package; import com.beust.jcommander.internal.Lists; import com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.mlp.pojos.Relation; import com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.mlp.pojos.Sentence; import com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.mlp.pojos.WikiDocumentOutput; import com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.mlp.pojos.Word; import com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.mlp.text.MachineLearningPatternMatcher; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.IndexedWord; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.TaggedWord; import edu.stanford.nlp.parser.nndep.DependencyParser; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraph; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraphEdge; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.GrammaticalStructure; import weka.core.*; import java.util.*; import; /** * Created by Leo on 21.12.2016. * Source [1]: Extracting Textual Descriptions of Mathematical Expressions in Scientific Papers;Giovanni Yoko Kristianto, Goran Topić, Akiko Aizawa */ public class WekaUtils { public static final String MATCH = "match"; public static final String NO_MATCH = "no match"; public static final String DEFINIEN = "definiens"; public static final String IDENTIFIER = "identifier"; public static final String Q_ID = "qId"; public static final String TITLE = "title"; /** * Feature 11 of [1] * Relative distance identifier - definiens in words. Normalized by {@link WikiDocumentOutput#maxSentenceLength} */ public static final String WORD_DISTANCE = "wordDistance"; /** * Feature 12 of [1] * weather or not the definiens is before or after the identifier */ public static final String WORD_POSITIONING = "wordPositioning"; public static final String PATTERN_1 = "pattern 1 identifier, definition"; public static final String PATTERN_2 = "pattern 2 definition, identifier"; public static final String PATTERN_3 = "pattern 3 identifier, isOrAre, definition"; public static final String PATTERN_4 = "pattern 4 identifier, isOrAre, the, definition"; public static final String PATTERN_5 = "pattern 5 let, identifier, be, denoted, by, definition"; public static final String PATTERN_6 = "pattern 6 let, identifier, be, denoted, by, the_one_or_more, definition"; public static final String PATTERN_7 = "pattern 7 definition, isOrAre, denoted, by, identifier"; public static final String PATTERN_8 = "pattern 8 definition, isOrAre, denoted, by, the_one_or_more, identifier"; public static final String PATTERN_9 = "pattern 9 identifier, denotes, definition"; public static final String PATTERN_10 = "pattern 10 identifier, denotes, the_one_or_more, definition"; /** * colon between */ public static final String COLON_BETWEEN = "colon between"; /** * comma between */ public static final String COMMMA_BETWEEN = "commma between"; /** * othermath or identifier between */ public static final String OTHER_MATH_BETWEEN = "other math between"; /** * patentheses */ public static final String IDENTIFIER_IN_PARENTHESES = "identifier in parentheses in sentence"; public static final String DEFINIENS_IN_PARENTHESES = "definiens in parentheses in sentence"; //Feature 13 of [1] public static final String SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_TWO_PRECEDING_AND_FOLLOWING_TOKENS_AROUND_THE_DESC_CANDIDATE = "Surface text and POS tag of two preceding and following tokens around the desc candidate"; //Feature 15 of [1] public static final String SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_THREE_PRECEDING_AND_FOLLOWING_TOKENS_AROUND_THE_PAIRED_MATH_EXPR = "Surface text and POS tag of three preceding and following tokens around the paired math expr"; //Feature 17 of [1] public static final String