package lcm.spy; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.lang.reflect.*; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.ITrace2D; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.ITracePoint2D; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.axis.AxisLinear; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.traces.Trace2DLtd; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.traces.painters.TracePainterDisc; /** * Panel that displays general data for lcm types. Viewed by double-clicking * or right-clicking and selecting Structure Viewer on the channel list. * */ public class ObjectPanel extends JPanel { String name; Object o; long utime; // time of this message's arrival int lastwidth = 500; int lastheight = 100; JViewport scrollViewport; final int sparklineWidth = 150; // width in pixels of all sparklines // margin around the viewport area in which we will draw graphs // (in pixels) final int sparklineDrawMargin = 500; Section currentlyHoveringSection; // section the mouse is hovering over String currentlyHoveringName; // name of the section the mouse is hovering over ChartData chartData; // global data about all charts being displayed by lcm-spy // array of all sparklines that are visible // or near visible to the user right now ArrayList<SparklineData> visibleSparklines = new ArrayList<SparklineData>(); boolean visibleSparklinesInitialized = false; // array of all sparklines being graphed ArrayList<SparklineData> graphingSparklines = new ArrayList<SparklineData>(); // we keep track of each drawing iteration to know if the row we clicked // on was displayed. See SparklineData.lastDrawNumber. int currentDrawNumber = 0; class Section { int x0, y0, x1, y1; // bounding coordinates for sensitive area boolean collapsed; HashMap<String, SparklineData> sparklines; public Section() { sparklines = new HashMap<String, SparklineData>(); } } /** * Data about an individual sparkline. * */ class SparklineData { int xmin, xmax; int ymin, ymax; boolean isHovering; // all sparklines have a chart associated with them, even though // we do not use it for display. This allows us to use the data-collection // and management features Chart2D chart; String name; Section section; // we keep track of the drawing iteration number for each line // to let us figure out if the line is currently being drawn // when the user clicks it. This is needed to fix a bug where the // user clicks in a place a line used to be, but is no longer //there since the array it was in got shorter. int lastDrawNumber = 0; } ArrayList<Section> sections = new ArrayList<Section>(); /** * Constructor for an object panel, call when the user clicks to see more * data about a message. * * @param name name of the channel * @param chartData global data about all charts displayed by lcm-spy */ public ObjectPanel(String name, ChartData chartData) { = name; this.setLayout(null); // not using a layout manager, drawing everything ourselves this.chartData = chartData; addMouseListener(new MyMouseAdapter()); addMouseMotionListener(new MyMouseMotionListener()); repaint(); } /** * If given a viewport, the object panel can make smart decisions to * not draw graphs that are currently outside of the user's view * * @param viewport viewport from the JScrollPane that contains this ObjectPanel. */ public void setViewport(JViewport viewport) { scrollViewport = viewport; scrollViewport.addChangeListener(new MyViewportChangeListener()); } /** * Called on mouse movement to determine if we need to * highlight a line or open a chart. * * @param e MouseEvent to process * * @return returns true if a mouse click was consumed */ public boolean doSparklineInteraction(MouseEvent e) { int y = e.getY(); currentlyHoveringName = ""; currentlyHoveringSection = null; for (SparklineData data : visibleSparklines) { if (data.ymin <= y && data.ymax >= y && data.lastDrawNumber == currentDrawNumber) { // the mouse is above this sparkline currentlyHoveringName =; currentlyHoveringSection = data.section; if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) { displayDetailedChart(data, false, false); graphingSparklines.add(data); } else