5))" ) ); assertEquals( empty,res ); } @Test public void testqVar() throws Exception { checkConnection(); String empty = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" + "<results xmlns=\"\"/>"; Client c = new Client(); String res = c.resultsToXML( c.runTexQuery( "a_i)" ) ); assertEquals( empty,res ); } @Test public void testEmptyTex() throws Exception { checkConnection(); Client c = new Client(); try { String res = c.resultsToXML( c.runTexQuery( "" ) ); } catch ( final IllegalArgumentException expected ) { assertEquals( "Got empty TeX query", expected.getMessage()); } } @Test public void testBadTex() throws Exception { checkConnection(); Client c = new Client(); try { String res = c.resultsToXML( c.runTexQuery( "++23424'ä#öä#ö\\exit" ) ); } catch ( final IOException expected ) { assertThat(expected.getMessage(), CoreMatchers.startsWith( "Tex request to MathML conversion server produced failed response.")); } } @Test public void testBadTex2() throws Exception { checkConnection(); Client c = new Client(); try { String res = c.resultsToXML( c.runTexQuery( "\\frac" ) ); } catch (final IOException expected) { assertThat(expected.getMessage(), CoreMatchers.startsWith( "Tex request to MathML conversion server produced failed response.")); } } @Test public void testEmptyMML() throws Exception { Client c = new Client(); try { String res = c.resultsToXML( c.runMWSQuery( null ) ); } catch ( final IllegalArgumentException expected ) { assertEquals( "Got empty MathML document", expected.getMessage() ); } } @Test public void measureBadXQuery(){ Client c = new Client( ); try { c.basex( ">invalid<" ); } catch ( final XQException expected ) { assertEquals( "Invalid XQuery syntax, syntax does not pass static validation.", expected.getMessage() ); } try { c.runQueryNtcirWrap( ">invalid<" ); } catch ( final XQException expected ) { assertEquals( "Invalid XQuery syntax, syntax does not pass static validation.", expected.getMessage() ); } } @Test public void testDelete() throws Exception{ String cnt4 ="count(//*:expr[matches(@url, 'math\\.4\\.*')])"; Client c = new Client( ); assertEquals( 9, c.countRevisionFormula( 4 ) ); assertTrue( c.deleteRevisionFormula( 4 ) ); } @Test public void testInsert() throws Exception{ Document doc = XMLHelper.String2Doc( getFileContents( "math.4.3.xml" ), true ); Client c = new Client( ); assertEquals( 0, c.countRevisionFormula( 800 ) ); c.updateFormula( doc.getDocumentElement() ); assertEquals( 1, c.countRevisionFormula( 800 ) ); } @SuppressWarnings("SameParameterValue") static public String getFileContents( String fname ) throws IOException { try ( InputStream is = ClientTest.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( fname ) ) { final Scanner s = new Scanner( is, "UTF-8" ); //Stupid scanner tricks to read the entire file as one token s.useDelimiter( "\\A" ); return s.hasNext() ? : ""; } } @Test public void testCountAllFormula() throws Exception { Client c = new Client(); assertEquals( 104,c.countAllFormula()); } @Test public void testNTCIRReturn() throws Exception { final Document doc = XMLHelper.String2Doc(getFileContents( "mws.xml" ), true); final String query = "declare default element namespace \"\";\n" + "for $m in //*:expr return \n" + "for $x in $m//*:apply\n" + "[*[1]/name() = 'divide']\n" + "where\n" + "fn:count($x/*) = 3\n" + "let $q := map{\"x\" : (data($x/*[2]/@xml:id)),\"y\" : (data($x/*[3]/@xml:id))}\n" + "let $b := replace(base-uri($m),'^.*/','/" + Server.DATABASE_NAME + "/')\n" + "return\n" + Benchmark.NTCIR_FOOTER; final Client c = new Client(); c.setShowTime( false ); c.setUseXQ( false ); final String res = c.resultToXML( c.runQueryNTCIR( query, "f1.0" ) ); //Strip all ID values final byte[] byteArray = res.getBytes( "UTF-8" ); final ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream( byteArray ); final XMLEventReader reader = XMLInputFactory.newFactory().createXMLEventReader( inputStream ); final StringWriter hitWriter = new StringWriter(); final XMLEventWriter writer = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance().createXMLEventWriter( hitWriter ); while ( reader.hasNext() ) { final XMLEvent curEvent = reader.nextEvent(); final XMLEvent writeEvent; if (curEvent.getEventType() == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) { final String name = curEvent.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart(); if ( "formula".equals( name ) || "hit".equals( name ) ) { writeEvent = Client.replaceAttr( curEvent.asStartElement(), "id", "id" ); } else { writeEvent = curEvent; } } else { writeEvent = curEvent; } writer.add( writeEvent ); } final String expectedXML = getFileContents( "testNTCIRReturnExpected.xml" ); XMLUnit.setIgnoreWhitespace( true ); XMLUnit.setIgnoreAttributeOrder( true ); XMLAssert.assertXMLEqual( expectedXML, hitWriter.toString() ); } }