package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ImageWebSearchFetcherFactory implements IImageFetcherFactory { private static ImageWebSearchFetcherFactory factorySingleton; private static interface FetcherType { String getName(); } static enum FETCHER_TYPES implements FetcherType { BIG_BOOK_IMAGES { public String getName() { return "Big Book Search"; } }, ABABEEN_IMAGES { public String getName() { return "Ababeen"; } } } /** * get the singleton instance for the ImageFetcherFactory here. * @return */ public static ImageWebSearchFetcherFactory getInstance() { if(factorySingleton == null) { factorySingleton = new ImageWebSearchFetcherFactory(); } return factorySingleton; } /** * Get the image fetcher of the desired type. * * @param type * The image fetcher type. * @return The fetcher type. * @see FETCHER_TYPES */ private IImageFetcher getImageFetcher(FETCHER_TYPES type) { switch (type) { case ABABEEN_IMAGES: return new AbabeenImageFetcher(); case BIG_BOOK_IMAGES: return new BigBookSearchImageFetcher(); } return null; } public IImageFetcher getImageFetcher(String fetcherName) { return getImageFetcher(fetcherName, null); } public IImageFetcher getImageFetcher(String fetcherName, String searchTerm) { for (FETCHER_TYPES type : FETCHER_TYPES.values()) { if(fetcherName.equals(type.getName())) { IImageFetcher imageFetcher = getImageFetcher(type); if(searchTerm != null) { imageFetcher.setSearchTerm(searchTerm); } return imageFetcher; } } return null; } /** * Get the names of all available fetcher. * @return All available fetcher names. */ public List<String> getFetcherNames() { ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (FETCHER_TYPES type : FETCHER_TYPES.values()) { result.add(type.getName()); } return result; } @Override public boolean searchTermSupport() { return true; } }