SURFACE_TEXT_OF_THE_FIRST_VERB_THAT_APPEARS_BETWEEN_THE_DESC_CANDIDATE_AND_THE_TARGET_MATH_EXPR = "Surface text of the first verb that appears between the desc candidate and the target math expr"; //Feature 18 of [1] public static final String GRAPH_DISTANCE = "graphDistance"; //Feature 19 of [1] public static final String SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_DEPENDENCY_WITH_LENGTH_3_FROM_DEFINIEN = "dependency with length 3 from definien"; //Feature 21 in [1] public static final String SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_DEPENDENCY_WITH_LENGTH_3_FROM_IDENTIFIER = "dependency with length 3 from identifier"; //Feature 20 of [1] public static final String INCOMING_TO_DEFINIEN = "direction of " + SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_DEPENDENCY_WITH_LENGTH_3_FROM_DEFINIEN; //Feature 22 of [1] public static final String INCOMING_TO_IDENTIFIER = "direction of " + SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_DEPENDENCY_WITH_LENGTH_3_FROM_IDENTIFIER; public static final String DISTANCE_FROM_FIRST_OCCURRENCE = "distance_from_first_occurence"; public static final String RELATIVE_TERM_FREQUENCY = "relative_term_frequency"; //String constants public static final String CLASSIFICATION = "classification"; private static final String DEFINIENS_TEXT = "definiens_candidate"; private static final String IDENTIFIER_TEXT = "identifier_candidate"; /** * Assumed length of the longest possible word (30) times three to accommodate for noun phrases. For normalisation. */ public static final double LONGEST_NNP_IN_ENGLISH = 100d; /** * According to */ public static final double LONGEST_SENTENCE_IN_ENGISH = 300d; public static final List<String> nominal = Lists.newArrayList(MATCH, NO_MATCH); //TODO: move hack to CLI private static final boolean NO_STRING = false; private static final boolean NO_DEP = false; private static final boolean NO_STAT = false; private static final boolean NO_PM = false; private static final boolean NO_BASIC = false; public Instances createInstances(String title) { ArrayList<Attribute> atts = new ArrayList<>(); //meta information atts.add(new Attribute(TITLE, (FastVector) null)); atts.add(new Attribute(Q_ID, (FastVector) null)); atts.add(new Attribute(IDENTIFIER, (FastVector) null)); atts.add(new Attribute(DEFINIEN, (FastVector) null)); atts.add(new Attribute(PATTERN_1)); atts.add(new Attribute(PATTERN_2)); atts.add(new Attribute(PATTERN_3)); atts.add(new Attribute(PATTERN_4)); atts.add(new Attribute(PATTERN_5)); atts.add(new Attribute(PATTERN_6)); atts.add(new Attribute(PATTERN_7)); atts.add(new Attribute(PATTERN_8)); atts.add(new Attribute(PATTERN_9)); atts.add(new Attribute(PATTERN_10)); atts.add(new Attribute(COLON_BETWEEN)); atts.add(new Attribute(COMMMA_BETWEEN)); atts.add(new Attribute(OTHER_MATH_BETWEEN)); atts.add(new Attribute(DEFINIENS_IN_PARENTHESES)); atts.add(new Attribute(IDENTIFIER_IN_PARENTHESES)); atts.add(new Attribute(WORD_DISTANCE)); atts.add(new Attribute(WORD_POSITIONING)); atts.add(new Attribute(SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_TWO_PRECEDING_AND_FOLLOWING_TOKENS_AROUND_THE_DESC_CANDIDATE, (FastVector) null)); atts.add(new Attribute(SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_THREE_PRECEDING_AND_FOLLOWING_TOKENS_AROUND_THE_PAIRED_MATH_EXPR, (FastVector) null)); atts.add(new Attribute(SURFACE_TEXT_OF_THE_FIRST_VERB_THAT_APPEARS_BETWEEN_THE_DESC_CANDIDATE_AND_THE_TARGET_MATH_EXPR, (FastVector) null)); atts.add(new Attribute(GRAPH_DISTANCE)); atts.add(new Attribute(SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_DEPENDENCY_WITH_LENGTH_3_FROM_IDENTIFIER, (FastVector) null)); atts.add(new Attribute(INCOMING_TO_IDENTIFIER)); atts.add(new