package org.rr.jeborker.gui.action; import static; import static; import static; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard; import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.JTable; import org.rr.commons.mufs.IResourceHandler; import org.rr.commons.mufs.ResourceHandlerFactory; import org.rr.jeborker.converter.ConverterFactory; import org.rr.jeborker.db.item.EbookPropertyItem; import org.rr.jeborker.gui.MainController; import org.rr.jeborker.metadata.IMetadataReader; import org.rr.jeborker.metadata.MetadataHandlerFactory; import org.rr.jeborker.metadata.MetadataProperty; import; import; public class ActionFactory { private static FindAction tableFindAction; private static interface ActionType { /** * Get the class for the action represented by this enum entry. */ Class<? extends Action> getActionClass(); /** * Tells if the action is able to handle the given resource. * @param resourceHandler The resource to be tested. * @return <code>true</code> if the resource can be handled by the action or <code>false</code> if not. */ boolean canHandle(final EbookPropertyItem item); boolean canHandle(final IResourceHandler resourceHandler); /** * Tells if the action is able to handle multiple selections. * @return <code>true</code> if multi select is supported and <code>false</code> otherwise. */ boolean hasMultipleSelectionSupport(); } public static enum COMMON_ACTION_TYPES { ADD_BASE_PATH_ACTION, REMOVE_BASE_PATH_ACTION, REFRESH_BASE_PATH_ACTION, SHOW_HIDE_BASE_PATH_ACTION, REFRESH_ENTRY_ACTION, QUIT_ACTION, SEARCH_ACTION, REMOVE_METADATA_ENTRY_ACTION, SAVE_METADATA_ACTION, SYNC_FOLDER_ACTION, OPEN_FOLDER_ACTION, NEW_FOLDER_ACTION, OPEN_FILE_ACTION, RENAME_FILE_ACTION, DELETE_FILE_ACTION, VIEW_LOG_MONITOR_ACTION, VIEW_ABOUT_DIALOG_ACTION, SHOW_METADATA_DOWNLOAD_ACTION, SHOW_PDF_SCISSORS_ACTION, SHOW_PREFERENCE_DIALOG_ACTION, COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD_ACTION, PASTE_FROM_CLIPBOARD_ACTION, FILE_SYSTEM_REFRESH_ACTION, FILE_SYSTEM_COLLAPSE_ALL_ACTION, FILE_SYSTEM_IMPORT_ACTION, MOVE_BETWEEN_BASE_FOLDER_ACTION, CHANGE_LOOK_AND_FEEL_ACTION, MERGE_DOCUMENT_ACTION } public static enum DYNAMIC_ACTION_TYPES implements ActionType { SET_COVER_FROM_FILE_ACTION { @Override public Class<? extends Action> getActionClass() { return SetCoverFromFileAction.class; } @Override public boolean canHandle(EbookPropertyItem item) { return MetadataHandlerFactory.hasCoverWriterSupport(item.getResourceHandler()); } @Override public boolean canHandle(IResourceHandler resourceHandler) { return false; } @Override public boolean hasMultipleSelectionSupport() { return true; } }, SET_COVER_FROM_DOWNLOAD_ACTION { @Override public Class<? extends Action> getActionClass() { return SetCoverFromDownload.class; } @Override public boolean canHandle(EbookPropertyItem item) { return MetadataHandlerFactory.hasCoverWriterSupport(item.getResourceHandler()); } @Override public boolean canHandle(IResourceHandler resourceHandler) { return false; } @Override public boolean hasMultipleSelectionSupport() { return true; } }, SET_COVER_FROM_CLIPBOARD_ACTION { @Override public Class<? extends Action> getActionClass() { return SetCoverFromClipboardAction.class; } @Override public boolean canHandle(EbookPropertyItem item) { Clipboard c = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); DataFlavor[] availableDataFlavors = c.getAvailableDataFlavors(); for(DataFlavor flavor : availableDataFlavors) { if(flavor.equals(DataFlavor.imageFlavor)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public boolean canHandle(IResourceHandler resourceHandler) { return false; } @Override public boolean hasMultipleSelectionSupport() { return true; } }, SET_COVER_FROM_EBOOK_ACTION { @Override public Class<? extends Action> getActionClass() { return SetCoverFromEbook.class; } @Override public boolean canHandle(EbookPropertyItem item) { String mime = item.getMimeType(); if(mime != null) { if(mime.equals(MIME_EPUB.getMime()) || mime.equals(MIME_MOBI.getMime()) || mime.equals(MIME_AZW.getMime())) { return