/* * Chart2D, a component for displaying ITrace2D instances. * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2011 Achim Westermann, Achim.Westermann@gmx.de * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * If you modify or optimize the code in a useful way please let me know. Achim.Westermann@gmx.de */ package info.monitorenter.gui.chart; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.ITrace2D.DistancePoint; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.axis.AAxis; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.axis.AxisLinear; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.axistickpainters.AxisTickPainterDefault; import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.events.Chart2DActionPrintSingleton; import info.monitorenter.util.Range; import info.monitorenter.util.StringUtil; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.Stroke; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.print.PageFormat; import java.awt.print.Printable; import java.awt.print.PrinterException; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JToolTip; import javax.swing.Timer; /** * <code> Chart2D</code> is a component for displaying the data contained in a * <code>ITrace2D</code>. It inherits many features from * <code>javax.swing.JPanel</code> and allows specific configuration. <br> * In order to simplify the use of it, the scaling, labeling and choosing of * display- range is done automatically which flattens the free configuration. * <p> * There are several default settings that may be changed in * <code>Chart2D</code><br> * <ul> * <li>The display range is chosen always big enough to show every * <code>TracePoint2D</code> contained in the all <code>ITrace2d</code> * instances connected. This is because the * {@link info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IAxis} of the chart (for x and y) use by * default a * {@link info.monitorenter.gui.chart.rangepolicies.RangePolicyUnbounded}. To * change this, get the axis of the chart to change (via {@link #getAxisX()}, * {@link #getAxisY()}) and invoke * {@link info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IAxis#setRangePolicy(IRangePolicy)} with * the desired view port behavior. * <li>During the <code>paint()</code> operation every <code>TracePoint2D</code> * is taken from the <code>ITrace2D</code>- instance exactly in the order, it's * iterator returns them. From every <code>TracePoint2D</code> then a line is * drawn to the next. <br> * Unordered traces may cause a weird display. Choose the right implementation * of <code>ITrace2D</code> to avoid this. To change this line painting behavior * you can use custom renderers at the level of traces via * {@link info.monitorenter.gui.chart.ITrace2D#addTracePainter(ITracePainter)} * or * {@link info.monitorenter.gui.chart.ITrace2D#setTracePainter(ITracePainter)}. * <li>If no scaling is chosen, no grids will be painted. See: * <code>{@link IAxis#setPaintScale(boolean)}</code> This allows saving of many * computations. * <li>The distance of the scalepoints is always big enough to display the * labels fully without overwriting each other.</li> * </ul> * <p> * <h3>Demo- code:</h3> * * <pre> * * ... * Chart2D test = new Chart2D(); * JFrame frame = new JFrame("Chart2D- Debug"); * * frame.setSize(400,200); * frame.setVisible(true); * ITrace2D atrace = new Trace2DLtd(100); * ... * <further configuration of trace> * ... * test.addTrace(atrace); * .... * while(expression){ * atrace.addPoint(adouble,bdouble); * .... * } * </pre> * * <p> * <h3>PropertyChangeEvents</h3> * {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeListener} instances may be added via * {@link javax.swing.JComponent#addPropertyChangeListener(java.lang.String, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener)} * . They inherit the properties to listen from * {@link java.awt.Container#addPropertyChangeListener(java.lang.String, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener)} * . Additionally more <code>PropertyChangeEvents</code> are triggered. * <p> * As the set of traces inside this class is a collection (and no single * property) the {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent} fired for a change of * properties property will contain a reference to the <code>Chart2D</code> * instance as well as the <code>ITrace2D</code> (if involved in the change). <br> * <table width="100%"> * <tr> * <th ><code>getPropertyName()</code></th> * <th><code>getSource()</code></th> * <th><code>getOldValue()</code></th> * <th><code>getNewValue()</code></th> * <th>occurrence</th> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #PROPERTY_BACKGROUND_COLOR}</td> * <td>{@link Chart2D}</td> * <td>{@link java.awt.Color}</td> * <td>{@link java.awt.Color}</td> * <td>if a change of the background color occurs.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #PROPERTY_AXIS_X}</td> * <td>{@link Chart2D}</td> * <td>null</td> * <td>{@link info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IAxis}</td> * <td>if a new axis is added in x dimension ({@link #addAxisXBottom(AAxis)}, @link * {@link #addAxisXTop(AAxis)}).</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #PROPERTY_AXIS_X}</td> * <td>{@link Chart2D}</td> * <td>{@link info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IAxis}</td> * <td>null</td> * <td>if an axis is removed in x dimension ({@link #removeAxisXBottom(IAxis)}, * {@link #removeAxisXTop(IAxis)}).</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #PROPERTY_AXIS_Y}</td> * <td>{@link Chart2D}</td> * <td>null</td> * <td>{@link info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IAxis}</td> * <td>if a new axis is added in y dimension ({@link #addAxisYLeft(AAxis)}, * {@link #addAxisYRight(AAxis)}).</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #PROPERTY_AXIS_X_BOTTOM_REPLACE}</td> * <td>{@link Chart2D}</td> * <td>{@link info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IAxis}</td> * <td>{@link info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IAxis}</td> * <td>if a axis is replaced in bottom x dimension ( * {@link #setAxisXBottom(AAxis, int)}).</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #PROPERTY_AXIS_X_TOP_REPLACE}</td> * <td>{@link Chart2D}</td> * <td>{@link info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IAxis}</td> * <td>{@link info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IAxis}</td> * <td>if a axis is replaced in top x dimension ( * {@link #setAxisXTop(AAxis, int)}).</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #PROPERTY_AXIS_Y_LEFT_REPLACE}</td> * <td>{@link Chart2D}</td> * <td>{@link info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IAxis}</td> * <td>{@link info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IAxis}</td> * <td>if a axis is replaced in left y dimension ( * {@link #setAxisYLeft(AAxis, int)}).</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #PROPERTY_AXIS_Y_RIGHT_REPLACE}</td> * <td>{@link Chart2D}</td> * <td>{@link info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IAxis}</td> * <td>{@link info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IAxis}</td> * <td>if a axis is replaced in right y dimension ( * {@link #setAxisYRight(AAxis, int)} ).</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #PROPERTY_GRID_COLOR}</td> * <td>{@link Chart2D}</td> * <td>{@link java.awt.Color}</td> * <td>{@link java.awt.Color}</td> * <td>if a change of the grid color occurs.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #PROPERTY_ADD_REMOVE_TRACE}</td> * <td>{@link Chart2D}</td> * <td>{@link ITrace2D}</td> * <td>{@link ITrace2D}</td> * <td> * If a change of the traces occurs. If the old value is null a new trace has * been added. If the new value is null, oldvalue trace has been removed. If * both are null this is a bug.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #PROPERTY_PAINTLABELS}</td> * <td>{@link Chart2D}</td> * <td>{@link java.lang.Boolean}</td> * <td>{@link java.lang.Boolean}</td> * <td>if a change of the paint labels flag occurs.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #PROPERTY_TOOLTIP_TYPE}</td> * <td>{@link Chart2D}</td> * <td>{@link IToolTipType}</td> * <td>{@link IToolTipType}</td> * <td>if a change of the tool tip type occurs.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #PROPERTY_POINT_HIGHLIGHTING_ENABLED}</td> * <td>{@link Chart2D}</td> * <td>{@link Boolean}</td> * <td>{@link Boolean}</td> * <td>if point highlighting is enabled/disabled.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link ITrace2D#PROPERTY_POINT_HIGHLIGHTERS_CHANGED}</td> * <td>{@link Chart2D}</td> * <td>{@link IPointPainter}</td> * <td>null</td> * <td>if a point highlighter was added to any of the currently contained * traces.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link ITrace2D#PROPERTY_POINT_HIGHLIGHTERS_CHANGED}</td> * <td>{@link Chart2D}</td> * <td>null</td> * <td>{@link IPointPainter}</td> * <td>if a point highlighter was removed from any of the currently contained * traces.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #PROPERTY_ANTIALIASING_ENABLED}</td> * <td>{@link Chart2D}</td> * <td>{@link Boolean}</td> * <td>{@link Boolean}</td> * <td>if antialiasing is enabled/disabled.</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #PROPERTY_POINTFINDER}</td> * <td>{@link Chart2D}</td> * <td>{@link IPointFinder}</td> * <td>{@link IPointFinder}</td> * <td>if {@link Chart2D#setPointFinder(IPointFinder)} caused a change.</td> * </tr> * </table> * <p> * * @author <a href='mailto:Achim.Westermann@gmx.de'>Achim Westermann </a> * * @version $Revision: $ */ public class Chart2D extends JPanel implements PropertyChangeListener, Iterable<ITrace2D>, Printable { /** * Types of tool tip. * <p> * * @author <a href="mailto:Achim.Westermann@gmx.de">Achim Westermann</a> * @version $Revision: $ */ public static enum PointFinder implements IPointFinder { /** * Uses the Manhattan distance to find the nearest point. * <p> * This implementation is slower than MANHATTAN but has a search field in * form of a circle which is more natural for human eyes. * * @see Chart2D#getNearestPointEuclid(int, int) */ EUCLID { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D.PointFinder#getNearestPoint(java.awt.event.MouseEvent, * info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public ITracePoint2D getNearestPoint(final int mouseEventX, final int mouseEventY, final Chart2D chart) { return chart.getNearestPointEuclid(mouseEventX, mouseEventY); } }, /** * Uses the Manhattan distance to find the nearest point. * <p> * This implementation is faster than EUCLID (only * subtractions/additions/abs) but has a search field in form of a rhombus * which may confuse human eyes. * * @see Chart2D#getNearestPointManhattan(int, int) */ MANHATTAN { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D.PointFinder#getNearestPoint(java.awt.event.MouseEvent, * info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D) */ public ITracePoint2D getNearestPoint(final int mouseEventX, final int mouseEventY, final Chart2D chart) { return chart.getNearestPointManhattan(mouseEventX, mouseEventY); } }; /** * Default implementation always returns null. * <p> * * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IPointFinder#getNearestPoint(java.awt.event.MouseEvent, * Chart2D) */ public ITracePoint2D getNearestPoint(final MouseEvent me, final Chart2D chart) { return this.getNearestPoint(me.getX(), me.getY(), chart); } } /** * Types of tool tip. * <p> * * @author <a href="mailto:Achim.Westermann@gmx.de">Achim Westermann</a> * @version $Revision: $ */ public static enum ToolTipType implements IToolTipType { /** * Chart data value tool tips are shown. * <p> * Note that this implementation only works correctly for one left y axis * and one bottom x axis as it does not search for the nearest trace. * Displayed values will be formatted according to the formatting of the * axes mentioned above. * <p> */ DATAVALUES { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IToolTipType#getDescription() */ @Override public String getDescription() { return "Value at cursor (rel. to 1st trace)"; } /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D.ToolTipType#getToolTipText(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) */ @Override public String getToolTipText(final Chart2D chart, final MouseEvent me) { String result; ITracePoint2D tracePoint = chart.translateMousePosition(me); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("X: "); buffer.append(chart.getAxisX().getFormatter().format(tracePoint.getX())).append(" "); buffer.append("Y: "); buffer.append(chart.getAxisY().getFormatter().format(tracePoint.getY())); result = buffer.toString(); return result; } }, /** No tool tips are shown. */ NONE, /** Pixel tool tips are shown (used for debugging). */ PIXEL { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IToolTipType#getDescription() */ @Override public String getDescription() { return "Pixel, not implemented yet"; } /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D.ToolTipType#getToolTipText(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) */ @Override public String getToolTipText(final Chart2D chart, final MouseEvent me) { return "pixel, not implemented yet"; } }, /** * Snaps to the nearest <code>{@link TracePoint2D}</code> and shows it's * value. * <p> * Warning: due to the data structure of multiple axes this is very * expensive! * <p> */ VALUE_SNAP_TO_TRACEPOINTS { /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IToolTipType#getDescription() */ @Override public String getDescription() { return "Values, snap to nearest point"; } /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D.ToolTipType#getToolTipText(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) */ @Override public String getToolTipText(final Chart2D chart, final MouseEvent me) { String result; ITracePoint2D point = chart.getPointFinder().getNearestPoint(me, chart); /* * We need the axes of the point for correct formatting (expensive...). */ ITrace2D trace = point.getListener(); IAxis<?> xAxis = chart.getAxisX(trace); IAxis<?> yAxis = chart.getAxisY(trace); chart.setRequestedRepaint(true); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("X: "); buffer.append(xAxis.getFormatter().format(point.getX())).append(" "); buffer.append("Y: "); buffer.append(yAxis.getFormatter().format(point.getY())); result = buffer.toString(); return result; } }; /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IToolTipType#getDescription() */ public String getDescription() { return "None"; } /** * @see info.monitorenter.gui.chart.IToolTipType#getToolTipText(info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D, * java.awt.event.MouseEvent) */ public String getToolTipText(final Chart2D chart, final MouseEvent me) { // NONE implementation (defined by this enum type). return null; } } /** Speaking names for axis constants - used for debugging only. */ public static final String[] AXIX_CONSTANT_NAMES = new String[] {"dummy", "X", "Y", "X,Y" }; /** * Constant describing the bottom side of the chart. * <p> * * @see IAxis#getAxisPosition() */ public static final int CHART_POSITION_BOTTOM = 32; /** * Constant describing the left side of the chart. * <p> * * @see IAxis#getAxisPosition() */ public static final int CHART_POSITION_LEFT = 4; /** * Constant describing the right side of the chart. * <p> * * @see IAxis#getAxisPosition() */ public static final int CHART_POSITION_RIGHT = 8; /** * Constant describing the top side of the chart. * <p> * * @see IAxis#getAxisPosition() */ public static final int CHART_POSITION_TOP = 16; /** * A package wide switch for debugging problems with scaling. Set to false the * compiler will remove the debugging statements. */ public static final boolean DEBUG_SCALING = false; /** * A package wide switch for debugging problems with highlighting. Set to * false the compiler will remove the debugging statements. */ public static final boolean DEBUG_HIGHLIGHTING = false; /** * A package wide switch for debugging problems with multithreading. Set to * false the compiler will remove the debugging statements. */ public static final boolean DEBUG_THREADING = false; /** * The bean property <code>constant</code> identifying a change of the * antialiasing enabled state. * <p> * Use this constant to register a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeListener} * with the <code>Chart2D</code>. * <p> */ public static final String PROPERTY_ANTIALIASING_ENABLED = "Chart2D.PROPERTY_ANTIALIASING_ENABLED"; /** * The bean property <code>constant</code> identifying a change of the * internal <code>{@link IAxis}</code> instance for the x dimension. * <p> * Use this constant to register a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeListener} * with the <code>Chart2D</code>. * <p> * See the class description for property change events fired. * <p> */ public static final String PROPERTY_AXIS_X = "Chart2D.PROPERTY_AXIS_X"; /** * The bean property <code>constant</code> identifying a replacement of an * internal <code>{@link IAxis}</code> instance for the bottom x dimension. * <p> * Use this constant to register a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeListener} * with the <code>Chart2D</code>. * <p> * See the class description for property change events fired. * <p> */ public static final String PROPERTY_AXIS_X_BOTTOM_REPLACE = "Chart2D.PROPERTY_AXIS_X_BOTTOM_REPLACE"; /** * The bean property <code>constant</code> identifying a replacement of an * internal <code>{@link IAxis}</code> instance for the top x dimension. * <p> * Use this constant to register a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeListener} * with the <code>Chart2D</code>. * <p> * See the class description for property change events fired. * <p> */ public static final String PROPERTY_AXIS_X_TOP_REPLACE = "Chart2D.PROPERTY_AXIS_X_TOP_REPLACE"; /** * The bean property <code>constant</code> identifying a change of the * internal <code>{@link IAxis}</code> instance for the y dimension. * <p> * Use this constant to register a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeListener} * with the <code>Chart2D</code>. * <p> * See the class description for property change events fired. * <p> */ public static final String PROPERTY_AXIS_Y = "Chart2D.PROPERTY_AXIS_Y"; /** * The bean property <code>constant</code> identifying a replacement of an * internal <code>{@link IAxis}</code> instance for the left y dimension. * <p> * Use this constant to register a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeListener} * with the <code>Chart2D</code>. * <p> * See the class description for property change events fired. * <p> */ public static final String PROPERTY_AXIS_Y_LEFT_REPLACE = "Chart2D.PROPERTY_AXIS_Y_LEFT_REPLACE"; /** * The bean property <code>constant</code> identifying a replacement of an * internal <code>{@link IAxis}</code> instance for the right y dimension. * <p> * Use this constant to register a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeListener} * with the <code>Chart2D</code>. * <p> * See the class description for property change events fired. * <p> */ public static final String PROPERTY_AXIS_Y_RIGHT_REPLACE = "Chart2D.PROPERTY_AXIS_Y_RIGHT_REPLACE"; /** * The bean property <code>constant</code> identifying a change of the * background color. <br> * Use this constant to register a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeListener} * with the <code>Chart2D</code>. * <p> * The property change events for this change are constructed and fired by the * superclass {@link java.awt.Container} so this constant is just for * clarification of the String that is related to that property. * <p> */ public static final String PROPERTY_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "background"; /** * The bean property <code>constant</code> identifying a change of the font. <br/> * <p> * Use this constant to register a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeListener} * with the <code>Chart2D</code>. * <p> * The property change events for this change are constructed and fired by the * superclass {@link java.awt.Container} so this constant is just for * clarification of the String that is related to that property. * <p> */ public static final String PROPERTY_FONT = "font"; /** * The bean property <code>constant</code> identifying a change of the * foreground color. <br> * Use this constant to register a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeListener} * with the <code>Chart2D</code>. * <p> * The property change events for this change are constructed and fired by the * superclass {@link java.awt.Container} so this constant is just for * clarification of the String that is related to that property. * <p> */ public static final String PROPERTY_FOREGROUND_COLOR = "foreground"; /** * The bean property <code>constant</code> identifying a change of the grid * color. * <p> * Use this constant to register a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeListener} * with the <code>Chart2D</code>. * <p> */ public static final String PROPERTY_GRID_COLOR = "Chart2D.PROPERTY_GRID_COLOR"; /** * The bean property <code>constant</code> identifying a change of traces. * <p> * Use this constant to register a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeListener} * with the <code>Chart2D</code>. * <p> */ public static final String PROPERTY_ADD_REMOVE_TRACE = IAxis.PROPERTY_ADD_REMOVE_TRACE; /** * The bean property <code>constant</code> identifying a change of the paint * labels flag. * <p> * Use this constant to register a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeListener} * with the <code>Chart2D</code>. * <p> */ public static final String PROPERTY_PAINTLABELS = "Chart2D.PROPERTY_PAINTLABELS"; /** * The bean property <code>constant</code> identifying a change of the point * highlighting enabled state. * <p> * Use this constant to register a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeListener} * with the <code>Chart2D</code>. * <p> */ public static final String PROPERTY_POINT_HIGHLIGHTING_ENABLED = "Chart2D.PROPERTY_POINT_HIGHLIGHTING_ENABLED"; /** * The bean property <code>constant</code> identifying a change of the * internal <code>{@link IPointFinder}</code> instance used to find the * nearest point corresponding to mouse events over the chart. * <p> * Use this constant to register a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeListener} * with the <code>Chart2D</code>. * <p> * See the class description for property change events fired. * <p> */ public static final String PROPERTY_POINTFINDER = "Chart2D.POINTFINDER"; /** * The bean property <code>constant</code> identifying a change of the tool * tip type (<code>{Chart2D{@link #setToolTipType(IToolTipType)}</code>). <br/> * <p> * Use this constant to register a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeListener} * with the <code>Chart2D</code>. * <p> * The property change events for this change are constructed and fired by the * superclass {@link java.awt.Container} so this constant is just for * clarification of the String that is related to that property. * <p> */ public static final String PROPERTY_TOOLTIP_TYPE = "Chart2D.PROPERTY_TOOLTIP_TYPE"; /** Generated <code>serial version UID</code>. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3978425840633852978L; /** Constant describing the x axis (needed for scaling). */ public static final int X = 1; /** Constant describing the x and y axis (needed for scaling). */ public static final int X_Y = 3; /** Constant describing the y axis (needed for scaling). */ public static final int Y = 2; /** * The bottom x axes of the chart. * <p> * The first element is always existing and is the downward compatible result * of the call <code>{@link Chart2D#getAxisX()}</code>. * <p> */ private List<IAxis<?>> m_axesXBottom; /** * The top x axes of the chart. * <p> * If empty no top x axes are shown. * <p> */ private List<IAxis<?>> m_axesXTop; /** * The left y axes of the chart. * <p> * The first element is always existing and is the downward compatible result * of the call <code>{@link Chart2D#getAxisY()}</code>. * <p> */ private List<IAxis<?>> m_axesYLeft; /** * The right y axes of the chart. * <p> * If empty no right y axes are shown. * <p> */ private List<IAxis<?>> m_axesYRight; /** The internal label painter for this chart. */ private IAxisTickPainter m_axisTickPainter; /** The grid color. */ private Color m_gridcolor = Color.lightGray; /** * Chart - wide setting for the ms to give a repaint operation time for * collecting several repaint requests into one (performance versus update * speed). * <p> */ protected int m_minPaintLatency = 50; /** * The axis that is used for translation from mouse event to x value by method * <code>Chart2D{@link #translateMousePosition(MouseEvent)}</code>. * <p> * Defaults to the first bottom x axis. * <p> */ private AAxis<?> m_mouseTranslationXAxis; /** * The axis that is used for translation from mouse event to y value by method * <code>Chart2D{@link #translateMousePosition(MouseEvent)}</code>. * <p> * Defaults to the first left y axis. * <p> */ private AAxis<?> m_mouseTranslationYAxis; /** * When not null this format will be used within paint: then we deal with a * printing request. */ private transient PageFormat m_pageFormat; /** * Flag that decides whether labels for traces are painted below the chart. */ private boolean m_paintLabels = true; /** * The point finder used to find the nearest point corresponding to a mouse * event. */ private IPointFinder m_pointFinder = PointFinder.EUCLID; /** * Used to track mouse motion events and highlight the nearest trace point * according to the point highlighters in the corresponding trace ( * <code>{@link ITrace2D#getPointHighlighters()}</code>). * <p> * Also removes highlighters (potentially if they are exclusive) from the * previous highlighted point. * <p> */ private final PointHighlighter m_pointHighlightListener = new PointHighlighter(); /** * Tracks mouse motion events and highlights the nearest point in the trace. * <p> * * @author <a href="mailto:achim.westermann@gmx.de">Achim Westermann</a> */ final class PointHighlighter extends MouseMotionAdapter implements MouseMotionListener, PropertyChangeListener { /** * Default constructor, adds property change listener for point highlighters * to the enclosing chart. * <p> */ public PointHighlighter() { /* * Need an identity hash map as the trace keys will change upon points * added thus making them "unfindable" in a map based on hashcode! */ this.m_previousHighlighted = new IdentityHashMap<ITrace2D, ITracePoint2D>(); Chart2D.this.addPropertyChangeListener(ITrace2D.PROPERTY_POINT_HIGHLIGHTERS_CHANGED, this); Chart2D.this.addPropertyChangeListener(Chart2D.PROPERTY_ADD_REMOVE_TRACE, this); } /** Needed to de-highlight previously highlighted points. */ private Map<ITrace2D, ITracePoint2D> m_previousHighlighted; /** * Activates or deactivates point higlighting. * <p> * This handles tracking of mouse motion events of the chart. * <p> * * @param onoff * if true, highlighting will be enabled, if false it will be * deactivated. * * @return true if a change took place. */ @SuppressWarnings("synthetic-access") public boolean setActive(boolean onoff) { boolean result = false; boolean isEnabled = Chart2D.this.isEnabledPointHighlighting(); if (!onoff) { if (isEnabled) { synchronized (Chart2D.this) { // deactivate all previously highlighted traces: for (Map.Entry<ITrace2D, ITracePoint2D> entry : this.m_previousHighlighted.entrySet()) { synchronized (entry.getKey()) { Set<IPointPainter< ? >> highlighters = entry.getKey().getPointHighlighters(); Set<IPointPainter< ? >> additionalPainters = entry.getValue() .getAdditionalPointPainters(); Iterator<IPointPainter< ? >> itAdditionasPainters = additionalPainters.iterator(); while (itAdditionasPainters.hasNext()) { IPointPainter< ? > assignedHighlighter = itAdditionasPainters.next(); for (IPointPainter< ? > highlighter : highlighters) { // cannot check for equality as outside configured same // additional point painters not working for highlighting // could be erased. if (assignedHighlighter == highlighter) { itAdditionasPainters.remove(); break; } } } } } Chart2D.this.removeMouseMotionListener(this); Chart2D.this.firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_POINT_HIGHLIGHTING_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE); this.m_previousHighlighted.clear(); Chart2D.this.setRequestedRepaint(true); result = true; } } } else { if (!isEnabled) { synchronized (Chart2D.this) { Chart2D.this.addMouseMotionListener(this); Chart2D.this.firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_POINT_HIGHLIGHTING_ENABLED, Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.TRUE); Chart2D.this.setRequestedRepaint(true); result = true; } } } return result; } /** * Attaches the highlighters of the trace of the point to the point: it will * be highlighted then. * <p> * * @param point * the point to highlight. */ private void attachHighlighters(ITracePoint2D point) { ITrace2D trace = point.getListener(); for (IPointPainter< ? > highlighter : trace.getPointHighlighters()) { point.addAdditionalPointPainter(highlighter); } } /** * Removes the exclusive point highlighters from the old highlighted point. */ private void clearOutdatedHighlighters(final ITrace2D trace) { ITracePoint2D previousHighlightedPoint = this.m_previousHighlighted.remove(trace); if (previousHighlightedPoint != null) { Iterator<IPointPainter< ? >> itAdditionaPainters = previousHighlightedPoint .getAdditionalPointPainters().iterator(); IPointPainter< ? > additionalPainter; Set<IPointPainter< ? >> highlighters = trace.getPointHighlighters(); if (Chart2D.DEBUG_HIGHLIGHTING) { System.err.println("Trace " + trace.getName() + " has highlighters " + highlighters); ITrace2D prevHiTrace = previousHighlightedPoint.getListener(); if (prevHiTrace != null) { System.err.println("Previously highlighted trace: " + prevHiTrace.getName()); } } while (itAdditionaPainters.hasNext()) { additionalPainter = itAdditionaPainters.next(); for (IPointPainter< ? > highlighter : highlighters) { /* * Cannot rely on "contains" method as comparable/equals might judge * an equal highlighter added externally via api as a highlighter */ if (highlighter == additionalPainter) { itAdditionaPainters.remove(); break; } else { if (Chart2D.DEBUG_HIGHLIGHTING) { System.err.println("Additional painter " + additionalPainter + " and highlighter " + highlighter + " of trace " + trace + " judged not as same."); } } } } } else { if (Chart2D.DEBUG_HIGHLIGHTING) { System.err.println("No previous point highlighted in trace " + trace.getName()); } } } /** * Attaches highlighters of the trace of the point next to the cursor and * removes highlighters from the previous highlighted point. * <p> * * TODO: Peek at getToolTipText invocations: Save operations in case the * mouse has not moved much? * * @see java.awt.event.MouseMotionAdapter#mouseMoved(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) */ @Override public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { ITracePoint2D point = Chart2D.this.getPointFinder().getNearestPoint(e, Chart2D.this); // don't work on empty charts: if (point != null) { ITracePoint2D previousHighlightedPoint = this.m_previousHighlighted .get(point.getListener()); if (!point.equals(previousHighlightedPoint)) { ITrace2D trace = point.getListener(); // avoid duplicate or no highlighting in concurrent paint situation. synchronized (this) { synchronized (trace) { this.clearOutdatedHighlighters(trace); this.attachHighlighters(point); this.m_previousHighlighted.put(trace, point); Chart2D.this.setRequestedRepaint(true); } } } } } /** * This is needed in case the point Highlighters of a trace ( * <code>{@link ITrace2D#setPointHighlighter(IPointPainter)}</code>, * <code>{@link ITrace2D#addPointHighlighter(IPointPainter)}</code> or * <code>{@link ITrace2D#removePointHighlighter(IPointPainter)}</code> or * <code>{@link ITrace2D#removeAllPointHighlighters()}</code>) are changed * in order to re-attach the proper point highlighters to the highlighted * points. * <p> * Also a hook is installed for * <code>{@link Chart2D#PROPERTY_ADD_REMOVE_TRACE}</code> to clear out a * reference to a highlighted trace to make it garbage-collectable in case * the trace is removed. * <p> * * @see java.beans.PropertyChangeListener#propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent) * @see ITrace2D#addPointHighlighter(IPointPainter) * @see ITrace2D#setPointHighlighter(IPointPainter) * @see ITrace2D#removePointHighlighter(IPointPainter) * @see ITrace2D#removeAllPointHighlighters() */ public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { String property = evt.getPropertyName(); if (ITrace2D.PROPERTY_POINT_HIGHLIGHTERS_CHANGED.equals(property)) { ITrace2D trace = (ITrace2D) evt.getSource(); ITracePoint2D point = this.m_previousHighlighted.get(trace); if (point != null) { if ((evt.getNewValue() != null) && (evt.getOldValue() == null)) { if (this.m_previousHighlighted != null) { synchronized (Chart2D.this) { synchronized (trace) { point.addAdditionalPointPainter((IPointPainter< ? >) evt.getNewValue()); Chart2D.this.setRequestedRepaint(true); } } } } else if ((evt.getNewValue() == null) && (evt.getOldValue() != null)) { if (this.m_previousHighlighted != null) { synchronized (Chart2D.this) { synchronized (trace) { point.removeAdditionalPointPainter((IPointPainter< ? >) evt.getOldValue()); Chart2D.this.setRequestedRepaint(true); } } } } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Programming error. Unneccessary event caught: " + evt + ". You only have to fire this event, if a point highlighter was addded or removed."); } } } else if (Chart2D.PROPERTY_ADD_REMOVE_TRACE.equals(property)) { ITrace2D oldTrace2d = (ITrace2D) evt.getOldValue(); if (evt.getNewValue() == null) { // trace was removed, so remove my potential reference: this.m_previousHighlighted.remove(oldTrace2d); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Programming error: " + this.getClass().getName() + " only has to be registered to the event " + ITrace2D.PROPERTY_POINT_HIGHLIGHTERS_CHANGED + " on instances of type (or subtype) " + ITrace2D.class.getName()); } } } /** * Internal timer for repaint control with guarantee that the interval between * two frames will not be lower than <code>{@link Chart2D#m_minPaintLatency} * </code> ms. * <p> */ private Timer m_repainter; /** * Internal flag that stores a request for a repaint that guarantees that two * invocations of <code></code> will always have at least have an interval of * <code>{@link Chart2D#m_minPaintLatency}</code> ms. * <p> * Access to it has to be synchronized! */ private boolean m_requestedRepaint; /** * Flag to remember whether this chart has synchronized it's x start * coordinates with another chart. */ private boolean m_synchronizedXStart = false; /** A chart this chart will synchronize it's start coordinates in x dimension. */ private Chart2D m_synchronizedXStartChart; /** Flag for showing coordinates as tool tips. */ private IToolTipType m_toolTip = ToolTipType.NONE; /** * Internal counter for all point highlighters of all traces to allow * automatic enablement/disablement of highlighting (performance). */ private int m_traceHighlighterCount = 0; /** Used to create trace point instances. */ private ITracePointProvider m_tracePointProvider; /** * Boolean flag to turn on antialiasing. */ private boolean m_useAntialiasing = false; /** * The end x pixel coordinate of the chart. */ private int m_xChartEnd; /** * The start x coordinate of the chart. */ private int m_xChartStart; /** * The y coordinate of the upper edge of the chart's display area in px. * <p> * The px coordinates in awt / swing start from top and increase towards the * bottom. * <p> */ private int m_yChartEnd; /** * The start y coordinate of the chart. */ private int m_yChartStart; /** * Creates a new chart. * <p> */ public Chart2D() { // initialize the axis collections: this.m_axesXBottom = new LinkedList<IAxis<?