package org.rr.commons.mufs; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileSystemView; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.rr.commons.log.LoggerFactory; import org.rr.commons.utils.ListUtils; /** * The {@link FileResourceHandler} is able to handle all resources * located in the file system. */ class FileResourceHandler extends AResourceHandler { private static final String[] PATH_SEGMENT_SEPARATORS = new String[] { "/", "\\", File.separator}; /** * The file url identifier. */ private static final String FILE_URL = "file:"; /** * The resource String parsed into a file. */ private String resourceString; /** * the file to be handled with this {@link FileResourceHandler} instance. */ private File file; /** * The {@link FileResourceHandler} for the parent directory. */ private FileResourceHandler parentFileresourceLoader = null; private Boolean isFloppyDrive = null; private Boolean isDirectory = null; /** * Provide a shared FileSystemView but note that it's not synchronized. */ private static final FileSystemView fileSystemViewInstance = FileSystemView.getFileSystemView(); FileResourceHandler() { super(); } FileResourceHandler(File f) { super(); this.setFile(f); this.resourceString = normalizeDirectoryResourceString(f.getPath(), f); } /** * Gets the file which is set to this {@link FileResourceHandler} instance. * * @return The desired file or <code>null</code> if no file was set. */ File getFile() { return file; } /** * Sets the {@link File} to be handled to the resource loader. * @param file The file to be set. */ void setFile(File file) { this.file = file; } @Override public void refresh() { super.refresh(); } /** * Tests if the given resource is a valid file system file. */ @Override public boolean isValidResource(final String resourceString) { if(resourceString.startsWith(FILE_URL)) { try { URLDecoder.decode(resourceString, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return false; } return true; } try { if(isUnixFilePath(resourceString)) { return true; } else if (isWindowsFilePath(resourceString)) { return true; } else if (new File(resourceString).exists()) { return true; } return false; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * Test if the given resource string match to a unix file- or file system path. * @param resourceString A resource string to be tested if it look like a unix path * @return <code>true</code> if the given resourceString is a unix path or <code>false</code> otherwise. */ private boolean isUnixFilePath(String resourceString) { return resourceString.startsWith("/") && resourceString.indexOf("//")==-1 && resourceString.indexOf("\\\\")==-1 && !resourceString.startsWith("\\"); } /** * Tells if the given resource string matches to a valid windows path or file name. * @param resourceString The resource string to be tested. Following examples matches with <code>true</code>. * c: * c:\ * c:\nv6vsa76A5v * c:\nv6vsa76A5v\ * c:\nv6vsa76A5v\hvsdav * c:\nv6vsa76A5v\hvsdav\hvsdav\hvsdav\hvsdav\ * c:\nv6vsa76A5v\hvsdav\hvsdav\hvsdav\hvsdav\web.config * C:\abc\aabc6675bnvs.thgcsdcbsd * d:\folder1\folder1\web.config * d:\folder1\folder1\1.txt * * Not Accept * C * C:: * C:\\ * C:\abc\\ * C:\abc\ab%g * C:\abc\aabc.txt\ * C:\abc\aabc.txt\ab * @return <code>true</code> if the given resource matches to a windows file and <code>false</code> otherwise. */ private boolean isWindowsFilePath(String resourceString) { return Pattern.matches("^[a-zA-Z]:\\\\.*", resourceString); } /** * Creates a new {@link FileResourceHandler} instance for the given * resource. * * @param resourceString The resource to be loaded. */ @Override public IResourceHandler createInstance(String resourceString) { final FileResourceHandler result = new FileResourceHandler(); if(resourceString.startsWith(FILE_URL)) { String fileUrlResource = resourceString.substring(FILE_URL.length()); if(fileUrlResource.indexOf('%') != -1) { try { fileUrlResource = URLDecoder.decode(fileUrlResource, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { LoggerFactory.