if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON2) { // middle click means open a new chart displayDetailedChart(data, true, true); graphingSparklines.add(data); } else if (e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON3) { // right click means same chart, new axis displayDetailedChart(data, false, true); graphingSparklines.add(data); } return true; } } return false; } /** * Opens a detailed, interactive chart for a data stream. If the data is already * displayed in a chart, brings that chart to the front instead. * * * @param data data channel to display * @param openNewChart set to true to force opening of a new chart window, false to add * to an already-open chart (if one exists) * @param newAxis true if we should add a new Y-axis to display this data */ public void displayDetailedChart(SparklineData data, boolean openNewChart, boolean newAxis) { if (data.chart == null) { // this should not happen, but catch it if it does because we can at least safely ignore it System.out.println("Warning: detailed chart display requested on uninitialized chart " +; return; } // check to see if we are already displaying this trace Trace2DLtd trace = (Trace2DLtd) data.chart.getTraces().first(); for (ZoomableChartScrollWheel chart : chartData.getCharts()) { if (chart.getTraces().contains(trace)) { chart.toFront(); return; } } if (openNewChart || chartData.getCharts().size() < 1) { trace.setMaxSize(chartData.detailedSparklineChartSize); ZoomableChartScrollWheel.newChartFrame(chartData, trace); } else { // find the most recently interacted with chart long bestFocusTime = -1; ZoomableChartScrollWheel bestChart = null; for (ZoomableChartScrollWheel chart : chartData.getCharts()) { if (chart.getLastFocusTime() > bestFocusTime) { bestFocusTime = chart.getLastFocusTime(); bestChart = chart; } } if (bestChart != null) { // add this trace to the winning chart if (!bestChart.getTraces().contains(trace)) { trace.setMaxSize(chartData.detailedSparklineChartSize); trace.setColor(bestChart.popColor()); if (newAxis) { // add an axis AxisLinear axis = new AxisLinear(); bestChart.addAxisYRight(axis); bestChart.addTrace(trace, bestChart.getAxisX(), axis); } else { bestChart.addTrace(trace); } } bestChart.updateRightClickMenu(); bestChart.toFront(); } } } class PaintState { Color indentColors[] = new Color[] {new Color(255,255,255), new Color(230,230,255), new Color(200,200,255)}; Graphics g; FontMetrics fm; JPanel panel; int indent_level; int color_level; int y; int textheight; int x[] = new int[4]; // tab stops int indentpx = 20; // pixels per indent level int maxwidth; int nextsection = 0; int collapse_depth = 0; public int beginSection(String type, String name, String value) { // allocate a new section number and make sure there's // an entry for us to use in the sections array. int section = nextsection++; Section cs; if (section == sections.size()) { cs = new Section(); sections.add(cs); } cs = sections.get(section); // Some enclosing section is collapsed, exit before drawing anything. if (collapse_depth == 0) { // we're not currently collapsed. Draw the header (at least.) beginColorBlock(); spacer(); Font of = g.getFont(); g.setFont(of.deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); String tok = cs.collapsed ? "+" : "-"; g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect(x[0] + indent_level*indentpx, y, 1, 1); g.setColor(; String type_split[] = type.split("\\."); String drawtype = type_split[type_split.length - 1]; int type_len = fm.stringWidth(drawtype); int name_len = fm.stringWidth(name); int tok_pixidx = x[0] + indent_level*indentpx; int type_pixidx = x[0] + indent_level*indentpx + 10; g.drawString(tok, tok_pixidx, y); g.drawString(drawtype, type_pixidx, y); // set top of clicking area before // we might do any text wrapping cs.y0 = y - textheight; // check if type field is too long. put name on new line if yes if (type_pixidx + type_len > x[1]) y+= textheight; g.drawString(name, x[1], y); // check if name field is too long. put value on new line if yes // No need to put it on a new line if value is NULL if (x[1] + name_len > x[2] && value.length() > 0) y+= textheight; g.drawString(value, x[2], y); g.setFont(of); final int extra_click_margin = 10; // in pixels // set up the coordinates where clicking will toggle whether // we are collapsed. cs.x0 = x[0]; // only have section minimization out to the edge of the text if (name_len > 0) cs.x1 = x[1] + name_len + extra_click_margin; else { cs.x1 = type_pixidx + type_len + extra_click_margin; } cs.y1 = y; y += textheight; } else { // no clicking area. cs.x0 = 0; cs.x1 = 0; cs.y0 = 0; cs.y1 = 0; } // if this section is collapsed, stop drawing. if (sections.get(section).collapsed) { collapse_depth ++; } else if (collapse_depth == 0) { // Only indent if this section isn't collapsed. indent(); } return section; } public void endSection(int section) { Section cs = sections.get(section); // if this section is collapsed, resume drawing. if (sections.get(section).collapsed) { collapse_depth --; } if (collapse_depth == 0) { unindent(); } spacer(); endColorBlock(); spacer(); } public void drawStrings(String type, String name, String value, boolean isstatic) { if (collapse_depth > 0) return; Font of = g.getFont(); if (isstatic) g.setFont(of.deriveFont(Font.ITALIC)); g.drawString(type, x[0] + indent_level*indentpx, y); g.drawString(name, x[1], y); g.drawString(value, x[2], y); y+= textheight; g.setFont(of); } /** * Draws a row for a piece of data in the message and also a sparkline * for that data. * * @param cls type of the data * @param name name of the entry in the message * @param o the data itself * @param isstatic true if the data is static * @param sec index of section this row is in, used to determine if this * row should be highlighted because it is under the mouse cursor. */ public void drawStringsAndGraph(Class cls, String name, Object o, boolean isstatic, int sec) { Section cs = sections.get(sec); double value = Double.NaN; if (o instanceof Double) value = (Double) o; else if (o instanceof Float) value = (Float) o; else if (o instanceof Integer) value = (Integer) o; else if (o instanceof Long) value = (Long) o; else if (o instanceof Short) value = (Short) o; else if (o instanceof Byte) value = (Byte) o; if (collapse_depth > 0) { // even if we are collapsed, we need to update the data in // graphs being displayed SparklineData data = cs.sparklines.get(name); if (data.chart != null) { ITrace2D trace = data.chart.getTraces().first(); if (trace.getMaxX() < utime/1000000.0d) { // this is a new point, add it trace.addPoint(utime/1000000.0d, value); } } return; } if (isstatic) { drawStrings(cls.getName(), name, o.toString(), isstatic); return; } Color oldColor = g.getColor(); boolean isHovering = false; if (currentlyHoveringSection != null && cs == currentlyHoveringSection && currentlyHoveringName.equals(name)) { isHovering = true; g.setColor(Color.RED); } Font of = g.getFont(); g.drawString(cls.getName(), x[0] + indent_level*indentpx, y); g.drawString(name, x[1], y); if (cls.equals(Byte.TYPE)) { g.drawString(String.format("0x%02X %03d %+04d %c", (o),((Byte)o).intValue()&0x00FF,(o), ((Byte)o)&0xff), x[2], y); } else { g.drawString(o.toString(), x[2], y); } g.setColor(oldColor); // draw the graph if (!Double.isNaN(value)) { SparklineData data = cs.sparklines.get(name); if (data.chart == null) { data.chart = InitChart(name); } Chart2D chart = data.chart; ITrace2D trace = chart.getTraces().first(); // update the positions every loop in case another section // was collapsed data.xmin = x[3]; data.xmax = x[3]+sparklineWidth; // add the data to our trace if (trace.getMaxX() < utime/1000000.0d) { // this is a new point, add it trace.addPoint(utime/1000000.0d, value); } data.lastDrawNumber = currentDrawNumber; // draw the graph DrawSparkline(x[3], y, trace, isHovering); } y+= textheight; g.setFont(of); g.setColor(oldColor); } /** * Draws a sparkline. * * @param x x-coordinate of the left side of the line * @param y y-coordinate of the top of the line * @param trace data for the sparkline * @param isHovering true if the mouse cursor is hovering over this row */ public void DrawSparkline(int x, int y, ITrace2D trace, boolean isHovering) { if (trace.getSize() < 2) { return; } Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; Iterator<ITracePoint2D> iter = trace.iterator(); final int circleSize = 3; final int height = textheight; double numSecondsDisplayed = 5.0; final double width = sparklineWidth; //width = width * ((double)trace.getSize() / (double) trace.getMaxSize()); if (trace.getMaxX() == trace.getMinX()) { // no time series, don't draw anything return; } Color pointColor = Color.RED; Color lineColor = Color.BLACK; if (isHovering) { Color temp = pointColor; pointColor = lineColor; lineColor = temp; } double earliestTimeDisplayed = (utime/1000000.0 - numSecondsDisplayed); // decide on the main axis scale double xscale = width / (numSecondsDisplayed); if (trace.getMaxY() == trace.getMinY()) { // divide by zero error coming up! // bail and draw a straight line down the center of the graph g2.setColor(lineColor); ITracePoint2D firstPoint =; int leftLineX = (int)((firstPoint.getX() - earliestTimeDisplayed) * xscale) + x; if (leftLineX < x) { leftLineX = x; } g2.drawLine(leftLineX, y-(int)((double)height/(double)2), x+(int)width, y-(int)((double)height/(double)2)); g2.setColor(pointColor); g2.fillOval(x + (int) width - 1, y-(int)((double)height/(double)2) - 1, circleSize, circleSize); return; } double yscale = height / (trace.getMaxY() - trace.getMinY()); g2.setColor(lineColor); boolean first = true; double lastX = 0, lastY = 0, thisX, thisY; while (iter.hasNext()) { ITracePoint2D point =; if (first) { first = false; lastX = (point.getX() - earliestTimeDisplayed) * xscale + x; lastY = y - (point.getY() - trace.getMinY()) * yscale; } else { thisX = (point.getX() - earliestTimeDisplayed) * xscale + x; thisY = y - (point.getY() - trace.getMinY()) * yscale; if (thisX >= x && lastX >= x) { g2.drawLine((int)lastX, (int)lastY, (int)thisX, (int)thisY); } lastX = thisX; lastY = thisY; } if (!iter.hasNext()) { // this is the last point, bold it g2.setColor(pointColor); g2.fillOval((int)lastX - 1, (int)lastY - 1, 3, 3); g2.setColor(lineColor); } } } public void spacer() { if (collapse_depth > 0) return; y+= textheight/2; } public void beginColorBlock() { if (collapse_depth > 0) return; color_level++; g.setColor(indentColors[color_level%indentColors.length]); g.fillRect(x[0] + indent_level*indentpx - indentpx/2, y - fm.getMaxAscent(), getWidth(), getHeight()); g.setColor(; } public void endColorBlock() { if (collapse_depth > 0) return; color_level--; g.setColor(indentColors[color_level%indentColors.length]); g.fillRect(x[0] + indent_level*indentpx -indentpx/2, y - fm.getMaxAscent(), getWidth(), getHeight()); g.setColor(; } public void indent() { indent_level++; } public void unindent() { indent_level--; } public void finish() { g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect(0, y, getWidth(), getHeight()); } } public void setObject(Object o, long utime) { this.o = o; this.utime = utime - chartData.getStartTime(); JFrame topFrame = (JFrame) SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(this); if (topFrame.getExtendedState() == Frame.ICONIFIED) { UpdateGraphDataWithoutPaint(); } else { repaint(); } } public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(lastwidth, lastheight); } public Dimension getMinimumSize() { return getPreferredSize(); } public Dimension getMaximumSize() { return getPreferredSize(); } /** * Updates visibleSparklines to reflect the data that is near the user's view * at the current time. * * @param viewport viewport the user is looking at. Usually from an event: e.getSource() */ void updateVisibleSparklines(JViewport viewport) { Rectangle view_rect = viewport.getViewRect(); visibleSparklines.clear(); for (int i = sections.size() -1; i > -1; i--) { Section section = sections.get(i); if (section.collapsed == false) { Iterator<Entry<String, SparklineData>> it = section.sparklines.