MetadataHandlerFactory.hasCoverWriterSupport(item.getResourceHandler()); } } return false; } @Override public boolean canHandle(IResourceHandler resourceHandler) { return false; } @Override public boolean hasMultipleSelectionSupport() { return false; } }, SAVE_COVER_TO_FILE_ACTION { @Override public Class<? extends Action> getActionClass() { return SaveCoverToFileAction.class; } @Override public boolean canHandle(EbookPropertyItem item) { return MainController.getController().getImageViewerResource() != null; } @Override public boolean canHandle(IResourceHandler resourceHandler) { return false; } @Override public boolean hasMultipleSelectionSupport() { return false; } }, SAVE_COVER_TO_CLIPBOARD_ACTION { @Override public Class<? extends Action> getActionClass() { return SaveCoverToClipboardAction.class; } @Override public boolean canHandle(EbookPropertyItem item) { return MainController.getController().getImageViewerImage() != null; } @Override public boolean canHandle(IResourceHandler resourceHandler) { return false; } @Override public boolean hasMultipleSelectionSupport() { return false; } }, EDIT_PLAIN_METADATA_ACTION { @Override public Class<? extends Action> getActionClass() { return EditPlainMetadataAction.class; } @Override public boolean canHandle(EbookPropertyItem item) { return MetadataHandlerFactory.hasPlainMetadataSupport(item.getResourceHandler()); } @Override public boolean canHandle(IResourceHandler resourceHandler) { return false; } @Override public boolean hasMultipleSelectionSupport() { return true; } }, REFRESH_ENTRY_ACTION { @Override public Class<? extends Action> getActionClass() { return RefreshEntryAction.class; } @Override public boolean canHandle(EbookPropertyItem item) { return true; } @Override public boolean canHandle(IResourceHandler resourceHandler) { return false; } @Override public boolean hasMultipleSelectionSupport() { return true; } }, DELETE_FILE_ACTION { @Override public Class<? extends Action> getActionClass() { return DeleteFileAction.class; } @Override public boolean canHandle(EbookPropertyItem item) { return item.getResourceHandler().exists(); } @Override public boolean canHandle(IResourceHandler resourceHandler) { return resourceHandler.exists(); } @Override public boolean hasMultipleSelectionSupport() { return true; } }, RENAME_FILE_ACTION { @Override public Class<? extends Action> getActionClass() { return RenameFileAction.class; } @Override public boolean canHandle(EbookPropertyItem item) { return item.getResourceHandler().exists(); } @Override public boolean canHandle(IResourceHandler resourceHandler) { return resourceHandler.exists(); } @Override public boolean hasMultipleSelectionSupport() { return true; } }, COPY_TO_DROPBOX_ACTION { @Override public Class<? extends Action> getActionClass() { return CopyToDropboxApiFolderAction.class; } @Override public boolean canHandle(EbookPropertyItem item) { return item.getResourceHandler().isFileResource(); } @Override public boolean canHandle(IResourceHandler resourceHandler) { return resourceHandler.isFileResource(); } @Override public boolean hasMultipleSelectionSupport() { return true; } },COPY_TO_PUSHBULLET_ACTION { @Override public Class<? extends Action> getActionClass() { return CopyToPushbulletApiFolderAction.class; } @Override public boolean canHandle(EbookPropertyItem item) { return item.getResourceHandler().isFileResource(); } @Override public boolean canHandle(IResourceHandler resourceHandler) { return resourceHandler.isFileResource(); } @Override public boolean hasMultipleSelectionSupport() { return true; } }, COPY_TO_TARGET_ACTION { @Override public Class<? extends Action> getActionClass() { return CopyToTargetAction.class; } @Override public boolean canHandle(EbookPropertyItem item) { return item.getResourceHandler().isFileResource(); } @Override public boolean canHandle(IResourceHandler resourceHandler) { return resourceHandler.isFileResource(); } @Override public boolean hasMultipleSelectionSupport() { return true; } }, COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD_ACTION { @Override public Class<? extends