package com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.mlp.text; /** * Copyright 2011 The Open Source Research Group, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg <p> Licensed under * the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at <p> * <p> Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.mlp.cli.BaseConfig; import com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.mlp.contracts.TextExtractorMapper; import com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.mlp.pojos.MathTag; import com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.mlp.pojos.WikidataLink; import com.jcabi.log.Logger; import de.fau.cs.osr.ptk.common.AstVisitor; import de.fau.cs.osr.utils.StringUtils; import org.sweble.wikitext.engine.EngineException; import org.sweble.wikitext.engine.PageId; import org.sweble.wikitext.engine.PageTitle; import org.sweble.wikitext.engine.WtEngineImpl; import org.sweble.wikitext.engine.config.WikiConfig; import org.sweble.wikitext.engine.nodes.EngPage; import org.sweble.wikitext.engine.nodes.EngProcessedPage; import org.sweble.wikitext.engine.utils.DefaultConfigEnWp; import org.sweble.wikitext.parser.nodes.*; import org.sweble.wikitext.parser.nodes.WtContentNode.WtContentNodeImpl; import org.sweble.wikitext.parser.parser.LinkTargetException; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; /** * A visitor to convert an article AST into a pure text representation. To better understand the * visitor pattern as implemented by the Visitor class, please take a look at the following * resources: <ul> <li><a href="">http://en.wikipedia * .org/wiki/Visitor_pattern</a> (classic pattern)</li> <li><a href="">http * ://</a> (the version we use here)</li> * </ul> * <p> * The methods needed to descend into an AST and visit the children of a given node <code>n</code> * are <ul> <li><code>dispatch(n)</code> - visit node <code>n</code>,</li> * <li><code>iterate(n)</code> - visit the <b>children</b> of node <code>n</code>,</li> * <li><code>map(n)</code> - visit the <b>children</b> of node <code>n</code> and gather the return * values of the <code>visit()</code> calls in a list,</li> <li><code>mapInPlace(n)</code> - visit * the <b>children</b> of node <code>n</code> and replace each child node <code>c</code> with the * return value of the call to <code>visit(c)</code>.</li> </ul> */ public class MathConverter extends AstVisitor<WtNode> { private final static Pattern subMatch = Pattern.compile("[{<]sub[}>](.+?)[{<]/sub[}>]"); private final static WikiConfig config = DefaultConfigEnWp.generate(); private final static WtEngineImpl engine = new WtEngineImpl(config); private static final Pattern ws = Pattern.compile("\\s+"); private final EngProcessedPage page; private List<MathTag> mathTags = new ArrayList<>(); private List<WikidataLink> links = new ArrayList<>(); private StringBuilder sb; private StringBuilder line; private int extLinkNum; private WikidataLinkMap wl = null; private static int i = 0; /** * Becomes true if we are no long at the Beginning Of the whole Document. */ private boolean pastBod; private int needNewlines; private boolean needSpace; private boolean noWrap; private LinkedList<Integer> sections; private PageTitle pageTitle; private String texInfoUrl; public MathConverter(String wikiText, String name) throws LinkTargetException, EngineException { pageTitle = PageTitle.make(config, name); PageId pageId = new PageId(pageTitle, -1); page = engine.postprocess(pageId, wikiText, null); texInfoUrl = (new BaseConfig()).getTexvcinfoUrl(); } public MathConverter(String wikiText) throws LinkTargetException, EngineException { this(wikiText, "noname"); } public MathConverter(String wikitext, String title, BaseConfig config) throws LinkTargetException, EngineException { this(wikitext, title); if (config.getWikiDataFile() != null) { wl = new WikidataLinkMap(config.getWikiDataFile()); } else { wl = null; } texInfoUrl = config.getTexvcinfoUrl(); } public List<MathTag> getMathTags() { return mathTags; } // ========================================================================= @Override protected boolean before(WtNode node) { // This method is called by go() before visitation starts sb = new StringBuilder(); line = new StringBuilder(); extLinkNum = 1; pastBod = false; needNewlines = 0; needSpace = false; noWrap = false; sections = new LinkedList<>(); return super.before(node); } @Override protected Object after(WtNode node, Object result) { finishLine(); // This method is called by go() after visitation has finished // The return value will be passed to go() which passes it to the caller return sb.toString(); } // ========================================================================= public void visit(WtNode n) { // Fallback for all nodes that are not explicitly handled below // System.out.println(n.getNodeName()); // write("<"); // write(n.getNodeName()); // write(" />"); } public void visit(WtNodeList n) { iterate(n); } public void visit(WtUnorderedList e) { iterate(e); } public void visit(WtOrderedList e) { iterate(e); } public void visit(WtListItem item) { writeNewlines(1); iterate(item); } public void visit(EngPage p) { iterate(p); } public void visit(WtText text) { write(text.getContent()); } public void visit(WtWhitespace w) { write(" "); } public void visit(WtBold b) { if (detectHiddenMath(b)) { return; } write("\""); iterate(b); write("\""); } public void visit(WtItalics i) { if (detectHiddenMath(i)) return; write("\""); iterate(i); write("\""); } public boolean detectHiddenMath(WtNode i) { if (i.size() == 1 && i.get(0) instanceof WtText) { final String tex = getTex(i, false); if (tex != null) { int location; try { location = i.getLocation().line; } catch (NullPointerException n) { location = 0; } MathTag tag = new MathTag(location, tex, WikiTextUtils.MathMarkUpType.MATH_TEMPLATE); mathTags.add(tag); needSpace = true; writeWord(tag.placeholder()); needSpace = true; return true; } } else { if (i.size() == 2 && i.get(0) instanceof WtText && i.get(1) instanceof WtXmlElement) { //discover hidden subscripts final WtXmlElement xml = (WtXmlElement) i.get(1); if (xml.getName().matches("sub") && xml.getBody().size() == 1 && xml.getBody().get(0) instanceof WtText) { //String subtext = ((WtText) ((WtXmlElement) i.get(1)).getBody().get(0)).getContent(); final String subTex = getTex((WtContentNodeImpl) xml.getBody(), true); final String mainTex = getTex(i, true); if (mainTex != null) { String tex = mainTex + "_{" + subTex + "}"; int location; try { location = i.getLocation().line; } catch (NullPointerException n) { location = 0; } MathTag tag = new MathTag(location, tex, WikiTextUtils.MathMarkUpType.MATH_TEMPLATE); mathTags.add(tag); needSpace = true; writeWord(tag.placeholder()); needSpace = true; return true; } } } } return false; } public void visit(WtXmlCharRef cr) { write(Character.toChars(cr.getCodePoint())); } public void visit(WtXmlEntityRef er) { String ch = er.getResolved(); if (ch == null) { write('&'); write(er.getName()); write(';'); } else { write(ch); } } public void visit(WtUrl wtUrl) { if (!wtUrl.getProtocol().isEmpty()) { write(wtUrl.getProtocol()); write(':'); } write(wtUrl.getPath()); } public void visit(WtExternalLink link) { write('['); write(extLinkNum++); write(']'); } public void visit(WtInternalLink link) { String linkName = link.getTarget().getAsString().split("#")[0]; if (wl != null) { String newName = wl.title2Data(linkName); if (newName != null) { write("LINK_" + newName); return; } } WikidataLink wl = new WikidataLink(linkName); write("LINK_" + wl.getContentHash()); needSpace = true; if (link.getTitle().size() > 0) { StringBuilder tmp = this.line; this.line = new StringBuilder(); iterate(link.getTitle()); wl.setTitle(this.line.toString()); this.line = tmp; } links.add(wl); } public