>>(); this.m_axesXTop = new LinkedList<IAxis<?>>(); this.m_axesYLeft = new LinkedList<IAxis<?>>(); this.m_axesYRight = new LinkedList<IAxis<?>>(); this.setTracePointProvider(new TracePointProviderDefault()); AAxis<?> axisX = new AxisLinear<IAxisScalePolicy>(); this.setAxisXBottom(axisX, 0); axisX.getAxisTitle().setTitle("X"); AAxis<?> axisY = new AxisLinear<IAxisScalePolicy>(); this.setAxisYLeft(axisY, 0); axisY.getAxisTitle().setTitle("Y"); this.setAxisTickPainter(new AxisTickPainterDefault()); Font dflt = this.getFont(); if (dflt != null) { this.setFont(new Font(dflt.getFontName(), dflt.getStyle(), 10)); } this.getBackground(); this.setBackground(Color.white); // turn off tool tips by default (performance): this.setToolTipType(Chart2D.ToolTipType.NONE); // one initial call to paint for side effect computations // potentially needed from outside (m_XstartChart...): this.setRequestedRepaint(true); // set a custom cursor: this.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); this.m_repainter = new Timer(this.m_minPaintLatency, new ActionListener() { /** * Repaints the Chart if dirty. * <p> * * @param e * invoked by the timer to trigger the action. */ public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { synchronized (Chart2D.this) { if (Chart2D.this.isRequestedRepaint()) { if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " triggering repaint()"); } // Only here this deprecated call may be done: Chart2D.this.repaint(Chart2D.this.m_minPaintLatency); Chart2D.this.setRequestedRepaint(false); } } } }); Timer.setLogTimers(false); this.m_repainter.setRepeats(true); this.m_repainter.setCoalesce(true); this.m_repainter.start(); } /** * Adds the given x axis to the list of internal bottom x axes. * <p> * The given axis must not be contained before (e.g. as right y axis or bottom * x axis...). * <p> * * @param axisX * the additional bottom x axis. */ public void addAxisXBottom(final AAxis<?> axisX) { this.ensureUniqueAxis(axisX); this.m_axesXBottom.add(axisX); axisX.setChart(this, Chart2D.X, Chart2D.CHART_POSITION_BOTTOM); this.listenToAxis(axisX); this.firePropertyChange(Chart2D.PROPERTY_AXIS_X, null, axisX); this.setRequestedRepaint(true); } /** * Adds the given x axis to the list of internal top x axes. * <p> * The given axis must not be contained before (e.g. as right y axis or bottom * x axis...). * <p> * * @param axisX * the additional top x axis. */ public void addAxisXTop(final AAxis<?> axisX) { this.ensureUniqueAxis(axisX); this.m_axesXTop.add(axisX); axisX.setChart(this, Chart2D.X, Chart2D.CHART_POSITION_TOP); this.listenToAxis(axisX); this.firePropertyChange(Chart2D.PROPERTY_AXIS_X, null, axisX); this.setRequestedRepaint(true); } /** * Adds the given y axis to the list of internal left y axes. * <p> * The given axis must not be contained before (e.g. as right y axis or bottom * x axis...). * <p> * * @param axisY * the additional left y axis. */ public void addAxisYLeft(final AAxis<?> axisY) { this.ensureUniqueAxis(axisY); this.m_axesYLeft.add(axisY); axisY.setChart(this, Chart2D.Y, Chart2D.CHART_POSITION_LEFT); this.listenToAxis(axisY); this.firePropertyChange(Chart2D.PROPERTY_AXIS_Y, null, axisY); this.setRequestedRepaint(true); } /** * Adds the given y axis to the list of internal right y axes. * <p> * The given axis must not be contained before (e.g. as right y axis or bottom * x axis...). * <p> * * @param axisY * the additional right y axis. */ public void addAxisYRight(final AAxis<?> axisY) { this.ensureUniqueAxis(axisY); this.m_axesYRight.add(axisY); axisY.setChart(this, Chart2D.Y, Chart2D.CHART_POSITION_RIGHT); this.listenToAxis(axisY); this.firePropertyChange(Chart2D.PROPERTY_AXIS_Y, null, axisY); this.setRequestedRepaint(true); } /** * Convenience method that adds the trace to this chart with relation to the * first bottom x axis and the first left y axis. It will be painted (if it's * {@link ITrace2D#isVisible()} returns true) in this chart. * <p> * This method will trigger a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent} being * fired on all instances registered by * {@link javax.swing.JComponent#addPropertyChangeListener(java.lang.String, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener)} * (registered with <code>String</code> argument * {@link IAxis#PROPERTY_ADD_REMOVE_TRACE}) on the internal bottom x axis and * left y axis. * <p> * * @param points * the trace to add. * @see IAxis#PROPERTY_ADD_REMOVE_TRACE * @see Chart2D#addTrace(ITrace2D, IAxis, IAxis) */ public final void addTrace(final ITrace2D points) { IAxis<?> xAxis = this.m_axesXBottom.get(0); IAxis<?> yAxis = this.m_axesYLeft.get(0); this.addTrace(points, xAxis, yAxis); } /** * Adds the trace to this chart with relation to the given x axis and y axis. * It will be painted (if it's {@link ITrace2D#isVisible()} returns true) in * this chart. * <p> * This method will trigger a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent} being * fired on all instances registered by * {@link javax.swing.JComponent#addPropertyChangeListener(java.lang.String, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener)} * (registered with <code>String</code> argument * {@link IAxis#PROPERTY_ADD_REMOVE_TRACE}) on the axis of this chart. * <p> * The given x and y axis will be responsible for computation of the scale of * this trace. * <p> * * @param points * the trace to add. * @param xAxis * the x axis responsible for the scale of this trace - it has to be * contained in this chart or an exception will be thrown. * @param yAxis * the y axis responsible for the scale of this trace - it has to be * contained in this chart or an exception will be thrown. * * @see IAxis#PROPERTY_ADD_REMOVE_TRACE */ public final void addTrace(final ITrace2D points, final IAxis<?> xAxis, final IAxis<?> yAxis) { if (!this.m_axesXBottom.contains(xAxis)) { if (!this.m_axesXTop.contains(xAxis)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Given x axis (" + xAxis.getAxisTitle().getTitle() + ") has to be added to this chart first (via setAxisX(AAxis) or addAxisXBottom(AAXis) or addAxisXTop(AAXis))."); } } if (!this.m_axesYLeft.contains(yAxis)) { if (!this.m_axesYRight.contains(yAxis)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Given y axis (" + yAxis.getAxisTitle().getTitle() + ") has to be added to this chart first (via setAxisY(AAxis) or addAxisYLeft(AAXis) or addAxisYRight(AAXis))."); } } /* * * This lock is needed to ensure a lock on the tree is acquired before a * lock to the chart. Method paint will also first acquire the treeLock and * then has to get the lock on the chart while this code path might descend * into ChartPanel where Container.getComponents() (in method * containsTraceLabel()) will require the tree lock after having already * acquired the chart lock -> deadlock between paint thread and addTrace * thread. */ if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ", addTrace(ITrace2D, XAxis, YAxis): 0 locks."); } synchronized (this.getTreeLock()) { /* * synchronization necessary to avoid that a highlighter is added to the * trace while counting them. */ if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ", addTrace(ITrace2D, XAxis, YAxis): 1 locks."); } synchronized (this) { if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ", addTrace(ITrace2D, XAxis, YAxis): 2 locks."); } synchronized (points) { if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ", addTrace(ITrace2D, XAxis, YAxis): 3 locks."); } boolean success = false; success |= xAxis.addTrace(points); success |= yAxis.addTrace(points); if (success) { this.listenToTrace(points); int amountOfHighlighters = points.getPointHighlighters().size(); this.trackHighlightingEnablement(amountOfHighlighters); this.firePropertyChange(IAxis.PROPERTY_ADD_REMOVE_TRACE, null, points); } } if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ", addTrace(ITrace2D, XAxis, YAxis): dropped 1 lock, 2 locks remaining."); } } if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ", addTrace(ITrace2D, XAxis, YAxis): dropped 1 lock, 1 locks remaining."); } } if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ", addTrace(ITrace2D, XAxis, YAxis): dropped 1 lock, 0 locks remaining."); } } /** * Calculates the end x coordinate (right bound) in pixel of the chart to * draw. * <p> * As a side effect the {@link IAxis#setPixelXLeft(int)} is set here. * <p> * * This value depends on the current <code>{@link FontMetrics}</code> used to * paint the x labels and the maximum amount of characters that are used for * the x labels (<code>{@link IAxisLabelFormatter#getMaxAmountChars()}</code>) * because an x label may occur on the right edge of the chart and should not * be clipped. * <p> * * @param g2d * needed for size informations. * @return the end x coordinate (right bound) in pixel of the chart to draw. */ private int calculateXChartEnd(final Graphics g2d) { int result; result = (int) this.getSize().getWidth(); IAxis<?> currentAxis; int axisWidth = 0; if (this.m_axesYRight.size() > 0) { ListIterator<IAxis<?>> it = this.m_axesYRight.listIterator(this.m_axesYRight.size()); while (it.hasPrevious()) { currentAxis = it.previous(); axisWidth = currentAxis.getWidth(g2d); currentAxis.setPixelXRight(result); if (currentAxis.isVisible()) { result = result - axisWidth; } currentAxis.setPixelXLeft(result); } if (result == this.getSize().getWidth()) { // ensure a minimum offset for when no axes are present result -= 20; } } else { // use the maximum label width of the x axes to avoid x labels // being clipped in case there are no right y axes: Iterator<IAxis<?>> it = this.m_axesXBottom.iterator(); int xAxesMaxLabelWidth = 0; int tmp; while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); tmp = currentAxis.getWidth(g2d); if (tmp > xAxesMaxLabelWidth) { xAxesMaxLabelWidth = tmp; } } it = this.m_axesXTop.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); tmp = currentAxis.getWidth(g2d); if (tmp > xAxesMaxLabelWidth) { xAxesMaxLabelWidth = tmp; } } result = result - xAxesMaxLabelWidth; } return result; } /** * Calculates the start x coordinate (left bound) in pixel of the chart to * draw. * <p> * As a side effect the {@link IAxis#setPixelXRight(int)} is set here. * <p> * This value depends on the current <code>{@link FontMetrics}</code> used to * paint the y labels and the maximum amount of characters that are used for * the y labels (<code>{@link IAxisLabelFormatter#getMaxAmountChars()}</code> * ). * <p> * * @param g2d * needed for size information. * * @return the start x coordinate (left bound) in pixel of the chart to draw. */ private int calculateXChartStart(final Graphics g2d) { int result = 0; // reverse iteration because the most left axes are the latter ones: ListIterator<IAxis<?>> it = this.m_axesYLeft.listIterator(this.m_axesYLeft.size()); IAxis<?> currentAxis; while (it.hasPrevious()) { currentAxis = it.previous(); currentAxis.setPixelXLeft(result); if (currentAxis.isVisible()) { result += currentAxis.getWidth(g2d); } currentAxis.setPixelXRight(result); } // ensure a minimum offset for e.g. when no Y axes are visible return result > 0 ? result : 20; } /** * Installs the offset the the left y-axes in case this chart * is stacked / synchronized vertically via {@link #setSynchronizedXStartChart(Chart2D)}.<p> * * This is only necessary for the charts whose left y axes should start more to the right than if they were * all on their own and didn't have to care for other charts. * <p> * * @param g2d * needed for size information. * * @return the start x coordinate (left bound) in pixel of the chart to draw. */ private int installXAxisLeftOffset(final Graphics g2d, final int offset) { int result = offset; // reverse iteration because the most left axes are the latter ones: ListIterator<IAxis<?>> it = this.m_axesYLeft.listIterator(this.m_axesYLeft.size()); IAxis<?> currentAxis; while (it.hasPrevious()) { currentAxis = it.previous(); currentAxis.setPixelXLeft(result); if (currentAxis.isVisible()) { result += currentAxis.getWidth(g2d); } currentAxis.setPixelXRight(result); } // ensure a minimum offset for e.g. when no Y axes are visible return result > 0 ? result : 20; } /** * Calculates the end y coordinate (upper bound) in pixel of the chart to * draw. * <p> * Note that y coordinates are related to the top of a frame, so a higher y * value marks a visual lower chart value. * <p> * As a side effect the {@link IAxis#setPixelYBottom(int)} is set here. * <p> * The value computed here is the maximum overhang of all y axes caused by * their font height of their labels or the summation of all top x axis * heights (if this is greater) . * <p> * * @param g2d * needed for size informations. * @return the end y coordinate (upper bound) in pixel of the chart to draw. */ private int calculateYChartEnd(final Graphics g2d) { IAxis<?> currentAxis; int tmp; int result = 0; int maxAxisYHeight = 0; int axesXTopHeight = 0; /* * 1) Find the max y axis height (this is just the overhang cause by label. * * TODO: maybe this is too much work in case all fonts of all axes are the * same and every axis will give the same result for the height (debug). */ Iterator<IAxis<?>> it = this.m_axesYLeft.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); tmp = currentAxis.getHeight(g2d); if (currentAxis.isVisible() && tmp > maxAxisYHeight) { maxAxisYHeight = tmp; } } it = this.m_axesYRight.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); tmp = currentAxis.getHeight(g2d); if (currentAxis.isVisible() && tmp > maxAxisYHeight) { maxAxisYHeight = tmp; } } // 2) Find the total height of top x axes // (and calculate the y pixel of the top axes): ListIterator<IAxis<?>> listIt = this.m_axesXTop.listIterator(this.m_axesXTop.size()); int axisHeight = 0; while (listIt.hasPrevious()) { currentAxis = listIt.previous(); currentAxis.setPixelYTop(axesXTopHeight); axisHeight = currentAxis.getHeight(g2d); if (currentAxis.isVisible()) { axesXTopHeight += axisHeight; } currentAxis.setPixelYBottom(axesXTopHeight); } // 3) Find the maximum result: result = Math.max(maxAxisYHeight, axesXTopHeight); // ensure minimum offset when no axes are visible return result > 0 ? result : 20; } /** * Calculates the start y coordinate (lower bound) in pixel of the chart to * draw. * <p> * As a side effect the {@link IAxis#setPixelYBottom(int)} is set here. * <p> * Note that y coordinates are related to the top of a frame, so a higher y * value marks a visual lower chart value. * <p> * * @param g2d * needed for size informations. * @param labelHeight * the height of the labels below the chart. * @return the start y coordinate (lower bound) in pixel of the chart to draw. */ private int calculateYChartStart(final Graphics g2d, final int labelHeight) { int result; result = (int) this.getSize().getHeight(); result = result - labelHeight; IAxis<?> currentAxis; int axesXBottomHeight = 0; Iterator<IAxis<?>> it = this.m_axesXBottom.