package com.formulasearchengine.mlp.evaluation.cli; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameters; import; @Parameters(commandDescription = "Evaluates the given file against the mlp goldstandard") public class EvaluateCommand implements Serializable { @Parameter(names = {"-in"}, description = "Input csv file to evaluate. Should be in the format \"qId,title,identifier,definition\\n.\" formatted according to " + "\nExample: " + "\n1,matched,\"W\",\"van der waerden number\"") private String in = ""; @Parameter(names = {"-gold"}, description = "The gold standard file") private String gold = ""; @Parameter(names = {"-titleKey"}, description = "Use the title instead of the qId for the matching") private boolean titleKey = false; public EvaluateCommand() { } public String getIn() { return in; } public String getGold() { return gold; } public boolean isTitleKey() { return titleKey; } }