package; import com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.mlp.cli.MachineLearningDefinienExtractionConfig; import com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.mlp.pojos.EvaluationResult; import com.formulasearchengine.mathosphere.mlp.pojos.WikiDocumentOutput; import com.formulasearchengine.mlp.evaluation.Evaluator; import com.formulasearchengine.mlp.evaluation.pojo.GoldEntry; import edu.stanford.nlp.parser.nndep.DependencyParser; import; import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.GroupReduceFunction; import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.util.ListCollector; import org.apache.flink.util.Collector; import weka.classifiers.Classifier; import weka.classifiers.evaluation.Evaluation; import weka.classifiers.functions.LibSVM; import weka.classifiers.meta.FilteredClassifier; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.Utils; import weka.core.converters.ArffLoader; import weka.core.converters.ArffSaver; import weka.core.tokenizers.NGramTokenizer; import weka.filters.Filter; import weka.filters.supervised.instance.Resample; import weka.filters.supervised.instance.SMOTE; import weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove; import weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.StringToWordVector; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool; import; import static*; import static; import static weka.core.Range.indicesToRangeList; /** * Created by Leo on 23.12.2016. */ public class WekaLearner implements GroupReduceFunction<WikiDocumentOutput, EvaluationResult> { private static final int folds = 10; private static final int totalQids = 100; private static final Integer[] rand = new Integer[]{ 99, 53, 70, 23, 86, 19, 84, 76, 34, 82, 32, 50, 47, 63, 54, 20, 74, 94, 46, 18, 22, 42, 100, 88, 96, 24, 31, 7, 12, 17, 26, 33, 29, 25, 79, 90, 56, 81, 4, 72, 27, 80, 60, 97, 5, 11, 67, 37, 2, 78, 6, 21, 51, 28, 91, 35, 8, 71, 14, 41, 52, 55, 62, 38, 30, 66, 58, 75, 93, 40, 48, 49, 89, 15, 69, 61, 65, 85, 9, 77, 98, 1, 43, 3, 83, 16, 36, 95, 44, 92, 59, 68, 45, 13, 39, 73, 87, 10, 57, 64}; /** * Cost. */ public static final Double[] C_coarse = {Math.pow(2, -7), Math.pow(2, -5), Math.pow(2, -3), Math.pow(2, -1), Math.pow(2, 1), Math.pow(2, 3), Math.pow(2, 5), Math.pow(2, 7), Math.pow(2, 9), Math.pow(2, 11), Math.pow(2, 13), Math.pow(2, 15)}; /** * Gamma. */ public static final Double[] Y_coarse = {Math.pow(2, -15), Math.pow(2, -13), Math.pow(2, -11), Math.pow(2, -9), Math.pow(2, -7), Math.pow(2, -5), Math.pow(2, -3), Math.pow(2, -1), Math.pow(2, 1), Math.pow(2, 3)}; /** * Cost of the interesting region. */ public static final Double[] C_fine = { Math.pow(2, -9) , Math.pow(2, -8.75), Math.pow(2, -8.5), Math.pow(2, -8.25), Math.pow(2, -8) , Math.pow(2, -7.75), Math.pow(2, -7.5), Math.pow(2, -7.25), Math.pow(2, -7) , Math.pow(2, -6.75), Math.pow(2, -6.5), Math.pow(2, -6.25), Math.pow(2, -6) , Math.pow(2, -5.75), Math.pow(2, -5.5), Math.pow(2, -5.25), Math.pow(2, -5) , Math.pow(2, -4.75), Math.pow(2, -4.5), Math.pow(2, -4.25), Math.pow(2, -4) , Math.pow(2, -3.75), Math.pow(2, -3.5), Math.pow(2, -3.25), Math.pow(2, -3) , Math.pow(2, -2.75), Math.pow(2, -2.5), Math.pow(2, -2.25), Math.pow(2, -2) , Math.pow(2, -1.75), Math.pow(2, -1.5), Math.pow(2, -1.25), Math.pow(2, -1) , Math.pow(2, -0.75), Math.pow(2, -0.5), Math.pow(2, -0.25), Math.pow(2, 0) }; /** * Gamma of the interesting region. */ public static final Double[] Y_fine = { Math.pow(2, -7) , Math.pow(2, -6.75), Math.pow(2, -6.5), Math.pow(2, -6.25), Math.pow(2, -6) , Math.pow(2, -5.75), Math.pow(2, -5.5), Math.pow(2, -5.25), Math.pow(2, -5) , Math.pow(2, -4.75), Math.pow(2, -4.5), Math.pow(2, -4.25), Math.pow(2, -4) , Math.pow(2, -3.75), Math.pow(2, -3.5), Math.pow(2, -3.25), Math.pow(2, -3) , Math.pow(2, -2.75), Math.pow(2, -2.5), Math.pow(2, -2.25), Math.pow(2, -2) }; /** * Cost