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); currentAxis.setPixelYBottom(result); if (currentAxis.isVisible()) { result -= currentAxis.getHeight(g2d); } currentAxis.setPixelYTop(result); } result = result - axesXBottomHeight; if (result == this.getSize().getHeight()) { // ensure minimum offset when no axis are visible result -= 20; } return result; } /** * @see javax.swing.JComponent#createToolTip() */ @Override public JToolTip createToolTip() { /* * If desired return here a HTMLToolTip that transforms the text given to * setTipText into a View (with BasicHTML) and sets it as the * putClientProperty BasicHtml.html of itself. */ JToolTip result = super.createToolTip(); return result; } /** * Destroys the chart. * <p> * This method is only of interest if you have an application that dynamically * adds and removes charts. So if you use the same Chart2D object(s) during * the applications lifetime there is no need to use this method. * <p> */ public void destroy() { if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out.println("destroy, 0 locks"); } synchronized (this) { if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out.println("destroy, 1 lock"); } this.m_axesXBottom.clear(); this.m_axesXBottom = null; this.m_axesXTop.clear(); this.m_axesXTop = null; this.m_axesYLeft.clear(); this.m_axesYLeft = null; this.m_axesYRight.clear(); this.m_axesYRight = null; // terminate the timer this.m_repainter.stop(); } } /** * Switches point highlighting on or off depending on the given argument. * <p> * Turning off this removes a <code>{@link MouseMotionListener}</code> and * therefore avoids receiving a lot of mouse events which will result in * potentially very expensive (many traces with many points) computations to * find the nearest point corresponding to the mouse pointer. So dropping the * point highlighting feature may result in much better real time performance. * <p> * * Keep in mind that the view part of point highlighting is configured by * configuring the point highlighters for your traces: * <code>{@link ITrace2D#addPointHighlighter(IPointPainter)}</code>. * <p> * * This method might trigger a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent} being * fired on all instances registered by * {@link javax.swing.JComponent#addPropertyChangeListener(java.lang.String, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener)} * (registered with <code>String</code> argument * {@link Chart2D#PROPERTY_POINT_HIGHLIGHTING_ENABLED}). * <p> * * @see ITrace2D#addPointHighlighter(IPointPainter) * * @see Chart2D#isEnabledPointHighlighting() * * @param onoff * if true the closest point to the cursor will be highlighted, if * false you might gain performance by having this feature turned * off! * * @return true if a change of this state did take place (you did not call * this at least twice with the same argument). */ public boolean enablePointHighlighting(final boolean onoff) { boolean result; result = this.m_pointHighlightListener.setActive(onoff); return result; } /** * Ensures that the axis to add is not in duty in any axis function for this * chart. * <p> * * @param axisToAdd * the axis to test. */ private void ensureUniqueAxis(final IAxis<?> axisToAdd) { if (this.m_axesXBottom.contains(axisToAdd)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given axis (" + axisToAdd.getAxisTitle().getTitle() + " is already configured as bottom x axis!"); } if (this.m_axesXTop.contains(axisToAdd)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given axis (" + axisToAdd.getAxisTitle().getTitle() + " is already configured as top x axis!"); } if (this.m_axesYLeft.contains(axisToAdd)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given axis (" + axisToAdd.getAxisTitle().getTitle() + " is already configured as left y axis!"); } if (this.m_axesYRight.contains(axisToAdd)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given axis (" + axisToAdd.getAxisTitle().getTitle() + " is already configured as right y axis!"); } } /** * Cleanup when this instance is dropped. * <p> * * @see java.lang.Object#finalize() * * @throws Throwable * if a finalizer of a superclass fails. */ @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { super.finalize(); this.destroy(); } /** * Returns an array with the x (position 0) and the y axis (position 1) of the * given trace if it is correctly set up. If the given trace is not set up * correctly with this chart a missing axis in one dimension will be reflected * in <code>null</code> on the corresponding position * <p> * * @param trace * the trace to find the axes of. * @return an array with the x (position 0) and the y axis (position 1) of the * given trace if it is correctly set up. */ public IAxis<?>[] findAxesOfTrace(final ITrace2D trace) { IAxis<?>[] result = new IAxis[2]; // 1) find x axis: IAxis<?> xAxis = null; for (IAxis<?> axis : this.m_axesXBottom) { if (axis.getTraces().contains(trace)) { xAxis = axis; break; } } if (xAxis == null) { for (IAxis<?> axis : this.m_axesXTop) { if (axis.getTraces().contains(trace)) { xAxis = axis; break; } } } // 2) find y axis: IAxis<?> yAxis = null; for (IAxis<?> axis : this.m_axesYLeft) { if (axis.getTraces().contains(trace)) { yAxis = axis; break; } } if (yAxis == null) { for (IAxis<?> axis : this.m_axesYRight) { if (axis.getTraces().contains(trace)) { yAxis = axis; break; } } } result[0] = xAxis; result[1] = yAxis; return result; } /** * Returns the <code>{@link List}<{@link IAxis}></code> with all axes of the chart. * <p> * * @return the <code>{@link List}<{@link IAxis}></code> with all axes of * the chart */ public final List<IAxis<?>> getAxes() { List<IAxis<?>> result = new LinkedList<IAxis<?>>(); result.addAll(this.getAxesXBottom()); result.addAll(this.getAxesXTop()); result.addAll(this.getAxesYLeft()); result.addAll(this.getAxesYRight()); return result; } /** * Returns the <code>{@link List}<{@link IAxis}></code> with instances that are * painted in x dimension on the bottom of the chart. * <p> * <b>Caution!</b> The original list is returned so modifications of it will * cause unpredictable side effects. * <p> * * @return the <code>{@link List}<{@link IAxis}></code> with instances * that are painted in x dimension on the bottom of the chart. */ public final List<IAxis<?>> getAxesXBottom() { return this.m_axesXBottom; } /** * Returns the <code>{@link List}<{@link IAxis}></code> with instances that are * painted in x dimension on top of the chart. * <p> * <b>Caution!</b> The original list is returned so modifications of it will * cause unpredictable side effects. * <p> * * @return the <code>{@link List}<{@link IAxis}></code> with instances * that are painted in x dimension on top of the chart. */ public final List<IAxis<?>> getAxesXTop() { return this.m_axesXTop; } /** * Returns the <code>{@link List}<{@link IAxis}></code> with instances that are * painted in y dimension on the left side of the chart. * <p> * <b>Caution!</b> The original list is returned so modifications of it will * cause unpredictable side effects. * <p> * * @return the <code>{@link List}<{@link IAxis}></code> with instances * that are painted in y dimension on the left side of the chart. */ public final List<IAxis<?>> getAxesYLeft() { return this.m_axesYLeft; } /** * Returns the <code>{@link List}<{@link IAxis}></code> with instances that are * painted in y dimension on the right side of the chart. * <p> * <b>Caution!</b> The original list is returned so modifications of it will * cause unpredictable side effects. * <p> * * @return the <code>{@link List}<{@link IAxis}></code> with instances * that are painted in y dimension on the right side of the chart. */ public final List<IAxis<?>> getAxesYRight() { return this.m_axesYRight; } /** * Returns the painter for the ticks of the axis. * <p> * * @return Returns the painter for the ticks of the axis. */ public IAxisTickPainter getAxisTickPainter() { return this.m_axisTickPainter; } /** * Returns the first bottom axis for the x dimension. * <p> * * @return the first bottom axis for the x dimension. */ public final IAxis<?> getAxisX() { return this.m_axesXBottom.get(0); } /** * Returns the x axis that the given trace belongs to or null if this trace * does not belong to any x axis of this chart. * <p> * * @param trace * the trace to find the corresponding x axis of this chart for. * @return the x axis that the given trace belongs to or null if this trace * does not belong to any x axis of this chart. */ public IAxis<?> getAxisX(final ITrace2D trace) { IAxis<? > result = null; IAxis<? > current = null; Iterator<IAxis<?>> it = this.m_axesXBottom.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { current = it.next(); if (current.hasTrace(trace)) { result = current; break; } } if (result == null) { it = this.m_axesXTop.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { current = it.next(); if (current.hasTrace(trace)) { result = current; break; } } } return result; } /** * Returns the first left axis for the y dimension. * <p> * * @return the first left axis for the y dimension. */ public final IAxis<?> getAxisY() { return this.m_axesYLeft.get(0); } /** * Returns the y axis that the given trace belongs to or null if this trace * does not belong to any y axis of this chart. * <p> * * @param trace * the trace to find the corresponding y axis of this chart for. * @return the y axis that the given trace belongs to or null if this trace * does not belong to any y axis of this chart. */ public IAxis<?> getAxisY(final ITrace2D trace) { IAxis<?> result = null; IAxis<?> current = null; Iterator<IAxis<?>> it = this.m_axesYLeft.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { current = it.next(); if (current.hasTrace(trace)) { result = current; break; } } if (result == null) { it = this.m_axesYRight.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { current = it.next(); if (current.hasTrace(trace)) { result = current; break; } } } return result; } /** * Returns the color of the grid. * <p> * * @return the color of the grid. */ public final Color getGridColor() { return this.m_gridcolor; } /** * @see javax.swing.JComponent#getHeight() */ @Override public int getHeight() { int result = -1; if (this.m_pageFormat != null) { Chart2DActionPrintSingleton printTrigger = Chart2DActionPrintSingleton.getInstance(this); if (printTrigger != null) { if (printTrigger.isPrintWholePage()) { int dpiScreen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenResolution(); result = (int) this.m_pageFormat.getImageableHeight() * 72 / dpiScreen; } } } if (result == -1) { result = super.getHeight(); } return result; } /** * Returns the chart - wide setting for the ms to give a repaint operation * time for collecting several repaint requests into one (performance vs. * update speed). * <p> * * @return the setting for the ms to give a repaint operation time for * collecting several repaint requests into one (performance vs. * update speed). */ public synchronized int getMinPaintLatency() { return this.m_minPaintLatency; } /** * Returns the nearest <code>{@link ITracePoint2D}</code> to the given mouse * event's screen coordinates in Euclid distance. * <p> * This method is expensive and should not be used when rendering fast * changing charts with many points. * <p> * Using the Manhattan distance is much faster than Euclid distance as it only * includes basic addition an absolute value for computation per point (vs. * square root, addition and quadrature for Euclid distance). However the * euclid distance spans a circle for the nearest points which is visually * more normal for end users than the Manhattan distance which forms a rhombus * and reaches far distances in only one dimension. * <p> * * @param mouseEventX * the x pixel value relative to the chart (e.g.: <code> * {@link MouseEvent#getY()}</code>). * * @param mouseEventY * the y pixel value relative to the chart (e.g.: <code> * {@link MouseEvent#getY()}</code>). * * @return the nearest <code>{@link ITracePoint2D}</code> to the given mouse * event's screen coordinates. * * @TODO: This is called twice per mouse move (tool tip and highlighter): * Cache value throughout a paint iteration (delete at end) */ public ITracePoint2D getNearestPointEuclid(final int mouseEventX, final int mouseEventY) { ITracePoint2D result = null; /* * Normalize pixel values: */ double scaledX = 0; double scaledY = 0; double rangeX = this.getXChartEnd() - this.getXChartStart(); if (rangeX != 0) { scaledX = ((double) mouseEventX - this.getXChartStart()) / rangeX; } double rangeY = this.getYChartStart() - this.getYChartEnd(); if (rangeY != 0) { scaledY = 1.0 - ((double) mouseEventY - this.getYChartEnd()) / rangeY; } /* * TODO: Maybe cache this call because it searches all axes and evicts * duplicates of their assigned traces (subject to profiling). */ Set<ITrace2D> traces = this.getTraces(); DistancePoint distanceBean; DistancePoint winner = null; for (ITrace2D trace : traces) { distanceBean = trace.getNearestPointEuclid(scaledX, scaledY); if (winner == null) { winner = distanceBean; } else { if (distanceBean.getDistance() < winner.getDistance()) { winner = distanceBean; } } } if (winner != null) { result = winner.getPoint(); } return result; } /** * Returns the nearest <code>{@link MouseEvent}</code> to the given mouse * event's screen coordinates in Euclid distance. * <p> * This method is expensive and should not be used when rendering fast * changing charts with many points. * <p> * Note that the given mouse event should be an event fired on this chart * component. Else results will point to the nearest point of the chart in the * direction of the mouse event's position. * <p> * Using the Manhattan distance is much faster than Euclid distance as it only * includes basic addition an absolute value for computation per point (vs. * square root, addition and quadrature for Euclid distance). However the * euclid distance spans a circle for the nearest points which is visually * more normal for end users than the Manhattan distance which forms a rhombus * and reaches far distances in only one dimension. * <p> * * @param me * a mouse event fired on this component. * @return nearest <code>{@link MouseEvent}</code> to the given mouse event's * screen coordinates or <code>null</code> if the chart is empty. */ public ITracePoint2D getNearestPointEuclid(final MouseEvent me) { return this.getNearestPointEuclid(me.getX(), me.getY()); } /** * Returns the nearest <code>{@link ITracePoint2D}</code> to the given mouse * event's screen coordinates in Manhattan distance. * <p> * This method is expensive and should not be used when rendering fast * changing charts with many points. * <p> * * Using the Manhattan distance is much faster than Euclid distance as it only * includes basic addition an absolute value for computation per point (vs. * square root, addition and quadrature for Euclid distance). However the * euclid distance spans a circle for the nearest points which is visually * more normal for end users than the Manhattan distance which forms a rhombus * and reaches far distances in only one dimension. * <p> * * @param mouseEventX * the x pixel value relative to the chart (e.g.: <code> * {@link MouseEvent#getY()}</code>). * @param mouseEventY * the y pixel value relative to the chart (e.g.: <code> * {@link MouseEvent#getY()}</code>). * * @return the nearest <code>{@link ITracePoint2D}</code> to the given mouse * event's screen coordinates. * * @TODO: This is called twice per mouse move (tool tip and highlighter): * Cache value throughout a paint iteration (delete at end) */ public ITracePoint2D getNearestPointManhattan(final int mouseEventX, final int mouseEventY) { ITracePoint2D result = null; /* * Normalize pixel values: */ double scaledX = 0; double scaledY = 0; double rangeX = this.getXChartEnd() - this.getXChartStart(); if (rangeX != 0) { scaledX = ((double) mouseEventX - this.getXChartStart()) / rangeX; } double rangeY = this.getYChartStart() - this.getYChartEnd(); if (rangeY != 0) { scaledY = 1.0 - ((double) mouseEventY - this.getYChartEnd()) / rangeY; } /* * TODO: Maybe cache this call because it searches all axes and evicts * duplicates of their assigned traces (subject to profiling). */ Set<ITrace2D> traces = this.getTraces(); DistancePoint distanceBean; DistancePoint winner = null; for (ITrace2D trace : traces) { distanceBean = trace.getNearestPointManhattan(scaledX, scaledY); if (winner == null) { winner = distanceBean; } else { if (distanceBean.getDistance() < winner.getDistance()) { winner = distanceBean; } } } if (winner != null) { result = winner.getPoint(); } return result; } /** * Returns the nearest <code>{@link MouseEvent}</code> to the given mouse * event's screen coordinates in Manhattan distance. * <p> * This method is expensive and should not be used when rendering fast * changing charts with many points. * <p> * Note that the given mouse event should be an event fired on this chart * component. Else results will point to the nearest point of the chart in the * direction of the mouse event's position. * <p> * Using the Manhattan distance is much faster than Euclid distance as it only * includes basic addition an absolute value for computation per point (vs. * square root, addition and quadrature for Euclid distance). However the * euclid distance spans a circle for the nearest points which is visually * more normal for end users than the Manhattan distance which forms a rhombus * and reaches far distances in only one dimension. * <p> * * @param me * a mouse event fired on this component. * @return nearest <code>{@link MouseEvent}</code> to the given mouse event's * screen coordinates or <code>null</code> if the chart is empty. */ public ITracePoint2D getNearestPointManhattan(final MouseEvent me) { return this.getNearestPointManhattan(me.getX(), me.getY()); } /** * Returns the point finder used to find the nearest point corresponding to a * mouse event. * <p> * * @return the point finder used to find the nearest point corresponding to a * mouse event. */ public IPointFinder getPointFinder() { return this.m_pointFinder; } /** * @see javax.swing.JComponent#getPreferredSize() */ @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return super.getPreferredSize(); } /** * Overridden to allow full - page printing. * <p> * * @see java.awt.Component#getSize() */ @Override public Dimension getSize() { return new Dimension(this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()); } /** * Returns the chart that will be synchronized for finding the start * coordinate of this chart to draw in x dimension (<code> * {@link #getXChartStart()}</code> * ). * <p> * This feature is used to allow two separate charts to be painted stacked in * y dimension (one below the other) that have different x start coordinates * (because of different y labels that shift that value) with an equal * starting x value (thus be comparable visually if their x values match). * <p> * * @return the chart that will be synchronized for finding the start * coordinate of this chart to draw in x dimension (<code> * {@link #getXChartStart()}</code>). */ public synchronized final Chart2D getSynchronizedXStartChart() { return this.m_synchronizedXStartChart; } /** * @see javax.swing.JComponent#getToolTipText(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) */ @Override public final String getToolTipText(final MouseEvent event) { String result; result = this.m_toolTip.getToolTipText(this, event); if (result == null) { result = super.getToolTipText(event); } /* * Point highlighting is managed subsequently in * ToolTipType.VALUE_SNAP_TO_TRACEPOINTS! This is done for 2 reasons: 1. * Don't compute the point related to a mouse event twice. 