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to decode file string " + fileUrlResource); } } result.setFile(new File(fileUrlResource)); } else { result.setFile(new File(resourceString)); } result.resourceString = normalizeDirectoryResourceString(resourceString, result.file); return result; } private String normalizeDirectoryResourceString(String resource, File file) { if(file.isDirectory()) { //normalize that a directory resource is always returned with a trailing slash / backslash if(!StringUtils.endsWithAny(resource, PATH_SEGMENT_SEPARATORS)) { resource = resource + File.separator; } } return resource; } public String getResourceString() { return resourceString; } /** * Reads the file specified for this {@link FileResourceHandler} instance into * a byte[]. * * @return The byte content of the file. */ @Override public synchronized byte[] getContent() throws IOException { try { this.cleanHeapIfNeeded(this.file.length()); return FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(this.file); } catch(Error e) { if(e instanceof OutOfMemoryError) { System.gc(); try {Thread.sleep(100);} catch (InterruptedException e1) {} } } return FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(this.file); } /** * Creates a new {@link BufferedInputStream} for the file specified for this {@link FileResourceHandler} instance. * * @return The desired {@link InputStream}. */ @Override public ResourceHandlerInputStream getContentInputStream() throws IOException { this.cleanHeapIfNeeded(this.file.length()); try { FileInputStream fIn = new FileInputStream(this.file); ResourceHandlerInputStream buffIn = new ResourceHandlerInputStream(this, fIn) ; return buffIn; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } } /** * Creates a new {@link BufferedOutputStream} for the file specified for this {@link FileResourceHandler} instance. * * @param append Tells if the data written to the {@link OutputStream} is appended to the file or the file is overwritten. * @return The desired {@link OutputStream} */ @Override public OutputStream getContentOutputStream(boolean append) throws IOException { final FileOutputStream fOut = new FileOutputStream(this.file, append); final BufferedOutputStream buffOut = new BufferedOutputStream(fOut); return buffOut; } /** * Tells if the file exists */ @Override public boolean exists() { if(this.isFloppyDrive()) { return true; } if(this.file.exists()) { return true; } synchronized(fileSystemViewInstance) { return fileSystemViewInstance.isDrive(this.file); } } @Override public IResourceHandler getParentResource() { //must not be synchronized because it's not intendant if the //cached parent FileResourceLoader is overwritten by another invokement //at the nearly same time. File parentFile = this.file.getParentFile(); if(parentFile==null) { return null; } if(this.parentFileresourceLoader == null) { this.parentFileresourceLoader = (FileResourceHandler) this.createInstance(parentFile.getPath()); } return this.parentFileresourceLoader; } @Override public void writeStringContent(String content, String encoding) throws IOException { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, content, encoding); } @Override public boolean mkdirs() { resetIsDirectoryEvaluation(); return this.file.mkdirs(); } /** * Deletes the file handled with this {@link FileResourceHandler} instance. * @return <code>true</code> if and only if the file or directory is * successfully deleted; <code>false</code> otherwise * @throws IOException */ @Override public void delete() throws IOException { if(this.isFileResource() && this.exists()) { Path path = Paths.get(file.getAbsolutePath()); Files.delete(path); } else { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(this.file); } if(this.exists()) { throw new IOException("could not delete resource " + String.valueOf(this.file)); } //no need to delete this later. It's already done. ResourceHandlerFactory.removeTemporaryResource(this); resetIsDirectoryEvaluation(); } private void resetIsDirectoryEvaluation() { this.isDirectory = null; } @Override public boolean moveToTrash() throws IOException { try { if(!ResourceHandlerUtils.moveToTrash(this)) { com.sun.jna.platform.FileUtils.getInstance().moveToTrash(new File[] { new File(this.toString()) }); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return !exists(); } public String toString() { return this.getResourceString(); } public IResourceHandler[] listDirectoryResources(final boolean showHidden) throws IOException { return listDirectoryResources(new ResourceNameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(IResourceHandler loader) { if(!showHidden) { if(loader.getName().startsWith(".")) { return false; } else if(((FileResourceHandler)loader).file.isHidden()) { return false; } } return true; } }); } /** * Lists all files and folders which are children of this {@link IResourceHandler} instance. * * @return all child {@link IResourceHandler} instances. */ @Override public IResourceHandler[] listResources(final ResourceNameFilter filter) throws IOException { final ArrayList<IResourceHandler> resourceResult = new ArrayList<>(); IResourceHandler[] listFileResources = this.listFileResources(); IResourceHandler[] listDirectoryResources = this.listDirectoryResources(); for (int i = 0; i < listFileResources.length; i++) { if(filter==null) { resourceResult.add(listFileResources[i]); } else if(filter.accept(listFileResources[i])) { //attach the accepted resource loader to the result list. resourceResult.add(listFileResources[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < listDirectoryResources.length; i++) { if(filter==null) { resourceResult.add(listDirectoryResources[i]); } else if(filter.accept(listDirectoryResources[i])) { //attach the accepted resource loader to the result list. resourceResult.add(listDirectoryResources[i]); } } IResourceHandler[] sortedFileResourceHandlers = ResourceHandlerUtils.sortResourceHandlers(resourceResult.toArray(new IResourceHandler[resourceResult.size()]), ResourceHandlerUtils.SORT_BY_NAME, true); return sortedFileResourceHandlers; } /** * Lists all {@link File}s which are children of this {@link IResourceHandler} instance * and which are directories. * * @return all child {@link IResourceHandler} instances. */ @Override public IResourceHandler[] listDirectoryResources(ResourceNameFilter filter) { final ArrayList<IResourceHandler> result = new ArrayList<>(); synchronized(fileSystemViewInstance) { File[] files = FileResourceHandler.fileSystemViewInstance.getFiles(this.file, false); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if(files[i].isDirectory()) { IResourceHandler resourceLoader; resourceLoader = ResourceHandlerFactory.getResourceHandler(files[i].getPath()); if(resourceLoader != null) { if(filter != null && filter.accept(resourceLoader)) { result.add(resourceLoader); } else if(filter == null) { result.add(resourceLoader); } } } } } return ResourceHandlerUtils.sortResourceHandlers(result.toArray(new IResourceHandler[result.size()]), ResourceHandlerUtils.SORT_BY_NAME, true); } /** * Lists all {@link File}s which are children of this {@link IResourceHandler} instance. * @return all child {@link IResourceHandler} instances. */ @Override public IResourceHandler[] listFileResources() { final ArrayList<IResourceHandler> result = new ArrayList<>(); synchronized(fileSystemViewInstance) { // File[] files = this.file.listFiles(); //did not list files with invalid charset under ubuntu File[] files = FileResourceHandler.fileSystemViewInstance.getFiles(this.file, false); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if(!files[i].isDirectory()) { IResourceHandler resourceLoader; resourceLoader = ResourceHandlerFactory.getResourceHandler(files[i].getPath()); if(resourceLoader!=null) { result.add(resourceLoader); } } } } IResourceHandler[] sortedResourceHandlers = ResourceHandlerUtils.sortResourceHandlers(result.toArray(new IResourceHandler[result.size()]), ResourceHandlerUtils.SORT_BY_NAME, true); return sortedResourceHandlers; } /** * Gets the list of shown (i.e. not hidden) files. * * @param showHidden <code>true</code> if hidden files should be also shown and <code>false</code> otherwise. * @return All these {@link IResourceHandler} which have this {@link IResourceHandler} as parent. * @throws IOException */ @Override public IResourceHandler[] listFileResources(boolean showHidden) throws IOException { if(this.file.isFile()) { return new