Action> getActionClass() { return CopyToClipboardAction.class; } @Override public boolean canHandle(EbookPropertyItem item) { return true; } @Override public boolean canHandle(IResourceHandler resourceHandler) { return resourceHandler.isFileResource(); } @Override public boolean hasMultipleSelectionSupport() { return true; } }, PASTE_FROM_CLIPBOARD_ACTION { @Override public Class<? extends Action> getActionClass() { return PasteFromClipboardAction.class; } @Override public boolean canHandle(EbookPropertyItem item) { return PasteFromClipboardAction.hasValidClipboardContent() && item.getResourceHandler().isFileResource(); } @Override public boolean canHandle(IResourceHandler resourceHandler) { return PasteFromClipboardAction.hasValidClipboardContent(); } @Override public boolean hasMultipleSelectionSupport() { return false; } }, CONVERT_EBOOK_ACTION { @Override public Class<? extends Action> getActionClass() { return ConvertEbookAction.class; } @Override public boolean canHandle(EbookPropertyItem item) { return !ConverterFactory.getConverter(item.getResourceHandler()).isEmpty(); } @Override public boolean canHandle(IResourceHandler resourceHandler) { return false; } @Override public boolean hasMultipleSelectionSupport() { return true; } } } public static ApplicationAction getAction(COMMON_ACTION_TYPES type, ActionCallback callback, String text) { return getAction(type, text, callback); } public static ApplicationAction getAction(COMMON_ACTION_TYPES type, String text, ActionCallback callback) { Action action = null; switch(type) { case ADD_BASE_PATH_ACTION: action = new AddBasePathAction(text); break; case REMOVE_BASE_PATH_ACTION: action = new RemoveBasePathAction(text); break; case REFRESH_BASE_PATH_ACTION: action = new RefreshBasePathAction(text); break; case SHOW_HIDE_BASE_PATH_ACTION: action = new ShowHideBasePathAction(text); break; case REFRESH_ENTRY_ACTION: action = new RefreshEntryAction(text); break; case QUIT_ACTION: action = new QuitAction(text); break; case SEARCH_ACTION: action = new SearchAction(); break; case REMOVE_METADATA_ENTRY_ACTION: action = RemoveMetadataEntryAction.getInstance(); break; case SAVE_METADATA_ACTION: action = SaveMetadataAction.getInstance(); break; case SYNC_FOLDER_ACTION: action = SyncFolderAction.getInstance(); break; case OPEN_FOLDER_ACTION: action = new OpenFolderAction(text); break; case NEW_FOLDER_ACTION: action = new NewFolderAction(text); break; case OPEN_FILE_ACTION: action = new OpenFileAction(text); setEnabledForFile(text, action); break; case RENAME_FILE_ACTION: action = new RenameFileAction(text); setEnabledForFile(text, action); break; case DELETE_FILE_ACTION: action = new DeleteFileAction(text); break; case VIEW_LOG_MONITOR_ACTION: action = new ShowLogDialogAction(text); break; case VIEW_ABOUT_DIALOG_ACTION: action = new ShowAboutDialogAction(); break; case CHANGE_LOOK_AND_FEEL_ACTION: action = new ChangeLookAndFeelAction(text); break; case SHOW_METADATA_DOWNLOAD_ACTION: action = new ShowMetadataDownloadDialogAction(text); break; case SHOW_PDF_SCISSORS_ACTION: action = new ShowPdfScissorsAction(text); break; case SHOW_PREFERENCE_DIALOG_ACTION: action = new ShowPreferenceDialogAction(text); break; case MERGE_DOCUMENT_ACTION: action = new MergeDocumentAction(text); break; case COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD_ACTION: action = new CopyToClipboardAction(); break; case PASTE_FROM_CLIPBOARD_ACTION: action = new PasteFromClipboardAction(text); if(!PasteFromClipboardAction.hasValidClipboardContent()) { action.setEnabled(false); } break; case FILE_SYSTEM_REFRESH_ACTION: action = new FileSystemTreeRefreshAction(text); break; case FILE_SYSTEM_COLLAPSE_ALL_ACTION: action = new FileSystemCollapseAllAction(text); break; case FILE_SYSTEM_IMPORT_ACTION: action = new FileSystemImportAction(text); break; case MOVE_BETWEEN_BASE_FOLDER_ACTION: action = new MoveBetweenBaseFolderAction(text); break; } if(action != null) { return ApplicationAction.getInstance(action, callback); } return null; } public static ApplicationAction getAction(final COMMON_ACTION_TYPES