package nl.siegmann.epublib.epub; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import nl.siegmann.epublib.Constants; import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.Book; import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.Guide; import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.GuideReference; import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.MediaType; import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.Resource; import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.Resources; import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.Spine; import nl.siegmann.epublib.domain.SpineReference; import nl.siegmann.epublib.service.MediatypeService; import nl.siegmann.epublib.util.ResourceUtil; import; import org.rr.commons.log.LoggerFactory; import org.rr.commons.utils.StringUtil; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * Reads the opf package document as defined by namespace * * @author paul * */ public class PackageDocumentReader extends PackageDocumentBase { private static final Logger log = java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(PackageDocumentReader.class.getName()); private static final String[] POSSIBLE_NCX_ITEM_IDS = new String[] {"toc", "ncx"}; public static void read(Resource packageResource, EpubReader epubReader, Book book, Resources resources) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException { Document packageDocument = ResourceUtil.getAsDocument(packageResource); String packageHref = packageResource.getHref(); resources = setPackageResources(resources, packageHref); // resources = fixHrefs(packageHref, resources); readGuide(packageDocument, epubReader, book, resources); // Books sometimes use non-identifier ids. We map these here to legal ones Map<String, String> idMapping = new HashMap<String, String>(); resources = readManifest(book, packageDocument, packageHref, epubReader, resources, idMapping); book.setResources(resources); readCover(packageDocument, book); book.setMetadata(PackageDocumentMetadataReader.readMetadata(packageDocument, book.getResources())); book.setSpine(readSpine(packageDocument, epubReader, book.getResources(), idMapping)); // if we did not find a cover page then we make the first page of the book the cover page if (book.getCoverPage() == null && book.getSpine().size() > 0) { book.setCoverPage(book.getSpine().getResource(0)); } } private static Resources setPackageResources(Resources resources, String packageHref) { Resources result = new Resources(); Collection<Resource> all = resources.getAll(); for(Resource resource : all) { resource.setPackageHref(packageHref); result.add(resource); } return result; } /** * Reads the manifest containing the resource ids, hrefs and mediatypes. * * @param packageDocument * @param packageHref * @param epubReader * @param book * @param resourcesByHref * @return a Map with resources, with their id's as key. */ private static Resources readManifest(Book book, Document packageDocument, String packageHref, EpubReader epubReader, Resources resources, Map<String, String> idMapping) { Element manifestElement = DOMUtil.getFirstElementByTagNameNS(packageDocument.getDocumentElement(), NAMESPACE_OPF, OPFTags.manifest); Resources result = new Resources(); if(manifestElement == null) { log.warning("Package document does not contain element " + OPFTags.manifest); return result; } NodeList itemElements = manifestElement.getElementsByTagNameNS(NAMESPACE_OPF, OPFTags.item); for(int i = 0; i < itemElements.getLength(); i++) { Element itemElement = (Element) itemElements.item(i); String id = DOMUtil.getAttribute(itemElement, NAMESPACE_OPF,; String href = DOMUtil.getAttribute(itemElement, NAMESPACE_OPF, OPFAttributes.href); try { href = URLDecoder.decode(href, Constants.ENCODING); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { log.warning(e.getMessage()); } String mediaTypeName = DOMUtil.getAttribute(itemElement, NAMESPACE_OPF, OPFAttributes.media_type); Resource resource = resources.remove(href); if(resource == null) { //Possibly any charset could be used to store file names in zip files. Try all available ones //to find the referring resource. resource = findHrefResource(href, resources); if(resource != null) { resources.remove(resource.getHref()); resource.setHref(href); } if(resource == null) { log.warning("resource with href '" + href + "' not found in " + book.getName()); continue; } } resource.setId(id); MediaType mediaType = MediatypeService.getMediaTypeByName(mediaTypeName); if(mediaType != null) { resource.setMediaType(mediaType); } result.add(resource); idMapping.put(id, resource.getId()); } return result; } private static Resource findHrefResource(String href, final Resources