package lcm.lcm; import*; import lcm.logging.*; public class LogFileProvider implements Provider { LCM lcm; Log log; double speed; // how fast do we play? <=0 for "as fast as possible" double delay; // how many seconds to delay before starting to play? (crude race-condition hack) boolean verbose; // report actual speed periodically double skip; // skip a fraction of the log file [0, 1.0] boolean writemode; long nanotime_start; long utime_start; ReaderThread reader; public LogFileProvider(LCM lcm, URLParser up) throws IOException { this.lcm = lcm; String logPath = up.get("network",""); speed = up.get("speed", 1.0); delay = up.get("delay", 0.5); verbose = up.get("verbose", false); skip = up.get("skip", 0.0); // skip this fraction of the log file. writemode = up.get("mode", "r").equals("w"); if(writemode) { log = new Log(logPath, "rw"); nanotime_start = System.nanoTime(); utime_start = System.currentTimeMillis() * 1000; } else { log = new Log(logPath, "r"); reader = new ReaderThread(); reader.start(); } } boolean publishWarned = false; public synchronized void publish(String channel, byte data[], int offset, int length) { if(!writemode) { if (publishWarned) return; System.err.println("LogFileProvider opened in read mode, no publishing allowed."); publishWarned = true; } Log.Event event = new Log.Event(); event.utime = utime_start + (System.nanoTime() - nanotime_start) / 1000; event.eventNumber = 0; = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(data, offset,, 0, length); = channel; try { log.write(event); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("ex: "+ex); } } public synchronized void subscribe(String channel) { } public void unsubscribe(String channel) { } public synchronized void close() { if (reader != null) { reader.interrupt(); try { reader.join(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } reader = null; try { log.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } log = null; } class ReaderThread extends Thread { ReaderThread() { setDaemon(true); } public void run() { try { runEx(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { return; } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } void runEx() throws IOException, InterruptedException { log.seekPositionFraction(skip); while (lcm.getNumSubscriptions()==0) Thread.sleep(10); Thread.sleep((int) (delay*1000)); long lastLocalUtime = System.nanoTime()/1000; long lastEventUtime = -1; double delayAccumulator = 0; // how long do we need to delay in real time? double verboseAccumulator = 0; long verboseLastEventUtime = -1; while (true) { Log.Event ev = log.readNext(); // how much time elapsed when the log was recorded? // we have to wait some fraction of the time... if (lastEventUtime > 0) { double dt = (ev.utime - lastEventUtime) / 1000000.0; if (dt > 0 && speed > 0) delayAccumulator += dt / speed; } lastEventUtime = ev.utime; // subtract any clock time that has elapsed. long localUtime = System.nanoTime()/1000; double dt = (localUtime - lastLocalUtime)/1000000.0; lastLocalUtime = localUtime; delayAccumulator -= dt; verboseAccumulator += dt; // spit out some info at 1Hz if (verboseAccumulator > 1.0 && verbose) { double eventDt = (lastEventUtime - verboseLastEventUtime)/1000000.0; verboseLastEventUtime = lastEventUtime; System.err.printf("LogFile: rate = %8.3f, position = %8.3f %%\n", eventDt/verboseAccumulator, log.getPositionFraction()*100.0); verboseAccumulator = 0; } // sleep if necessary. if (delayAccumulator > 0.001) { int ms = (int) (delayAccumulator*1000); Thread.sleep(ms); } // dispatch the message lcm.receiveMessage(,, 0,; } } } }