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<String, SparklineData> pair =; SparklineData data = pair.getValue(); if (data.ymin > view_rect.y - sparklineDrawMargin && data.ymax < view_rect.y + view_rect.height + sparklineDrawMargin) { visibleSparklines.add(data); } } } } } public void paint(Graphics g) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); int width = getWidth(), height = getHeight(); g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); g.setColor(; FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); PaintState ps = new PaintState(); ps.panel = this; ps.g = g; = fm; ps.textheight = 15; ps.y = ps.textheight; ps.indent_level=1; ps.x[0] = 0; ps.x[1] = Math.min(200, width/4); ps.x[2] = Math.min(ps.x[1]+200, 2*width/4); ps.x[3] = ps.x[2]+150; currentDrawNumber ++; int previousNumSections = sections.size(); // check to make sure that visibleSparklines has been // initialized otherwise we can end up not displaying // items if the viewport is never changed if (!visibleSparklinesInitialized && visibleSparklines.isEmpty() && (previousNumSections > 0) && (scrollViewport != null)) { visibleSparklinesInitialized = true; updateVisibleSparklines(scrollViewport); } if (o != null) paintRecurse(g, ps, "", o.getClass(), o, false, -1); ps.finish(); if (ps.y != lastheight) { lastheight = ps.y; invalidate(); getParent().validate(); } if (previousNumSections != sections.size()) { // if the number of sections has changed, the system that figures out // what to draw based on user view needs to rerun to update repaint(); } } void paintRecurse(Graphics g, PaintState ps, String name, Class cls, Object o, boolean isstatic, int section) { if (o == null) { ps.drawStrings(cls==null ? "(null)" : cls.getName(), name, "(null)", isstatic); return; } if (cls.isPrimitive() || cls.equals(Byte.TYPE)) { // This is our common case... Section cs = sections.get(section); SparklineData data = cs.sparklines.get(name); // if data == null, this graph doesn't exist yet if (data == null) { // we may or may not draw this depending on if it is near the view but we need to keep track of it // so the user can click on it data = new SparklineData(); = name; data.section = cs; data.isHovering = false; data.chart = null; cs.sparklines.put(name, data); } // text can drop below the expected height for letters like // "g", which makes it possible to click on a letter and get // the wrong graph. Add a small correction factor to deal with that final int text_below_line_height = 2; // in px data.ymin = ps.y - ps.textheight + text_below_line_height; data.ymax = ps.y + text_below_line_height; if (visibleSparklines.contains(data) || graphingSparklines.contains(data)) { ps.drawStringsAndGraph(cls, name, o, isstatic, section); } else { // don't bother drawing the strings or graph for it. // just update the text height to pretend we drew it // (on huge messages, this is a large CPU savings) if (ps.collapse_depth > 0) return; ps.y+= ps.textheight; } } else if (o instanceof Enum) { ps.drawStrings(cls.getName(), name, ((Enum) o).name(), isstatic); } else if (cls.equals(String.class)) { ps.drawStrings("String", name, o.toString(), isstatic); } else if (cls.isArray()) { int sz = Array.getLength(o); int sec = ps.beginSection(cls.getComponentType()+"[]", name+"["+sz+"]", ""); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) paintRecurse(g, ps, name+"["+i+"]", cls.getComponentType(), Array.get(o, i), isstatic, sec); ps.endSection(sec); } else { // it's a compound type. recurse. int sec = ps.beginSection(cls.getName(), name, ""); // it's a class Field fs[] = cls.getFields(); for (Field f : fs) { try { paintRecurse(g, ps, f.getName(), f.getType(), f.get(o), isstatic || ((f.getModifiers()&Modifier.STATIC) != 0), sec); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(System.out); } } ps.endSection(sec); } } /** * Usually the paintRecurse method deals with searching through the incoming data * but when the window is minimized, we do not paint, causing the child graphs * to stop updating. This method performs that search and adds data to the graphs * without actually drawing anything */ void UpdateGraphDataWithoutPaint() { for (SparklineData data : graphingSparklines) { UpdateGraphDataWithoutPaintRecurse(data, "", o.getClass(), o); } } /** * Recursive call for the search through the data object * * @param sparklineToUpdate data to update * @param name * @param cls * @param