package com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.basex; import com.formulasearchengine.mathmlquerygenerator.NtcirPattern; import com.formulasearchengine.mathmlquerygenerator.XQueryGenerator; import com.formulasearchengine.mathmltools.xmlhelper.XMLHelper; import com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.basex.types.Hit; import com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.basex.types.Result; import com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.basex.types.Results; import com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.basex.types.Run; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream; import; import; import net.xqj.basex.BaseXXQDataSource; import org.intellij.lang.annotations.Language; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import*; import; import; import; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.xquery.*; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Inputs NtcirPattern queries, runs them through the BaseX search engine, and then outputs results. * Created by Moritz on 08.11.2014. */ public class Client { public static final String USER = "admin"; public static final String PASSWORD = "admin"; private static final Pattern CR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\r"); private Results results = new Results(); private Run currentRun = new Run( "baseX" + System.currentTimeMillis(), "automated" ); private Result currentResult = new Result( "NTCIR11-Math-" ); private Long lastQueryDuration; private boolean useXQ = true; private boolean showTime = true; /** * Constructs a new empty Client. Used for running individual queries. */ public Client() {} /** * Constructs a new Client with the given queryset. This constructor will also search all queries immediately. * @param patterns List of NtcirPattern */ public Client(List<NtcirPattern> patterns) throws XQException { for (final NtcirPattern pattern : patterns) { processPattern( pattern ); } results.addRun( currentRun ); } /** * @return Returns given Result as XML string, and shows time based on showTime */ public static String resultToXML( Result result ) { //Use custom coder to disable underscore escaping so run_type is properly printed final XStream stream = new XStream( new Xpp3Driver( new XmlFriendlyNameCoder( "_-", "_" ) ) ); if ( !result.getShowTime() ) { stream.omitField( Result.class, "ms" ); } stream.processAnnotations( Result.class ); return "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" + stream.toXML( result ); } /** * @return Returns given Results as XML string, and shows time based on showTime */ public static String resultsToXML( Results results ) { //Use custom coder to disable underscore escaping so run_type is properly printed final XStream stream = new XStream(new Xpp3Driver( new XmlFriendlyNameCoder( "_-", "_" ) ) ); if ( !results.getShowTime() ) { stream.omitField( Run.class, "ms" ); stream.omitField( Result.class, "ms" ); } stream.processAnnotations( Results.class ); return "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" + stream.toXML( results ); } /** * @return the given XML string as an object of the given class. note that this method disables * underscore as an escape character if the class is Results so the attribute "run_type" is printed correctly. */ public static Object xmlToClass( String xml, Class convertClass ) { final XStream stream; if ( convertClass.equals( Results.class )) { //Use custom coder to disable underscore escaping so run_type is properly printed stream = new XStream( new Xpp3Driver( new XmlFriendlyNameCoder( "_-", "_" ) ) ); } else { stream = new XStream(); } stream.processAnnotations( convertClass ); return stream.fromXML( xml ); } private static XQConnection getXqConnection() throws XQException { final Server srv = Server.getInstance(); final XQDataSource xqs = new BaseXXQDataSource(); //Other properties: description, logLevel, loginTimeout, readOnly xqs.setProperty("serverName", Server.SERVER_NAME); xqs.setProperty("port", String.valueOf(Server.PORT)); xqs.setProperty("databaseName", Server.DATABASE_NAME); xqs.setProperty("user", USER); xqs.setProperty("password", PASSWORD); return xqs.getConnection(USER, PASSWORD); } //Alternative API that enables XQuery v3.1 private static BaseXClient getBaseXClient() throws IOException { final Server srv = Server.getInstance(); final BaseXClient session = new BaseXClient(Server.SERVER_NAME, Server.PORT, USER, PASSWORD); session.execute("OPEN " + Server.DATABASE_NAME); return session; } /** * @return Returns new StartElement with replaced value for given attribute */ public static StartElement replaceAttr(StartElement event, String attribute, String value) { final XMLEventFactory eventFactory = XMLEventFactory.newInstance(); final Iterator<Attribute> attributeIterator = event.getAttributes(); final List<Attribute> attrs = new ArrayList<>(); while (attributeIterator.hasNext()) { final Attribute curAttr =; if (attribute.equals(curAttr.getName().getLocalPart())) { attrs.add(eventFactory.createAttribute(new