for highest accuracy in the SVM. * c = 0.074325445 */ public static final Double[] C_best_accuracy = {Math.pow(2, -3.75)}; /** * Gamma for highest accuracy in the SVM. * γ = 0.026278013 */ public static final Double[] Y_best_accuracy = {Math.pow(2, -5.25)}; /** * Cost for highest recall in the evaluation. (Post SVM evaluation metric.) * tp: 77 fn: 233 fp: 110 * c = 0.074325445 */ public static final Double[] C_best_recall = {Math.pow(2, -3.75)}; /** * Gamma for highest recall in the evaluation. (Post SVM evaluation metric.) * tp: 77 fn: 233 fp: 110 * γ = 0.011048544 */ public static final Double[] Y_best_recall = {Math.pow(2, -6.5)}; /** * Cost for highest F1 in the evaluation. (Post SVM evaluation metric.) * tp: 70 fn: 240 fp: 44 * c = 0.4204482076 */ public static final Double[] C_best_F1 = {Math.pow(2, -1.25)}; /** * Gamma for highest F1 in the evaluation. (Post SVM evaluation metric.) * tp: 70 fn: 240 fp: 44 * γ = 0.018581361 */ public static final Double[] Y_best_F1 = {Math.pow(2, -5.75)}; public static final String INSTANCES_ARFF_FILE_NAME = "/instances.arff"; private final ArrayList<GoldEntry> gold; public WekaLearner(MachineLearningDefinienExtractionConfig config) throws IOException { this.config = config; = (new Evaluator()).readGoldEntries(new File(config.getGoldFile())); } public final MachineLearningDefinienExtractionConfig config; @Override public void reduce(Iterable<WikiDocumentOutput> values, Collector<EvaluationResult> out) throws Exception { Instances instances; DependencyParser parser = DependencyParser.loadFromModelFile(config.dependencyParserModel()); WekaUtils wekaUtils = new WekaUtils(); instances = wekaUtils.createInstances("AllRelations"); for (WikiDocumentOutput value : values) { wekaUtils.addRelationsToInstances(parser, value.getRelations(), value.getTitle(), value.getqId(), instances, value.getMaxSentenceLength()); } if (config.isWriteInstances()) { File instancesFile = new File(config.getOutputDir() + INSTANCES_ARFF_FILE_NAME); ArffSaver arffSaver = new ArffSaver(); arffSaver.setFile(instancesFile); arffSaver.setInstances(instances); arffSaver.writeBatch(); } //do model once with all data if (config.getWriteSvmModel()) { generateAndWriteFullModel(instances); } process(out, instances); } /** * Generate the model with all data and write it with the appropriate filters. * * @param instances as returned from {@link WekaUtils#createInstances(String)} * @throws Exception */ private void generateAndWriteFullModel(Instances instances) throws Exception { StringToWordVector stringToWordVector = getStringToWordVectorFilter(instances); Instances stringsReplacedData = Filter.useFilter(instances, stringToWordVector); Instances resampled = dumbResample(stringsReplacedData); Remove removeFilter = getRemoveFilter(stringsReplacedData); LibSVM svmForOut = new LibSVM(); svmForOut.setCost(config.getSvmCost().get(0)); svmForOut.setGamma(config.getSvmGamma().get(0)); FilteredClassifier filteredClassifierForOut = new FilteredClassifier(); filteredClassifierForOut.setClassifier(svmForOut); filteredClassifierForOut.setFilter(removeFilter); filteredClassifierForOut.buildClassifier(resampled); weka.core.SerializationHelper.write(config.getOutputDir() + "/svm_model_c_" + config.getSvmCost().get(0) + "_gamma_" + config.getSvmGamma().get(0) + ".model", filteredClassifierForOut); weka.core.SerializationHelper.write(config.getOutputDir() + "/string_filter_c_" + config.getSvmCost().get(0) + "_gamma_" + config.getSvmGamma().get(0) + ".model", stringToWordVector); } public