2. Don't allow * highlighted points with a tool tip that shows the data of the coordinates * (vs. the data of the point highlighted) which might be misleading! */ return result; } /** * Returns the type of tool tip shown. * <p> * * @see Chart2D.ToolTipType#DATAVALUES * @see Chart2D.ToolTipType#NONE * @see Chart2D.ToolTipType#PIXEL * @see Chart2D.ToolTipType#VALUE_SNAP_TO_TRACEPOINTS * * @return the type of tool tip shown. */ public IToolTipType getToolTipType() { return this.m_toolTip; } /** * Returns the trace point creator of this chart. * <p> * * @return the trace point creator of this chart. */ public ITracePointProvider getTracePointProvider() { return this.m_tracePointProvider; } /** * Returns the set of traces that are currently rendered by this instance. * <p> * The instances are collected from all underlying axes. The resulting <code> * {@link Set}</code> * is not an original set. Therefore modification methods like * <code>{@link Set#add(Object)}</code> or <code>{@link Set#clear()}</code> * will not have any effect on the setup of this chart. * <p> * * @return the set of traces that are currently rendered by this instance. */ public final SortedSet<ITrace2D> getTraces() { SortedSet<ITrace2D> result = new TreeSet<ITrace2D>(); // 1.1) axes x bottom: Iterator<IAxis<?>> it = this.m_axesXBottom.iterator(); IAxis<?> currentAxis; Set<ITrace2D> axisTraces; while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); axisTraces = currentAxis.getTraces(); // addAll not feasible: assumes currentAxis.getTraces() is sorted and // order is lost? for (ITrace2D trace : axisTraces) { result.add(trace); } // result.addAll(currentAxis.getTraces()); } // 1.2) axes x top: it = this.m_axesXTop.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); axisTraces = currentAxis.getTraces(); for (ITrace2D trace : axisTraces) { result.add(trace); } // result.addAll(currentAxis.getTraces()); } // We skip y axes as by contract every // trace has to be at least in one x axis // (not logical if trace is e.g. in y axes // only // 2.1) axes y left: // 2.2) axes y right: return result; } /** * @see javax.swing.JComponent#getWidth() */ @Override public int getWidth() { int result = -1; if (this.m_pageFormat != null) { Chart2DActionPrintSingleton printTrigger = Chart2DActionPrintSingleton.getInstance(this); if (printTrigger != null) { if (printTrigger.isPrintWholePage()) { int dpiScreen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenResolution(); result = (int) this.m_pageFormat.getImageableWidth() * 72 / dpiScreen; } } } if (result == -1) { result = super.getWidth(); } return result; } /** * Returns the width of the X axis in px. * <p> * * @return Returns the width of the X axis in px. * */ public final synchronized int getXAxisWidth() { return this.m_xChartEnd - this.m_xChartStart; } /** * Returns the x coordinate of the chart's right edge in px. * <p> * * @return the x coordinate of the chart's right edge in px. */ public final synchronized int getXChartEnd() { return this.m_xChartEnd; } /** * Returns the x coordinate of the chart's left edge in px. * <p> * * @return Returns the x coordinate of the chart's left edge in px. */ public final synchronized int getXChartStart() { return this.m_xChartStart; } /** * Returns the y coordinate of the upper edge of the chart's display area in * px. * <p> * Pixel coordinates in awt / swing start from top and increase towards the * bottom. * <p> * * @return The y coordinate of the upper edge of the chart's display area in * px. */ public final synchronized int getYChartEnd() { return this.m_yChartEnd; } /** * Returns the y coordinate of the chart's lower edge in px. * <p> * Pixel coordinates in awt / swing start from top and increase towards the * bottom. * <p> * * @return Returns the y coordinate of the chart's lower edge in px. */ public synchronized int getYChartStart() { return this.m_yChartStart; } /** * Returns true if the connection of both interpolated points would cross the * visible area. * <p> * * Caution this method is only intended for two points that were invisible and * have been interpolated to a bound of the chart to avoid drawing horizontal * or vertical lines at the bound. In case two points that were not * interpolated really have a vertical or horizontal connection the result * would not be quite correct in terms of painting: Their line would not be * drawn even if it would be correct. * <p> * * Also this method assumes that both points were interpolated towards a bound * of the chart via a connection to a previous or following point (line) which * means that two points interpolated to the maximum and the minimum (x or y) * do not have to be tested for intersections with the viewport rectangle. * <p> * * @param oldpoint * interpolated point. * * @param newpoint * interpolated point following on oldpoint * * @return true if the connection of both points */ private boolean hasChartIntersection(ITracePoint2D oldpoint, ITracePoint2D newpoint) { boolean result = true; // if we needed a more generic (slower) solution we had to test: // if x1 >= xmax && x2 >= xmax // Caution: getX() and getY() will always return 0.0 by now as we don't // backtrace values from interpolated points! result = (oldpoint.getScaledX() != newpoint.getScaledX() || oldpoint.getScaledY() != newpoint .getScaledY()); return result; } /** * Internally transfers the state of the old axis to the new one. * <p> * * This includes things as traces, paint grid state, title, etc.. * <p> * * <h4>Contract</h4> The new axis already has to be added to a chart to avoid * a NPE when adding the traces of the old one! * <p> * * Note that listening / unlistening to the axes is handled from above as this * is triggered for example by {@link #setAxisXBottom(AAxis, int)} which also * delegates to {@link #removeAxisXBottom(IAxis)} and * {@link #addAxisXBottom(AAxis)}. * <p> * * @param old * the old axis (being removed). * * @param axisNew * the replacing new axis. */ private void internalTransferAxisState(IAxis<?> old, AAxis<?> axisNew) { // 1. Traces: Set<ITrace2D> traces = old.removeAllTraces(); /* * add the traces: this has to be after adding axis to avoid npe in addTrace * as no chart is set! */ for (ITrace2D trace : traces) { axisNew.addTrace(trace); } // 2. Title: IAxis.AxisTitle title = old.removeAxisTitle(); axisNew.setAxisTitle(title); // 3. Formatter: IAxisLabelFormatter formatter = old.getFormatter(); axisNew.setFormatter(formatter); // 4. paint grid flag: boolean isPaintGrid = old.isPaintGrid(); axisNew.setPaintGrid(isPaintGrid); // 5. paint scale flag: boolean isPaintScale = old.isPaintScale(); axisNew.setPaintScale(isPaintScale); // 6. start major tick: boolean startMajorTick = old.isStartMajorTick(); axisNew.setStartMajorTick(startMajorTick); // 7. visibility: boolean visible = old.isVisible(); axisNew.setVisible(visible); // 8. Range policy: IRangePolicy rangePolicy = old.getRangePolicy(); axisNew.setRangePolicy(rangePolicy); // 9. Range: Range range = old.getRange(); axisNew.setRange(range); // done for now... } /** * Interpolates (linear) the two neighboring points. * <p> * Calling this method only makes sense if argument invisible is not null or * if argument visible is not null (if then invisible is null, the visible * point will be returned). * <p> * Visibility is determined only by their internally normalized coordinates * that are within [0.0,1.0] for visible points. * <p> * * @param visible * the visible point. * @param invisible * the invisible point. * @return the interpolation towards the exceeded bound. */ private ITracePoint2D interpolateVisible(final ITracePoint2D invisible, final ITracePoint2D visible) { ITracePoint2D result; /* * In the first call invisible is null because it is the previous point * (there was no previous point: just return the new point): */ if (invisible == null) { result = visible; } else { /* * Interpolation is done by the two point form: (y - y1)/(x - x1) = (y2 - * y1)/(x2 - x1) solved to the missing value. */ // interpolate double xInterpolate = Double.NaN; double yInterpolate = Double.NaN; // find the bounds that has been exceeded: // It is possible that two bound have been exceeded, // then only one interpolation will be valid: boolean interpolated = false; boolean interpolatedWrong = false; if (invisible.getScaledX() > 1.0) { // right x bound xInterpolate = 1.0; yInterpolate = (visible.getScaledY() - invisible.getScaledY()) / (visible.getScaledX() - invisible.getScaledX()) * (1.0 - invisible.getScaledX()) + invisible.getScaledY(); interpolated = true; interpolatedWrong = Double.isNaN(yInterpolate) || yInterpolate < 0.0 || yInterpolate > 1.0; } if ((invisible.getScaledX() < 0.0) && (!interpolated || interpolatedWrong)) { // left x bound xInterpolate = 0.0; yInterpolate = (visible.getScaledY() - invisible.getScaledY()) / (visible.getScaledX() - invisible.getScaledX()) * -invisible.getScaledX() + invisible.getScaledY(); interpolated = true; interpolatedWrong = Double.isNaN(yInterpolate) || yInterpolate < 0.0 || yInterpolate > 1.0; } if ((invisible.getScaledY() > 1.0) && (!interpolated || interpolatedWrong)) { // upper y bound, checked yInterpolate = 1.0; xInterpolate = (1.0 - invisible.getScaledY()) * (visible.getScaledX() - invisible.getScaledX()) / (visible.getScaledY() - invisible.getScaledY()) + invisible.getScaledX(); interpolated = true; interpolatedWrong = Double.isNaN(xInterpolate) || xInterpolate < 0.0 || xInterpolate > 1.0; } if ((invisible.getScaledY() < 0.0) && (!interpolated || interpolatedWrong)) { // lower y bound yInterpolate = 0.0; xInterpolate = -invisible.getScaledY() * (visible.getScaledX() - invisible.getScaledX()) / (visible.getScaledY() - invisible.getScaledY()) + invisible.getScaledX(); interpolated = true; interpolatedWrong = Double.isNaN(xInterpolate) || xInterpolate < 0.0 || xInterpolate > 1.0; } if (interpolatedWrong) { result = visible; } else { result = this.m_tracePointProvider.createTracePoint(0, 0); // transfer potential point highlighters to the synthetic point: for (IPointPainter< ? > highlighter : invisible.getAdditionalPointPainters()) { result.addAdditionalPointPainter(highlighter); } result.setScaledX(xInterpolate); result.setScaledY(yInterpolate); result.setListener(invisible.getListener()); // TODO: do we have to compute and set the unscaled real values too? } } return result; } /** * Returns true if highlighting of the nearest point to the cursor is enabled. * <p> * * @return true if highlighting of the nearest point to the cursor is enabled. */ public boolean isEnabledPointHighlighting() { boolean isEnabled = false; for (MouseMotionListener listener : this.getMouseMotionListeners()) { if (listener == this.m_pointHighlightListener) { isEnabled = true; break; } } return isEnabled; } /** * Returns true if labels for each chart are painted below it, false else. * <p> * * @return Returns if labels are painted. */ public final boolean isPaintLabels() { return this.m_paintLabels; } /** * Returns the requestedRepaint. * <p> * * @return the requestedRepaint */ protected synchronized boolean isRequestedRepaint() { return this.m_requestedRepaint; } /** * Returns true if chart coordinates are drawn as tool tips. * <p> * * @return true if chart coordinates are drawn as tool tips. */ public final boolean isToolTipCoords() { return this.m_toolTip == Chart2D.ToolTipType.DATAVALUES; } /** * Returns whether antialiasing is used. * <p> * * @return whether antialiasing is used. */ public final boolean isUseAntialiasing() { return this.m_useAntialiasing; } /** * Returns true if the given point is in the visible drawing area of the * Chart2D. * <p> * If the point is null false will be returned. * <p> * This only works if the point argument has been scaled already. * <p> * * @param point * the point to test. * @return true if the given point is in the visible drawing area of the * Chart2D. */ public boolean isVisible(final ITracePoint2D point) { boolean result; if (point == null) { result = false; } else { result = !(Double.isNaN(point.getScaledX()) || Double.isNaN(point.getScaledY())) && !(point.getScaledX() > 1.0 || point.getScaledX() < 0.0 || point.getScaledY() > 1.0 || point .getScaledY() < 0.0); } return result; } /** * Returns an <code>Iterator</code> over the contained {@link ITrace2D} * instances. * * @return an <code>Iterator</code> over the contained {@link ITrace2D} * instances. */ public final Iterator<ITrace2D> iterator() { return this.getTraces().iterator(); } /** * Helper that adds this chart as a listener to the required property change * events. * <p> * * @param axis * the axis to listen to. */ private void listenToAxis(final IAxis<?> axis) { axis.addPropertyChangeListener(IAxis.PROPERTY_ADD_REMOVE_TRACE, this); axis.addPropertyChangeListener(IAxis.PROPERTY_LABELFORMATTER, this); axis.addPropertyChangeListener(IAxis.PROPERTY_PAINTGRID, this); axis.addPropertyChangeListener(IAxis.PROPERTY_RANGEPOLICY, this); axis.addPropertyChangeListener(IAxis.PROPERTY_AXIS_SCALE_POLICY_CHANGED, this); } /** * Helper that adds this chart as a listener to the required property change * events. * <p> * * @param trace * the trace to listen to. */ private void listenToTrace(final ITrace2D trace) { // for tracking removal/addition of point highlighters visually: trace.addPropertyChangeListener(ITrace2D.PROPERTY_POINT_HIGHLIGHTERS_CHANGED, this.m_pointHighlightListener); // for tracking enablement/disablement of point highlighting feature // (expensive mouse listener) trace.addPropertyChangeListener(ITrace2D.PROPERTY_POINT_HIGHLIGHTERS_CHANGED, this); } /** * Internally sets the value of <code>{@link #getXChartStart()}</code> and * <code>{@link #getXChartEnd()}</code> with respect to another chart * synchronized to the same value. * <p> * * @param g2d * needed for size information. * @see #calculateXChartStart(Graphics) * @see #calculateXChartEnd(Graphics) */ private void negociateXChart(final Graphics g2d) { if (this.m_synchronizedXStartChart != null) { int myXChartStart = this.calculateXChartStart(g2d); int otherXChartStart = this.m_synchronizedXStartChart .calculateXChartStart(g2d); int correctionShift = Math.abs(myXChartStart - otherXChartStart); this.m_xChartStart = Math.max(this.calculateXChartStart(g2d), this.m_synchronizedXStartChart .calculateXChartStart(g2d)); this.m_xChartEnd = Math.max(this.calculateXChartEnd(g2d), this.m_synchronizedXStartChart .calculateXChartEnd(g2d)); synchronized (this.m_synchronizedXStartChart) { this.m_synchronizedXStartChart.m_xChartStart = this.m_xChartStart; this.m_synchronizedXStartChart.m_xChartEnd = this.m_xChartEnd; /* * Install correction shift to the one that would be naturally more to the left: */ if (myXChartStart > otherXChartStart) { this.m_synchronizedXStartChart.installXAxisLeftOffset(g2d, correctionShift); } else { this.installXAxisLeftOffset(g2d, correctionShift); } } } else { if (!this.m_synchronizedXStart) { this.m_xChartStart = this.calculateXChartStart(g2d); this.m_xChartEnd = this.calculateXChartEnd(g2d); } } } /** * * This method is just overridden to ensure a lock on this instance and then a lock on * <code>{@link Container#getTreeLock()}</code> just as it has to be done in that order in * <code>{@link #addTrace(ITrace2D, IAxis, IAxis)}</code>. * <p> * * More info: This lock is needed to ensure a lock on the tree is acquired * before a lock to the chart. Method addTrace has a code path that might * descend into ChartPanel where Container.getComponents() (in method * containsTraceLabel()) will require the tree lock after having already * acquired the chart lock -> deadlock between paint thread and addTrace * thread when using ChartPanel. * <p> * * @see javax.swing.JComponent#paint(java.awt.Graphics) */ @Override public void paint(Graphics g) { synchronized (this.getTreeLock()) { super.paint(g); } } /** * A basic rule of a JComponent is: <br> * <b>Never invoke this method directly. </b> <br> * See the description of <code> * {@link javax.swing.JComponent#paintComponent(java.awt.Graphics)}</code> * for details. * <p> * If you do invoke this method you may encounter performance issues, * flickering UI and even deadlocks. * <p> * * @param g * the graphics context to use. */ @Override protected synchronized void paintComponent(final Graphics g) { if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out.println("paint, 1 lock"); } super.paintComponent(g); // printing ? if (this.m_pageFormat != null) { /* * User (0,0) is typically outside the imageable area, so we must * translate by the X and Y values in the PageFormat to avoid clipping */ Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; double startX = this.m_pageFormat.getImageableX(); double startY = this.m_pageFormat.getImageableY(); g2d.translate(startX, startY); } this.updateScaling(false); // will be used in several iterations. ITrace2D