IResourceHandler[0]; } synchronized(fileSystemViewInstance) { File[] files = fileSystemViewInstance.getFiles(this.file, !showHidden); List<IResourceHandler> resultResources = new ArrayList<>(files.length); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if(files[i].isFile()) { resultResources.add(ResourceHandlerFactory.getResourceHandler(files[i])); } } return resultResources.toArray(new IResourceHandler[resultResources.size()]); } } /** * Tells if the {@link File} hanlded by this {@link IResourceHandler} instance * is a directory or not. * @return <code>true</code> if it's a directory and <code>false</code> otherwise. */ @Override public boolean isDirectoryResource() { //use the cached information if(this.isDirectory!=null) { return this.isDirectory.booleanValue(); } //ask if the folder is a dir. File.isDirectory will //trigger the floppy motor. This takes time not needed. if(this.isFloppyDrive()) { return true; } if(this.file.isDirectory()) { return (this.isDirectory = Boolean.TRUE); } if(!this.file.isFile()) { synchronized(fileSystemViewInstance) { boolean isDrive = fileSystemViewInstance.isDrive(this.file); return (this.isDirectory = Boolean.valueOf(isDrive)); } } return false; } /** * Gets the name of the file without any kind of path statement handled by this {@link FileResourceHandler} instance. */ @Override public String getName() { final String fileName = this.file.getName(); //Drive a Win32ShellFolder returns an empty String. if(fileName.length()==0) { return this.toString(); } return this.file.getName(); } /** * Sets some local fields to <code>null</code>. It's not really important * that the dispose is invoked to this {@link FileResourceHandler} instance. */ @Override public void dispose() { // this.parentFileresourceLoader = null; // this.file = null; // this.resource = null; } /** * Gets the length of the file handled by this {@link FileResourceHandler} instance. * @return size in bytes or 0 if the file did not exists. */ @Override public long size() { final File file = this.getFile(); if(file.isDirectory()) { return 0; } return file.length(); } @Override public boolean copyTo(IResourceHandler targetRecourceLoader, boolean overwrite) throws IOException { if(targetRecourceLoader instanceof FileResourceHandler) { if(this.isDirectoryResource() && !targetRecourceLoader.exists()) { //copy the source directory to the not existing target directory targetRecourceLoader.mkdirs(); FileUtils.copyDirectory(this.file, ((FileResourceHandler)targetRecourceLoader).file); return true; } if(this.isDirectoryResource() && targetRecourceLoader.isDirectoryResource()) { //copy the source directory to the target directory FileUtils.copyDirectory(this.file, ((FileResourceHandler)targetRecourceLoader).file); return true; } else if(!this.isDirectoryResource()) { //test if the target file already exists. if(!overwrite && targetRecourceLoader.exists() && !targetRecourceLoader.isDirectoryResource()) { throw new IOException("file already exists"); } //try to copy using fast nio copy. try { return this.nioCopyFile(this.file, ((FileResourceHandler)targetRecourceLoader).file, overwrite); } catch (IOException e) { //copy the file to the target directory resource FileUtils.copyFile(this.file, ((FileResourceHandler)targetRecourceLoader).file); return true; } } else { throw new IOException("could not copy the directory "+this.getResourceString()+" over the file " + targetRecourceLoader.getResourceString()); } } //perform a slow stream copy. OutputStream contentOutputStream = null; try { contentOutputStream = targetRecourceLoader.getContentOutputStream(false); IOUtils.write(this.getContent(), contentOutputStream); return true; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(contentOutputStream); } } @Override public void moveTo(IResourceHandler targetRecourceLoader, boolean overwrite) throws IOException { resetIsDirectoryEvaluation(); if(targetRecourceLoader instanceof FileResourceHandler) { if(this.equals(targetRecourceLoader)) { return; } if(!this.isDirectoryResource()) { //test if the target file already exists. if(!overwrite && targetRecourceLoader.exists() && !targetRecourceLoader.isDirectoryResource()) { throw