Attribute(SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_DEPENDENCY_WITH_LENGTH_3_FROM_DEFINIEN, (FastVector) null)); atts.add(new Attribute(INCOMING_TO_DEFINIEN)); atts.add(new Attribute(DISTANCE_FROM_FIRST_OCCURRENCE)); atts.add(new Attribute(RELATIVE_TERM_FREQUENCY)); atts.add(new Attribute(CLASSIFICATION, nominal)); Instances result = new Instances(title, atts, 0); result.setClassIndex(result.numAttributes() - 1); return result; } /** * Extract the features from the relations and add them to the instances. * * @param parser for dependency graph features. * @param relations the relations to process * @param title title of the document * @param qId qid of the document * @param instances where to add the relations see {@link #createInstances(String)} for the definition. * @param maxSentenceLength length of the longest sentence in the document, for normalisation. * @return Instances where all provided relations have been added */ public Instances addRelationsToInstances(DependencyParser parser, List<Relation> relations, String title, String qId, Instances instances, double maxSentenceLength) { for (Relation relation : relations) { addRelationToInstances(parser, getPrecomputedGraphStore(), title, qId, instances, maxSentenceLength, relation); } return instances; } public void addRelationToInstances(DependencyParser parser, Map<Sentence, GrammaticalStructure> precomputedGraphs, String title, String qId, Instances instances, double maxSentenceLength, Relation relation) { double[] patternMatches = new MachineLearningPatternMatcher().match(relation.getSentence(), relation.getIdentifier(), relation.getDefinition(), relation.getIdentifierPosition(), relation.getWordPosition()); double[] values = new double[instances.numAttributes()]; addStringValue(values, instances, TITLE, title); addStringValue(values, instances, Q_ID, qId); addStringValue(values, instances, IDENTIFIER, relation.getIdentifier()); addStringValue(values, instances, DEFINIEN, relation.getDefinition()); //distance between identifier and definiens candidate int wordDistance = relation.getIdentifierPosition() - relation.getWordPosition(); values[instances.attribute(WORD_DISTANCE).index()] = (double) Math.abs(wordDistance) / maxSentenceLength; //weather or not the definiens is before or after the identifier if (!NO_PM) { for (int i = 0; i < patternMatches.length - 5; i++) { values[instances.attribute(PATTERN_1).index() + i] = patternMatches[i]; } } if (!NO_BASIC) { values[instances.attribute(WORD_POSITIONING).index()] = wordDistance > 0 ? 1 : 0; values[instances.attribute(COLON_BETWEEN).index()] = patternMatches[10]; values[instances.attribute(COMMMA_BETWEEN).index()] = patternMatches[11]; values[instances.attribute(OTHER_MATH_BETWEEN).index()] = patternMatches[12]; values[instances.attribute(DEFINIENS_IN_PARENTHESES).index()] = patternMatches[13]; values[instances.attribute(IDENTIFIER_IN_PARENTHESES).index()] = patternMatches[14]; } addStringFeatures(values, instances, relation); addDependencyTreeFeatures(parser, precomputedGraphs, values, instances, relation, maxSentenceLength); values[instances.attribute(DISTANCE_FROM_FIRST_OCCURRENCE).index()] = relation.getDistanceFromFirstIdentifierOccurence(); values[instances.attribute(RELATIVE_TERM_FREQUENCY).index()] = relation.getRelativeTermFrequency(); if (NO_STAT) { values[instances.attribute(DISTANCE_FROM_FIRST_OCCURRENCE).index()] = 0; values[instances.attribute(RELATIVE_TERM_FREQUENCY).index()] = 0; values[instances.attribute(WORD_DISTANCE).index()] = 0; } values[values.length - 1] = relation.getRelevance() > 1 ? nominal.indexOf(MATCH) : nominal.indexOf(NO_MATCH); DenseInstance instance = new DenseInstance(1.0, values); instances.add(instance); } /** * Adds {@link #SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_TWO_PRECEDING_AND_FOLLOWING_TOKENS_AROUND_THE_DESC_CANDIDATE}, * {@link #SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_THREE_PRECEDING_AND_FOLLOWING_TOKENS_AROUND_THE_PAIRED_MATH_EXPR} and * {@link #SURFACE_TEXT_OF_THE_FIRST_VERB_THAT_APPEARS_BETWEEN_THE_DESC_CANDIDATE_AND_THE_TARGET_MATH_EXPR} to values. * * @param values values object. * @param instances instances where the values will be added. * @param relation the relation from whitch to extract the features. */ private void addStringFeatures(double[] values, Instances instances, Relation relation) { if (NO_STRING) { addStringValue(values, instances, SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_TWO_PRECEDING_AND_FOLLOWING_TOKENS_AROUND_THE_DESC_CANDIDATE, ""); addStringValue(values, instances, SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_THREE_PRECEDING_AND_FOLLOWING_TOKENS_AROUND_THE_PAIRED_MATH_EXPR, ""); addStringValue(values, instances, SURFACE_TEXT_OF_THE_FIRST_VERB_THAT_APPEARS_BETWEEN_THE_DESC_CANDIDATE_AND_THE_TARGET_MATH_EXPR, ""); } else { int wordDistance = relation.getIdentifierPosition() - relation.getWordPosition(); //Surface text and POS tag of two preceding and following tokens around the desc candidate List<Word> pre = Lists.newArrayList(relation.getSentence().getWords().subList(Math.max(0, relation.getWordPosition() - 2), relation.getWordPosition())); List<Word> post = Lists.newArrayList(relation.getSentence().getWords().subList(relation.getWordPosition() + 1, Math.min(relation.getWordPosition() + 3, relation.getSentence().getWords().size()))); //replace the occurrences of the identifier replaceWord(wordDistance, pre, post, IDENTIFIER_TEXT); String twoBeforeAndAfter = wordListToSimpleString(pre) + " " + wordListToSimpleString(post); addStringValue(values, instances, SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_TWO_PRECEDING_AND_FOLLOWING_TOKENS_AROUND_THE_DESC_CANDIDATE, twoBeforeAndAfter); //Surface text and POS tag of three preceding and following tokens around the paired math expr pre = Lists.newArrayList(relation.getSentence().getWords().subList(Math.max(0, relation.getIdentifierPosition() - 3), relation.getIdentifierPosition())); post = Lists.newArrayList(relation.getSentence().getWords().subList(relation.getIdentifierPosition() + 1, Math.min(relation.getIdentifierPosition() + 4, relation.getSentence().getWords().size()))); //replace the occurrences of the definiens replaceWord(-wordDistance, pre, post, DEFINIENS_TEXT); String threePrecedingAndFollowing = wordListToSimpleString(pre) + " " + wordListToSimpleString(post); addStringValue(values, instances, SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_THREE_PRECEDING_AND_FOLLOWING_TOKENS_AROUND_THE_PAIRED_MATH_EXPR, threePrecedingAndFollowing); List<Word> wordsInbetween; if (relation.getIdentifierPosition() > relation.getWordPosition()) { wordsInbetween = relation.getSentence().getWords(). subList(relation.getWordPosition() + 1, relation.getIdentifierPosition()); } else { wordsInbetween = relation.getSentence().getWords(). subList(relation.getIdentifierPosition() + 1, relation.getWordPosition()); } //Surface text of the first verb that appears between the desc candidate and the target math expr Optional<Word> firstVerb = -> w.getPosTag().startsWith("VB")).findFirst(); if (firstVerb.isPresent()) { addStringValue(values, instances, SURFACE_TEXT_OF_THE_FIRST_VERB_THAT_APPEARS_BETWEEN_THE_DESC_CANDIDATE_AND_THE_TARGET_MATH_EXPR, firstVerb.get().getWord()); } else { addStringValue(values, instances, SURFACE_TEXT_OF_THE_FIRST_VERB_THAT_APPEARS_BETWEEN_THE_DESC_CANDIDATE_AND_THE_TARGET_MATH_EXPR, ""); } } } /** * Adds {@link #SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_DEPENDENCY_WITH_LENGTH_3_FROM_DEFINIEN}, {@link #SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_DEPENDENCY_WITH_LENGTH_3_FROM_IDENTIFIER}, {@link #INCOMING_TO_DEFINIEN} and * {@link #INCOMING_TO_IDENTIFIER} to values. * * @param values values object. * @param graphs map to store graphs that were computed previously. may be null. * @param instances instances where the values will be added. * @param relation the relation from which to extract the features. */ private void addDependencyTreeFeatures(DependencyParser parser, Map<Sentence, GrammaticalStructure> graphs, double[] values, Instances instances, Relation relation, double maxSentenceLength) { if (NO_DEP) { addStringValue(values, instances, SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_DEPENDENCY_WITH_LENGTH_3_FROM_IDENTIFIER, ""); addStringValue(values, instances, SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_DEPENDENCY_WITH_LENGTH_3_FROM_DEFINIEN, ""); values[instances.attribute(GRAPH_DISTANCE).index()] = 0; values[instances.attribute(INCOMING_TO_IDENTIFIER).index()] = 0; values[instances.attribute(INCOMING_TO_DEFINIEN).index()] = 0; } else { GrammaticalStructure dependencyTree; if (graphs != null && graphs.containsKey(relation.getSentence())) { dependencyTree = graphs.get(relation.getSentence()); } else { List<TaggedWord> taggedSentence = new ArrayList<>(); for (Word word : relation.getSentence().getWords()) { taggedSentence.add(new TaggedWord(word.getWord(), word.getPosTag())); } //create dependency graph dependencyTree = parser.predict(taggedSentence); //store to avoid recomputation if (graphs != null) graphs.put(relation.getSentence(), dependencyTree); } SemanticGraph semanticGraph = new SemanticGraph(dependencyTree.typedDependencies()); IndexedWord identifier = semanticGraph.getNodeByIndex(relation.getIdentifierPosition() + 1); IndexedWord definiens = semanticGraph.getNodeByIndex(relation.getWordPosition() + 1); //shortest edge path for distance List<SemanticGraphEdge> edgesOnPath = semanticGraph.getShortestUndirectedPathEdges(identifier, definiens); int distance = edgesOnPath.size(); values[instances.attribute(GRAPH_DISTANCE).index()] = (double) distance / maxSentenceLength; //shortest node path for dependencies List<IndexedWord> fromIdentifier = semanticGraph.getShortestUndirectedPathNodes(identifier, definiens); removeUnwanted(fromIdentifier); List<IndexedWord> fromDefinien = new ArrayList<>(fromIdentifier); Collections.reverse(fromDefinien); //we don't want the first, since that would be the identifier replaceWord(definiens.index(), fromIdentifier, DEFINIENS_TEXT); replaceWord(identifier.index(), fromDefinien, IDENTIFIER_TEXT); List<Word> threeFromIdentifier = getDependencyWithLengthOfThree(fromIdentifier); addStringValue(values, instances, SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_DEPENDENCY_WITH_LENGTH_3_FROM_IDENTIFIER, wordListToSimpleString(threeFromIdentifier)); List<Word> threeFromDefinien = getDependencyWithLengthOfThree(fromDefinien); addStringValue(values, instances, SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_DEPENDENCY_WITH_LENGTH_3_FROM_DEFINIEN, wordListToSimpleString(threeFromDefinien)); values[instances.attribute(INCOMING_TO_IDENTIFIER).index()] = edgesOnPath.get(0).getDependent().equals(identifier) ? 1 : 0; values[instances.attribute(INCOMING_TO_DEFINIEN).index()] = edgesOnPath.get(edgesOnPath.size() - 1).getDependent().equals(definiens) ? 