package lcm.lcm; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; import java.nio.*; /** LCM provider for the tcpq: URL. All messages are sent to a central * "hub" process (that must be started separately), which will relay * the messages to all other processes. TCPService is an * implementation of the hub process. * * The tcpq:// protocol is NOT suitable for real-time or high-bandwidth * traffic. It is specifically designed for playing back a log file in a * post-processing context (i.e., play back the log as fast as possible, but * without dropping anything). **/ public class TCPProvider implements Provider { LCM lcm; static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 7700; static final String DEFAULT_NETWORK = ""; InetAddress inetAddr; int inetPort; TCPThread tcp; public static final int MAGIC_SERVER = 0x287617fa; // first word sent by server public static final int MAGIC_CLIENT = 0x287617fb; // first word sent by client public static final int VERSION = 0x0100; // what version do we implement? public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_PUBLISH = 1; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE = 2; public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBE = 3; HashSet<String> subscriptions = new HashSet<String>(); public TCPProvider(LCM lcm, URLParser up) throws IOException { this.lcm = lcm; String addrport[] = up.get("network", DEFAULT_NETWORK).split(":"); if (addrport.length == 1) { inetAddr = InetAddress.getByName(addrport[0]); inetPort = 7700; } else if (addrport.length == 2) { inetAddr = InetAddress.getByName(addrport[0]); inetPort = Integer.valueOf(addrport[1]); } else { System.err.println("TCPProvider: Don't know how to parse "+up.get("network", DEFAULT_NETWORK)); System.exit(-1); } tcp = new TCPThread(); tcp.start(); } /** Publish a message synchronously. However, if the server is not * available, it will return immediately. **/ public synchronized void publish(String channel, byte data[], int offset, int length) { try { publishEx(channel, data, offset, length); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("TCPProvider ex: "+ex); } } byte[] stringToBytes(String s) { try { return s.getBytes("US-ASCII"); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { System.err.println("lcm.TCPProvider: Bad channel name" + s); throw new RuntimeException("Don't know how to recover from this"); } } /* private void sockWriteAndFlush(byte[] b) { // try to send message on socket. If the socket is not // connected, we'll simply fail. The tcpthread is // responsible for maintaining a connection to the hub. OutputStream sockOuts = tcp.getOutputStream(); if (sockOuts != null) { try { sockOuts.write(b); sockOuts.flush(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } } */ public synchronized void subscribe(String channel) { subscriptions.add(channel); tcp.sendSubscribe(channel); } public synchronized void unsubscribe(String channel) { subscriptions.remove(channel); tcp.sendUnsubscribe(channel); } public synchronized void close() { if (null != tcp) { tcp.close(); try { tcp.join(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } tcp = null; } static final void safeSleep(int ms) { try { Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } void publishEx(String channel, byte data[], int offset, int length) throws Exception { byte[] channel_bytes = stringToBytes(channel); int payload_size = channel_bytes.length + length; ByteArrayOutputStream bouts = new ByteArrayOutputStream(length + channel.length() + 32); DataOutputStream outs = new DataOutputStream(bouts); outs.writeInt(MESSAGE_TYPE_PUBLISH); outs.writeInt(channel_bytes.length); outs.write(channel_bytes, 0, channel_bytes.length); outs.writeInt(length); outs.write(data, offset, length); tcp.write(bouts.toByteArray()); } // synchronize on writes and to changes in subscription state. class TCPThread extends Thread { Socket sock; DataInputStream ins; OutputStream outs; boolean exit = false; int serverVersion; TCPThread() { } synchronized void write(byte b[]) throws IOException { // if our connection is dead or not yet up, we just drop // this message. (subscribes will be setup again when the // connection comes back up). if (outs == null) return; outs.write(b); outs.flush(); } synchronized void sendSubscribe(String channel) { byte channel_bytes[] = stringToBytes(channel); try { ByteArrayOutputStream bouts = new ByteArrayOutputStream(channel.length() + 8); DataOutputStream outs = new DataOutputStream(bouts); outs.writeInt(MESSAGE_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE); outs.writeInt(channel_bytes.length); outs.write(channel_bytes, 0, channel_bytes.length); write(bouts.toByteArray()); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println("ex: "+ex); } } synchronized void sendUnsubscribe(String channel) { byte channel_bytes[] = stringToBytes(channel); try { ByteArrayOutputStream bouts = new ByteArrayOutputStream(channel.length() + 8); DataOutputStream outs = new DataOutputStream(bouts); outs.writeInt(MESSAGE_TYPE_UNSUBSCRIBE); outs.writeInt(channel_bytes.length); outs.write(channel_bytes, 0, channel_bytes.length); write(bouts.toByteArray()); } catch (IOException ex) { } } public void run() { while (!exit) { synchronized (this) { ////////////////////////////////// // reconnect try { sock = new Socket(inetAddr, inetPort); OutputStream _outs = sock.getOutputStream(); DataOutputStream _douts = new DataOutputStream(_outs); _douts.writeInt(MAGIC_CLIENT); _douts.writeInt(VERSION); _douts.flush(); outs = _outs; ins = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(sock.getInputStream())); int magic = ins.readInt(); if (magic != MAGIC_SERVER) { sock.close(); continue; } serverVersion = ins.readInt(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("lcm.TCPProvider: Unable to connect to "+inetAddr+":"+inetPort); safeSleep(500); // try connecting again. continue; } for (String sub : subscriptions) { System.out.println("resending subscription "+sub); sendSubscribe(sub); } } ////////////////////////////////// // read loop try { while (!exit) { int type = ins.readInt(); int channellen = ins.readInt(); byte channel[] = new byte[channellen]; ins.readFully(channel); int datalen = ins.readInt(); byte data[] = new byte[datalen]; ins.readFully(data); lcm.receiveMessage(new String(channel), data, 0, data.length); } } catch (IOException ex) { // exit read loop so we'll create a new connection. } } } void close() { try { sock.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } exit = true; } OutputStream getOutputStream() { return outs; } } }