void visit(WtSection s) { finishLine(); StringBuilder saveSb = sb; boolean saveNoWrap = noWrap; sb = new StringBuilder(); noWrap = true; iterate(s.getHeading()); finishLine(); String title = sb.toString().trim(); sb = saveSb; if (s.getLevel() >= 1) { while (sections.size() > s.getLevel()) sections.removeLast(); while (sections.size() < s.getLevel()) sections.add(1); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i) { if (i < 1) continue; sb2.append(sections.get(i)); sb2.append('.'); } if (sb2.length() > 0) sb2.append(' '); sb2.append(title); title = sb2.toString(); } newline(2); write(title); newline(1); write(StringUtils.strrep('-', title.length())); newline(2); noWrap = saveNoWrap; try { // Don't care about errors iterate(s.getBody()); } catch (Exception e) {, "Problem prcessing page", pageTitle.getTitle()); e.printStackTrace(); } while (sections.size() > s.getLevel()) sections.removeLast(); sections.add(sections.removeLast() + 1); } public void visit(WtParagraph p) { iterate(p); newline(2); } public void visit(WtHorizontalRule hr) { newline(1); write(StringUtils.strrep('-', 10)); newline(2); } public void visit(WtXmlElement e) { if (e.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("br")) { newline(1); } else if (e.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("var")) { WtNode wtNodes = e.getBody().get(0); String content; if (wtNodes instanceof WtText) { content = ((WtText) wtNodes).getContent().trim(); handeLatexMathTag(e, content); } else if (wtNodes instanceof WtInternalLink) { //TODO: do not throw away the information of the link from WtInternalLink.getTarget() //Identifier is more important than link. Link maybe helpful for wikidata. content = ((WtText) ((WtInternalLink) e.getBody().get(0)).getTitle().get(0)).getContent().trim(); handeLatexMathTag(e, content); } } else { iterate(e.getBody()); } } // ========================================================================= // Stuff we want to hide public void visit(WtImageLink n) { iterate(n.getTitle()); } public void visit(WtIllegalCodePoint n) { } public void visit(WtXmlComment n) { } public void visit(WtTable b) { iterate(b.getBody()); } public void visit(WtTableRow b) { iterate(b); } public void visit(WtTableCell b) { iterate(b); } public void visit(WtTableImplicitTableBody b) { iterate(b); } public void visit(WtTableHeader b) { iterate(b); } public void visit(WtTableCaption b) { iterate(b); } public void visit(WtNewline n) { writeNewlines(1); } public void visit(WtTemplate n) { try { WtTemplateArgument arg0; String content; switch (n.getName().getAsString().toLowerCase()) { case "math": arg0 = (WtTemplateArgument) n.getArgs().get(0); content = ((WtText) arg0.getValue().get(0)).getContent().trim(); handeLatexMathTag(n, content); break; case "mvar": arg0 = (WtTemplateArgument) n.getArgs().get(0); content = ((WtText) arg0.getValue().get(0)).getContent().trim(); content = wiki2Tex(content); MathTag tag = new MathTag(n.getLocation().line, content, WikiTextUtils.MathMarkUpType.MVAR_TEMPLATE); mathTags.add(tag); needSpace = true; writeWord(tag.placeholder()); needSpace = true; break; default: iterate(n.getArgs()); } } catch (Exception e) {, "Problem prcessing page", pageTitle.getTitle()); } } public void handeLatexMathTag(WtNode n, String content) { content = TextExtractorMapper.unescape(content); //content = content.replaceAll("'''([a-zA-Z]+)'''","\\mathbf{$1}"); content = wiki2Tex(content); int location = 0; try { location = n.getLocation().line; } catch (Exception ignored) { //we don't really need this } MathTag tag = new MathTag(location, content, WikiTextUtils.MathMarkUpType.MATH_TEMPLATE); mathTags.add(tag); needSpace = true; writeWord(tag.placeholder()); needSpace = true; } public String wiki2Tex(String content) { content = subMatch.matcher(content).replaceAll("_{$1}") .replaceAll("[{<]sup[}>](.+?)[{<]/sup[}>]", "^{$1}") .replaceAll("'''(.+?)'''", "\\\\mathbf{$1}") .replaceAll("''(.+?)''", "\\\\mathit{$1}"); return UnicodeMap.string2TeX(content); // int[] chars = content.codePoints().toArray(); // StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(); // // for (int code : chars) { // if (code > 128) { // res.append(UnicodeMap.char2TeX(code)); // } else { // res.append((char) code); // } // } // return res.toString().trim(); } public void visit(WtTemplateArgument n) { if (!detectHiddenMath(n.getValue())) { iterate(n.getValue()); } } public void visit(WtTemplateParameter n) { } public void visit(WtTagExtension n) { if (n.getName().equals("math")) { MathTag tag = new MathTag(n.getLocation().line, n.getBody().getContent(), WikiTextUtils.MathMarkUpType.LATEX); // System.err.println(i+++" : "+ n.getBody().getContent()); mathTags.add(tag); if (needNewlines > 0) { write(" "); } needSpace = true; writeWord(tag.placeholder()); needSpace = true; } else if (n.getName().equals("ref")) { String content = n.getBody().getContent(); if (!content.contains("<math")) { return; } final List<MathTag> tags = WikiTextUtils.findMathTags(content); content = WikiTextUtils.replaceAllFormulas(content, tags); mathTags.addAll(tags); write("("); write(content); write("}"); } } public void visit(WtPageSwitch n) { } // ========================================================================= private void newline(int num) { if (pastBod) { if (num > needNewlines) needNewlines = num; } } private void wantSpace() { if (pastBod) needSpace = true; } private void finishLine() { sb.append(line.toString()); sb.append(" "); line.setLength(0); } private void writeNewlines(int num) { finishLine(); sb.append(StringUtils.strrep('\n', num)); needNewlines = 0; needSpace = false; } private void writeWord(String s) { int length = s.length(); if (length == 0) return; if (needSpace && needNewlines <= 0) line.append(' '); if (needNewlines > 0) writeNewlines(needNewlines); needSpace = false; pastBod = true; line.append(s); } private void write(String s) { if (s.isEmpty()) return; if (Character.isSpaceChar(s.charAt(0))) wantSpace(); String[] words = ws.split(s); for (int i = 0; i < words.length; ) { writeWord(words[i]); if (++i < words.length) wantSpace(); } final char lastChar = s.charAt(s.length() - 1); if (Character.isSpaceChar(lastChar) || lastChar == '\n') wantSpace(); } private void write(char[] cs) { write(String.valueOf(cs)); } private void write(char ch) { writeWord(String.valueOf(ch)); } private void write(int num) { writeWord(String.valueOf(num)); } public String getStrippedOutput() { return (String) this.go(page.getPage()); } public String getOutput() { String output = getStrippedOutput(); for (WikidataLink link : links) { if (link.getTitle() == null) { output = output.replace("LINK_" + link.getContentHash(), "[[" + link.getContent() + "]]"); } else { output = output.replace("LINK_" + link.getContentHash(), "[[" + link.getContent() + "|" + link.getTitle() + "]]"); } } for (MathTag tag : mathTags) { output = output.replace("FORMULA_" + tag.getContentHash(), "<math>" + tag.getContent() + "</math>"); } return output; } public List<WikidataLink> getLinks() { return links; } private String getTex(WtNode i, boolean force) { if (i.get(0) instanceof WtText) { String content = ((WtText) i.get(0)).getContent().trim(); content = TextExtractorMapper.unescape(content); String tex = wiki2Tex(content); if (tex.length() > 0 && (content.length() == 1 || (content.length() < 100 && !content.equals(tex)))) { Multiset<String> idents; try { idents = TexInfo.getIdentifiers(tex, texInfoUrl); } catch (XPathExpressionException | ParserConfigurationException | IOException | SAXException | TransformerException ignored) { return null; } if (idents.size() == 0 && !force) { return null; } if (i instanceof WtBold) { tex = "\\mathbf{" + tex + "}"; } return tex; } if (force) { return tex; } } return null; } }