1 : 0; } if (NO_STRING) { addStringValue(values, instances, SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_DEPENDENCY_WITH_LENGTH_3_FROM_IDENTIFIER, ""); addStringValue(values, instances, SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_DEPENDENCY_WITH_LENGTH_3_FROM_DEFINIEN, ""); } } /** * Get a list of three words, beginning from the second word. Converts {@link IndexedWord} to {@link Word} * * @param fromIdentifierOrDefiniens List of indexed words starting with the source (identifier or definiens). * @return list with at most three words. */ public List<Word> getDependencyWithLengthOfThree(List<IndexedWord> fromIdentifierOrDefiniens) { return fromIdentifierOrDefiniens.subList( Math.min(1, fromIdentifierOrDefiniens.size()), Math.min(4, fromIdentifierOrDefiniens.size()) ).stream().map(iw -> new Word(iw.word(), iw.tag())).collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Replace the surface test of the word with the specific index in the sentence. * I.e. to hide the surface text of the definiens and identifier from the machine learner. * * @param index index of the word in the sentence. * @param words list of words. * @param text the new surface text. */ public void replaceWord(int index, List<IndexedWord> words, String text) { for (IndexedWord iw : words) { if (iw.index() == index) { iw.setWord(text); break; } } } /** * Replace teh surface test of the word with the specific index in the sentence. Pre is in reverse order and post is in order. * I.e. to hide the surface text of the definiens and identifier from the machine learner. * * @param index index of the word in the sentence. * @param pre list of words before the identifier or definiens. * @param post list of words after the identifier or definiens. * @param text the new surface text. */ public void replaceWord(int index, List<Word> pre, List<Word> post, String text) { Word replacement; if (index > 0 && index <= post.size()) { replacement = new Word(text, post.get(index - 1).getPosTag()); post.remove(index - 1); post.add(index - 1, replacement); } if (index < 0 && Math.abs(index) <= pre.size()) { int size = pre.size(); replacement = new Word(text, pre.get(size + index).getPosTag()); pre.remove(size + index); pre.add(size + index, replacement); } } /** * Convenience method to add a string value. * * @param data * @param instances * @param field * @param string */ public void addStringValue(double[] data, Instances instances, String field, String string) { data[instances.attribute(field).index()] = instances.attribute(field).addStringValue(string); } /** * Gets a string from a list of words. * * @param words the words to convert. * @return String containing surface text and pos tag of the words. */ public String wordListToSimpleString(List<Word> words) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (Word w : words) { //do not include things that the tokenizer eats anyway if (!tokenisationDelimiters.contains(w.getWord()) && !tokenisationDelimitersPOSTags.contains(w.getPosTag())) { stringBuilder.append(w.getWord().replaceAll(" ", "_").replaceAll(tokenisationDelimitersRegex, "")); stringBuilder.append("_"); stringBuilder.append(w.getPosTag()); stringBuilder.append(" "); } } return stringBuilder.toString(); } private void removeUnwanted(List<IndexedWord> words) { Iterator i = words.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { IndexedWord w = (IndexedWord); if (tokenisationDelimitersPOSTags.contains(w.tag())) { i.remove(); } else if (tokenisationDelimiters.contains(w.word())) { i.remove(); } } } /** * {@link weka.core.tokenizers.NGramTokenizer#m_Delimiters} */ private static String tokenisationDelimiters = " \r\n\t\\.,;:'\"\\(\\)\\?\\!"; private static String tokenisationDelimitersRegex = "[ \r\n\t.,;:'\"()?!]"; private static List<String> tokenisationDelimitersPOSTags = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"-LRB-", "-RRB-", "$", "#", ".", ",", ":", "\"", "(", ")", "``", "'", "`", "\'\'"}); public static double average(double[] doubles) { return / doubles.length; } public Map<Sentence, GrammaticalStructure> getPrecomputedGraphStore() { return new HashMap<Sentence, GrammaticalStructure>(); } }