resources) { //Possibly any charset could be used to store file names in zip files. try { final boolean urlEncoded = href.indexOf('%') != -1; final SortedMap<String, Charset> availableCharsets = Charset.availableCharsets(); final String compareHref = urlEncoded ? URLDecoder.decode(href, : href; final Collection<Resource> allResources = resources.getAll(); //try charset encodings for wrong encoded content.opf for(Charset c : availableCharsets.values()) { String newEncodedHref = new String(href.getBytes(), c); if(resources.containsByHref(newEncodedHref)) { return resources.getByHref(newEncodedHref); } else if(urlEncoded) { try { String urlDecodedHref = URLDecoder.decode(href,; if(resources.containsByHref(urlDecodedHref)) { return resources.getByHref(urlDecodedHref); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { } } } //try charset encodings for zip file entries. for(Resource resource : allResources) { String oldHref = resource.getHref(); for(Charset c : availableCharsets.values()) { byte[] rawHref = resource.getRawHref(); if(rawHref != null) { String newEncodedResourceHref = new String(rawHref, c); resource.setHref(newEncodedResourceHref); if(resource.getHref().equals(compareHref)) { return resource; } } } resource.setHref(oldHref); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { LoggerFactory.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to encode raw for " + href, e); } return null; } /** * Reads the book's guide. * Here some more attempts are made at finding the cover page. * * @param packageDocument * @param epubReader * @param book * @param resources */ private static void readGuide(Document packageDocument, EpubReader epubReader, Book book, Resources resources) { Element guideElement = DOMUtil.getFirstElementByTagNameNS(packageDocument.getDocumentElement(), NAMESPACE_OPF,; if(guideElement == null) { return; } Guide guide = book.getGuide(); NodeList guideReferences = guideElement.getElementsByTagNameNS(NAMESPACE_OPF, OPFTags.reference); for (int i = 0; i < guideReferences.getLength(); i++) { Element referenceElement = (Element) guideReferences.item(i); String resourceHref = DOMUtil.getAttribute(referenceElement, NAMESPACE_OPF, OPFAttributes.href); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(resourceHref)) { continue; } String guideHref = StringUtil.substringBefore(resourceHref, Constants.FRAGMENT_SEPARATOR_CHAR); Resource resource = resources.getByHref(guideHref); if (resource == null) { resource = findHrefResource(guideHref, resources); if(resource != null) { resource.setHref(guideHref); } else { log.warning("Guide is referencing resource with href " + resourceHref + " which could not be found"); continue; } } String type = DOMUtil.getAttribute(referenceElement, NAMESPACE_OPF, OPFAttributes.type); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(type)) { log.warning("Guide is referencing resource with href " + resourceHref + " which is missing the 'type' attribute"); continue; } String title = DOMUtil.getAttribute(referenceElement, NAMESPACE_OPF, OPFAttributes.title); if (GuideReference.COVER.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { continue; // cover is handled elsewhere } GuideReference reference = new GuideReference(resource, type, title, StringUtil.substringAfter(resourceHref, Constants.FRAGMENT_SEPARATOR_CHAR)); guide.addReference(reference); } } /** * Reads the document's spine, containing all sections in reading order. * * @param packageDocument * @param epubReader * @param book * @param resourcesById * @return */ private static Spine readSpine(Document packageDocument, EpubReader epubReader, Resources resources, Map<String, String> idMapping) { Element spineElement = DOMUtil.getFirstElementByTagNameNS(packageDocument.getDocumentElement(), NAMESPACE_OPF, OPFTags.spine); if (spineElement == null) { log.warning("Element " + OPFTags.spine + " not found in package document, generating one automatically"); return generateSpineFromResources(resources); } Spine result = new Spine(); result.setTocResource(findTableOfContentsResource(spineElement, resources)); NodeList spineNodes = packageDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS(NAMESPACE_OPF, OPFTags.itemref); List<SpineReference> spineReferences = new ArrayList<>(spineNodes.getLength()); for(int i = 0; i < spineNodes.getLength(); i++) { Element spineItem = (Element) spineNodes.item(i); String itemref = DOMUtil.getAttribute(spineItem, NAMESPACE_OPF, OPFAttributes.idref); if(StringUtil.isEmpty(itemref)) { log.warning("itemref with missing or empty idref"); // XXX continue; } String id = idMapping.get(itemref); if (id == null) { id = itemref; } Resource resource = resources.getByIdOrHref(id); if(resource == null) { log.warning("resource