QName(attribute), value)); } else { attrs.add(curAttr); } } return eventFactory.createStartElement(new QName(event.getName().getLocalPart()), attrs.iterator(), event.getNamespaces()); } /** * Runs a query with no timing or effects on {@link #currentResult} * * @param query XQuery string * @return XQResult in string format * @throws XQException */ static String directXQuery(String query) throws XQException { final StringBuilder outputBuilder = new StringBuilder(); final XQConnection conn = getXqConnection(); try { final XQPreparedExpression xqpe = conn.prepareExpression(query); final XQResultSequence rs = xqpe.executeQuery(); while ( { outputBuilder.append(CR_PATTERN.matcher(rs.getItemAsString(null)).replaceAll("")); } } finally { conn.close(); } return outputBuilder.toString(); } /** * @return Returns results in XML format. */ public String getXML() { results.setShowTime(showTime); return resultsToXML(results); } /** * Setter for whether or not to show time in results. * @param showTime Boolean for showing time or not */ public void setShowTime (boolean showTime) { this.showTime = showTime; results.setShowTime( showTime ); } /** * Setter for whether or not to use XQuery expression. * @param useXQ Boolean for using XQuery expressions. */ public void setUseXQ (boolean useXQ) { this.useXQ = useXQ; } private void processPattern(NtcirPattern pattern) throws XQException { currentResult = new Result( pattern.getNum() ); currentResult.setShowTime( showTime ); basex( pattern.getxQueryExpression() ); currentRun.addResult( currentResult ); } /** * Wrapper around XQuery search method runQueryBaseXSimple() which handles exceptions and returns the length of time * it took to run that query. * @param query Query in XQuery string format. * @return Time it took to run the query. */ public Long basex(String query) throws XQException { runQueryBaseXSimple( query ); return lastQueryDuration; } /** * Connects with the BaseX database, sending the given query as an XQuery query and saves the * result in the currentResult list. Assumes NTCIR_FOOTER is used as the result return type. * @param query Query in XQuery string format. * @param queryID ID number to mark this query (required for NTCIR search highlight format) * @return Result in NTCIR_FOOTER XML format (not in full NTCIR format) * @throws XQException When getXqConnection() falis to connect to the BaseX server, XQJ fails to process the query, * or XQJ fails to execute the query. * @throws XMLStreamException When the output fails to parse as XML * @throws IOException When the client fails to open properly * @throws TransformerException When the XML reader/writers fail */ protected Result runQueryNTCIR( String query, String queryID ) throws XQException, XMLStreamException, IOException, TransformerException, { int score = 0; int rank = 1; if ( useXQ ) { return null; } else { final BaseXClient session = getBaseXClient(); try { lastQueryDuration = System.nanoTime(); final BaseXClient.Query querySession = session.query( query ); lastQueryDuration = System.nanoTime() - lastQueryDuration; currentResult.setTime( lastQueryDuration ); currentResult.setShowTime( showTime ); while ( querySession.more() ) { final String result =; final byte[] byteArray = result.getBytes( "UTF-8" ); final ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream( byteArray ); final XMLEventReader reader = XMLInputFactory.newFactory().createXMLEventReader( inputStream ); final StringWriter hitWriter = new StringWriter(); final XMLEventWriter writer = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance().createXMLEventWriter( hitWriter ); while ( reader.hasNext() ) { final XMLEvent curEvent = reader.nextEvent(); switch ( curEvent.getEventType() ) { case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT: if ( "formula".equals( curEvent.asStartElement().getName().getLocalPart() ) ) { writer.add( replaceAttr( curEvent.asStartElement(), "for", queryID ) ); } else { writer.add( curEvent ); } break; case XMLStreamConstants.START_DOCUMENT: //do nothing break; default: writer.add( curEvent ); break; } } currentResult.addHit( (Hit) xmlToClass( hitWriter.toString(), Hit.class ) ); } } finally { session.close(); } return currentResult; } } /** * Connects with the BaseX database, sending the given query as an XQuery query and saves the * result in the currentResult list. Assumes BASEX_FOOTER is used as the result return type. * @param query Query in XQuery string format. * @return Number of results. * @throws XQException When getXqConnection() fails to connect to the BaseX server, XQJ fails to process the query, * or XQJ fails to execute the query. */ protected int runQueryBaseXSimple( String query ) throws XQException { int score = 10; int rank = 1; if ( useXQ ) { final XQConnection conn = getXqConnection(); try { final XQPreparedExpression xqpe = conn.prepareExpression( query ); lastQueryDuration = System.nanoTime(); final XQResultSequence rs = xqpe.executeQuery(); lastQueryDuration = System.nanoTime() - lastQueryDuration; currentResult.setTime( lastQueryDuration ); currentResult.setShowTime( showTime ); while ( ) { final String result = rs.getItemAsString( null ); currentResult.addHit( new Hit( CR_PATTERN.matcher( result ).replaceAll( "" ), "", score, rank ) ); rank++; } } finally { conn.close(); } } else { //TODO: This does not yet work /* measurement = System.nanoTime(); new Open("math").execute( Server.context ); QueryProcessor proc = new QueryProcessor(query, Server.context ); Iter iter = proc.iter(); for(Item item; (item = != null;) { Object o = item.toJava(); String s; if(o instanceof String){ s = (String) o; } else { s = item.toString(); } currentResult.addHit( s, "", score, rank ); rank++; }*/ } return rank-1; } /** * Calls {@link #runQueryBaseXSimple(String)} and wraps the result with the NTCIR XML format. * This adds the result to {@link #currentResult} * @param query XQuery string * @throws XQException when the server xq connection fails * @return NTCIR XML formatted result */ public Results runQueryNtcirWrap( String query ) throws XQException { currentResult = new Result( "NTCIR11-Math-"); currentResult.setShowTime( showTime ); runQueryBaseXSimple( query ); final Results resultsFrame = new Results(); resultsFrame.setShowTime( showTime ); if ( currentResult.getNumHits() != 0 ) { final Run run = new Run( "", "" ); run.setShowTime( showTime ); run.addResult( currentResult ); resultsFrame.addRun( run ); } return resultsFrame; } /** * Calls {@link #runQueryNtcirWrap(String)} given a MathML MathWebSearch XML document query * @param mwsQuery Document in MathML MathWebSearch query format * @throws XQException when the server xq connection fails * @return NTCIR XML formatted result */ public Results runMWSQuery( Document mwsQuery ) throws XQException { if ( mwsQuery == null ){ throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Got empty MathML document" ); } final XQueryGenerator generator = new XQueryGenerator(mwsQuery); generator.setPathToRoot("//*:expr"); generator.setReturnFormat(Benchmark.BASEX_FOOTER ); generator.setAddQvarMap( false ); return runQueryNtcirWrap(generator.toString()); } /** * Calls {@link #runMWSQuery(Document)} given a Tex string. * Converts the Tex string into MathML MathWebSearch XML document query format and then runs the search. * @param tex Tex string * * @throws XQException when the server xq connection fails * @throws IOException when the tex to MathML conversion fails * @return NTCIR XML formatted result */ public Results runTexQuery( String tex ) throws IOException, XQException { if (tex == null || tex.isEmpty()){ throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Got empty TeX query" ); } final TexQueryGenerator t = new TexQueryGenerator(); final String mmlString = t.request(tex); final Document doc = XMLHelper.String2Doc( mmlString, true ); return runMWSQuery( doc ); } /** * Returns XQuery expression for matching formulae based on revision number * @param rev Revision number to match * @return XQuery expression */ private String getRevFormula( int rev ) { return "expr[matches(@url, '" + rev + "#(.*)')]"; } /** * Shortcut call on {@link #directXQuery(String)} to count the number of formulae with specified revision number * @param rev Revision number to count * @return Number of formulae with specified revision number */ public int countRevisionFormula(int rev){ try { return Integer.parseInt( directXQuery( "count(//*:" + getRevFormula( rev ) + ")" ) ); } catch (final XQException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return 0; } } /** * Shortcut call on {@link #directXQuery(String)} to count the total number of formulae * @return Total number of formulae */ public int countAllFormula(){ try { return Integer.parseInt( directXQuery( "count(./*/*)" ) ); } catch (final XQException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return 0; } } /** * Shortcut call on {@link #directXQuery(String)} to delete all formulae with specified revision number * @param rev Revision number * @return Whether or not this operation succeeded */ public boolean deleteRevisionFormula(int rev){ try { directXQuery( "delete node //*:"+ getRevFormula( rev ) ); return countRevisionFormula(rev) == 0; } catch (XQException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } /** * Inserts the first formula from a harvest XML file into the server database. * @param n Node to start with * @return Whether or not this operation succeeded */ public boolean updateFormula(Node n) { try { @Language("XQuery") final String xUpdate = "declare namespace mws=\"\";\n" + "declare variable $input external;\n" + "for $e in $input/mws:expr\n" + "return ( delete node //*[@url=$e/@url], insert node $e into /mws:harvest[1])"; final XQConnection conn = getXqConnection(); try { final XQPreparedExpression xqpe = conn.prepareExpression( xUpdate ); xqpe.bindNode( new QName( "input" ), n, null ); xqpe.executeQuery(); } finally { conn.close(); } return true; } catch (final XQException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } }