package info.monitorenter.gui.chart; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.axis.AAxis; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.axis.AxisLinear; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.errorbars.ErrorBarPainter; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.errorbars.ErrorBarPolicyRelative; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.labelformatters.LabelFormatterDate; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.labelformatters.LabelFormatterNumber; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.pointpainters.PointPainterDisc; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.pointpainters.PointPainterLine; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.rangepolicies.RangePolicyFixedViewport; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.traces.Trace2DLtd; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.traces.Trace2DLtdReplacing; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.traces.Trace2DLtdSorted; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.traces.Trace2DSimple; import info.monitorenter.util.Range; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.SortedSet; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; /** * Visual test of operations upon the chart with basic ui for human judgement of * success or failure. * <p> * * @author <a href="">Achim Westermann</a> * * * @version $Revision: 1.34 $ */ public class TestChartOperationsVisual extends ATestChartOperations { /** * Test suite for this test class. * <p> * * @return the test suite */ public static Test suite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(); suite.setName(TestChartOperationsVisual.class.getName()); suite.addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual("testRemoveAllPoints")); suite.addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual("testRemoveAllTraces")); suite.addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual("testAddPoint")); suite.addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual("testSetStroke")); suite.addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual("testSetTraceName")); suite.addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual( "testSetTraceNameEmptyTrace")); suite.addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual("testSetRangePolicyX")); suite.addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual( "testAxisLabelFormatterNumberFormatSetNumberFormat")); suite .addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual( "testAxisSetLabelFormatter")); suite.addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual( "testTraceSetErrorBarPolicy")); suite.addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual( "testIErrorBarPainterSetStartPointPainter")); suite.addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual("testZoom")); suite.addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual( "testDeadLockAddPointThread")); suite .addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual( "testTracePointSetLocation")); suite.addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual("testSetNullTraceTitle")); suite.addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual("testSetEmptyTraceTitle")); suite.addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual( "testSetTraceTitleOnEmptyTitleTrace")); suite.addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual("testAddRemoveTrace")); suite.addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual("testSetZIndex")); suite.addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual( "testRemoveTraceForBug2891801")); suite.addTest(new TestChartOperationsVisual("testAddDiscontinuation")); return suite; } /** * Constructor with the test name. * <p> * * @param arg0 * the name of the test. */ public TestChartOperationsVisual(final String arg0) { super(arg0); } /** * Adds a point (50,110) and prompts for visual judgement. * <p> */ public void testAddPoint() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "trace.addPoint(50, 110)") { public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { ITrace2D trace = chart.getTraces().first(); assertNotNull(trace); trace.addPoint(50, 110); return null; } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Adds three traces and removes the 3rd one again. * <p> * Bug report * * group_id=50440&atid=459734: <cite> The effect I can observe is that * traces[2] is _not_ removed from the graph (it changes its appearance * though, as if it would not be correctly scaled anymore). On the other * hand, removing traces[0] or traces[1] instead of traces[2] works as * expected! * * I tried to look inside to figure out what's going on, but I failed; I * don't really understand the TreeSetGreedy idea (why is it even there? I'm * sure there is a reason for it being more appropriate than a regular * TreeSet, but I cannot guess what it is). * * Maybe this helps: the values for the ComparableProperty (that is, * m_zIndex) for the 3 traces are -1, 0, and 1. Are these plausible? </cite> */ public void testAddRemoveTrace() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "add 3 traces, remove last one.") { /** Traces to add. */ private final ITrace2D[] m_testTraces = new ITrace2D[3]; /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { chart.removeTrace(this.m_testTraces[2]); return null; } /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation#createTraces() */ @Override public ITrace2D[] createTraces() { return new ITrace2D[] {}; } /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation#preCondition(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ @Override public void preCondition(final Chart2D chart) throws Exception { super.preCondition(chart); Color[] colors = new Color[] {,, }; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { this.m_testTraces[i] = new Trace2DLtd(300); this.m_testTraces[i].setStroke(new BasicStroke(8)); this.m_testTraces[i].setColor(colors[i]); AAxis<?