o */ void UpdateGraphDataWithoutPaintRecurse(SparklineData sparklineToUpdate, String name, Class cls, Object o) { if (sparklineToUpdate.chart == null) { // don't have a big chart for this, no point in updating it return; } if (o instanceof Enum || cls.equals(String.class)) { // no further objects to recurse into and no // data to store return; } if (cls.isPrimitive() || cls.equals(Byte.TYPE)) { if ( { // we found the part of the data that this chart is using // update it! double value = Double.NaN; if (o instanceof Double) value = (Double) o; else if (o instanceof Float) value = (Float) o; else if (o instanceof Integer) value = (Integer) o; else if (o instanceof Long) value = (Long) o; else if (o instanceof Short) value = (Short) o; else if (o instanceof Byte) value = (Byte) o; ITrace2D trace = sparklineToUpdate.chart.getTraces().first(); if (trace.getMaxX() < utime/1000000.0d) { // this is a new point, add it trace.addPoint(utime/1000000.0d, value); } return; } } else if (cls.isArray()) { int sz = Array.getLength(o); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) UpdateGraphDataWithoutPaintRecurse(sparklineToUpdate, name+"["+i+"]", cls.getComponentType(), Array.get(o, i)); } else { // it's a compound type. recurse. // it's a class Field fs[] = cls.getFields(); for (Field f : fs) { try { UpdateGraphDataWithoutPaintRecurse(sparklineToUpdate, f.getName(), f.getType(), f.get(o)); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(System.out); } } } } public boolean isOptimizedDrawingEnabled() { return false; } /** * Initialize a chart. This should happen before you want to use * the chart, either for storing data or displaying data. It's best * to delay the inits until you need them, because making a lot of charts * seems to slow down chart interactions. * * @param name Name of the trace you want to init * @return the created chart object */ public Chart2D InitChart(String name) { Chart2D chart = new Chart2D(); ITrace2D trace = new Trace2DLtd(chartData.sparklineChartSize, name); chart.addTrace(trace); // add marker lines to the trace TracePainterDisc markerPainter = new TracePainterDisc(); markerPainter.setDiscSize(2); trace.addTracePainter(markerPainter); return chart; } class MyMouseAdapter extends MouseAdapter { /** * Handle mouse clicks. Either opens graphs if the user * clicked on a row or toggles sections. * * @param e MouseEvent that fired this click */ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { int x = e.getX(), y = e.getY(); // check to see if we have clicked on a row in the inspector // and should open a graph of the data if (doSparklineInteraction(e) == true) { return; } int bestsection = -1; // find the bottom-most section that contains the mouse click. for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); i++) { Section cs = sections.get(i); if (x>=cs.x0 && x<=cs.x1 && y>=cs.y0 && y<=cs.y1) { bestsection = i; } } if (bestsection >= 0) sections.get(bestsection).collapsed ^= true; // when changing sections, need to recompute visibility of sparklines // or you can end up not displaying a section until the viewport changes updateVisibleSparklines(scrollViewport); // call repaint here so the UI will update immediately instead of // waiting for the next piece of data repaint(); } } class MyMouseMotionListener extends MouseMotionAdapter { /** * Check to see if we need to update the highlight * on a row. * * @param e MouseEvent from the mouse move */ public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { // check to see if we are hovering over any rows of data doSparklineInteraction(e); // repaint in case the hovering changed repaint(); } } class MyViewportChangeListener implements ChangeListener { /** * Here we build a list of the items that are visible * or are close to visible to the user. That way, we can * only update sparkline charts that are close to what the * user is looking at, reducing CPU load with huge messages * * @param e change event that fired this update */ public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { JViewport viewport = (JViewport) e.getSource(); updateVisibleSparklines(viewport); } } }