List<EvaluationResult> processFromInstances() throws Exception { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(config.getInstancesFile())); ArffLoader.ArffReader arff = new ArffLoader.ArffReader(reader); Instances instances; instances = arff.getData(); instances.setClassIndex(instances.numAttributes() - 1); ArrayList<EvaluationResult> evaluationResults = new ArrayList<>(); //wrap Collector<EvaluationResult> c = new ListCollector<>(evaluationResults); process(c, instances); return evaluationResults; } /** * Do the pre-processing, training and testing. * * @param out the result of the testing * @param instances the instances to use for the testing and training. * @throws Exception */ private void process(Collector<EvaluationResult> out, Instances instances) throws Exception { if (config.isCoarseSearch()) { config.setSvmCost(Arrays.asList(WekaLearner.C_coarse)); config.setSvmGamma(Arrays.asList(WekaLearner.Y_coarse)); } else if (config.isFineSearch()) { config.setSvmCost(Arrays.asList(WekaLearner.C_fine)); config.setSvmGamma(Arrays.asList(WekaLearner.Y_fine)); } List<Double> percentages = config.getPercent(); List<Double> C_used = config.getSvmCost(); List<Double> Y_used = config.getSvmGamma(); File output = new File(config.getOutputDir() + "/svm_cross_eval_statistics.csv"); File outputDetails = new File(config.getOutputDir() + "/svm_cross_eval_detailed_statistics.txt"); File extractedDefiniens = new File(config.getOutputDir() + "/classifications.csv"); StringToWordVector stringToWordVector = getStringToWordVectorFilter(instances); Instances stringsReplacedData = Filter.useFilter(instances, stringToWordVector); Remove removeFilter = getRemoveFilter(stringsReplacedData); removeFilter.setInputFormat(stringsReplacedData); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(output); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(outputDetails); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(extractedDefiniens); Double[] oversample = new Double[]{0d};//, 10d, 20d, 50d, 70d, 100d, 120d, 150d}; List<Double[]> parameters = new ArrayList<>(); for (double p : percentages) { for (double c : C_used) { for (double y : Y_used) { for (double o : oversample) parameters.add(new Double[]{p, c, y, o}); } } } ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool = new ForkJoinPool(config.getParallelism()); Stream<EvaluationResult> a = parameters.parallelStream().map( parameter -> crossEvaluate(stringsReplacedData, removeFilter, parameter[0], parameter[1], parameter[2], parameter[3])); Callable<List<EvaluationResult>> task = () -> a.collect(toList()); List<EvaluationResult> evaluationResults = forkJoinPool.submit(task).get(); for (EvaluationResult evaluationResult : evaluationResults) { FileUtils.write(outputDetails, "Cost; " + Utils.doubleToString(evaluationResult.cost, 10) + "; gamma; " + Utils.doubleToString(evaluationResult.gamma, 10) + "\n" + Arrays.toString(evaluationResult.text) + "\n", true); //remove duplicates from extraction StringBuilder e = new StringBuilder(); Set<String> set = new HashSet<>(); set.addAll(evaluationResult.extractions); List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(set); list.sort(Comparator.naturalOrder()); for (String extraction : list) { e.append(extraction).append("\n"); } Evaluator evaluator = new Evaluator(); StringReader reader = new StringReader(e.toString()); evaluationResult.setScoreSummary(evaluator.evaluate(evaluator.readExtractions(reader, gold, false), gold)); //Output files FileUtils.write(extractedDefiniens, "Cost; " + Utils.doubleToString(evaluationResult.cost, 10) + "; gamma; " + Utils.doubleToString(evaluationResult.gamma, 10) + "; percentage_of_data_used; " + evaluationResult.percent + "\n", true); FileUtils.write(extractedDefiniens, e.toString(), true); FileUtils.write(output, evaluationResult.toString() + "\n", true); out.collect(evaluationResult); } } private StringToWordVector getStringToWordVectorFilter(Instances instances) throws Exception { StringToWordVector stringToWordVector = new StringToWordVector(); stringToWordVector.setAttributeIndices(indicesToRangeList(new int[]{ instances.attribute(SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_TWO_PRECEDING_AND_FOLLOWING_TOKENS_AROUND_THE_DESC_CANDIDATE).index(), instances.attribute(SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_THREE_PRECEDING_AND_FOLLOWING_TOKENS_AROUND_THE_PAIRED_MATH_EXPR).index(), instances.attribute(SURFACE_TEXT_OF_THE_FIRST_VERB_THAT_APPEARS_BETWEEN_THE_DESC_CANDIDATE_AND_THE_TARGET_MATH_EXPR).index(), instances.attribute(SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_DEPENDENCY_WITH_LENGTH_3_FROM_IDENTIFIER).index(), instances.attribute(SURFACE_TEXT_AND_POS_TAG_OF_DEPENDENCY_WITH_LENGTH_3_FROM_DEFINIEN).index()})); stringToWordVector.setWordsToKeep(1000); NGramTokenizer nGramTokenizer = new NGramTokenizer(); nGramTokenizer.setNGramMaxSize(3); nGramTokenizer.setNGramMinSize(1); nGramTokenizer.setDelimiters(nGramTokenizer.getDelimiters().replaceAll(":", "")); stringToWordVector.setTokenizer(nGramTokenizer); stringToWordVector.setInputFormat(instances); return stringToWordVector; } private Remove getRemoveFilter(Instances instances) throws Exception { Remove removeFilter = new Remove(); removeFilter.setAttributeIndices(indicesToRangeList(new int[]{ instances.attribute(TITLE).index(), instances.attribute(IDENTIFIER).index(), instances.attribute(DEFINIEN).index(), instances.attribute(Q_ID).index(), })); removeFilter.setInputFormat(instances); return removeFilter; } private EvaluationResult crossEvaluate(Instances stringsReplacedData, Remove removeFilter, double percent, double cost, double gamma, double oversample) { try { System.out.println("Cost; " + Utils.doubleToString(cost, 10) + "; gamma; " + Utils.doubleToString(gamma, 10)); EvaluationResult result = new EvaluationResult(config.isLeaveOneOutEvaluation() ? totalQids : folds, percent, cost, gamma); result.prefix = "oversample; " + oversample; Instances reduced; if (percent != 100) { //draw random sample, careful, this actually has an effect, even for setSampleSizePercent(100) and setBiasToUniformClass(0) reduced = downsample(stringsReplacedData, percent); } else { reduced = stringsReplacedData; } Instances resampled = resample(oversample, reduced); int counter = 0; while (10 * counter < totalQids) { for (int n = 0; n < folds; n++) { trainAndTest(10 * counter + n, removeFilter, cost, gamma, stringsReplacedData, resampled, result); } if (!config.isLeaveOneOutEvaluation()) { break; } counter++; } return result; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return new EvaluationResult(folds, percent, cost, gamma); } } private Instances resample(double oversample, Instances reduced) throws Exception { Instances resampled; //oversampling to deal with the ratio of the classes if (true) { resampled = dumbResample(reduced); } else { resampled = smote(reduced, oversample); } return resampled; } private Instances downsample(Instances stringsReplacedData, double percent) throws Exception { Instances reduced; Resample sampler = new Resample(); sampler.setRandomSeed(1); //do not change distribution sampler.setBiasToUniformClass(0); sampler.setSampleSizePercent(percent); sampler.setInputFormat(stringsReplacedData); reduced = Filter.useFilter(stringsReplacedData, sampler); return reduced; } private Instances dumbResample(Instances reduced) throws Exception { Resample resampleFilter = new Resample(); resampleFilter.setRandomSeed(1); resampleFilter.setBiasToUniformClass(1); resampleFilter.setInputFormat(reduced); return Filter.useFilter(reduced, resampleFilter); } private Instances smote(Instances stringsReplacedData, double oversample) throws Exception { Instances resampled; SMOTE smote = getSmoteFilter(stringsReplacedData, oversample); resampled = Filter.useFilter(stringsReplacedData, smote); return resampled; } private SMOTE getSmoteFilter(Instances stringsReplacedData, double oversample) throws Exception { SMOTE smote = new SMOTE(); smote.setRandomSeed(1); smote.setPercentage(oversample); smote.setNearestNeighbors(5); smote.setInputFormat(stringsReplacedData); return smote; } /** * @param n fold. * @param removeFilter the filter that removes the string attributes title, qid, identifier and definiens. * @param cost cost for the svm. * @param gamma gamma for the svm. * @param beforeResampling plain data for test set generation, strings replaced. * @param resampled resampled training data. * @param result for returning the results. * @throws Exception weka may throw. */ private void trainAndTest(int n, Filter removeFilter, double cost, double gamma, Instances beforeResampling, Instances resampled, EvaluationResult result) throws Exception { LibSVM svm = new LibSVM(); svm.setCost(cost); svm.setGamma(gamma); FilteredClassifier filteredClassifier = new FilteredClassifier(); filteredClassifier.setClassifier(svm); filteredClassifier.setFilter(removeFilter); List<Integer> testIds; if (config.isLeaveOneOutEvaluation()) { testIds = new ArrayList<>(); testIds.add(n); } else { testIds = Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOfRange(rand, folds * n, folds * (n + 1))); } Instances train = new Instances(resampled, 1); Instances test = new Instances(beforeResampling, 1); //build test and training set independently for (int i = 0; i < resampled.numInstances(); i++) { Instance a = resampled.instance(i); if (!testIds.contains(Integer.parseInt(a.stringValue(a.attribute(resampled.attribute(Q_ID).index()))))) { train.add(a); } } for (int i = 0; i < beforeResampling.numInstances(); i++) { Instance a = beforeResampling.instance(i); if (testIds.contains(Integer.parseInt(a.stringValue(a.attribute(beforeResampling.attribute(Q_ID).index()))))) { //from unresampled data for accurate accuracy predictions test.add(a); } } Classifier clsCopy = FilteredClassifier.makeCopy(filteredClassifier); clsCopy.buildClassifier(train); //extract matches for (int i = 0; i < test.size(); i++) { Instance instance = test.get(i); String match = train.classAttribute().value(0); String predictedClass = train.classAttribute().value((int) clsCopy.classifyInstance(instance)); if (match.equals(predictedClass)) { String extraction = instance.stringValue(instance.attribute(train.attribute(Q_ID).index())) + "," + "\"" + instance.stringValue(instance.attribute(train.attribute(TITLE).index())).replaceAll("\\s", "_") + "\"," + "\"" + instance.stringValue(instance.attribute(train.attribute(IDENTIFIER).index())) + "\"," + "\"" + instance.stringValue(instance.attribute(train.attribute(DEFINIEN).index())).toLowerCase() + "\""; result.extractions.add(extraction); } } Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(resampled); eval.setPriors(train); eval.evaluateModel(clsCopy, test); result.averagePrecision[n] = eval.precision(0); result.averageRecall[n] = eval.recall(0); result.accuracy[n] = eval.pctCorrect() / 100d; StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append(", fold, ").append(n).append("\n").append(eval.toClassDetailsString()).append("\n").append(eval.toSummaryString(true)); result.text[n] = b.toString(); } }