> axisY = new AxisLinear<IAxisScalePolicy>(); chart.addAxisYLeft(axisY); chart.addTrace(this.m_testTraces[i], chart.getAxisX(), axisY); for (int j = 0; j < 300; j++) { this.m_testTraces[i].addPoint(j, j + 100 * (i + Math.random())); } } } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Sets a new number format to a <code>{@link LabelFormatterNumber}</code> * of the y axis. * <p> */ public void testAxisLabelFormatterNumberFormatSetNumberFormat() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "chart.getAxisY().getFormatter().setNumberFormat(new DecimalFormat(\"000.000\"))") { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("000.000"); LabelFormatterNumber labelFormatter = (LabelFormatterNumber) chart .getAxisY().getFormatter(); labelFormatter.setNumberFormat(nf); return null; } /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation#preCondition(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ @Override public void preCondition(final Chart2D chart) throws Exception { super.preCondition(chart); chart.getAxisY().setFormatter(new LabelFormatterNumber()); // force the precondition visual change to have time show. // else the repaint could occur after the number format has been // set to the LabelFormatterNumber! Thread.sleep(1000); } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Invokes <code>{@link IAxis#setFormatter(IAxisLabelFormatter)}</code> on * axis x with a <code>{@link LabelFormatterDate}</code>. */ public void testAxisSetLabelFormatter() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "chart.getAxisX().setFormatter(new LabelFormatterNumber(new SimpleDateFormat(\"HH:mm:ss SSS\")))") { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss SSS"); chart.getAxisX().setFormatter(new LabelFormatterDate(df)); return null; } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Tests if creating a chart with one Thread and adding points from another * results in deadlocks. * <p> * */ public void testDeadLockAddPointThread() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "add points from another Thread") { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { ITrace2D trace = chart.getTraces().iterator().next(); for (int i = 100; i < 200; i++) { trace.addPoint(i, (Math.random() + 1.0) * -i); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }); t.setDaemon(true); t.start(); // wait for termination: while (t.isAlive()) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation#createChartInstance() */ @Override public Chart2D createChartInstance() { return new Chart2D(); } /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation#createTraces() */ @Override public ITrace2D[] createTraces() { ITrace2D trace = new Trace2DSimple(); return new ITrace2D[] { trace }; } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Invokes * <code>{@link IErrorBarPainter#setStartPointPainter(IPointPainterConfigurableUI)} * </code> with a <code>{@link PointPainterDisc}</code>. * <p> */ public void testIErrorBarPainterSetStartPointPainter() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "trace.getErrorbarPainter().setStartPointPainter(new PointPainterDisc())") { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { ITrace2D trace = chart.getTraces().iterator().next(); IErrorBarPolicy<?> errorBarPolicy = trace.getErrorBarPolicies() .iterator().next(); IErrorBarPainter errorBarPainter = errorBarPolicy .getErrorBarPainters().iterator().next(); errorBarPainter.setStartPointPainter(new PointPainterDisc(12)); return null; } /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation#preCondition(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ @Override public void preCondition(final Chart2D chart) throws Exception { super.preCondition(chart); ITrace2D trace = chart.getTraces().iterator().next(); // create an error bar policy and configure it IErrorBarPolicy<?> errorBarPolicy = new ErrorBarPolicyRelative( 0.2, 0.2); errorBarPolicy.setShowNegativeYErrors(true); errorBarPolicy.setShowPositiveYErrors(true); // errorBarPolicy.setShowNegativeXErrors(true); // errorBarPolicy.setShowPositiveXErrors(true); // configure how error bars are rendered with an error bar // painter: IErrorBarPainter errorBarPainter = new ErrorBarPainter(); errorBarPainter.setEndPointPainter(new PointPainterDisc()); errorBarPainter.setEndPointColor(Color.GRAY); errorBarPainter.setConnectionPainter(new PointPainterLine()); errorBarPainter.setConnectionColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); // add the painter to the policy errorBarPolicy.setErrorBarPainter(errorBarPainter); trace.setErrorBarPolicy(errorBarPolicy); // let the update be shown: Thread.sleep(1000); } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Removes all points of the trace and prompts for visual judgment. * <p> */ public void testRemoveAllPoints() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "trace.removeAllPoints()") { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { ITrace2D trace = chart.getTraces().first(); trace.removeAllPoints(); if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out.println(this.getClass().getName() + " removed all points. "); } return null; } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Removes all traces of the chart and prompts for visual judgment. * <p> */ public void testRemoveAllTraces() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "chart.removeAllTraces()") { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { chart.removeAllTraces(); if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out.println(this.getClass().getName() + " removed all traces. "); } return null; } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Sets an empty String title to the trace: The label should disappear. * <p> */ public void testSetEmptyTraceTitle() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "trace.setName(\"\")") { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { ITrace2D trace = chart.getTraces().first(); trace.setName(""); return null; } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Sets null title to the trace: The label should disappear. * <p> */ public void testSetNullTraceTitle() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "trace.setName(null)") { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { ITrace2D trace = chart.getTraces().first(); trace.setName(null); return null; } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Sets a new range policy (RangePolicyFixedViewport(new Range(20,30))) to * the x axis of the chart and prompts for visual judgement. * <p> */ public void testSetRangePolicyX() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "chart.getAxisX().setRangePolicy( " + "new RangePolicyFixedViewport(new Range(20, 30)))") { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { IRangePolicy rangePolicy = new RangePolicyFixedViewport( new Range(20, 30)); chart.getAxisX().setRangePolicy(rangePolicy); return null; } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Sets a bold stroke to the trace and prompts for visual judgement. * <p> */ public void testSetStroke() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "trace.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2f))") { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { ITrace2D trace = chart.getTraces().first(); trace.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2f)); return null; } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Sets a new name to the trace and prompts for visual judgment. * <p> */ public void testSetTraceName() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "trace.setName(\"Iphigenie\")") { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { ITrace2D trace = chart.getTraces().first(); trace.setName("Iphigenie"); return null; } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Sets a new name to an empty trace and prompts for visual judgement. * <p> */ public void testSetTraceNameEmptyTrace() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "trace.setName(\"Tauris\") on empty trace") { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { ITrace2D trace = chart.getTraces().first(); trace.setName("Tauris"); return null; } /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation#createTraces() */ @Override public ITrace2D[] createTraces() { ITrace2D result = new Trace2DLtdSorted(); return new ITrace2D[] { result }; } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Sets a String title to the trace that has an empty title initially: The * label should appear. * <p> */ public void testSetTraceTitleOnEmptyTitleTrace() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "trace.setName(\"foobar\")") { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { ITrace2D trace = chart.getTraces().first(); trace.setName("foobar"); return null; } /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation#preCondition(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ @Override public void preCondition(final Chart2D chart) throws Exception { super.preCondition(chart); ITrace2D trace = chart.getTraces().first(); trace.setName(""); } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Inserts a new TracePoint with an y value <code>{@link Double#NaN}</code> * to a sorted trace to get a discontinued trace. * <p> */ public void testAddDiscontinuation() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "Inserting a discontinuation: Trace should be split afterwards!") { /** * Creates a <code>{@link Trace2DLtdReplacing}</code>. * <p> * * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation * #createTraces() */ @Override public ITrace2D[] createTraces() { ITrace2D sortedTrace = new Trace2DLtdSorted(500); return new ITrace2D[] { sortedTrace }; } /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation#fillTrace(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.ITrace2D) */ @Override public void fillTrace(ITrace2D trace) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { trace.addPoint(i, (Math.random() + 1.0) * i); } super.fillTrace(trace); } /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { ITrace2D trace = chart.getTraces().first(); trace.addPoint(5, Double.NaN); return null; } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Adds two traces and sets the Z-Index of the one behind to top. * <p> */ public void testSetZIndex() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "trace.setZIndex(100)") { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { SortedSet<ITrace2D> traces = chart.getTraces(); Iterator<ITrace2D> itTraces = traces.iterator(); boolean first = true; ITrace2D firstTrace = null; ITrace2D trace; while (itTraces.hasNext()) { trace =; if (first) { first = false; firstTrace = trace; System.out.println("selected trace: " + firstTrace.getName()); } System.out.println(trace.getName() + " " + trace.getColor() + " : " + trace.getZIndex()); } if (firstTrace != null) { firstTrace.setZIndex(Integer.valueOf(100)); } // order after change test: System.out.println("after change: "); traces = chart.getTraces(); itTraces = traces.iterator(); while (itTraces.hasNext()) { trace =; System.out.println(trace.getName() + " " + trace.getColor() + " : " + trace.getZIndex()); } return null; } /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation#preCondition(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ @Override public void preCondition(Chart2D chart) throws Exception { super.preCondition(chart); Color[] colors = new Color[] { Color.RED, Color.BLUE }; int count = 0; for (ITrace2D trace : chart.getTraces()) { trace.setColor(colors[count % 2]); trace.setStroke(new BasicStroke(8)); trace.setZIndex(new Integer(count)); count++; } } /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation#createTraces() */ @Override public ITrace2D[] createTraces() { ITrace2D[] result = new ITrace2D[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { result[i] = new Trace2DLtd(300); } return result; } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Invokes <code>{@link TracePoint2D#setLocation(java.awt.geom.Point2D)} * </code> on an extremum point to move away from the extremum. * <p> */ public void testTracePointSetLocation() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "TracePoint2D.setLocation(4,-1)") { /** An extremum point that is shifted away from this extremum. */ private ITracePoint2D m_extremum; /** * * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { this.m_extremum.setLocation(4, -1); return null; } /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation#createTraces() */ @Override public ITrace2D[] createTraces() { ITrace2D result = new Trace2DLtdSorted(); return new ITrace2D[] { result }; } @Override public void fillTrace(ITrace2D trace) { this.m_extremum = new TracePoint2D(10, 10); trace.addPoint(new TracePoint2D(2, 3)); trace.addPoint(new TracePoint2D(3, 2)); trace.addPoint(new TracePoint2D(5, 7)); trace.addPoint(this.m_extremum); } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Invokes <code>{@link ITrace2D#setErrorBarPolicy(IErrorBarPolicy)}</code> * with a configuration that should be noticed as a visual change. * <p> */ public void testTraceSetErrorBarPolicy() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "trace.setErrorBarPolicy(...)") { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { ITrace2D trace = chart.getTraces().iterator().next(); // create an error bar policy and configure it IErrorBarPolicy<?> errorBarPolicy = new ErrorBarPolicyRelative( 0.2, 0.2); errorBarPolicy.setShowNegativeYErrors(true); errorBarPolicy.setShowPositiveYErrors(true); // errorBarPolicy.setShowNegativeXErrors(true); // errorBarPolicy.setShowPositiveXErrors(true); // configure how error bars are rendered with an error bar // painter: IErrorBarPainter errorBarPainter = new ErrorBarPainter(); errorBarPainter.setEndPointPainter(new PointPainterDisc()); errorBarPainter.setEndPointColor(Color.GRAY); errorBarPainter.setConnectionPainter(new PointPainterLine()); errorBarPainter.setConnectionColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); // add the painter to the policy errorBarPolicy.setErrorBarPainter(errorBarPainter); trace.setErrorBarPolicy(errorBarPolicy); return null; } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Sets a bold stroke to the trace and prompts for visual judgement. * <p> */ public void testZoom() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "zoomableChart.zoom()") { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(final Chart2D chart) { ZoomableChart zoomChart = (ZoomableChart) chart; zoomChart.zoom(0.01, 20, 0, 20); return null; } /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation#createChartInstance() */ @Override public Chart2D createChartInstance() { return new ZoomableChart(); } @Override public ITrace2D[] createTraces() { ITrace2D trace = new Trace2DSimple(); return new ITrace2D[] { trace }; } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } /** * Test the following procedure from bug report: * * /?func=detail&aid=2891801&group_id=50440&atid=459734. * <p> * <ol> * <li>Add a chart.</li> * <li>Add a first trace on a first Y axis.</li> * <li>Add a second trace on a second Y axis.</li> * <li>Add a third trace on a third Y axis.</li> * <li>Add a fourth trace on the first Y axis.</li> * <li>try to remove it.</li> * </ol> * <p> */ public void testRemoveTraceForBug2891801() { ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation operation = new AChartOperation( "testRemoveTraceForBug2891801") { /** The trace to check remove on. **/ private ITrace2D m_trace4; /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation#preCondition(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ @Override public void preCondition(Chart2D chart) throws Exception { super.preCondition(chart); AAxis<?> axisY1 = new AxisLinear<IAxisScalePolicy>(); axisY1.getAxisTitle().setTitle("asisY1"); AAxis<?> axisY2 = new AxisLinear<IAxisScalePolicy>(); axisY2.getAxisTitle().setTitle("asisY2"); AAxis<?> axisY3 = new AxisLinear<IAxisScalePolicy>(); axisY3.getAxisTitle().setTitle("asisY3"); chart.addAxisYLeft(axisY1); chart.addAxisYLeft(axisY2); chart.addAxisYLeft(axisY3); // trace1 IAxis<?> xAxis = chart.getAxisX(); ITrace2D trace1 = new Trace2DLtd(); trace1.setColor(Color.BLUE); chart.addTrace(trace1, xAxis, axisY1); this.fillTrace(trace1); // trace2 ITrace2D trace2 = new Trace2DLtd(); trace2.setColor(Color.RED); chart.addTrace(trace2, xAxis, axisY2); this.fillTrace(trace2); // trace3 ITrace2D trace3 = new Trace2DLtd(); trace3.setColor(Color.BLACK); chart.addTrace(trace3, xAxis, axisY3); this.fillTrace(trace3); // trace4 to axis1 ITrace2D trace4 = new Trace2DLtd(); trace4.setColor(Color.MAGENTA); trace4.setStroke(new BasicStroke(3f)); chart.addTrace(trace4, xAxis, axisY1); this.fillTrace(trace4); this.m_trace4 = trace4; } /** * Overridden to have an empty array returned and be in control to * which axes the traces are added in * * <code>{@link info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation#preCondition(Chart2D)}</code> * <p> * * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.AChartOperation#createTraces() */ @Override public ITrace2D[] createTraces() { ITrace2D[] result = new ITrace2D[] {}; return result; } /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.test.ATestChartOperations.IChart2DOperation#action(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public Object action(Chart2D chart) throws Exception { chart.removeTrace(this.m_trace4); return null; } }; this.setTestOperation(operation); } }