package com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.basex; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import; import; import java.util.*; public class TexQueryGenerator { private String LaTeXMLURL = ""; private Map ob = new LinkedHashMap(); private List<NameValuePair> params; public List<NameValuePair> getParams () { if ( params == null ){ params = new ArrayList<>(); params.add( new BasicNameValuePair( "format", "xhtml" ) ); params.add( new BasicNameValuePair( "whatsin", "math" ) ); params.add( new BasicNameValuePair( "whatsout", "math" ) ); params.add( new BasicNameValuePair( "cmml", "" ) ); params.add( new BasicNameValuePair( "nodefaultresources", "" ) ); params.add( new BasicNameValuePair( "preload", "LaTeX.pool" ) ); params.add( new BasicNameValuePair( "preload", "article.cls" ) ); params.add( new BasicNameValuePair( "preload", "amsmath.sty" ) ); params.add( new BasicNameValuePair( "preload", "amsthm.sty" ) ); params.add( new BasicNameValuePair( "preload", "amstext.sty" ) ); params.add( new BasicNameValuePair( "preload", "amssymb.sty" ) ); params.add( new BasicNameValuePair( "preload", "eucal.sty" ) ); params.add( new BasicNameValuePair( "preload", "[dvipsnames]xcolor.sty" ) ); params.add( new BasicNameValuePair( "preload", "url.sty" ) ); params.add( new BasicNameValuePair( "preload", "hyperref.sty" ) ); params.add( new BasicNameValuePair( "preload", "mws.sty" ) ); params.add( new BasicNameValuePair( "preload", "texvc" ) ); } return params; } public void setParams (List<NameValuePair> params) { this.params = params; } public String getLaTeXMLURL () { return LaTeXMLURL; } public Map getOb () { return ob; } public void setLaTeXMLURL (String laTeXMLURL) { LaTeXMLURL = laTeXMLURL; } public String request (String tex) throws IOException, IllegalStateException { HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost( LaTeXMLURL ); CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault(); List<NameValuePair> p = getParams(); p.add( new BasicNameValuePair( "tex", tex.trim() ) ); HttpResponse response; httppost.setEntity( new UrlEncodedFormEntity( p, "UTF-8" ) ); response = httpClient.execute( httppost ); HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); InputStream instream = entity.getContent(); ob = new ObjectMapper().readValue( instream, Map.class ); if ( ob.get( "status_code" ) == null || ob.get( "result" ) == null ) { throw new IOException( "Unable to process MathML conversion server response to Tex request."); } if ( Integer.parseInt( ob.get( "status_code" ).toString() ) > 1 ) { throw new IOException( "Tex request to MathML conversion server produced failed response.", new IOException( ob.get( "result" ).toString())); } return ob.get( "result" ).toString(); } }