package org.rr.commons.utils; public interface UtilConstants { /** * Comperation mode for binary (case sensitive) comperation. */ public static final int COMPARE_BINARY = 0; /** * Comperation mode for textural (case insensitive) comperation. */ public static final int COMPARE_TEXT = 1; // Constants for FirstWeekInYear public static final int FIRSTJAN1 = 1; public static final int FIRSTFOURDAYS = 2; public static final int FIRSTFULLWEEK = 3; public static final int DIVISION_TO_SECOND = 1000; public static final int DIVISION_TO_MINUTE = 60; public static final int DIVISION_TO_HOUR = 60; public static final int DIVISION_TO_DAY = 24; public static final int DIVISION_TO_WEEK = 7; public static final int MULTIPLICATION_TO_QUARTER = 3; public static final int ONE_WEEK = 7; public static final int ONE_DAY = 1; public static final int FIRST_QUARTER=1; public static final int SECOND_QUARTER=2; public static final int THIRD_QUARTER=3; public static final int FOURTH_QUARTER=4; /** * Specifies the type of data for the VBStringFunctions.format method. */ public static final int FORMAT_TYPE_UNKNOWN = -1; /** * Specifies the type of data for the VBStringFunctions.format method. */ public static final int FORMAT_TYPE_TIME = 0; /** * Specifies the type of data for the VBStringFunctions.format method. */ public static final int FORMAT_TYPE_DATE = 1; /** * Specifies the type of data for the VBStringFunctions.format method. */ public static final int FORMAT_TYPE_NUMERIC = 2; /** * Specifies the type of data for the VBStringFunctions.format method. */ public static final int FORMAT_TYPE_STRING = 3; /** * Specifies the search type for functions like the VBVAlueListFunction.filter function. * SEARCH_STRING defines searching only for the specified string. */ public static final int SEARCH_DEFAULT = 0; /** * Specifies the search type for functions like the VBVAlueListFunction.filter function. * SEARCH_REGEXP defines using the specified string as regualr expression for searching. */ public static final int SEARCH_REGEXP = 1; /** * Specifies the search algorithm bubblesort for functions like <code>{@link ListUtils#sort(Object[], int, int)}</code> */ public static final int SORT_BUBBLE = 0; /** * Specifies the direction for example as search direction for functions like <code>{@link ListUtils#sort(Object[], int, int)}</code>. */ public static final int DIRECTION_ASC = 0; /** * Specifies the direction for example as search direction for functions like <code>{@link ListUtils#sort(Object[], int, int)}</code>. */ public static final int DIRECTION_DESC = 1; }