with id \'" + id + "\' not found"); continue; } SpineReference spineReference = new SpineReference(resource); if (, NAMESPACE_OPF, OPFAttributes.linear))) { spineReference.setLinear(false); } spineReferences.add(spineReference); } result.setSpineReferences(spineReferences); return result; } /** * Creates a spine out of all resources in the resources. * The generated spine consists of all XHTML pages in order of their href. * * @param resources * @return */ private static Spine generateSpineFromResources(Resources resources) { Spine result = new Spine(); List<String> resourceHrefs = new ArrayList<>(); resourceHrefs.addAll(resources.getAllHrefs()); Collections.sort(resourceHrefs, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); for (String resourceHref: resourceHrefs) { Resource resource = resources.getByHref(resourceHref); if (resource.getMediaType() == MediatypeService.NCX) { result.setTocResource(resource); } else if (resource.getMediaType() == MediatypeService.XHTML) { result.addSpineReference(new SpineReference(resource)); } } return result; } /** * The spine tag should contain a 'toc' attribute with as value the resource id of the table of contents resource. * * Here we try several ways of finding this table of contents resource. * We try the given attribute value, some often-used ones and finally look through all resources for the first resource with the table of contents mimetype. * * @param spineElement * @param resourcesById * @return */ private static Resource findTableOfContentsResource(Element spineElement, Resources resources) { String tocResourceId = DOMUtil.getAttribute(spineElement, NAMESPACE_OPF, OPFAttributes.toc); Resource tocResource = null; if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(tocResourceId)) { tocResource = resources.getByIdOrHref(tocResourceId); } if (tocResource != null) { return tocResource; } for (int i = 0; i < POSSIBLE_NCX_ITEM_IDS.length; i++) { tocResource = resources.getByIdOrHref(POSSIBLE_NCX_ITEM_IDS[i]); if (tocResource != null) { return tocResource; } tocResource = resources.getByIdOrHref(POSSIBLE_NCX_ITEM_IDS[i].toUpperCase()); if (tocResource != null) { return tocResource; } } // get the first resource with the NCX mediatype tocResource = resources.findFirstResourceByMediaType(MediatypeService.NCX); if (tocResource == null) { log.warning("Could not find table of contents resource. Tried resource with id '" + tocResourceId + "', " + Constants.DEFAULT_TOC_ID + ", " + Constants.DEFAULT_TOC_ID.toUpperCase() + " and any NCX resource."); } return tocResource; } /** * Find all resources that have something to do with the coverpage and the cover image. * Search the meta tags and the guide references * * @param packageDocument * @return */ // package static Set<String> findCoverHrefs(Document packageDocument) { Set<String> result = new HashSet<>(); // try and find a meta tag with name = 'cover' and a non-blank id String coverResourceId = DOMUtil.getFindAttributeValue(packageDocument, NAMESPACE_OPF, OPFTags.meta,, OPFValues.meta_cover, OPFAttributes.content); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(coverResourceId)) { String coverHref = DOMUtil.getFindAttributeValue(packageDocument, NAMESPACE_OPF, OPFTags.item,, coverResourceId, OPFAttributes.href); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(coverHref)) { result.add(coverHref); } else { result.add(coverResourceId); // maybe there was a cover href put in the cover id attribute } } // try and find a reference tag with type is 'cover' and reference is not blank String coverHref = DOMUtil.getFindAttributeValue(packageDocument, NAMESPACE_OPF, OPFTags.reference, OPFAttributes.type, OPFValues.reference_cover, OPFAttributes.href); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(coverHref)) { result.add(coverHref); } return result; } /** * Finds the cover resource in the packageDocument and adds it to the book if found. * Keeps the cover resource in the resources map * @param packageDocument * @param book * @param resources * @return */ private static void readCover(Document packageDocument, Book book) { Collection<String> coverHrefs = findCoverHrefs(packageDocument); for (String coverHref: coverHrefs) { Resources resources = book.getResources(); Resource resource = resources.getByHref(coverHref); if (resource == null) { resource = findHrefResource(coverHref, resources); if(resource != null) { resource.setHref(coverHref); } log.warning("Cover resource " + coverHref + " not found in '" + book.getName() + "'"); continue; } if (resource.getMediaType() == MediatypeService.XHTML) { book.setCoverPage(resource); } else if (MediatypeService.isBitmapImage(resource.getMediaType())) { book.setCoverImage(resource); } } } }