trace; Iterator<ITrace2D> traceIt; // painting trace labels this.negociateXChart(g); int labelHeight = this.paintTraceLabels(g); // finding start point of coordinate System. this.m_yChartStart = this.calculateYChartStart(g, labelHeight); this.m_yChartEnd = this.calculateYChartEnd(g); int rangex = this.m_xChartEnd - this.m_xChartStart; int rangey = this.m_yChartStart - this.m_yChartEnd; this.paintCoordinateSystem(g); // paint Traces. int tmpx = 0; int oldtmpx; int tmpy = 0; int oldtmpy; ITracePoint2D oldpoint = null; ITracePoint2D newpoint = null; ITracePoint2D tmppt = null; traceIt = this.getTraces().iterator(); // Some operations (e.g. stroke) need Graphics2d Graphics2D g2d = null; Stroke backupStroke = null; if (g instanceof Graphics2D) { g2d = (Graphics2D) g; backupStroke = g2d.getStroke(); if (this.isUseAntialiasing()) { g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); } } int count = 0; Iterator<ITracePainter< ? >> itTracePainters; Iterator<IErrorBarPolicy< ? >> itTraceErrorBarPolicies; ITracePainter< ? > tracePainter; IErrorBarPolicy< ? > errorBarPolicy; while (traceIt.hasNext()) { oldpoint = null; newpoint = null; count++; trace = traceIt.next(); if (trace.isVisible()) { synchronized (trace) { if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out.println("Chart2D.paintComponent(" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "), 2 locks (lock on trace " + trace.getName() + ")"); } boolean hasErrorBars = trace.getHasErrorBars(); if (g2d != null) { g2d.setStroke(trace.getStroke()); } g.setColor(trace.getColor()); Set<ITracePainter< ? >> tracePainters = trace.getTracePainters(); itTracePainters = tracePainters.iterator(); tracePainter = null; while (itTracePainters.hasNext()) { tracePainter = itTracePainters.next(); tracePainter.startPaintIteration(g); } if (hasErrorBars) { errorBarPolicy = null; Set<IErrorBarPolicy< ? >> errorBarPolicies = trace.getErrorBarPolicies(); itTraceErrorBarPolicies = errorBarPolicies.iterator(); while (itTraceErrorBarPolicies.hasNext()) { errorBarPolicy = itTraceErrorBarPolicies.next(); errorBarPolicy.startPaintIteration(g); } } Iterator<ITracePoint2D> pointIt = trace.iterator(); boolean newpointVisible = false; boolean oldpointVisible = false; while (pointIt.hasNext()) { oldpoint = newpoint; oldtmpx = tmpx; oldtmpy = tmpy; newpoint = pointIt.next(); newpointVisible = this.isVisible(newpoint); oldpointVisible = this.isVisible(oldpoint); /* * Special case: if we have NaN just don't interpolate anything or * paint but just continue (and give a signal to trace painters to * discontinue which is neccessary for implementations that paint * polylines and must not accumulate polylines that have a * discontinuation within): */ boolean isNaNNewpoint = Double.isNaN(newpoint.getX()) || Double.isNaN(newpoint.getY()); boolean isNanOldpoint; if (oldpoint == null) { isNanOldpoint = false; } else { isNanOldpoint = Double.isNaN(oldpoint.getX()) || Double.isNaN(oldpoint.getY()); } if (isNaNNewpoint || isNanOldpoint) { /* * Only discontinue when entering NaN space as calls to it for * subsequent NaN values would repeat the same polyline paint of * the last valid point in TracePainterPolyline (senseless). */ if (!(isNanOldpoint) && (isNaNNewpoint)) { for (ITracePainter< ? > painter : trace.getTracePainters()) { painter.discontinue(g2d); } } if (!isNaNNewpoint) { tmpx = this.m_xChartStart + (int) Math.round(newpoint.getScaledX() * rangex); tmpy = this.m_yChartStart - (int) Math.round(newpoint.getScaledY() * rangey); } } else if (!newpointVisible && !oldpointVisible) { // save for next loop: tmppt = (ITracePoint2D) newpoint.clone(); int tmptmpx = tmpx; int tmptmpy = tmpy; /* * check if the interconnection of both invisible points cuts the * visible area: */ oldpoint = this.interpolateVisible(oldpoint, newpoint); newpoint = this.interpolateVisible(newpoint, oldpoint); tmpx = this.m_xChartStart + (int) Math.round(newpoint.getScaledX() * rangex); tmpy = this.m_yChartStart - (int) Math.round(newpoint.getScaledY() * rangey); oldtmpx = this.m_xChartStart + (int) Math.round(oldpoint.getScaledX() * rangex); oldtmpy = this.m_yChartStart - (int) Math.round(oldpoint.getScaledY() * rangey); // only paint if intersection! if (this.hasChartIntersection(oldpoint, newpoint)) { // don't use error bars for interpolated points that do not // intersect the chart's viewport! this.paintPoint(oldtmpx, oldtmpy, tmpx, tmpy, true, trace, g, newpoint, false); } // restore for next loop start: newpoint = tmppt; tmpx = tmptmpx; tmpy = tmptmpy; } else if (newpointVisible && !oldpointVisible) { // entering the visible bounds: interpolate from old point // to new point oldpoint = this.interpolateVisible(oldpoint, newpoint); tmpx = this.m_xChartStart + (int) Math.round(newpoint.getScaledX() * rangex); tmpy = this.m_yChartStart - (int) Math.round(newpoint.getScaledY() * rangey); oldtmpx = this.m_xChartStart + (int) Math.round(oldpoint.getScaledX() * rangex); oldtmpy = this.m_yChartStart - (int) Math.round(oldpoint.getScaledY() * rangey); // don't use error bars for interpolated points! this.paintPoint(oldtmpx, oldtmpy, tmpx, tmpy, true, trace, g, newpoint, false); } else if (!newpointVisible && oldpointVisible) { // leaving the visible bounds: tmppt = (ITracePoint2D) newpoint.clone(); newpoint = this.interpolateVisible(newpoint, oldpoint); tmpx = this.m_xChartStart + (int) Math.round(newpoint.getScaledX() * rangex); tmpy = this.m_yChartStart - (int) Math.round(newpoint.getScaledY() * rangey); // don't use error bars for interpolated points! this.paintPoint(oldtmpx, oldtmpy, tmpx, tmpy, true, trace, g, newpoint, false); // restore for next loop start: newpoint = tmppt; } else { // staying in the visible bounds: just paint tmpx = this.m_xChartStart + (int) Math.round(newpoint.getScaledX() * rangex); tmpy = this.m_yChartStart - (int) Math.round(newpoint.getScaledY() * rangey); this .paintPoint(oldtmpx, oldtmpy, tmpx, tmpy, false, trace, g, newpoint, hasErrorBars); } } itTracePainters = trace.getTracePainters().iterator(); while (itTracePainters.hasNext()) { tracePainter = itTracePainters.next(); tracePainter.endPaintIteration(g); } if (hasErrorBars) { itTraceErrorBarPolicies = trace.getErrorBarPolicies().iterator(); while (itTraceErrorBarPolicies.hasNext()) { errorBarPolicy = itTraceErrorBarPolicies.next(); errorBarPolicy.endPaintIteration(g); } } } } if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out.println("paint(" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "), left lock on trace " + trace.getName()); } } if (g2d != null) { g2d.setStroke(backupStroke); } } /** * Paints the axis, the scales and the labels for the chart. * <p> * <b>Caution</b> This is highly coupled code and only factored out for better * overview. This method may only be called by {@link #paint(Graphics)} and * the order of this invocation there must not be changed. * <p> * * @param g2d * the graphics context to use. */ private void paintCoordinateSystem(final Graphics g2d) { // drawing the axes: g2d.setColor(this.getForeground()); IAxis<?> currentAxis; // 1) x axes: // 1.1) x axes bottom: Iterator<IAxis<?>> it = this.m_axesXBottom.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); currentAxis.paint(g2d); } // 1.2) Top x axes: it = this.m_axesXTop.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); currentAxis.paint(g2d); } // 2) y axes: // 2.1) y axes left it = this.m_axesYLeft.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); currentAxis.paint(g2d); } // 2.1) y axes right it = this.m_axesYRight.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); currentAxis.paint(g2d); } } /** * Internally renders the error bars for the given point for the given trace. * <p> * The current point to render in px is defined by the first two arguments, * the next point to render in px is defined by the 2nd two arguments. * <p> * * @param trace * needed to get the {@link IErrorBarPolicy} instances to use. * @param oldtmpx * the x coordinate of the original point to render an error bar for. * @param oldtmpy * the y coordinate of the original point to render an error bar for. * @param tmpx * the x coordinate of the original next point to render an error bar * for. * @param tmpy * the y coordinate of the original next point to render an error bar * for. * @param g2d * the graphics context to use. * @param discontinue * if a discontinuity has been taken place and all potential cached * points by an <code>{@link ITracePainter}</code> (done for polyline * performance boost) have to be drawn immediately before starting a * new point caching. * @param original * intended for information only, should nor be needed to paint the * point neither be changed in any way! */ private void paintErrorBars(final ITrace2D trace, final int oldtmpx, final int oldtmpy, final int tmpx, final int tmpy, final Graphics g2d, final boolean discontinue, final ITracePoint2D original) { IErrorBarPolicy< ? > errorBarPolicy; Iterator<IErrorBarPolicy< ? >> itTraceErrorBarPolicies = trace.getErrorBarPolicies().iterator(); while (itTraceErrorBarPolicies.hasNext()) { errorBarPolicy = itTraceErrorBarPolicies.next(); errorBarPolicy.paintPoint(oldtmpx, oldtmpy, tmpx, tmpy, g2d, original); if (discontinue) { errorBarPolicy.discontinue(g2d); } } } /** * Internally paints the point with respect to trace painters ( * {@link ITracePainter}) and error bar painter ({@link IErrorBarPolicy}) of * the trace. * <p> * This method must not be called directly as it does not support * interpolation of visibility bounds (discontinuations). * <p> * * @param xPxOld * the x coordinate of the previous point to render in px * (potentially an interpolation of it if the old point was not * visible and the new point is). * @param yPxOld * the y coordinate of the previous point to render in px * (potentially an interpolation of it if the old point was not * visible and the new point is). * @param xPxNew * the x coordinate of the point to render in px (potentially an * interpolation of it if the old point was visible and the new point * is not). * @param yPxNew * the y coordinate of the point to render in px (potentially an * interpolation of it if the old point was visible and the new point * is not). * @param trace * needed for obtaining trace painters and error bar painters. * @param g2d * the graphics context to use. * @param discontinue * if a discontinuation has been taken place and all potential cached * points by an <code>{@link ITracePainter}</code> (done for polyline * performance boost) have to be drawn immediately before starting a * new point caching. * @param original * intended for information only, should nor be needed to paint the * point neither be changed in any way! * @param errorBarSupport * optimization that allows to skip error bar code. */ private final void paintPoint(final int xPxOld, final int yPxOld, final int xPxNew, final int yPxNew, final boolean discontinue, final ITrace2D trace, final Graphics g2d, final ITracePoint2D original, final boolean errorBarSupport) { Iterator<ITracePainter< ? >> itTracePainters; ITracePainter< ? > tracePainter; itTracePainters = trace.getTracePainters().iterator(); while (itTracePainters.hasNext()) { tracePainter = itTracePainters.next(); tracePainter.paintPoint(xPxOld, yPxOld, xPxNew, yPxNew, g2d, original); Set<IPointPainter< ? >> additionalHighlighters = original.getAdditionalPointPainters(); Iterator<IPointPainter< ? >> itPointHighlighters = additionalHighlighters.iterator(); IPointPainter< ? > highlighter; while (itPointHighlighters.hasNext()) { highlighter = itPointHighlighters.next(); highlighter.paintPoint(xPxNew, yPxNew, xPxNew, yPxNew, g2d, original); } if (discontinue) { tracePainter.discontinue(g2d); } } if (errorBarSupport) { this.paintErrorBars(trace, xPxOld, yPxOld, xPxNew, yPxNew, g2d, discontinue, original); } } /** * Internally paints the labels for the traces below the chart. * <p> * * @param g2d * the graphic context to use. * @return the amount of vertical (y) px used for the labels. */ private int paintTraceLabels(final Graphics g2d) { int labelheight = 0; Dimension d = this.getSize(); if (this.m_paintLabels) { ITrace2D trace; Iterator<ITrace2D> traceIt = this.getTraces().iterator(); int xtmpos = this.m_xChartStart; int ytmpos = (int) d.getHeight() - 2; int remwidth = (int) d.getWidth() - this.m_xChartStart; int allwidth = remwidth; int lblwidth = 0; String tmplabel; boolean crlfdone = false; // finding the font- dimensions in px FontMetrics fontdim = g2d.getFontMetrics(); // includes leading space int fontheight = fontdim.getHeight(); if (traceIt.hasNext()) { labelheight += fontheight; } while (traceIt.hasNext()) { trace = traceIt.next(); if (trace.isVisible()) { tmplabel = trace.getLabel(); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(tmplabel)) { lblwidth = fontdim.stringWidth(tmplabel) + 10; // conditional linebreak. // crlfdone avoids never doing linebreak if all // labels.length()>allwidth if (lblwidth > remwidth) { if (!(lblwidth > allwidth) || (!crlfdone)) { ytmpos -= fontheight; xtmpos = this.m_xChartStart; labelheight += fontheight; crlfdone = true; remwidth = (int) d.getWidth() - this.m_xChartStart; } else { crlfdone = false; } } remwidth -= lblwidth; g2d.setColor(trace.getColor()); g2d.drawString(tmplabel, xtmpos, ytmpos); xtmpos += lblwidth; } } } } return labelheight; } /** * @see java.awt.print.Printable#print(java.awt.Graphics, * java.awt.print.PageFormat, int) */ public int print(final Graphics graphics, final PageFormat pageFormat, final int pageIndex) throws PrinterException { int result; if (pageIndex > 0) { // We have only one page, and 'page' is zero-based. result = NO_SUCH_PAGE; } else { // mark we are in a printing - paint iteration: this.m_pageFormat = pageFormat; this.updateScaling(true); /* Now print the window and its visible contents */ this.printAll(graphics); /* tell the caller that this page is part of the printed document */ result = PAGE_EXISTS; } return result; } /** * Receives all <code>{@link PropertyChangeEvent}</code> from all instances * the chart registers itself as a <code>{@link PropertyChangeListener}</code> * . * <p> * * @param evt * the property change event that was fired. * @see java.beans.PropertyChangeListener#propertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent) */ public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out .println("chart.propertyChange (" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "), 0 locks"); } synchronized (this) { if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out.println("Chart2D.propertyChange, " + evt.getPropertyName() + " (" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "), 1 lock"); } // TODO: use the property change reactor idiom also used in AAxis for // performance. String property = evt.getPropertyName(); if (property.equals(IRangePolicy.PROPERTY_RANGE)) { // repaint } else if (property.equals(IRangePolicy.PROPERTY_RANGE_MAX)) { // repaint } else if (property.equals(IRangePolicy.PROPERTY_RANGE_MIN)) { // repaint } else if (property.equals(ITrace2D.PROPERTY_STROKE)) { /* * TODO: perhaps react more fine grained for the following events: just * repaint the trace without all the paint code (scaling, axis,...). * But: These property changes are triggered by humans and occur very * seldom. Huge work non-l&f performance improvement. */ } else if (property.equals(ITrace2D.PROPERTY_COLOR)) { // repaint } else if (property.equals(IAxis.PROPERTY_LABELFORMATTER)) { /* * TODO: Maybe only repaint the axis? Much complicated work vs. * occassional user interaction. */ } else if (property.equals(IAxis.PROPERTY_ADD_REMOVE_TRACE)) { /* * Relay the event as outsiders don't want to deal with internals * (listen to axes to be informed whenever a trace was added). Also: * repaint definetely! */ this.firePropertyChange(IAxis.PROPERTY_ADD_REMOVE_TRACE, evt.getOldValue(), evt .getNewValue()); } else if (property.equals(ITrace2D.PROPERTY_POINT_HIGHLIGHTERS_CHANGED)) { int highlightersAddedOrRemoved = 0; if (evt.getOldValue() != null) { highlightersAddedOrRemoved--; } if (evt.getNewValue() != null) { highlightersAddedOrRemoved++; } this.trackHighlightingEnablement(highlightersAddedOrRemoved); } else if (property.equals(IAxis.PROPERTY_AXIS_SCALE_POLICY_CHANGED)) { // repaint } else if (property.equals(IAxis.PROPERTY_PAINTGRID)) { // repaint } else if (property.equals(IAxis.PROPERTY_RANGEPOLICY)) { // repaint } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Received a property change event \"" + property + "\" the code is not expecting (programming error)."); } this.setRequestedRepaint(true); } if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out.println("Chart2D.propertyChange, leaving (" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "), 0 locks"); } } /** * Convenience method to remove all traces from this chart. * <p> * This method is broken down to every axis contained in the trace and will * fire a <code>{@link PropertyChangeEvent}</code> for the * <code>{@link PropertyChangeEvent#getPropertyName()}</code> * <code>{@link IAxis#PROPERTY_ADD_REMOVE_TRACE}</code> for every single trace * removed to <code>{@link PropertyChangeListener}</code> of the corresponding * axes. * <p> * * @return a non-original-backed set of distinct traces that was contained in * this chart before. */ public Set<ITrace2D> removeAllTraces() { Set<ITrace2D> result = new TreeSet<ITrace2D>(); Set<ITrace2D> axisTraces; // 1.1) axes x bottom: Iterator<IAxis<?>> it = this.m_axesXBottom.iterator(); IAxis<?