package org.rr.jeborker.db; import org.rr.commons.utils.StringUtil; import com.j256.ormlite.stmt.Where; public class DBUtils { /** * Tells if the given where condition is empty and unusable or not. * @param where The condition to test. * @return <code>true</code> if the given condition is empty and <code>false</code> otherwise. */ public static <T> boolean isEmpty(Where<T, T> where) { return where == null || where.toString().contains("empty"); } /** * Escape the given string so it can be used in a query * * @param s * The string to be escaped. * @return The escaped String. */ public static String escape(String s) { String resultValue = s; if (resultValue != null) { // The Backslash is the escape character and is needed to be doubled. if (resultValue.indexOf('\\') != -1) { resultValue = StringUtil.replace(resultValue, "\\", "\\\\"); } // Single quotes marks the sql string in the query. if (resultValue.indexOf('\'') != -1) { resultValue = StringUtil.replace(resultValue, "'", "\\'"); } } return resultValue; } }