new IOException("file already exists " + targetRecourceLoader.getResourceString()); } else if(targetRecourceLoader.isDirectoryResource()) { throw new IOException("target is not a file " + targetRecourceLoader.getResourceString()); } boolean deleted = FileUtils.deleteQuietly(((FileResourceHandler) targetRecourceLoader).file); if(!deleted && ((FileResourceHandler) targetRecourceLoader).file.exists()) { throw new IOException("Deleting file " + targetRecourceLoader + " has failed."); } FileUtils.moveFile(this.file, ((FileResourceHandler) targetRecourceLoader).file); return; } super.moveTo(targetRecourceLoader, overwrite); return; } super.moveTo(targetRecourceLoader, overwrite); return; } /** * Fast copy using nio. * * @param sourceFile source file * @param destFile target file * @param overwrite <code>true</code> if overwriting exiting target. * @throws IOException */ public boolean nioCopyFile(File sourceFile, File destFile, boolean overwrite) throws IOException { long position = 0; if(!overwrite && destFile.exists()) { return false; } if (!destFile.exists()) { destFile.createNewFile(); } try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(sourceFile); FileChannel source = in.getChannel(); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(destFile); FileChannel destination = out.getChannel()) { destination.transferFrom(source, position, source.size()); return true; } } /** * The file or directory modification date. */ @Override public Date getModifiedAt() { return new Date(this.file.lastModified()); } /** * Gets a new {@link IResourceHandler} having the given relative path statement attached. * @param statement A relative path statement to be attached. * @return the desired {@link IResourceHandler}. */ @Override public IResourceHandler addPathStatement(String statement) throws ResourceHandlerException { final File file = new File(this.file.getPath() + File.separatorChar + statement); return ResourceHandlerFactory.getResourceHandler(file); } /** * @return <code>false</code> in any case because this is a local resource handler. */ public boolean isRemoteResource() { return false; } public boolean isRoot() { synchronized(fileSystemViewInstance) { return fileSystemViewInstance.isFloppyDrive(this.file) || fileSystemViewInstance.isRoot(this.file) || fileSystemViewInstance.isDrive(this.file); } } public boolean isFloppyDrive() { if(this.isFloppyDrive==null) { synchronized(fileSystemViewInstance) { this.isFloppyDrive = Boolean.valueOf(fileSystemViewInstance.isFloppyDrive(this.file)); } } return this.isFloppyDrive.booleanValue(); } @Override public RESOURCE_HANDLER_USER_TYPES getType() { return RESOURCE_HANDLER_USER_TYPES.FILESYSTEM; } /** * Returns all root partitions on this system. For example, on * Windows, this would be the A: through Z: drives. */ @Override public IResourceHandler[] getRoots() { IResourceHandler[] fileSystemRoots = ResourceHandlerUtils.getFileSystemRoots(); return fileSystemRoots; } /** * Name of a file, directory, or folder as it would be displayed in * a system file browser. Example from Windows: the "M:\" directory * displays as "CD-ROM (M:)" * * The default implementation gets information from the ShellFolder class. * * @return the file name as it would be displayed by a native file chooser */ @Override public String getSystemDisplayName() { synchronized(fileSystemViewInstance) { try { return fileSystemViewInstance.getSystemDisplayName(this.file); } catch (Exception e) { return this.getName(); } } } @Override public IResourceHandler createNewFolder() throws IOException { synchronized(fileSystemViewInstance) { return ResourceHandlerFactory.getResourceHandler(fileSystemViewInstance.createNewFolder(this.file)); } } @Override public File toFile() { return getFile(); } @Override public List<String> getPathSegments() { final File file = getFile(); List<String> result = Collections.emptyList(); if(file != null) { result = ListUtils.split(file.toString(), File.separator); if(!result.isEmpty() && result.get(0).isEmpty()) { result.set(0, "/"); } } return result; } @Override public boolean isHidden() { return this.file.isHidden() || this.file.getName().startsWith("."); } }