type, final String text) { return getAction(type, text, null); } /** * Set the given action to disabled if the given <code>text</code>did not represents a file. * @param text A resource which can be parsed into a file. * @param action The action which should be disabled if the given <code>text</code> is not an existing file. */ private static void setEnabledForFile(final String text, Action action) { IResourceHandler resourceHandler = ResourceHandlerFactory.getResourceHandler(text); if(resourceHandler != null && !resourceHandler.isFileResource()) { action.setEnabled(false); } } public static ApplicationAction getActionForResource(final DYNAMIC_ACTION_TYPES type, List<IResourceHandler> resourceHandlers) { return getActionForResource(type, resourceHandlers, null); } public static ApplicationAction getActionForResource(final DYNAMIC_ACTION_TYPES type, List<IResourceHandler> resourceHandlers, ActionCallback callback) { resourceHandlers = resourceHandlers != null ? resourceHandlers : Collections.<IResourceHandler>emptyList(); //create the resource handle list. boolean canHandle = true; for (int i = 0; i< resourceHandlers.size(); i++) { IResourceHandler resourceHandler = resourceHandlers.get(i); if(!type.canHandle(resourceHandler)) { canHandle = false; } } if(!type.hasMultipleSelectionSupport() && resourceHandlers.size() > 1) { canHandle = false; } //test whether the Action is able to handle all given items. if(resourceHandlers.isEmpty()) { //no selection canHandle = false; } Action action = new MultiActionWrapper(type.getActionClass(), null, resourceHandlers, null); if(!canHandle) { action.setEnabled(false); } return ApplicationAction.getInstance(action, callback); } public static ApplicationAction getActionForItems(final DYNAMIC_ACTION_TYPES type, final List<EbookPropertyItem> items, int[] refreshRowsAfter) { return getActionForItems(type, items, refreshRowsAfter, null); } /** * Get the action of the specific type. If the action could not handle all of the given items * it is disabled. * @param type The type of action. * @param items The items to be handled by the actions. * @return The desired action instance. Never returns <code>null</code>. */ public static ApplicationAction getActionForItems(final DYNAMIC_ACTION_TYPES type, final List<EbookPropertyItem> items, int[] refreshRowsAfter, ActionCallback callback) { final ArrayList<IResourceHandler> resourceHandlers = new ArrayList<>(items.size()); //create the resource handle list. boolean canHandle = true; for (EbookPropertyItem item : items) { resourceHandlers.add(item.getResourceHandler()); if(!type.canHandle(item)) { canHandle = false; } } if(!type.hasMultipleSelectionSupport() && items.size() > 1) { canHandle = false; } //test whether the Action is able to handle all given items. if(items.isEmpty()) { //no selection canHandle = false; } Action action = new MultiActionWrapper(type.getActionClass(), items, resourceHandlers, refreshRowsAfter); if(!canHandle) { action.setEnabled(false); } return ApplicationAction.getInstance(action, callback); } /** * Get a list of actions - one for each supported metadata entry - which * allows to add metadata. * @param properties The metadata from the {@link IMetadataReader} where the actions * should be created for. * @return The actions for adding a metadata entry. Never returns <code>null</code>. */ public static List<Action> getAddMetadataActions(List<MetadataProperty> properties, EbookPropertyItem item, ActionCallback callback) { final ArrayList<Action> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (MetadataProperty property : properties) { AddMetadataAction addMetadataAction = new AddMetadataAction(property, item); if(!property.isEditable()) { addMetadataAction.setEnabled(false); } result.add(ApplicationAction.getInstance(addMetadataAction, callback)); } return result; } /** * Get the Action that is used for the find action in the main table. */ public static FindAction getTableFindAction(JTable table) { if(tableFindAction == null) { tableFindAction = new TableFindAction(table); } return tableFindAction; } }