> currentAxis; while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); axisTraces = currentAxis.removeAllTraces(); result.addAll(axisTraces); } // 1.2) axes x top: it = this.m_axesXTop.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); axisTraces = currentAxis.removeAllTraces(); result.addAll(axisTraces); axisTraces.clear(); } /* * We skip "result.addAll(...) for y axes as by contract every trace has to * be at least in one x axis (not logical if trace is e.g. in y axes only). */ // 2.1) axes y left: it = this.m_axesYLeft.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); axisTraces = currentAxis.removeAllTraces(); axisTraces.clear(); } // 2.2) axes y right: it = this.m_axesYRight.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); axisTraces = currentAxis.removeAllTraces(); axisTraces.clear(); } return result; } /** * Removes the given x axis from the list of internal bottom x axes. * <p> * The given axis should be contained before or false will be returned. * <p> * * @param axisX * the bottom x axis to remove. * @return true if the given axis was successfully removed or false if it was * not configured as a bottom x axis before or could not be removed * for another reason. */ public boolean removeAxisXBottom(final IAxis<?> axisX) { boolean result = this.m_axesXBottom.remove(axisX); this.unlistenToAxis(axisX); this.firePropertyChange(Chart2D.PROPERTY_AXIS_X, axisX, null); this.setRequestedRepaint(true); return result; } /** * Removes the given x axis from the list of internal top x axes. * <p> * The given axis should be contained before or false will be returned. * <p> * * @param axisX * the top x axis to remove. * @return true if the given axis was successfully removed or false if it was * not configured as a top x axis before or could not be removed for * another reason. */ public boolean removeAxisXTop(final IAxis<?> axisX) { boolean result = this.m_axesXTop.remove(axisX); this.unlistenToAxis(axisX); this.firePropertyChange(Chart2D.PROPERTY_AXIS_X, axisX, null); this.setRequestedRepaint(true); return result; } /** * Removes the given y axis from the list of internal left y axes. * <p> * The given axis should be contained before or false will be returned. * <p> * * @param axisY * the left y axis to remove. * @return true if the given axis was successfully removed or false if it was * not configured as a left y axis before or could not be removed for * another reason. */ public boolean removeAxisYLeft(final IAxis<?> axisY) { boolean result = this.m_axesYLeft.remove(axisY); this.unlistenToAxis(axisY); this.firePropertyChange(Chart2D.PROPERTY_AXIS_Y, axisY, null); this.setRequestedRepaint(true); return result; } /** * Removes the given y axis from the list of internal right y axes. * <p> * The given axis should be contained before or false will be returned. * <p> * * @param axisY * the right y axis to remove. * @return true if the given axis was successfully removed or false if it was * not configured as a right y axis before or could not be removed for * another reason. */ public boolean removeAxisYRight(final IAxis<?> axisY) { boolean result = this.m_axesYRight.remove(axisY); this.unlistenToAxis(axisY); this.firePropertyChange(Chart2D.PROPERTY_AXIS_Y, axisY, null); this.setRequestedRepaint(true); return result; } /** * Removes the given instance from this <code>Chart2D</code> if it is * contained. * <p> * This method will trigger a {@link java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent} being * fired on all instances registered by * {@link javax.swing.JComponent#addPropertyChangeListener(java.lang.String, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener)} * (registered with <code>String</code> argument * {@link IAxis#PROPERTY_ADD_REMOVE_TRACE} on the internal axes). * <p> * * @return true if the given trace was removed successfully, false else. * * @param points * the trace to remove. * @see IAxis#PROPERTY_ADD_REMOVE_TRACE */ public final boolean removeTrace(final ITrace2D points) { boolean result = false; if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out.println("removeTrace, 0 locks"); } synchronized (this) { if (Chart2D.DEBUG_THREADING) { System.out.println("removeTrace, 1 lock"); } synchronized (points) { // remove the trace from the axes it is potentially contained in: // 1) x - axes: Iterator<IAxis<?>> it = this.m_axesXBottom.iterator(); IAxis<?> currentAxis; boolean successRemoveX = false; while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); successRemoveX = currentAxis.removeTrace(points); if (successRemoveX) { break; } } // was not found in bottom x axes: if (!successRemoveX) { it = this.m_axesXTop.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); successRemoveX = currentAxis.removeTrace(points); if (successRemoveX) { break; } } } // 2) y - axes: boolean successRemoveY = false; it = this.m_axesYLeft.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); successRemoveY = currentAxis.removeTrace(points); } // was not found in left y axes: if (!successRemoveY) { it = this.m_axesYRight.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); successRemoveY = currentAxis.removeTrace(points); if (successRemoveY) { break; } } } boolean success = successRemoveY && successRemoveX; if (success ) { int amountofremovedhighlighters = points.getPointHighlighters().size(); this.trackHighlightingEnablement(amountofremovedhighlighters); this.unlistenToTrace(points); this.setRequestedRepaint(true); } result = success; return result; } } } /** * @deprecated use {@link #setRequestedRepaint(boolean)}. * @see java.awt.Component#repaint() */ @Override @Deprecated public void repaint() { super.repaint(); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #setRequestedRepaint(boolean)}. * @see java.awt.Component#repaint(int, int, int, int) */ @Override @Deprecated public void repaint(final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height) { super.repaint(x, y, width, height); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #setRequestedRepaint(boolean)}. * @see java.awt.Component#repaint(long) */ @Override @Deprecated public void repaint(final long tm) { super.repaint(tm); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #setRequestedRepaint(boolean)}. * @see javax.swing.JComponent#repaint(long, int, int, int, int) */ @Override @Deprecated public void repaint(final long tm, final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height) { super.repaint(tm, x, y, width, height); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #setRequestedRepaint(boolean)}. * @see javax.swing.JComponent#repaint(java.awt.Rectangle) */ @Override @Deprecated public void repaint(final Rectangle r) { super.repaint(r); } /** * Only intended for <code>{@link Chart2DActionPrintSingleton}</code>. * <p> */ public void resetPrintMode() { this.m_pageFormat = null; this.setRequestedRepaint(true); } /** * Sets the axis tick painter. * <p> * * @param tickPainter * The axis tick painter to set. */ public synchronized void setAxisTickPainter(final IAxisTickPainter tickPainter) { this.m_axisTickPainter = tickPainter; } /** * Sets the first bottom x axis to use. * <p> * This is compatibility support for the API of jchart2d prior to 3.0.0 where * only one x axis was supported. * <p> * * @deprecated use <code>{@link #setAxisXBottom(AAxis, int)}</code> instead. * * @see #setAxisXBottom(AAxis, int) * * @param axisX * the first bottom x axis to use. * * @return a copied List with the previous bottom x <code>{@link IAxis}</code> * instance that was used at position 0. */ @Deprecated public List<IAxis<?>> setAxisX(final AAxis<?> axisX) { List<IAxis<?>> axesBottom = new LinkedList<IAxis<?>>(); for(IAxis<?> axis:this.m_axesXBottom) { // don't call remove here (concurrent modification exception), just collect: axesBottom.add(axis); } List<IAxis<?>> axesTop = new LinkedList<IAxis<?>>(); for(IAxis<?> axis:this.m_axesXTop) { // don't call remove here (concurrent modification exception), just collect: axesTop.add(axis); } // now remove for(IAxis<?>axis:axesBottom) { this.removeAxisXBottom(axis); } for(IAxis<?>axis:axesTop) { this.removeAxisXTop(axis); } axesBottom.addAll(axesTop); return axesBottom; } /** * Sets the bottom x axis on the given position to use and replaces the old * one on that place. * <p> * This method delegates to <code>{@link #addAxisXBottom(AAxis)}</code> and * also uses <code>{@link #removeAxisXBottom(IAxis)}</code> in case a bottom x * axis was configured at the position. So the events * <code>{@link Chart2D#PROPERTY_AXIS_X}</code> will be fired for remove and * add. * <p> * * Furthermore this method uses "replace - semantics". The * <code>{@link ITrace2D}</code> instances contained in the previous x bottom * axis will be implanted to this new axis. Also the title and stuff like grid * settings will be transferred. For this an event with property * <code>{@link Chart2D#PROPERTY_AXIS_X_BOTTOM_REPLACE} </code> is fired. * <p> * * <b>Note</b> that <code>{@link PropertyChangeListener}s</code> of the axis will not be * transferred silently to the new axis but have to handle their unregistering * from the old axis / registering to the new axis from outside to give them * the chance to manage their state transitions by themselves.<br/> * Before the state of the old axis is transferred they will receive * <code>{@link PropertyChangeListener#propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent)}</code> * with <code>{@link Chart2D#PROPERTY_AXIS_X_BOTTOM_REPLACE}</code> as code * and the old and new axis as values and have the change to change their peer * to listen on thus receiving the change events generated on the new axis. At * the moment the replace event is sent they will already have received the * event <code>{@link Chart2D#PROPERTY_AXIS_X}</code> event for the removal: * So be careful not to react on that first event by removing your listener * from the axis as you then will not receive the replace event! * <p> * * @param axisX * the first bottom x axis to use. * * @param position * the index of the axis on bottom x dimension (starting from 0). * * @return the previous axis on that bottom x position or null. */ public IAxis<?> setAxisXBottom(final AAxis<?> axisX, final int position) { IAxis<?> old = null; if (this.m_axesXBottom.size() > position) { // this is a replace operation! old = this.m_axesXBottom.get(position); this.removeAxisXBottom(old); this.firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_AXIS_X_BOTTOM_REPLACE, old, axisX); } // add anyways in case no axis has been set before (see constructor) this.addAxisXBottom(axisX); // we can only transfer state (which includes adding traces after the new // axis is assigned to a chart! if (old != null) { this.internalTransferAxisState(old, axisX); } this.m_mouseTranslationXAxis = axisX; this.setRequestedRepaint(true); return old; } /** * Sets the top x axis on the given position to use and replaces the old one * on that place. * <p> * This method delegates to <code>{@link #addAxisXBottom(AAxis)}</code> and * also uses <code>{@link #removeAxisXBottom(IAxis)}</code> in case a top x * axis was configured on the position. So the events * <code>{@link Chart2D#PROPERTY_AXIS_X}</code> will be fired for remove and * add. * <p> * * Furthermore this method uses "replace - semantics". The * <code>{@link ITrace2D}</code> instances contained in the previous x top * axis will be implanted to this new axis. Also the title and stuff like grid * settings will be transferred. For this an event with property * <code>{@link Chart2D#PROPERTY_AXIS_Y_LEFT_REPLACE} </code> is fired. * <p> * * <b>Note</b> that <code>{@link PropertyChangeListener}s</code> of the axis will not be * transferred silently to the new axis but have to handle their unregistering * from the old axis / registering to the new axis from outside to give them * the chance to manage their state transitions by themselves.<br/> * Before the state of the old axis is transferred they will receive * <code>{@link PropertyChangeListener#propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent)}</code> * with <code>{@link Chart2D#PROPERTY_AXIS_X_TOP_REPLACE}</code> as code and * the old and new axis as values and have the change to change their peer to * listen on thus receiving the change events generated on the new axis. At * the moment the replace event is sent they will already have received the * event <code>{@link Chart2D#PROPERTY_AXIS_X}</code> event for the removal: * So be careful not to react on that first event by removing your listener * from the axis as you then will not receive the replace event! * <p> * * @param axisX * the top x axis to use. * * @param position * the index of the axis on top x dimension (starting from 0). * * @return the previous axis on that bottom x position. */ public IAxis<?> setAxisXTop(final AAxis<?> axisX, final int position) { IAxis<?> old = null; if (this.m_axesXTop.size() > position) { // this is a replace operation! old = this.m_axesXTop.get(position); this.removeAxisXTop(old); this.firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_AXIS_X_TOP_REPLACE, old, axisX); } // we can only transfer state (which includes adding traces after the new // axis is assigned to a chart! if (old != null) { this.internalTransferAxisState(old, axisX); } // add anyways in case no axis has been set before (see constructor) this.addAxisXTop(axisX); this.m_mouseTranslationXAxis = axisX; this.setRequestedRepaint(true); return old; } /** * Sets the first and only left y axis to use. * <p> * This is compatibility support for the API of jchart2d prior to 3.0.0 where * only one y axis was supported. * <p> * * @deprecated use <code>{@link #setAxisYLeft(AAxis, int)}</code> instead. * * @see #setAxisYLeft(AAxis, int) * * @param axisY * the first left y axis to use. * * @return a copied List with the previous left y <code>{@link AAxis}</code> * instance that was used at position 0. */ @Deprecated public List<IAxis<?>> setAxisY(final AAxis<?> axisY) { List<IAxis<?>> axesLeft = new LinkedList<IAxis<?>>(); for (IAxis<?> axis : this.m_axesYLeft) { // don't call remove here (concurrent modification exception), just // collect: axesLeft.add(axis); } List<IAxis<?>> axesRight = new LinkedList<IAxis<?>>(); for (IAxis<?> axis : this.m_axesYRight) { // don't call remove here (concurrent modification exception), just // collect: axesRight.add(axis); } // now remove for (IAxis<?> axis : axesLeft) { this.removeAxisYLeft(axis); } for (IAxis<?> axis : axesRight) { this.removeAxisYRight(axis); } axesLeft.addAll(axesRight); return axesLeft; } /** * Sets the left y axis on the given position to use and replaces the old one * on that place. * <p> * This method delegates to <code>{@link #addAxisYLeft(AAxis)}</code> and also * uses <code>{@link #removeAxisYLeft(IAxis)}</code> in case an axis was * configured on the position. So the events * <code>{@link Chart2D#PROPERTY_AXIS_Y}</code> will be fired for remove and * add. * <p> * * Furthermore this method uses "replace - semantics". The * <code>{@link ITrace2D}</code> instances contained in the previous left y * axis will be implanted to this new axis. Also the title and stuff like grid * settings will be transferred. For this an event with property * <code>{@link Chart2D#PROPERTY_AXIS_Y_LEFT_REPLACE} </code> is fired. * <p> * * <b>Note</b> that <code>{@link PropertyChangeListener}s</code> of the axis will not be * transferred silently to the new axis but have to handle their unregistering * from the old axis / registering to the new axis from outside to give them * the chance to manage their state transitions by themselves.<br/> * Before the state of the old axis is transferred they will receive * <code>{@link PropertyChangeListener#propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent)}</code> * with <code>{@link Chart2D#PROPERTY_AXIS_Y_LEFT_REPLACE}</code> as code and * the old and new axis as values and have the change to change their peer to * listen on thus receiving the change events generated on the new axis. At * the moment the replace event is sent they will already have received the * event <code>{@link Chart2D#PROPERTY_AXIS_Y}</code> event for the removal: * So be careful not to react on that first event by removing your listener * from the axis as you then will not receive the replace event! * <p> * * @param axisY * the left y axis to use. * * @param position * the index of the axis on left y dimension (starting from 0). * * @return the previous axis on that bottom x position. */ public IAxis<?> setAxisYLeft(final AAxis<?> axisY, final int position) { IAxis<?> old = null; if (this.m_axesYLeft.size() > position) { // this is a replace operation! old = this.m_axesYLeft.get(position); this.removeAxisYLeft(old); this.firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_AXIS_Y_LEFT_REPLACE, old, axisY); } /* * We can only add after removal or else the position argument would get * confused. Add anyways in case no axis has been set before (see * constructor) */ this.addAxisYLeft(axisY); /* * We can only transfer state (which includes adding traces after the new * axis is assigned to a chart! */ if (old != null) { this.internalTransferAxisState(old, axisY); } this.m_mouseTranslationYAxis = axisY; this.setRequestedRepaint(true); return old; } /** * Sets the right y axis on the given position to use and replaces the old one * on that place. * <p> * This method delegates to <code>{@link #addAxisYRight(AAxis)}</code> and * also uses <code>{@link #removeAxisYRight(IAxis)}</code> in case an axis was * configured on the position. So the events * <code>{@link Chart2D#PROPERTY_AXIS_Y}</code> will be fired for remove and * add. * <p> * * Furthermore this method uses "replace - semantics". The * <code>{@link ITrace2D}</code> instances contained in the previous right y * axis will be implanted to this new axis. Also the title and stuff like grid * settings will be transferred. For this an event with property * <code>{@link Chart2D#PROPERTY_AXIS_Y_RIGHT_REPLACE} </code> is fired. * <p> * * <b>Note</b> that <code>{@link PropertyChangeListener}s</code> of the axis will not be * transferred silently to the new axis but have to handle their unregistering * from the old axis / registering to the new axis from outside to give them * the chance to manage their state transitions by themselves.