package com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.mathpd.distances.earthmover; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; /** * @author Telmo Menezes ( */ class Edge { int _to; long _cost; Edge(int to, long cost) { _to = to; _cost = cost; } } class Edge0 { int _to; long _cost; long _flow; Edge0(int to, long cost, long flow) { _to = to; _cost = cost; _flow = flow; } } class Edge1 { int _to; long _reduced_cost; Edge1(int to, long reduced_cost) { _to = to; _reduced_cost = reduced_cost; } } class Edge2 { int _to; long _reduced_cost; long _residual_capacity; Edge2(int to, long reduced_cost, long residual_capacity) { _to = to; _reduced_cost = reduced_cost; _residual_capacity = residual_capacity; } } class Edge3 { int _to; long _dist; Edge3() { _to = 0; _dist = 0; } Edge3(int to, long dist) { _to = to; _dist = dist; } } class MinCostFlow { int numNodes; Vector<Integer> nodesToQ; // e - supply(positive) and demand(negative). // c[i] - edges that goes from node i. first is the second nod // x - the flow is returned in it long compute(Vector<Long> e, Vector<List<Edge>> c, Vector<List<Edge0>> x) { assert (e.size() == c.size()); assert (x.size() == c.size()); numNodes = e.size(); nodesToQ = new Vector<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { nodesToQ.add(0); } // init flow for (int from = 0; from < numNodes; ++from) { for (Edge it : c.get(from)) { x.get(from).add(new Edge0(it._to, it._cost, 0)); x.get(it._to).add(new Edge0(from, -it._cost, 0)); } } // reduced costs for forward edges (c[i,j]-pi[i]+pi[j]) // Note that for forward edges the residual capacity is infinity Vector<List<Edge1>> rCostForward = new Vector<List<Edge1>>(); for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { rCostForward.add(new LinkedList<Edge1>()); } for (int from = 0; from < numNodes; ++from) { for (Edge it : c.get(from)) { rCostForward.get(from).add(new Edge1(it._to, it._cost)); } } // reduced costs and capacity for backward edges // (c[j,i]-pi[j]+pi[i]) // Since the flow at the beginning is 0, the residual capacity is // also zero Vector<List<Edge2>> rCostCapBackward = new Vector<List<Edge2>>(); for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { rCostCapBackward.add(new LinkedList<Edge2>()); } for (int from = 0; from < numNodes; ++from) { for (Edge it : c.get(from)) { rCostCapBackward.get(it._to).add( new Edge2(from, -it._cost, 0)); } } // Max supply TODO:demand?, given U?, optimization-> min out of // demand,supply long U = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { if (e.get(i) > U) U = e.get(i); } long delta = (long) (Math.pow(2.0, Math.ceil(Math.log((double) (U)) / Math.log(2.0)))); Vector<Long> d = new Vector<Long>(); Vector<Integer> prev = new Vector<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { d.add(0l); prev.add(0); } delta = 1; while (true) { // until we break when S or T is empty long maxSupply = 0; int k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { if (e.get(i) > 0) { if (maxSupply < e.get(i)) { maxSupply = e.get(i); k = i; } } } if (maxSupply == 0) break; delta = maxSupply; int[] l = new int[1]; computeShortestPath(d, prev, k, rCostForward, rCostCapBackward, e, l); // find delta (minimum on the path from k to l) // delta= e[k]; // if (-e[l]<delta) delta= e[k]; int to = l[0]; do { int from = prev.get(to); assert (from != to); // residual int itccb = 0; while ((itccb < rCostCapBackward.get(from).size()) && (rCostCapBackward.get(from).get(itccb)._to != to)) { itccb++; } if (itccb < rCostCapBackward.get(from).size()) { if (rCostCapBackward.get(from).get(itccb)._residual_capacity < delta) delta = rCostCapBackward.get(from).get(itccb)._residual_capacity; } to = from; } while (to != k); // augment delta flow from k to l (backwards actually...) to = l[0]; do { int from = prev.get(to); assert (from != to); // TODO - might do here O(n) can be done in O(1) int itx = 0; while (x.get(from).get(itx)._to != to) { itx++; } x.get(from).get(itx)._flow += delta; // update residual for backward edges int itccb = 0; while ((itccb < rCostCapBackward.get(to).size()) && (rCostCapBackward.get(to).get(itccb)._to != from)) { itccb++; } if (itccb < rCostCapBackward.get(to).size()) { rCostCapBackward.get(to).get(itccb)._residual_capacity += delta; } itccb = 0; while ((itccb < rCostCapBackward.get(from).size()) && (rCostCapBackward.get(from).get(itccb)._to != to)) { itccb++; } if (itccb < rCostCapBackward.get(from).size()) { rCostCapBackward.get(from).get(itccb)._residual_capacity -= delta; } // update e e.set(to, e.get(to) + delta); e.set(from, e.get(from) - delta); to = from; } while (to != k); } // compute distance from x long dist = 0; for (int from = 0; from < numNodes; from++) { for (Edge0 it : x.get(from)) { dist += (it._cost * it._flow); } } return dist; } void computeShortestPath(Vector<Long> d, Vector<Integer> prev, int from, Vector<List<Edge1>> costForward, Vector<List<Edge2>> costBackward, Vector<Long> e, int[] l) { // Making heap (all inf except 0, so we are saving comparisons...) Vector<Edge3> Q = new Vector<Edge3>(); for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { Q.add(new Edge3()); } Q.get(0)._to = from; nodesToQ.set(from, 0); Q.get(0)._dist = 0; int j = 1; // TODO: both of these into a function? for (int i = 0; i < from; ++i) { Q.get(j)._to = i; nodesToQ.set(i, j); Q.get(j)._dist = Long.MAX_VALUE; j++; } for (int i = from + 1; i < numNodes; i++) { Q.get(j)._to = i; nodesToQ.set(i, j); Q.get(j)._dist = Long.MAX_VALUE; j++; } Vector<Boolean> finalNodesFlg = new Vector<Boolean>(); for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { finalNodesFlg.add(false); } do { int u = Q.get(0)._to; d.set(u, Q.get(0)._dist); // final distance finalNodesFlg.set(u, true); if (e.get(u) < 0) { l[0] = u; break; } heapRemoveFirst(Q, nodesToQ); // neighbors of u for (Edge1 it : costForward.get(u)) { assert (it._reduced_cost >= 0); long alt = d.get(u) + it._reduced_cost; int v = it._to; if ((nodesToQ.get(v) < Q.size()) && (alt < Q.get(nodesToQ.get(v))._dist)) { heapDecreaseKey(Q, nodesToQ, v, alt); prev.set(v, u); } } for (Edge2 it : costBackward.get(u)) { if (it._residual_capacity > 0) { assert (it._reduced_cost >= 0); long alt = d.get(u) + it._reduced_cost; int v = it._to; if ((nodesToQ.get(v) < Q.size()) && (alt < Q.get(nodesToQ.get(v))._dist)) { heapDecreaseKey(Q, nodesToQ, v, alt); prev.set(v, u); } } } } while (Q.size() > 0); for (int _from = 0; _from < numNodes; ++_from) { for (Edge1 it : costForward.get(_from)) { if (finalNodesFlg.get(_from)) { it._reduced_cost += d.get(_from) - d.get(l[0]); } if (finalNodesFlg.get(it._to)) { it._reduced_cost -= d.get(it._to) - d.get(l[0]); } } } // reduced costs and capacity for backward edges // (c[j,i]-pi[j]+pi[i]) for (int _from = 0; _from < numNodes; ++_from) { for (Edge2 it : costBackward.get(_from)) { if (finalNodesFlg.get(_from)) { it._reduced_cost += d.get(_from) - d.get(l[0]); } if (finalNodesFlg.get(it._to)) { it._reduced_cost -= d.get(it._to) - d.get(l[0]); } } } } void heapDecreaseKey(Vector<Edge3> Q, Vector<Integer> nodes_to_Q, int v, long alt) { int i = nodes_to_Q.get(v); Q.get(i)._dist = alt; while (i > 0 && Q.get(PARENT(i))._dist > Q.get(i)._dist) { swapHeap(Q, nodes_to_Q, i, PARENT(i)); i = PARENT(i); } } void heapRemoveFirst(Vector<Edge3> Q, Vector<Integer> nodes_to_Q) { swapHeap(Q, nodes_to_Q, 0, Q.size() - 1); Q.remove(Q.size() - 1); heapify(Q, nodes_to_Q, 0); } void heapify(Vector<Edge3> Q, Vector<Integer> nodes_to_Q, int i) { do { // TODO: change to loop int l = LEFT(i); int r = RIGHT(i); int smallest; if ((l < Q.size()) && (Q.get(l)._dist < Q.get(i)._dist)) { smallest = l; } else { smallest = i; } if ((r < Q.size()) && (Q.get(r)._dist < Q.get(smallest)._dist)) { smallest = r; } if (smallest == i) return; swapHeap(Q, nodes_to_Q, i, smallest); i = smallest; } while (true); } void swapHeap(Vector<Edge3> Q, Vector<Integer> nodesToQ, int i, int j) { Edge3 tmp = Q.get(i); Q.set(i, Q.get(j)); Q.set(j, tmp); nodesToQ.set(Q.get(j)._to, j); nodesToQ.set(Q.get(i)._to, i); } int LEFT(int i) { return 2 * (i + 1) - 1; } int RIGHT(int i) { return 2 * (i + 1); // 2 * (i + 1) + 1 - 1 } int PARENT(int i) { return (i - 1) / 2; } }