package nl.siegmann.epublib.epub; /** * Functionality shared by the PackageDocumentReader and the PackageDocumentWriter * * @author paul * */ public class PackageDocumentBase { public static final String BOOK_ID_ID = "BookId"; public static final String NAMESPACE_OPF = ""; public static final String NAMESPACE_DUBLIN_CORE = ""; public static final String PREFIX_DUBLIN_CORE = "dc"; public static final String PREFIX_OPF = "opf"; public static final String dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"; protected interface DCTags { String title = "title"; String creator = "creator"; String subject = "subject"; String description = "description"; String publisher = "publisher"; String contributor = "contributor"; String date = "date"; String type = "type"; String format = "format"; String identifier = "identifier"; String source = "source"; String language = "language"; String relation = "relation"; String coverage = "coverage"; String rights = "rights"; } protected interface DCAttributes { String scheme = "scheme"; String id = "id"; } protected interface OPFTags { String metadata = "metadata"; String meta = "meta"; String manifest = "manifest"; String packageTag = "package"; String itemref = "itemref"; String spine = "spine"; String reference = "reference"; String guide = "guide"; String item = "item"; } protected interface OPFAttributes { String uniqueIdentifier = "unique-identifier"; String idref = "idref"; String name = "name"; String content = "content"; String type = "type"; String href = "href"; String linear = "linear"; String event = "event"; String role = "role"; String file_as = "file-as"; String id = "id"; String media_type = "media-type"; String title = "title"; String toc = "toc"; String version = "version"; String scheme = "scheme"; String property = "property"; } protected interface OPFValues { String meta_cover = "cover"; String reference_cover = "cover"; String no = "no"; String generator = "generator"; } }