<br/> * Before the state of the old axis is transferred they will receive * <code>{@link PropertyChangeListener#propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent)}</code> * with <code>{@link Chart2D#PROPERTY_AXIS_Y_RIGHT_REPLACE}</code> as code and * the old and new axis as values and have the change to change their peer to * listen on thus receiving the change events generated on the new axis. At * the moment the replace event is sent they will already have received the * event <code>{@link Chart2D#PROPERTY_AXIS_Y}</code> event for the removal: * So be careful not to react on that first event by removing your listener * from the axis as you then will not receive the replace event! * <p> * * @param axisY * the right y axis to use. * * @param position * the index of the axis on right y dimension (starting from 0). * * @return the previous axis on that bottom x position. */ public IAxis<?> setAxisYRight(final AAxis<?> axisY, final int position) { IAxis<?> old = null; if (this.m_axesYRight.size() > position) { // this is a replace operation! old = this.m_axesYRight.get(position); this.removeAxisYLeft(old); this.firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_AXIS_Y_RIGHT_REPLACE, old, axisY); } // add anyways in case no axis has been set before (see constructor) this.addAxisYRight(axisY); // we can only transfer state (which includes adding traces after the new // axis is assigned to a chart! if (old != null) { this.internalTransferAxisState(old, axisY); } this.m_mouseTranslationYAxis = axisY; this.setRequestedRepaint(true); return old; } /** * Set the grid color to use. * <p> * * @param gridclr * the grid color to use. */ public final void setGridColor(final Color gridclr) { if (gridclr != null) { Color old = this.m_gridcolor; this.m_gridcolor = gridclr; if (!old.equals(this.m_gridcolor)) { this.firePropertyChange(Chart2D.PROPERTY_GRID_COLOR, old, this.m_gridcolor); } this.setRequestedRepaint(true); } } /** * Sets the ms to give a repaint operation time for collecting several repaint * requests into one (performance vs. update speed). * <p> * * @param minPaintLatency * the setting for the ms to give a repaint operation time for * collecting several repaint requests into one (performance vs. * update speed). */ public synchronized void setMinPaintLatency(final int minPaintLatency) { this.m_minPaintLatency = minPaintLatency; this.m_repainter.setDelay(this.m_minPaintLatency); } /** * Decide whether labels for each chart are painted below it. If set to true * this will be done, else labels will be omitted. * <p> * * @param paintLabels * the value for paintLabels to set. */ public void setPaintLabels(final boolean paintLabels) { final boolean change = this.m_paintLabels != paintLabels; this.m_paintLabels = paintLabels; if (change) { this.firePropertyChange(Chart2D.PROPERTY_PAINTLABELS, new Boolean(!paintLabels), new Boolean( paintLabels)); this.setRequestedRepaint(true); } } /** * Sets the point finder used to find the nearest point corresponding to a * mouse event. * <p> * * @see PointFinder#MANHATTAN * @see PointFinder#EUCLID * * @param pointFinder * the point finder used to find the nearest point corresponding to a * mouse event. */ public void setPointFinder(final IPointFinder pointFinder) { IPointFinder old = this.m_pointFinder; if (!this.m_pointFinder.equals(pointFinder)) { this.m_pointFinder = pointFinder; this.firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_POINTFINDER, old, this.m_pointFinder); } } /** * Sets the requestedRepaint. * <p> * Internal method to request a repaint that guarantees that two invocations * of <code></code> will always have at least have an interval of * <code>{@link Chart2D#getMinPaintLatency()}</code> ms. * <p> * Methods <code>{@link Chart2D#repaint()}, {@link Chart2D#repaint(long)}, * {@link Chart2D#repaint(Rectangle)}, {@link Chart2D#repaint(int, int, int, int)} * and {@link Chart2D#repaint(long, int, int, int, int)}</code> must not be * called from application code that has to inform the UI to update the chart * directly or a performance problem may arise as java awt / swing * implementation does not guarantee to collapse several repaint requests into * a single one but prefers to issue many paint invocations causing a high CPU * load in realtime scenarios (adding several 100 points per second to a * chart). * <p> * Only the internal timer may invoke the methods mentioned above. * <p> * * @param requestedRepaint * the requestedRepaint to set. */ public final synchronized void setRequestedRepaint(final boolean requestedRepaint) { this.m_requestedRepaint = requestedRepaint; } /** * Sets the chart that will be synchronized for finding the start coordinate * of this chart to draw in x dimension ( <code>{@link #getXChartStart()} * </code>). * <p> * This feature is used to allow two separate charts to be painted stacked in * y dimension (one below the other) that have different x start coordinates * (because of different y labels that shift that value) with an equal * starting x value (thus be comparable visually if their x values match). * <p> * * @param synchronizedXStartChart * the chart that will be synchronized for finding the start * coordinate of this chart to draw in x dimension (<code> * {@link #getXChartStart()}</code>). */ public synchronized void setSynchronizedXStartChart(final Chart2D synchronizedXStartChart) { this.m_synchronizedXStartChart = synchronizedXStartChart; this.m_synchronizedXStart = false; synchronized (synchronizedXStartChart) { synchronizedXStartChart.m_synchronizedXStart = true; } } /** * Set whether this component should display the chart coordinates as a tool * tip. * <p> * This turns on tool tip support (like * {@link javax.swing.JComponent#setToolTipText(java.lang.String)}) if * neccessary. * <p> * * @deprecated use <code> {@link #setToolTipType(IToolTipType)} </code> with * <code>{@link ToolTipType#DATAVALUES}</code> instead. * @param toolTipCoords * The toolTipCoords to set. */ @Deprecated public final void setToolTipCoords(final boolean toolTipCoords) { if (toolTipCoords) { this.setToolTipType(Chart2D.ToolTipType.DATAVALUES); } else { this.setToolTipType(Chart2D.ToolTipType.NONE); } } /** * Sets the type of tool tip to use. * <p> * Use <code>{@link ToolTipType#NONE}</code> to turn of tool tips. * <p> * * @param toolTipType * one of the available <code>{@link ToolTipType}</code> constants. * * @see Chart2D.ToolTipType#DATAVALUES * @see Chart2D.ToolTipType#NONE * @see Chart2D.ToolTipType#PIXEL * @see Chart2D.ToolTipType#VALUE_SNAP_TO_TRACEPOINTS */ public final void setToolTipType(final IToolTipType toolTipType) { if (toolTipType == Chart2D.ToolTipType.NONE) { // this is the hidden "unregister for tooltips trick". this.setToolTipText(null); } else { // this turns on tooltips (awt). this.setToolTipText("turnOn"); } IToolTipType old = this.m_toolTip; this.m_toolTip = toolTipType; this.firePropertyChange(Chart2D.PROPERTY_TOOLTIP_TYPE, old, this.m_toolTip); } /** * Sets the trace point creator of this chart. * <p> * Null assignment attempts will raise an <code>{@link AssertionError}</code>. * <p> * * @param tracePointProvider * the trace point creator of this chart to set. */ public void setTracePointProvider(final ITracePointProvider tracePointProvider) { assert (tracePointProvider != null); this.m_tracePointProvider = tracePointProvider; } /** * Sets whether antialiasing is used. * <p> * * @param useAntialiasing * true if antialiasing should be used. */ public final void setUseAntialiasing(final boolean useAntialiasing) { if (this.m_useAntialiasing != useAntialiasing) { boolean oldstate = this.m_useAntialiasing; this.m_useAntialiasing = useAntialiasing; this.firePropertyChange(Chart2D.PROPERTY_ANTIALIASING_ENABLED, oldstate, this.m_useAntialiasing); } } /** * Returns a BufferedImage with the current width and height of the chart * filled with the Chart2D's graphics that may be written to a file or * OutputStream by using: * {@link javax.imageio.ImageIO#write(java.awt.image.RenderedImage, java.lang.String, java.io.File)} * . * <p> * If the width and height of this chart is zero (this happens when the chart * has not been {@link javax.swing.JComponent#setVisible(boolean)}, the chart * was not integrated into layout correctly or the chart's dimenision was set * to this value, a default of width 600 and height 400 will temporarily be * set (syncrhonized), the image will be rendered, the old dimension will be * reset and the image will be returned.<br/> * If you want to paint offscreen images (without displayed chart) prefer * invoke {@link #snapShot(int, int)} instead. * <p> * * @return a BufferedImage of the Chart2D's graphics that may be written to a * file or OutputStream. * @since 1.03 - please download versions equal or greater than * jchart2d-1.03.jar. */ public BufferedImage snapShot() { int width = this.getWidth(); int height = this.getHeight(); if (width <= 0 && height <= 0) { width = 600; height = 400; } return this.snapShot(width, height); } /** * Returns a BufferedImage with the given width and height that is filled with * tChart2D's graphics that may be written to a file or OutputStream by using: * {@link javax.imageio.ImageIO#write(java.awt.image.RenderedImage, java.lang.String, java.io.File)} * . * <p> * * @param width * the width of the image to create. * @param height * the height of the image to create. * @return a BufferedImage of the Chart2D's graphics that may be written to a * file or OutputStream. * @since 1.03 - please download versions equal or greater than * jchart2d-1.03.jar. */ public BufferedImage snapShot(final int width, final int height) { synchronized (this) { Dimension dsave = new Dimension(this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()); this.setSize(new Dimension(width, height)); BufferedImage img; img = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) img.getGraphics(); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); this.paint(g2d); this.setSize(dsave); return img; } } /** * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { String result = super.toString(); return result; } /** * Internal helper to track the amount of highlighters of all traces to manage * the enablement/disablement of the (expensive) highlighting feature. * <p> * * Note that this method has to be called in synchronized state from * addTrace/removeTrace methods. * <p> * * @param addedOrRemovedTraceHighlighters * the amount of added or removed (negative) trace highlighters. */ private void trackHighlightingEnablement(final int addedOrRemovedTraceHighlighters) { if (this.m_traceHighlighterCount <= 0) { if (addedOrRemovedTraceHighlighters > 0) { this.enablePointHighlighting(true); } } else { if ((addedOrRemovedTraceHighlighters < 0) && (Math.abs(addedOrRemovedTraceHighlighters) >= this.m_traceHighlighterCount)) { this.enablePointHighlighting(false); } } this.m_traceHighlighterCount += addedOrRemovedTraceHighlighters; if (this.m_traceHighlighterCount < 0) { System.err.println("Internal amount of point highlighters below zero: " + this.m_traceHighlighterCount); } } /** * Returns the translation of the mouse event coordinates of the given mouse * event to the value within the chart. * <p> * Note that the mouse event has to be an event fired on this component! * <p> * Note that the returned tracepoint is not a real trace point of a trace but * just used as a container here. * <p> * * @deprecated this method is a candidate for wrong behavior when using * multiple axes. * * @param mouseEvent * a mouse event that has been fired on this component. * @return the translation of the mouse event coordinates of the given mouse * event to the value within the chart or null if no calculations * could be performed as the chart was not painted before. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the given mouse event does not belong to this component. */ @Deprecated public ITracePoint2D translateMousePosition(final MouseEvent mouseEvent) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (mouseEvent.getSource() != this) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The given mouse event does not belong to this chart but to: " + mouseEvent.getSource()); } ITracePoint2D result = null; double valueX = this.m_mouseTranslationXAxis.translateMousePosition(mouseEvent); double valueY = this.m_mouseTranslationYAxis.translateMousePosition(mouseEvent); result = this.m_tracePointProvider.createTracePoint(valueX, valueY); return result; } /** * Helper that removes this chart as a listener from the required property * change events. * <p> * * @param removedAxis * the axis to not listen to any more. */ private void unlistenToAxis(final IAxis<?> removedAxis) { removedAxis.removePropertyChangeListener(IAxis.PROPERTY_ADD_REMOVE_TRACE, this); removedAxis.removePropertyChangeListener(IAxis.PROPERTY_LABELFORMATTER, this); removedAxis.removePropertyChangeListener(IAxis.PROPERTY_PAINTGRID, this); removedAxis.removePropertyChangeListener(IAxis.PROPERTY_RANGEPOLICY, this); removedAxis.removePropertyChangeListener(IAxis.PROPERTY_AXIS_SCALE_POLICY_CHANGED, this); } /** * Helper that removes this chart as a listener from the required property * change events. * <p> * * @param removedTrace * the trace to not listen to any more. */ private void unlistenToTrace(final ITrace2D removedTrace) { removedTrace.removePropertyChangeListener(ITrace2D.PROPERTY_POINT_HIGHLIGHTERS_CHANGED, this.m_pointHighlightListener); removedTrace.removePropertyChangeListener(ITrace2D.PROPERTY_POINT_HIGHLIGHTERS_CHANGED, this); } /** * Compares wether the bounds since last invocation have changed and * conditionally rescales the internal <code>{@link TracePoint2D}</code> * instances. * <p> * Must only be called from <code>{@link #paint(Graphics)}</code>. * <p> * The old recorded values for the bounds are set to the actual values * afterwards to allow detection of future changes again. * <p> * The force argument allows to enforce rescaling even if no change of data * bounds took place since the last scaling. This is useful if e.g. the view * upon the data is changed by a constraint (e.g. * {@link info.monitorenter.gui.chart.rangepolicies.RangePolicyFixedViewport} * ). * <p> * * @param force * if true no detection of changes of the data bounds as described * above are performed: Rescaling is done unconditional. */ private synchronized void updateScaling(final boolean force) { IAxis<?> currentAxis; // 1) bottom x axes: Iterator<IAxis<?>> it = this.m_axesXBottom.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); boolean changed = force; changed = changed || currentAxis.isDirtyScaling(); if (changed) { currentAxis.initPaintIteration(); currentAxis.scale(); if (Chart2D.DEBUG_SCALING) { System.out.println("updateScaling: Scaling was performend for axis: " + currentAxis.getAxisTitle().getTitle()); } } else { if (Chart2D.DEBUG_SCALING) { System.out.println("updateScaling: No scaling was performend for axis: " + currentAxis.getAxisTitle().getTitle()); } } } // 2) top x axes: it = this.m_axesXTop.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); boolean changed = force; changed = changed || currentAxis.isDirtyScaling(); if (changed) { currentAxis.initPaintIteration(); currentAxis.scale(); if (Chart2D.DEBUG_SCALING) { System.out.println("updateScaling: Scaling was performend for axis: " + currentAxis.getAxisTitle().getTitle()); } } else { if (Chart2D.DEBUG_SCALING) { System.out.println("updateScaling: No scaling was performend for axis: " + currentAxis.getAxisTitle().getTitle()); } } } // 3) left y axes: it = this.m_axesYLeft.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); boolean changed = force; changed = changed || currentAxis.isDirtyScaling(); if (changed) { currentAxis.initPaintIteration(); currentAxis.scale(); if (Chart2D.DEBUG_SCALING) { System.out.println("updateScaling: Scaling was performend for axis: " + currentAxis.getAxisTitle().getTitle()); } } else { if (Chart2D.DEBUG_SCALING) { System.out.println("updateScaling: No scaling was performend for axis: " + currentAxis.getAxisTitle().getTitle()); } } } // 4) right y axes: it = this.m_axesYRight.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { currentAxis = it.next(); boolean changed = force; changed = changed || currentAxis.isDirtyScaling(); if (changed) { currentAxis.initPaintIteration(); currentAxis.scale(); if (Chart2D.DEBUG_SCALING) { System.out.println("updateScaling: Scaling was performend for axis: " + currentAxis.getAxisTitle().getTitle()); } } else { if (Chart2D.DEBUG_SCALING) { System.out.println("updateScaling: No scaling was performend for axis: " + currentAxis.getAxisTitle().getTitle()); } } } } }